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Gold Market Primer

Mine production
April 2018

Formal, large-scale gold mining is a complex

undertaking. It is also geographically diverse,
occurring on all continents apart from  Large-scale gold mining is extremely capital-intensive,
requiring high levels of mechanisation and expertise.
 The life-cycle of a gold mine is long. Before any gold can
This primer serves as an introduction to the gold mining be extracted, significant exploration and development
process. It gives an overview of modern gold mining, needs to take place. On average, it takes between 10-20
highlighting the scale and breadth of the industry; looks at years before a mine is ready to produce material that can
the life-cycle of a mine; and explores the way in which gold be refined.
miners can sell their gold production.  When bringing gold to the market, mining companies
have two options. They can either sell newly mined gold
now at the current price or sell gold which has not yet
been mined (i.e. still in the ground) now.
 Responsible gold mining can have a significant positive
impact, both on the economies of the countries in which
gold mining takes place, and on the lives of the citizens
of those countries.

Pinos Altos mine, Mexico

Source: Agnico Eagle Mines

Modern gold mining mine; health and safety; social engagement of local
communities and government; as well as managing
environmental and economic issues. Leading LSM
Gold mining describes the process of extracting ore –
operators have been at the forefront of industry
metal-rich rock – from the Earth’s crust. It predominantly
developments to ensure sustainable, transparent and
takes place in areas where there is a significant
accountable practices are implemented.2
concentration of gold-bearing ore (also known as the ore
body). The economic benefit of gold mining
Gold mining companies are a major source of income and
Gold mining is a global business with operations on every
economic growth, with an important role in supporting
continent except Antarctica. The vast majority of the
sustainable socio-economic development.
world’s gold was mined in the modern, post-war era. And
as the industry has evolved, it has become more In 2013, gold mining companies contributed more than
geographically diverse. More countries have emerged as US$171.6bn to the global economy through their
substantial gold producers over recent decades, which production activities and expenditure on goods and
means mine supply has become less geographically services.3 This is more than the combined gross domestic
concentrated and therefore more stable (Chart 1). product (GDP) of Ecuador, Ghana and Tanzania, or close to
half of the GDP of countries such as South Africa and
Chart 1: Distribution of mine production by region Denmark. In eight of the top 30 gold-producing countries,
the production and procurement activities of gold mining
companies generated over 10% of GDP. In two of these
countries, Papua New Guinea and Mali, this figure rises to
over 25% of GDP.
Globally, gold mining companies directly employed over
one million people in 2013, with over three million more
people employed as a result of the industry’s procurement
activities. Gold mining companies are also important in
employing local people in their operations: in most regions,
over 90% of the employees at gold mining operations are
local workers.
How much gold has been mined?
Source: GFMS, Thomson Reuters; World Gold Council
The best estimates currently available suggest that, as of
December 2017, around 186,790 tonnes of gold have been
mined throughout history – of which around two-thirds
Gold mining operations vary greatly in scale and were mined since 1950.4 And since gold is virtually
technological sophistication. They range from multinational indestructible, this means that almost all this metal is still
companies engaged in formal, large-scale mining (LSM) to around in one form or another.
artisanal and small-scale mines (ASM) extracting small
It may sound a lot, but it isn’t. If every single ounce of this
quantities of gold. This note focuses on LSM. For more
gold were gathered together, the resulting cube of pure
information on ASM, please visit our website.1
gold would only measure around 21 metres on each side
LSM is extremely capital-intensive, employing high levels of (Figure 1).
mechanisation and expertise to mine vast areas both on
and below the surface. (Today, around 60% of the world’s
mining operations are surface mines while the remainder
are underground mines.) Costs can vary widely according
to a range of geological, metallurgical, infrastructural and
operational factors. And costs can also be affected by the
wider socio-political and regulatory environment in host
It is also a complex industry. Responsible miners need to
address a wide range of requirements as part of their day-
to-day business operations, including: operation of the

1 3 Social and economic impacts of gold mining, World Gold Council, June 2015
mining 4 GFMS, Thomson Reuters, Metals Focus, World Gold Council

Market Update | Mine production 2

Figure 1: Total above ground stocks of gold
How gold is mined: the
project life-cycle 6

People in hard hats working underground is what often

comes to mind when thinking about gold mining. Yet
mining the ore is just one stage in a long and complex
process. Long before any gold can be extracted, significant
exploration and development must take place to determine
the size of the deposit, as well as how to extract and
process the ore efficiently, safely and responsibly. On
average, it takes between 10 and 20 years before a mine is
even ready to produce material that can be refined.
Exploration (1-10 years)
Exploring for gold is a complex process. It requires
significant time, financial resources and expertise in several
Source: Metals Focus; GFMS, Thomson Reuters; USGS; World Gold Council disciplines, such as geology, geography, chemistry and
engineering. Even then, the likelihood of a discovery
leading to a mine development is very low. In fact, only
Each year, global mining adds approximately 3,000 tonnes around 10% of global gold discoveries contain sufficient
to the overall above-ground stock of gold. While gold gold to mine.7
production has shown an upward trend in the last 8-10
years, this is likely to level off in coming years. Mining companies will often begin by investigating areas
And how much gold remains in the ground? where the make-up of the local geology indicates the
possible presence of gold. (Often, gold is found when there
Mining companies estimate the volume of gold that
are concentrations of other minerals such as copper or
remains in the ground at each of their mining projects.
silver.) This work might be conducted by companies which
These estimates can be split into two categories: reserves
focus specifically on exploration, known as junior miners.
– gold that is economic to mine at the prevailing gold price;
and resources – gold that will potentially become economic After an area has been identified as a potential deposit,
to mine, subject to further investigation or at a different further investigative work will be conducted – such as
price level. drilling for samples – to determine the type and grade of
The below-ground stock of gold reserves is currently minerals contained in the ore. Once more is known about
estimated to be around 57,000 tonnes by the US the potential deposit and the local geology, the ore body
Geological Survey.5 can be modelled and its feasibility assessed. This will
typically involve sophisticated computer programs, which
The volume of gold reserves can, by definition, be help determine not only the size and structure of the ore
calculated with greater certainty. But even so, they are not body, but also the most efficient and economical way to
static and accurately estimating the size of reserves is no mine it.
easy task. The size of reserves may decline due to
extraction (known as depletion) or if the feasibility of The possible social and environmental impact of mining the
extraction diminishes. They may also increase as additional ore body will be identified and addressed. Consultations
deposits are developed, new technology or economic with all stakeholders – including local communities and
conditions improve economic feasibility, or as current governments – will be conducted. Impact assessments will
deposits are more thoroughly explored. continue throughout the exploration phase.

Other facts that may influence the estimate of gold reserve Development (1-5 years)
volumes include: The developmental stage involves the planning and
 the price of gold construction of the mining project. Mining companies must
 the cost of mining inputs (which affect whether gold obtain appropriate permits and licenses before they can
deposits are economic to mine) begin construction. This will generally take several years,
although it can vary depending on factors such as location,
 exploration and new discoveries
regulatory requirements and ore processing needs. The
 prior geological survey coverage and capabilities
structure of the mine - for example, whether it will be

5 2017 Mineral Commodity Summary, US Geological Survey 7

6 process/default.aspx

Market Update | Mine production 3

underground or open pit (and in some cases both) – will Operation (2-100+ years)
depend on the size and shape of the ore body. Once development is complete, the mining project will
begin operating: extracting metal-rich ore from the deposit.
And construction may not be confined to the mine itself.
Frequently, mining companies develop local infrastructure This can be done in various ways, depending on the rock
and amenities to support logistical and operational needs, structure. Drilling and blasting – more common for mining
as well as employee and community welfare. metals – is used for harder rock, while digging can be used
for softer rock.
Once the ore has been extracted, further processing is
needed to recover the gold (as well as other valuable
minerals). Larger mining operations use a combination of
crushing and leaching to break down large rock and strip it
of high-value minerals such as gold, silver and copper.
Mining companies will use stringent controls to ensure high
standards of health and safety, as well as minimising
environmental impacts.
After the processing stage, any metal recovered will be
formed into unrefined bars known as doré. These unrefined
bars will contain not only gold, but other metals, such as
silver or copper, which have been extracted. The proportion
of each metal can vary between bars, although gold will
Source: Agnico Eagle Mines
generally account for 60-90% of the bar. These will then be
sent to a refinery to separate each pure metal.
 Surface mine: For ore bodies which are considered Given the scale of operations involved, it takes time to alter
relatively shallow (usually ≤400m deep) and uniform, mine plans in response to changes in external factors, such
surface mining is preferred. This involves removing rock as the price of gold or inputs like oil. These factors can
from the surface of the Earth layer-by-layer. This is less determine which areas of an ore body are profitable to
costly than an underground mine as it does not require mine. In times of higher gold prices, mining low-grade ore
deep-level excavation. becomes profitable as the higher gold price will offset the
 Underground mine: If surface resources are exhausted cost of extracting and milling a greater volume of ore.
or the ore body extends deep into the Earth, mining goes When the price is lower, it might only be profitable to mine
underground. Construction of such mines will involve areas of higher-grade ore.
building a complex network of tunnels and shafts to both
access and transport the ore, and support ventilation

Figure 2: The project life-cycle

Source: World Gold Council

Market Update | Mine production 4

Closure and decommissioning (1-5 years) companies to fund project development or manage debt.
After a mine has ceased operations, possibly because the These arrangements are now often of a far smaller scale
ore body is exhausted or the remaining deposit becomes and of shorter duration than hedging agreements in
unprofitable to mine, work then focuses on its previous decades (Chart 2).
decommissioning and rehabilitation. This is a complex
Importantly, the use of hedging does not alter the total
undertaking. The mining company will not only need to
amount of gold supplied, but will affect the timing of when
decommission the mine safely, it will also usually be
this supply will reach the market. The hedging transaction
required to return the mine site, as closely as possible, to
will serve to increase supply (by the amount
its original environmental state. This will involve tasks such
as removing waste and hazardous material, ensuring water Chart 2: Global gold hedgebook volume
quality is maximised and the reinstatement of indigenous
Mine plans will also consider the social impact on local
communities of the closure of a mine.
Post-closure (10+ years)
A mining company will be required to monitor the mine site
long after the mine site has been closed to ensure the
successful rehabilitation of the land. This typically takes
several years.

Gold producer hedging

and de-hedging Source: Metals Focus; GFMS, Thomson Reuters; World Gold Council

Mining is the main source of gold to the market. On hedged) to the market now – out of available above-ground
average, mine production accounts for two-thirds of total stocks – rather than when the gold is actually mined.
supply each year. (The remaining third comes from
recycling.) When bringing this gold to the market, mining Royalty and streaming
companies have two options, namely: sell newly mined While hedging is one way in which mining companies can
gold now (at the current price); or sell gold which has not monetise future gold production, a range of other sources
yet been mined (i.e. still in the ground) now. of funding has emerged over the past decade. The growing
significance of royalty and streaming deals offer mining
Gold hedging is the process by which mining companies companies, particularly those developing a project, a secure
forward-sell future mine production at a contractually- source of capital for a portion of their future production.
specified gold price. They are guaranteed to receive this
price for their gold when it is produced, regardless of the A royalty agreement involves the mining company receiving
prevailing gold price at that time. Gold miners may choose an upfront payment in return for the counterparty (a royalty
to hedge their production to protect themselves against company, or maybe another mining company) having the
price volatility. By ensuring a fixed price for their future gold right to receive a percentage of future gold production from
production, miners can guarantee a portion of their cash the mining operation. A metal streaming deal involves a
flow to cover their ongoing expenses. counterparty (a streaming or royalty company) receiving the
right to purchase gold production – at a price determined
Conversely, gold de-hedging describes the activity of when the agreement is struck – in return for a payment.
unwinding (or closing) these forward sale commitments. The primary difference between a royalty and a stream is
This enables the mining company to retain ownership of that the latter includes fixed ongoing payments for each
their future production and – with no contractual sales price ounce of gold purchased. Also, unlike hedging, royalty and
– allows them to fully capitalise on a future rising market. streaming deals may not bring gold to the market before it
This obviously makes most sense when there are is mined.
expectations of a sustained rising gold price.
Since the mid-2000s, the global hedgebook – the total
amount of gold committed via forward sale agreements –
has shrunk to trivial levels. In the past five years, hedging
has typically been used by junior or mid-cap mining

Gold Market Primer | Mine production 5

Glossary of key terms
Deposit: Naturally occurring concentrations of minerals
which are large enough to have economic value.
Geology: A branch of science which examines the
substance of the earth, its physical structure and the
processes which impact them.
Grade: The amount of gold contained in an ore body,
commonly quoted in grammes per tonne.
Gross Domestic Product: A broad quantitative measure of
economic activity of a country; the monetary value of all
goods and services produced over a specific time period.
Leaching: A process used to extract minerals from ore
through chemical reactions.
Metallurgy: A branch of science focused on the properties
of metals, as well as their production and purification.
Ore: A type of rock containing sufficient quantities of
minerals – such as metals – that can be extracted

Gold Market Primer | Mine production 6

About the World Gold Council For more information
The World Gold Council is the market development organisation Please contact:
for the gold industry. Our purpose is to stimulate and sustain
Market Intelligence
demand for gold, provide industry leadership, and be the global
authority on the gold market.
We develop gold-backed solutions, services and products, based
on authoritative market insight, and we work with a range of
partners to put our ideas into action. As a result, we create
structural shifts in demand for gold across key market sectors. We
provide insights into the international gold markets, helping people
to understand the wealth preservation qualities of gold and its role
in meeting the social and environmental needs of society.
Based in the UK, with operations in India, the Far East and the US,
the World Gold Council is an association whose members
comprise the world’s leading gold mining companies.
World Gold Council
10 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7NG
United Kingdom

T +44 20 7826 4700

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Market Update | Mine production 7

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