Parameters - and - Perfomance of A High Field Permanente Magnet

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Parameters and performance of a

high-field permanent-magnet
synchronous motor for variable-frequency
Prof. B.J. Chalmers, B.Sc, Ph.D., D.Sc, C.Eng., F.I.E.E., S.A. Hamed, M.Sc,
and G.D. Baines, B.Sc.
Indexing terms: Motors, Synchronous motors

Abstract: The paper studies the application of conventional two-axis machine theory to the performance
analysis of modern permanent-magnet synchronous motors. A representative motor with radially-oriented
samarium-cobalt magnets in a rotor of interior type is considered as an example. Full performance data are
measured for the full 360° range of load angles at various supply frequencies. Performance computations using
constant motor parameters show significant discrepancies when compared with measurements, particularly at
low supply frequency. Detailed determinations of parameter values reveal an important variation of
quadrature-axis reactance as a function of quadrature-axis current, owing to magnetic saturation on this axis.
When this variation is included within the analysis, together with temperature variation of stator resistance,
excellent correlation is shown in all respects.

List of symbols

E — excitation EMF per phase

/ = supply frequency
/ = stator current per phase
m = number of phases
p = number of pole pairs
Pg = air-gap power
R = stator resistance per phase
Te = electromagnetic torque
V = supply voltage per phase
com = mechanical angular velocity
X = synchronous reactance per phase
(5 = load angle
</> = input phase angle cage
k = per-unit frequency =f/f0
d = direct axis 2.5
q = quadrature axis 22.5
p = power component
r = reactive component
0 = value at base frequency f0

1 Introduction
In recent years, compact and energy-efficient synchronous magnet
motors have been designed (e.g. References 1-5) using nonmagnetic
modern high-field permanent magnets in the rotor. Parti- packing
cular interest has been shown in using these motors with
variable-frequency inverters in variable-speed drives (e.g. lamination
References 4, 6, 7), taking advantage of increased effi-
ciency x power factor product to reduce VA requirements. Fig. 1 The rotor
An important category of these motors is the 'interior a Schematic rotor layout
type' [8], in which the magnets are embedded within a b Rotor cross-section
rotor core plate. Utilising the B/H properties of materials Dimensions in mm
such as samarium cobalt, each magnet per pole is then
usually of short magnetic path length and has a width having a rotor of this type is studied in this paper and Fig.
comparable to a pole pitch. The layout of a simple and \b shows its cross-section.
representative rotor of interior type [4] with radial magnet Traditionally, synchronous machines are represented by
orientation is shown schematically in Fig. la. A motor a two-axis phasor diagram as in Fig. 2, with parameters
Eo, Xd0, Xq0 and R, for analysis and prediction of steady-
Paper 3782B (PI), received 3rd December 1984 state performance. Here Eo, Xd0 and Xq0 are defined at a
The authors are with the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Tech- reference frequency/ 0 ; for operation with any other supply
nology, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom frequency /, defined by / = A/ o , these three parameters are
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MA Y 1985
each multiplied by X. This form of representation has com- may be observed [2] under high-current conditions such
monly been used for permanent-magnet motors [8-10], as generating into a short-circuit.
The two-axis theory is basically a constant-parameter
analysis, but it is common to use suitably-adjusted values
of parameters making some allowance for variation of
q-axis saturation conditions. Various authors have noted the
influence of magnetic saturation upon the performance of
permanent-magnet motors, and some motor design pro-
cedures attempt to take saturation into account in the pre-
diction of parameters. Some measurements of saturable
parameters have been reported [2, 8, 10], but these have
mainly been under unrepresentative conditions, such as no
load or short circuit, when the stator current is purely
reactive. Honsinger suggested [8] that measurement of the
three parameters Eo, Xd0 and Xq0 should, if possible, be
made under actual operating conditions with the machine
loaded. An investigation of this type is reported in this
paper. In a sample commercial motor, the variations of
motor parameters are studied over the full 360° range of
load angle, with rated supply voltage. In the tested
example, variations of Eo and Xd0 are found to be small,
but the variation of Xq0, associated with saturation on the
g-axis, is shown to be significant.
The two-axis equations are then used to determine per-
formance under variable-frequency operation, including
full loci of input current phasor and variations of d- and
q-axis components of current. When the calculation pro-
cedure is modified to incorporate the variation of Xq0, this
is shown to have an important influence under the
frequently-required condition of variable-speed operation
d-axis with constant-torque load.
Fig. 2 Phasor diagram
2 Two-axis theory
although a recent review [11] has stated that these linear
models give rise to poor predictions of performance. Binns Using the phasor diagram of Fig. 2, a set of equations is
et al. [12] have indicated that, owing to the special method obtained describing machine performance in terms of the
of excitation of permanent-magnet synchronous motors, load angle 3. Equating voltage components on the d and q
nonclassical methods are required to determine their most axes,
important characteristics. These problems have stimulated V sin 3 = XXq0Iq-RId (1)
detailed computational approaches (e.g. References 13-15)
to obtain complete solutions of the motor field equations. V cos 3 = XXd0Id + XE0 + RIq (2)
These methods yield much information relating field dis- Hence d- and q-axis current components are:
tribution to rotor design, but require extensive input data
and computation. V(XXq0 cos3-R sin 3) - X2E0 X qO
In the present paper, attention is directed towards the R X Xd0d0 XXqq0
possibility of making appropriate modifications to the
classic two-axis theory with the objectives of achieving V{XXd0 sin 3 + R cos 3) - XE0 R
',= (4)
satisfactory accuracy by incorporating all major effects R -\- X XdQ X q0
while, at the same time, retaining a relatively efficient cal- Air-gap power per phase Pg is produced by interactions
culation procedure. between components of current and air-gap EMF which
The synchronous reactances of some permanent-magnet are in phase with each other. Thus, for m phases,
synchronous motors, as distinct from wound-rotor syn-
chronous machines, have a close relationship with reluc- Pg = m[(XE0 + XXd0 Id)Iq - (XXq0 lq)ld-\
tance motors having nonmagnetic flux barriers [16-18]. = mlXE0Iq + XIdIq(Xd0-Xq0)-] (5)
Thus, with a rotor geometry such as that shown in Fig. 1,
the low permeability (near unity) of the magnets, which lie Torque Te is given by
across the path of d-axis flux, leads to a relatively low
Te = PJ<om = Pg/Xcom0 (6)
value of Xd0 in a permanent-magnet motor in the same
way as flux barriers produce a low value of Xq0 in a where
modern reluctance motor. This produces the condition
wm = 2nf/p and com0 = 2nfo/p
Xd0 <^ Xq0 in the permanent-magnet motor, which is the
reverse of the situation in other synchronous machines. Again from the phasor diagram, input current can be
The similarities between the d-axis flux distribution due to resolved into components Ip and lr, where lp is the input
stator currents in this type of permanent-magnet motor power component and Ir is the lagging reactive component
and that on the q-axis in reluctance motors with flux bar- of input current. Resolving Id and Iq onto the p and r axes,
riers has been shown [2, 8]. In the permanent-magnet
machine, this type of distorted distribution of net air-gap Ip = Iq cos 3 — ld sin 3 (7)
flux, including flux reversal near the ends of the magnets, Ir = Iq sin 3 + Id cos 3 (8)
118 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MAY 1985
The inverse forms of the relations between Ip, Ir and Id, For measurement of output torque, separate tests were
is performed using a dynamometer.
In both test arrangements, the load angle was measured
Iq = Ip cos 3 + Ir sin 3 (9) using a stroboscope triggered by the motor phase voltage.
Id = Ir cos 3 — Ip sin 3 (10) All tests were conducted with a sinusoidal supply. Using a
commutator frequency changer, the supply frequency was
We also have varied down to 7.5 Hz, at which frequency motor resist-
/ 2 = / 2 + /r2 = /d2 + / 2 (11) ance became a significant parameter. The upper limit of
test frequency was 50 Hz, owing to the speed limitations of
Thus Ip, Ir and Id, Iq may be found from measurements of the coupled loading machines. At this frequency, motor
input current, voltage and power together with load resistance was small compared with its reactances. Results
angle 3. are presented in Section 5 for the following three supply
conditions which were initially estimated, on the basis of a
constant-parameter prediction, to give a constant value of
3 Experimental equipment and tests maximum motoring torque:
(i) 100 V, 50 Hz (A = 1.0)
3.1 Test machine (ii) 45 V, 15 Hz (A = 0.3)
The machine tested was a three-phase, star-connected, (iii) 33 V, 7.5 Hz (2 = 0.15)
four-pole, permanent-magnet synchronous motor with
samarium cobalt magnets [4], frame size 80L. It was
designed for operation at up to 6000 rev/min in an appli- 3.3 Measuremen t of parameters
cation with high inertia load but low torque. For the Initial measurements of some parameters were made by
experimental work, a fan was fitted and load and tem- conventional tests. The stator resistance R at ambient tem-
perature tests were conducted with 100 V, 50 Hz supply to perature was measured by passing direct current. The exci-
determine a rating. This exercise yielded the following tation EMF XE0 and the position of the zero load angle
figures: were measured when driving the test machine as a gener-
ator on open circuit.
maximum torque = 2.62 Nm; rated torque = 1.75 Nm; Three slightly different values of Xd0 were obtained by
rated current = 2.0 A; output at 50 Hz = 275 W 50 Hz measurements with:
(a) 3 = 0
3.2 Loading and performance measurements (b)5= 180°
To determine performance over the full range of load (c) generating into a short circuit
angles, the test machine was coupled to a larger synchro- Honsinger [8] has suggested that Xq0 may be calculated
nous machine, having the same supply frequency and from a test at 3 = 90°, using Xq0 = V/Ir under this condi-
number of poles, so that the two machines had the same tion. This equation neglects stator resistance. Manipula-
synchronous speed. A phase shifter was connected in the tions of eqns. 1, 2, 7 and 8 yields the more accurate forms
lines to the test machine as indicated in Fig. 3, to provide a
phase shift between the supplies to the two machines, and = (V-IpR)/Ir
enabled stable operation of the test machine to be (12)
obtained at any value of load angle. or
= (VXd0-IrR -E0R)/IrXd0

main supply at 50Hz

for a test at 3 = 90° and A = 1.
In the study reported here, a new method of measuring
Xq0 was developed, as follows, to obtain information on
Variac* the variation of this parameter as a function of g-axis mag-
netisation. It is seen from eqn. 1 that, if the condition Id =
frequency 0 can be arranged, then, at X = 1,
Xq0 = V sin 3/Iq (13)
The parameters Eo, Xd0 and R do not enter into this
Variac relationship. The test consists in measuring input current
and power at a particular supply voltage, for a range of
phase shifter load angles in the range 0-90°. From these measurements,
Ip and Ir are calculated, and hence Id and Iq are evaluated,
using eqns. 9 and 10. Curves of Id and Iq against 3 are then
V , I and P Variac** constructed and the point where Id = 0 is found. Xq0 is
then calculated at this point using eqn. 13. Repetition of
stroboscope this procedure with a range of supply voltages yields a
curve of Xq0 against Iq.
auxiliary The small values of mechanical loss torque and iron loss
test synchronous were estimated from no-load tests. In subsequent work at
machine variable frequency, it was assumed that the loss torque was
constant and that the iron lo'ss was proportional to
graduated (flux x frequency)2.
disc When processing measured and calculated results, for
Fig. 3 Experimental arrangement both parameter determination and correlation, allowance
* removed for 50 Hz tests was made for iron loss as a component of input current
** removed for low-frequency tests and for loss torque.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MAY 1985 119
3.4 Identification method of parameter estimation In practice, computational difficulties arise owing to
The measurements of parameters mentioned in the preced- random inaccuracies in the measured data. It is therefore
ing Section are not too difficult to conduct, although they advisable first to smooth the measured input data, in order
do require the facility to hold the test machine at certain to avoid the propagation of errors originating from this
values of load angle. In practice, however, saturation of source. The identification method [19] provides a pro-
important parameters may vary as a function of both load cedure for obtaining solutions with nonideal numerical
angle and magnetisation. A more detailed method of data. This technique is essentially an organised procedure
examination is then necessary. A suitable procedure is pro- for making progressive adjustments of estimated solutions.
vided by the identification method of parameter estimation Initial estimates, taken from the conventional measure-
[19]. This method has been proposed recently [12] for use ments described in Section 3.3, are used to initiate the
with permanent-magnet synchronous motors, although in process, say at 8 = 0, and the errors between the left-hand
that paper stator resistance was neglected. This approx- and right-hand sides of eqns. 1 and 2 are evaluated. The
imation is not warranted with small motors and at low errors are then used to make adjustments to the parameter
supply frequencies. values, these adjustments being weighted according to the
In the present study, there are four parameters R, Eo, magnitude of each team on the right-hand side. This pro-
Xd0 and Xq0 which may be subject to variation with the cedure is continued at each point until tolerably small
operating condition. Note that R is the only parameter errors are achieved. A final check on the validity of the
representing losses within the machine, over and above the identification procedure was obtained when the parameter
value of iron loss mentioned in Section 3.3. If losses vary values were substituted, point by point, into the system
other than in proportion to current squared, owing to equations, yielding a computed performance in very close
changes in, say, temperature or flux distribution, then these agreement with that measured. As pointed out by Hon-
will be represented by a change in the value of R. singer [8], parameters properly derived from a particular
For operation with a particular supply voltage and fre- load test will naturally predict the correct performance at
quency (say X = 1), the problem may be defined as the that point.
determination of a value for each parameter at each of a
range of load angles in the range 0-360°. In the load tests
with phase shifter, measurements were taken at 10° inter- 4 Parameter values
vals of 8 yielding values of Id and lq at each point. Eqns. 1
and 2 are then to be used to find values of the four 4.1 General
unknown parameters. Using the methods indicated in Section 3.3, the following
If the four unknown parameters were constants, mea- values were found:
surements at two values of 8 would provide sufficient R = 3.5 Q at ambient temperature
numerical data to yield unique solutions for the par- Eo = 47.3 V per phase
ameters. In the simplest terms, these two values of 8 could Xd0 = 16.2 n at 8 = 0
be two adjacent data points, which are spaced at 10° in the = 14.0 Q at 8= 180°
present case. This procedure would yield values of the four = 15.9 Q on short circuit
parameters applicable within the particular 10° band of <5. Iron loss = 12 W at 100 V, 50 Hz
Since it is desired to evaluate the variations of the par- Mechanical loss =10.4 W at 1500 rev/min; loss
ameters, this procedure would be repeated for all pairs of torque = 0.066 Nm
adjacent data points (e.g. 0 and 10°; 10° and 20° etc.), Measured values of Xq0 are presented in Sections 4.2
yielding 36 results for each parameter, at 10° intervals. and 4.3.

50 4.2 Identification method

Fig. 4 shows parameters obtained by the identification
40 method, plotted against 8. The most significant observa-
tions are:
> 30 (i) Variations of Xd0 and Eo are not great and might, to
o a first approximation, be neglected. The implications of

20 this are examined in Section 5.

(ii) R varies from its cold value, in regions of low
10 current, to about double that value at high currents
(120° < 8 < 300°, see Fig. 6). This variation is mainly
0 attributed to temperature rise during the tests.
60 120 180 240 300 360
60 (iii) A most significant cyclic variation of Xq0 is seen.
This variation was clarified when Xq0 was replotted
50 against Iq, as in Fig. 5, showing that Xq0 followed the
same curve for both positive and negative values of Iq.
This curve, which covers values of lq up to twice rated
current, represents a significant saturation effect on the
30 q-axis.
4.3 XQ0 by the new method
The variation of Xq0 with Iq measured by the new method
is also plotted in Fig. 5. It is seen that this agrees well with
the results of the identification method at low and high
60 120 180 240 300 360 current values, and the departure is not great at interme-
8 , degrees diate currents. Since the new method requires appreciably
Fig. 4 Parameter values by identification method fewer test measurements and far less processing of test
120 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MA Y 1985
data, it is recommended as a preferred procedure for cases Table 1 indicates the dependence of computer per-
where only Xq0 is expected to be subject to a significant formance upon the maximum departures of Eo and Xd0
saturation effect.
Fig. 5 shows that, when Iq = 2 A, Xq0, as measured by
A.O -





1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Fig. 5 Variation ofXq0 with Iq
by identification method
O = positive / , 1 experimental
# = negative Iq f points
x x measured by new method
straight-line approximation

the new method, is reduced to 66% of its unsaturated

value. Fig. 6 Ip, I, loci with 100 V, 50 Hz supply
computed with saturation of X 0
4.4 Relationships between reactances and machine • - computed with constant Xq0
•x measured
The low measured value of Xd0, at about 15 Q or 0.52 p.u.,
is typical of motors with permanent-magnet material Table 1 : Influence of variations of Eo a n d Xd0
and/or flux barrier effect on a particular axis. It follows c5 = 6O° c5 = 15°
that the effective air-gap length on this axis is large and, Original Original Eo = 48 V
consequently, that variation of the reactance on this axis parameters 41.5 V 17 Q parameters
owing to saturation will be minimal.
/.A 1.87 1.60 1.75 0.61 0.58
In contrast, the effective air-gap length on the q-axis is Te, Nm 1.70 1.41 1.57 0.12 0.13
small (see Fig. \b). Xq0 is therefore subject to the satura- PF 0.996 0.970 0.989 0.428 0.468
tion effect and this may be calculated at the design stage in
the same manner as for an induction motor, as a function
of the g-axis flux or Iq. from their average values quoted in the preceding text.
Concentrating upon the stable motoring region, the varia-
tions of parameter values are taken from the results by the
5 Machine performance and correlation identification method given in Fig. 4, wherein the
minimum Eo of 41.5 V and maximum Xd0 of 17 Q occur at
Two computer programs were prepared for the computa-
S = 60°, X = 1. Maximum Eo of 48 V occurs at <5 = 15°, at
tion of machine performance, using the analysis of Section
which point Xd0 = 1 5 0 .
2, on the basis of:
While it is clear that the performance of a synchronous
(a) constant parameters, with Xq0 = 51.2 fi
motor is dependent upon the phasor difference between
(b) with saturation of Xq0 as a function of Iq, approx-
the applied voltage and the excitation EMF, errors intro-
imated by three straight-line sections as shown in Fig. 5.
duced in the example by the assumption of constant Eo
This procedure involved simple iterative adjustment of Xq0
and Xd0 are not excessive, as demonstrated by the com-
depending upon the value of Iq.
puted current loci in Fig. 6. In particular, the agreement
Eo and Xd0 were taken as constants, with Eo = 47.3 V and between measured and computed values is excellent in the
with an averaged value of 15 fi for Xd0. normal motoring range (0 < <5 < 92°).
Previous analytical work [20] has shown that, with In contrast to the situation at full frequency, variation
constant parameters, the loci of (Ip, Ir) are limacon of of R had a very significant effect at low frequencies. Thus
Pascal with a shifted origin. The actual shape depends Fig. 7 shows computed Ip, lr loci, with saturation of Xq0,
upon frequency, excitation EMF, saliency and resistance. for various values of R at A = 0.15. Clearly, increase of
For the present example, at X = 1, this locus is shown in stator resistance has an important influence upon input
Fig. 6 wherein computations with and without saturation current, at fixed supply voltage, when frequency, EMF and
are compared with measurements. The differences between reactances are small. Some lines of constant <5 are included
the three loci are quite small, showing that, under this con- in Fig. 7. These show how a change of resistance also
dition, the model with constant parameters is quite satis- changes the performance at particular values of load angle.
factory. Iq reached a maximum of 2 A at S near to 250°. A In the practical tests at low frequency, it was found that
constant value of R = 3.5 Q was used in these computa- stator temperature increased considerably owing to
tions; an increase of R to 4.5 fi showed only slight reduced cooling at low speeds. Typically, stator resistance
changes, confirming that resistance had little influence increased from 3.5 fi to 5.5 fi during measurement of a full
upon input current at X = 1. current locus.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MA Y 1985 121
Fig. 8 compares measured and computed Ip, lr loci at The increased influence of saturation of Xq0 upon per-
A = 0.15, with R taken as 5 Q. Saturation of Xq0 is seen to formance at low frequencies is further explained by Fig. 9,
which shows variations of Id and Iq with motoring torque
8 = 130
for various values of A. The computations include satura-
6.0 - tion of Xq0. Fig. 9a shows that, at the rated torque of
1.75 Nm, Id is negative and its magnitude decreases as A is
decreased. Fig. 9b shows that, at the same torque, /

R=3.5n 3.Or


1 .0

0.5 2.5 3.0

8=180° -1-0
A =0.15, V=33V

-2.0 . A = 0 . 3 , V=A5V
A =1. 0,V=100V

1 .0 -3.0

Fig. 7 Computed lp, Ir loci, with saturation Xq0, showing influence of

stator resistance at low frequency, 33 V, 7.5 Hz supply
have a very large effect upon performance at low fre-
quency. The computation including saturation agrees well 2.0
with the measurements, whereas that with constant Xq0 is
in gross error at high currents. Better agreement than that < 1.5
shown in Fig. 8 was obtained for points near the start of
the test (5 < 90°) when a lower value of R was used, corre-
sponding to a lower temperature. 1 .0

6.0 0.5

0 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 2.5 3.0

b T e ,Nm

Fig. 9 Variations of Id and Iq with motoring torque

computed with saturation of Xq0
x x measured

increases as A is decreased. This causes Xq0 to decrease

owing to saturation, as in Fig. 5. Reference to the equation
for torque (eqn. 5), noting that (Xd0 — Xq0) is negative,
leads to the deduction that Iq must then be further
increased, on account of the saturation effect, to maintain
the same torque. When A = 0.15, Iq is approximately con-
stant at 2 A in the stable motoring range.
A further illustration of the variations of Id and Iq is
given by Fig. 10, which shows Id, Iq loci computed without
saturation of Xq0 (Fig. 10a) and with saturation of Xq0
(Fig. \0b). With constant parameters, these loci are ellipses
with their centre translated and axes rotated by 0, where
tan 9 = R/l(Xd0 + Xq0) [20]. The-much wider range of /„
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 at low frequency is clear in Fig. 10a. This causes saturation
of Xq0, leading to further increase of Iq and distortion of
Fig. 8 Ip, I, loci with 33 V, 7.5 Hz supply
the locus, as seen in Fig. 105. Such loci describe the varia-
computed with saturation of Xq0
computed with constant Xq0
tion of stator MMFs on the d- and g-axes.
x x measured Computations including saturation of Xq0 showed good
122 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MAY 1985
agreement with measured overall performance at all fre- Table 2: Summary of measured motoring performance
quencies. Thus Fig. 11 shows results for torque-load angle A 1.0 0.3 0.15
f. Hz 50 15 7.5
line voltage 100 45 33
7"e = 1.75 N m : 6, degrees 65 53.5 41.5
efficiency 80 70 43
power factor 0.98 0.93 0.79
/, A 2.05 1.64 2.1
At Tmax: Tmat. Nm 2.5 2.55 2.7
6, degrees 92 75 62
/. A 3.3 2.6 2.2

The reduction of <5 at a given torque condition as fre-

quency is reduced is a consequence of the increasing
influence of stator resistance. It is noted that the voltage
chosen did not give precisely the same maximum torque at
each of the test frequencies. The results at maximum
torque show that the ratio maximum-torque/input-current
increases significantly as frequency is reduced, the increase
being 62% between X = 1 and X = 0.15. This may be
explained in terms of torque angle <5,-, which is the angle
between the phasor current / and the d-axis in Fig. 2. It is
= 0.15 seen that St = (90° + 3 - (j>). When X is large, 3 at
maximum torque is near 90° and <f) is small, so <5,
120 approaches 180°. Stator current is then largely demagne-
tising, only a fraction of it is torque-producing, and current
for a given torque is increased. In contrast, when X is small,
3 at maximum torque is reduced and 0 is again small,
since the stator circuit is then predominantly resistive.
Hence <5, approaches 90°, current is mainly torque-
producing and current for a given torque is reduced. Fig.
270 12 illustrates the differences between high- and low-
frequency operation at maximum torque for the voltage-
fed motor.
The high values of power factor and efficiency at rated
torque recorded in Table 2 are typical of modern
Fig. 10 Computed Id, Iq loci permanent-magnet motors.
a constant Xq0
b with saturation of Xq0 6 Conclusion

at X = 0.15. Constant Xq0 gave a reasonably correct value Detailed measurements over the full 360° range of load
of maximum torque but load angle at low torque was quite angles, and their analysis by the identification method,
in error. yielded the variation of each two-axis parameter with
Overall motoring performance measured at variable fre- operating condition. A new method for measuring the
quency is summarised in Table 2. variation of q-axis reactance Xq0 was also developed,
which is rather simpler than the identification method.
Both methods require the availability of a suitable syn-
chronous loading machine and a phase shifter. For
variable-frequency fed motors, the tests should be con-
2 .5
ducted with a sinusoidal supply, at any convenient supply
frequency (e.g. 50 Hz).
Results showed that the excitation EMF Eo and the
2 .0
direct-axis reactance Xd0 were substantially constant. This
is expected to be generally the case with high-coercivity
1 .5
(effectively low-permeability) magnets, located either on
the surface or within a rotor. Variations of stator resist-
ance R were mainly due to temperature changes. A sub-
1 .0 stantial variation of Xq0, as a function of q-axis current Iq,
was revealed. This is attributed to magnetic saturation on
the g-axis, and such a variation may be expected to occur
0 .5 generally in permanent-magnet motors having small
air-gap length on the quadrature axis. Accordingly, it is
recommended that this variation should be included in
0 machine design calculations.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 In a manner similar to that in which a variable d-axis
B , degrees synchronous reactance is often used for excited-rotor syn-
Fig. 11 Torque/load angle characteristics with 33 V, 7.5 Hz supply
chronous machines, the use of variable Xq0, as a function
computed with saturation of Xq0
computed with constant Xq0
of Iq or q-axis MMF, was explored. Results showed excel-
x x measured lent agreement between calculations and tests, over wide
1EE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MAY 1985 123
ranges of load angle and frequency. This indicates that 4 BERMOND, G., and FLYNN, J.B.: 'The Isosyn motor, a new gener-
conventional two-axis theory, with suitably-modified par- ation of permanent-magnet synchronous motors', IEE Conf. Publ.
202,1981, pp. 119-124

Fig. 12 Conditions at maximum torque in voltage-fed motor

a high / b low /

ameters, may be applied to modern permanent-magnet 5 HESMONDHALGH, D.E., and TIPPING, D.: 'Slotless construction
motors. for small synchronous motors using samarium cobalt magnets', IEE
Proc. B., Electr. Power Appl., 1982,129, (5), pp. 251-261
The variation of Xq0 was shown to cause significant dis- 6 MILLER, R.H., NEHL, T.W, DEMERDASH, N.A., OVERTON,
tortions of the loci (Ip, Ir) and (Id, lq) of input current, B.P., and FORD, C.J.: 'An electronically controlled permanent-
particularly at large values of load angle. It also modified magnet synchronous machine conditioner system for electric pass-
the torque/load-angle characteristic at low supply fre- enger vehicle propulsion'. IEEE IAS conference record, 1982, pp.
quencies; this effect is relevant to drives with controlled 506-511
load angle and in constant-power or high-torque, low- B.P., and FORD, C.J.: 'Comparison between features and per-
speed applications. formance characteristics of 15 H.P. samarium cobalt and ferrite based
Variation of stator resistance owing to temperature rise brushless d.c. motors operated by same power conditioner', IEEE
had an important effect upon performance characteristics Trans., 1983, PAS-102, (1), pp. 104-112
at low supply frequencies. In practice, this would deter- 8 HONSINGER, V.B.: 'The fields and parameters of interior type a.c.
permanent-magnet machines', ibid., 1982, PAS-101, pp. 867-876
mine the required voltage and I2R loss for a given current 9 DOUGLAS, J.F.H.: 'Current loci of permanent-magnet synchronous
and torque at low speed. The increase in the ratio motors', AIEE Trans., 1959, 78, Pt. II, pp. 76-78
maximum-torque/input-current as frequency is reduced 10 CAHILL, D.P.M., and ADKINS, B.: 'The permanent-magnet syn-
has been explained, in terms of torque angle. chronous motor', Proc. IEE, 1962,109, 48, pp. 483-491
11 RAHMAN, M.A.: 'Permanent-magnet synchronous motors—a
It is concluded that, for satisfactory modelling of review of the state of design art'. International conference on Electri-
permanent-magnet synchronous motors, there is a need for cal machines, 1980, Athens, Proceedings Pt. I, pp. 312-319
more knowledge of parameters than is usually sufficient for 12 BINNS, K.J., SNEYERS, B., MAGETTO, G., and LATAIRE, P.:
conventional wound-rotor synchronous machines, for 'Rotor-position controlled permanent-magnet synchronous machines
which q-axis reactance and its saturation are quite com- for electrical vehicles', ibid., pp. 346-357
13 BINNS, K.J., JABBAR, M.A., and BARNARD, W.R.: 'Computation
monly not considered. of the magnetic field of permanent-magnets in iron cores', Proc. IEE,
1975, 122,(12), pp. 1377-1381
7 Acknowledgments 14 ASHEN, R.A.: 'Linear scalar-potential models for permanent-magnet
circuits', ibid., 1978,125, (12), pp. 1403-1409
15 WEH, H., and BOULER, N.: 'Field analysis for a high-speed
The authors are grateful to the University of Manchester permanent-magnet synchronous machine of the disc construction
Institute of Science and Technology for facilities provided. type', Electric Mach. & Electromech., 1980, 5, (1), pp. 25-37
E. M. M. Shamoug assisted with the identification method. 16 FONG, W., and HTSIU, J.S.C.: 'New type of reluctance motor', Proc.
IEE, 1970,117, (3), pp. 545-551
17 HONSINGER, V.B.: 'The inductance Ld and Lq of reluctance
8 References machines', AIEE Trans., 1971, PAS-90, (1), pp. 298-304
18 CHALMERS, B.J., and MULKI, A.S.: 'Design and performance of
1 BINNS, K.J., BARNARD, W.R, and JABBAR, M.A.: 'Hybrid reluctance motors with unlaminated rotors', IEEE Trans., 1972,
permanent-magnet synchronous motors', Proc. IEE, 1978, 125, (3), PAS-91, (4), pp. 1562-1569
pp. 203-208 19 EYKHOFF, P.: 'System identification, parameters and state estima-
2 MIYASHITA, K., YAMASHITA, S., TANABE, S., SHIMOZU, T , tion' (Wiley, 1974)
and SENTO, H.: 'Development of a high-speed 2-pole permanent- 20 CHALMERS, B.J., and ONBILGIN, G.: 'Analysis of a variable-
magnet synchronous motor', IEEE Trans., 1980, PAS-99, (6), pp. speed synchronous motor drive including magnetic saturation,
2175-2180 saliency and current limit', Electric Mach. & Electromech., 1980, 5, pp.
3 BINNS, K.J., and JABBAR, M.A.: 'High-field self-starting 345-354
permanent-magnet synchronous motor', IEE Proc. B, Electr. Power
Appi, 1981,128, (3), pp. 157-160

124 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 132, Pt. B, No. 3, MAY 1985

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