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penalties will affect all physical and mental

FOOD & WATER attributes.
Player Characters often must journey into the
Character's in the desert or at sea may find
wilderness to seek adventure. If they are wise, they
themselves without water. Explorer's at high
will prepare. Only the fool would travel into
altitudes and in polar regions require greater
unknown lands without food, water and other
amounts of water. Sailors may mix 2 parts fresh
provisions - but then Player Characters are
water with one part sea water without penalty, but
sometimes foolish. On other occasions, the players
drinking sea water straight just accelerates
may find their characters in a situation where
dehydration. Snow/melted ice will prevent
despite their best efforts they are lost in the
dehydration, but does little to quench thirst, and
wilderness and provisions are running short.
body temperature will drop significantly with snow
Provisions are available from a variety of sources (1 point frost impact per pint to the thorax and
on Hârn. The Innkeeper may provide a days meal abdomen).
of fresh food and drink. Longer journeys will
generally require more durable (and less tasty) PHYSICAL PENALTY & INJURY
provisions. Salted/dried meats are available from When a character suffers from starvation and/or
salters. Dried provisions may also be available dehydration, the appropriate injury should be
from a variety of sources. Water is generally free listed on the character sheet. The GM assigns a
but it is heavy and difficult to carry in large daily starvation rate and/or dehydration rate
quantity. Without proper provisions, characters SR/DR from the Starvation/Dehydration Table. A
will be subject to starvation, dehydration, hunger roll is made against the table below, or on the
and thirst. healing table (Combat 28) if SR/DR is 6 or above
(SR/DR of 6+ as H6).
CS: No Injury
Starvation affects the human body in several
MS: 1 Starvation / 1 Dehydration injury
ways. Weight loss (up to 50%) is the most visible
MF: 2 Starvation / 2 Dehydration injury
effect. Excess fat will go quickly, along with slower
CF: 3 Starvation / 2 Dehydration injury
muscle loss and finally the organs will shrink.
Bones and teeth become brittle; hair will thin, gray Any critical failure requires a roll on the
and fall out; Skin dries, becoming scaly and subject complications table. Complications are added as
to infections. separate injuries. Each point of
Starvation/Dehydration injury results in 1%
Metabolism slows, accompanied by a drop in
weight loss. When a daily roll pushes total
blood pressure, and an increase in blood volume.
starvation injury over a multiple of 10, a kill roll is
A series of Gastro-Intestinal problems occur,
required using 1 die for each multiple (i.e. 10 =
including ulcers, explosive diarrhea, and infection
1d6, 20 = 2d6, etc.) Above injury of 50, add one
preventing the body from absorbing food.
die for each point of injury.
Starvation will have negative affects on some
For dehydration K rolls are required at multiples
HârnMaster character attributes namely: STR,
of 5, i.e. K1 at 5, K2 at 10, K3 at 15, etc. Add one
END, DEX, AGL, COM and SPD. Rather than
die for each point of dehydration injury beyond
adjusting each statistic individually, physical
penalty should be applied to the use of any skill or
roll involving these attributes. Except for rare
cases of night-blindness, and increased fatigue,
Hunger and thirst should be applied as special
starvation does not affect INT, AUR, EYE, HRG,
penalties at GM discretion. For characters of
SMT, and TCH. MOR and WIL may be affected,
average morale and will, set hunger penalties
more so by hunger than starvation.
equal to the number of meals missed. Thirst
DEHYDRATION penalties can be set at the number of watches
without water. These are only guidelines. Thirst
Lack of water is a serious problem. Weight loss
penalties in the desert for example could be
accompanies dehydration (10-20%), but the
reasonably increased 5 fold.
mental effects may be devastating. Dehydration

1993 J. Patrick McDonald, Columbia Games Inc. & N. Robin Crossby.

Hunger should universally be applied to all Sunburn is a cumulative injury for each exposed
checks involving WIL or MOR. Thirst penalties area. Injury points should not be rolled for using
should apply to these as well as any check against d10, but are equal to the cumulative effective
INT, including skills that use INT in calculating impact. Sunburn should only be a minor problem
their skill base. They should not affect any physical for most characters.
At GM discretion, fair skinned characters may
FAMINE reduce their sensitivity by "tanning". This may be
handled by treating each "healed" minor sunburn
Social, moral and political restraints mean little
injury as a temporary darkening of the complexion
to starving societies. Introversion, apathy and
with the benefits of protection from further burn.
depression are common states of mind. While
these changes may seem minor on the individual,
on society as a whole they are quite profound. All
The impact of heavy activity combined with heat
activities cease that do not involve gathering food.
can be very dangerous. Primarily, heat will
Cannibalism is rare, and usually restricted to
increase the fatigue rate for most strenuous
activities (combat, movement, etc.) Spells and
In a famine situation, the GM can assess a psionic talents are not generally affected since
standard "Famine penalty" to all minor NPC's in they fatigue the mental capabilities of the user
the region, rather than trying to keep track of rather than the physical.
starvation for each individual separately. Of course
In hot weather, increase Fatigue Rate by 50%. In
widespread starvation/dehydration aboard ship
very hot weather, the rate should be doubled. Any
can be handled by assessing a penalty to effective
activity requiring the expenditure of fatigue points
crew rating as explained on CREW 7 of the Pilot's
greater than the characters Endurance calls for a
3d6 sunstroke (shock) roll. The roll is handled as a
EXTREME WEATHER normal shock roll, but indicates sunstroke rather
than shock.
Hot and cold weather are also stressful to the
human body. Unless temperatures are extremely
high, hot weather will only accelerate dehydration
Character's who exert themselves in extremely
as explained under the Starvation and Dehydration
cold weather freezing water, etc. may be subject to
Table. Heatstroke and Sunburn are also possible,
hypothermia. This is handled exactly as Sunstroke.
but can easily be prevented. Freezing weather may
Increase fatigue by 50% in cold weather, and
cause frostbite and or hypothermia.
double fatigue in very cold/freezing weather. Any
SUNBURN activity requiring the expenditure of fatigue points
greater than the characters Endurance calls for a
Characters exposed to bright sunlight should
3d6 hypothermia (shock) roll.
receive impact each watch on the fire/frost injury
table according to the temperature and cloud
cover. Assess 2d6 sunburn impact on a hot day,
Frostbite is another danger. Unless the
3d6 on a very hot day. Reduce this impact by the
characters are completely exposed, only Freezing
percentage cloud cover.
weather should have any impact. Frost impact
The characters complexion serves as natural should be assessed each watch by rolling 2d6. If
"armour" against sunburn. If the original the character cannot find protection from the
complexion values were recorded they should be winds, add 1d6 for each level of wind force to frost
deducted from the sunburn impact. If these values impact. This impact is cumulative to all body
were not recorded use 8 for fair skinned, 10 for zones. Injury points are equal to the effective
Average and 13 for dark complexion. Any opaque cumulative impact of each zone. Consult the
material will prevent sunburn, but heavy (hot) INJURY TABLE for other effects.
armour/clothing may increase their chance of
Armour/Clothing will provide its normal
sunstroke. Very fair skinned characters and
protection The body's natural heat will serve as
Albinos (whose complexion is 0) are more
additional protection. This requires a record of
heat generated by the body. This is given an

1993 J. Patrick McDonald, Columbia Games Inc. & N. Robin Crossby.

arbitrary body heat rating equal to Endurance. Hands Grievous Frost 26 ip
Deduct current body heat from frost impact to the Feet Grievous Frost 26 ip
Head/Body and Shoulders.. Deduct 2/3 body heat Forearms Serious Frost 15 ip
from the Upper Arms and thighs, 1/2 body heat Elbows Minor Frost 10 ip
from impact to elbows/knees, and 1/3 from the Calves Serious Frost 15 ip
calf/forearm. No protection is provided to Knees Minor Frost 10 ip
hands/feet. The bodies heat source is limited Endurance Index 20
however, and frost impact will reduce the natural Body Heat 0
protection. Body Heat should be reduced by the
With Endurance index of 20, he fails any
total Frost Injury Index (i.e. total frost injury
shock roll. (Since he would have to make 8
divided by ten, rounded down.
E3 and 4 E1 shock rolls) he is unconscious.
Frost impact may not be noticed by the
Valens rolls 2d6 + EI (25) minutes and the GM
character, as the appendages (especially
multiplies this by 8, so he wakes up in 3 hours and
fingers/toes) will become numb prior to serious
20 minutes. He is in Shock.
On the fourth watch, 26 points of frost impact occur.
Example: Valens Solice is stranded in northern Ivinia
Effective impact is 14, and the following additional
without proper provisions during a particularly wet
injuries occur:
and cold winter. Unable to start a fire or find shelter,
he is subject to Freezing temperature and a Gale Hands Grievous Frost 30 ip
force wind giving 5d6 frost impact. He has wrapped Feet Grievous Frost 30 ip
himself in heavy furs giving his entire body a Frost Forearm Grievous Frost 29 ip
protection factor of 12. His Endurance is 15. Elbow Grievous Frost 24 ip
Up.Arm Serious Frost 14 ip
During the first watch, Valens rolls 5d6 for 17 frost
Calf Grievous Frost 29 ip
impact. Effective impact is 5, so his injuries are as
Knee Grievous Frost 24 ip
Thigh Serious Frost 14 ip
Hands Minor Frost 5 ip Skull Serious Frost 14 ip
Feet Minor Frost 5 ip Eye Serious Frost 14 ip
Endurance Index 2 Face Serious Frost 14 ip
Body Heat 13 Neck Serious Frost 14 ip
Shoulder Serious Frost 14 ip
With an Endurance of 15, Valens cannot fail an E1
Thorax Serious Frost 14 ip
shock roll, even with an EI of 2. During the next
Abdomen Serious Frost 14 ip
watch, frost impact is 26 (9 effective), so the injuries
Hip Serious Frost 14 ip
Groin Serious Frost 14 ip
Hands Serious Frost 14 ip Endurance Index 55
Feet Serious Frost 14 ip Body Heat 0
Forearms Minor Frost 5 ip
Valens falls unconscious again, and it is
Elbows Minor Frost 2 ip
unlikely he will awaken. It is still possible
Calves Minor Frost 5 ip he could survive, If he is rescued by a
Knees Minor Frost 2 ip highly skilled physician. His legs will have
Endurance Index 8 to be amputated above the knee, his arms
Body Heat 7 above the elbow. He must also make a
He must make 8 E2 shock rolls, with an EI shock recovery roll.
of 8. Miraculously he makes all 8. He also On the fifth watch, Valens suffers 28 points of frost
must make 4 E1 shock rolls, and makes impact. Effective impact is 16, and all injury
them as well. locations have Grievous Frost wounds with 30 ip.
On the third watch, 24 points of frost are rolled. so Valens must make two K3 rolls and a K4 roll to
his injuries are: survive. Until his injuries are cured by magical or
divine means, (mundane treatment is not possible for
grievous frost) each watch he must repeat these three

1993 J. Patrick McDonald, Columbia Games Inc. & N. Robin Crossby.

rolls. It is not likely he will survive for long. He will STARVATION AND DEHYDRATION
either freeze to death (fail a Kill roll) or die of shock.
Ration Cal. Ration Cal. (Cal.) (pt)
Ale/pt 200 Horsemeat/lb 1000 6 Full 3600 4
Bacon/lb. 2500 Lamb/lb. 1100 5 Partial 2700 3
Beans/lb. 460 Lard/lb. 3700 4 Half 1800 2
Beef/lb. 1000 Mead/pt 300
3 Quarter 900 1
2 None 0 0
Beer/pt 250 Milk-Cow/pt 300
Brandy/pt 420 Milk-Goat/pt 250
Weather Modifiers
Bread rye /lf 1200 Milk-Sheep/p 250
Modifier Weather
Bread wheat/lf 2400 Mutton/lb. 800
+1/-4 Very Hot -900 +4
Buns/ea. 140 Oatcake/ea. 65
+1/-2 Hot -900 +2
Butter/dr. 12 Oatmeal/lb. 290 -1/0 Cold +900
Cheese/lb. 1840 Olives/lb. 240 -2/-2 Freezing +1800 +2
Chicken/lb. 1100 Pheasant/lb. 970
Cider/pt 245 Pies-Fruit/e 400 Activity Modifiers
Crab/lb. 135 Pies-Meat/ea 500 Activity
Cream/pt 1200 Pork/lb. 1420 +1 Sedentary -900 -1
Duck/lb. 1540 Rabbit/lb. 990 -1 Active +900 +1
Eggs/ea. 970 Scones/ea. 50 -2 Very Active +1800 +2
Fish/lb. 420 Sugar/lb. 1540
Fruit- Notes
Apples/lb. 240 Swan/lb. 900 1 Characters who receive food and water rations
roll against SR/DR times Endurance. If SR or DR,
Berries/lb. 160 Veal/lb. 1280
is 6, treat this as a healing roll. Otherwise roll as
Fruit-Pears/lb. 300 Veg.-peas/lb. 240
Fruit-Plums/lb. 140 Veg.-cabbage/lb. 100
Goat/lb. 950 Veg.-lentils/lb. 450 2 Characters in cold or freezing weather will
Goose/lb. 685 Venison/lb. 717 require an additional 900 to 1800 calories of food,
Ham/lb. 1330 Vetches/lb. 100 and will accumulate starvation injury at a higher
Honey/pt 1320 Wine/pt 350 rate. Character's in freezing or hot weather will
require an additional quart of water. Those in very
Notes hot climes such as the desert will require twice as
1. Alcoholic beverages are not recommended as much water.
rations unless adequate water is available. They 3 Obese Characters may assess 1/2 of their
further dehydration rate. Intoxication can be starvation IPs to their obesity until the fat supply is
tracked as a separate physical/mental penalty. exhausted. One IP accounts for 1% of the
Calculate intoxication penalty as follows: 10 x characters total weight.
proof x oz. drunk/body weight. Add intoxication
index (1/10 intoxication index) to dehydration
2. Common rations include breads, beans and
salted meats. Most food spoils quickly 2-3 days
unless kept cold. Dried foods tend to last much
longer. Assume no spoilage of dried foods occurs
unless generated as an encounter result.

1993 J. Patrick McDonald, Columbia Games Inc. & N. Robin Crossby.

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