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AEC Drafting
neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 2

Program start / common information ......................................................................................... 4
Material Dependent Hatch..................................................................................................... 5
AEC Drafting tool descriptions ................................................................................................... 6
AEC Spline Dimension .......................................................................................................... 6
AEC Spline Dimension with Sections .................................................................................... 7
AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut .............................................................................. 8
AEC Grad < > Gon conversion ............................................................................................. 9
AEC Elevated mm ............................................................................................................... 10
AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment ...................................................................... 10
AEC Chainage 2D ............................................................................................................... 11
The Dialog: ...................................................................................................................... 11
Usage: ............................................................................................................................. 12
AEC Section View with Depth ............................................................................................. 15
The Dialog ....................................................................................................................... 15
Create Section View with Depth ..................................................................................... 16
Select StartPoint and EndPoint on Model in ParentView ............................................... 17
Editing the Section Depth ............................................................................................... 18
Delete the Section Depth ................................................................................................ 19
Delete by Software .......................................................................................................... 19
Delete by deleting “Preview” Sketch ............................................................................... 21
AEC Longitudinal Section.................................................................................................... 22
Along Whole Curve ......................................................................................................... 23
Select Start and Endpoint ............................................................................................... 26
AEC Edit Section Edge Curve ............................................................................................. 27
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 27
Dialog .............................................................................................................................. 27
How to use: ..................................................................................................................... 28
Set Linewidth................................................................................................................... 28
Edit or Remove Edit ........................................................................................................ 29
Remove ........................................................................................................................... 29
AEC Elevation numbers ...................................................................................................... 30
Flood Level...................................................................................................................... 34
AEC Slope dimension ......................................................................................................... 35
AEC Hatch Line ................................................................................................................... 36
Natural Ground ............................................................................................................... 37
Batter without Border ...................................................................................................... 39
Batter with border ............................................................................................................ 40
Construction Join ............................................................................................................ 41
AEC Hatches (Area filling)................................................................................................... 43
AEC Round Pillars ............................................................................................................... 44
Define Round Pillar ......................................................................................................... 45
Reverse Round Pillar Hatches ........................................................................................ 47
Edit Round Pillar In Region ............................................................................................. 48
Delete Round Pillar Hatches: .......................................................................................... 49
Move, Rotate, Scale the View ......................................................................................... 50
Edit Model Geometry ...................................................................................................... 50
AEC Setting out points ........................................................................................................ 51
AEC Stakeout the Edges..................................................................................................... 53
AEC Attributes ..................................................................................................................... 55
AEC Revision Cloud ............................................................................................................ 58
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 58
Dialog .............................................................................................................................. 58
How to use ...................................................................................................................... 58
Rectangular Revision Cloud ........................................................................................... 59
Polygonal Revision Cloud ............................................................................................... 61
Circular Revision Cloud .................................................................................................. 62
Edit Revision Cloud ......................................................................................................... 63
Move the Cloud ............................................................................................................... 64
Delete Revision Cloud .................................................................................................... 65

Material Dependent Hatch AEC Drafting

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AEC Northing Symbol ......................................................................................................... 66

Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 68
AECDrafting.xml ............................................................................................................. 68
Drafting Preferences ........................................................................................................... 69
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... 71

Material Dependent Hatch AEC Drafting

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Program start / common information

The AECDrafting tools are executable via the buttons in the AECDrafting toolbar.

Figure 1: Ribbon Bar AEC Drafting

The AEC Drafting Ribbon bar includes the Following Groups:

• "AEC Caption" for the text format
• "AEC Dimensioning" includes all AEC specific dimensioning tools for drawing
• "AEC View" includes the Longitudinal Section, the View/Section Depth and the
alignment for the section.
• "AEC Steaking-Out" Includes the Setting-Out Points and the Stakeout Edges.
• "AEC Hatching" includes the AEC specific hatches.
• "AEC Attributes" to set the AEC attributes to the components
• "AEC Drafting Tools" includes the help, the about and the configuration for AEC

To make the work faster and easier it is possible to use the radial toolbar (Figure 2) and the
context menu (Figure 3) for some objects (dimensions).

Figure 2: Radial Toolbar

The "radial toolbar" shows up with a permanent right lick at the object.

Figure 3: context menu

The "context menu" shows up with a single left klick at the object.

Analog to UNIGRAPHICS NX all our dialogs use the middle mouse button as „OK“.

The program never saves an existing part!

All information's about the configuration file are located at the section "Configuration" and the
preferences for drawing are located at the section "Drafting Preferences".

Material Dependent Hatch AEC Drafting

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Material Dependent Hatch

Material-dependent hatching works only in combination with the PMI tool for the section view.
With the Section View from PMI tools it is possible to use the material dependent hatching. With
the native section tool from the drafting application it is not possible to create material
dependent hatchings.

Figure 4: PMI Section View – Material dependent Hatch

The Figure 4 shows the settings for the PMI section view, material must be selected for the
pattern definition, then the size, angle and color of the hatching can be defined!

Figure 5: Paste PMI Section View (Settings)

Now it is possible to paste the PMI section view (Figure 5 Section #1). With the toggle Inherit
Crosshatch (settings) the material dependent hatch will be displayed in the section view.

For the AEC Suite, a tool is planned to select the section view(s) and converts the contained
hatchings into the material dependent hatchings.

Material Dependent Hatch AEC Drafting

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AEC Drafting tool descriptions

AEC Spline Dimension

Figure 6: AEC Spline Dimension Icon

Creates a spline dimension.

Figure 7: Dialog AEC Spline Dimension

The construction unit has to be the same unite as the construction unit of the model, if this is
selected wrong the dimension text is displayed in the wrong format.

Select a view or section.

Consequently the whole dialog is available.

Figure 8: Fully loaded Dialog AEC Spline Dimension

Now you can select edges out of the model, enter the desired text height and the length of the
dimension arrow.

Within the option „edit existing spline dimension“, you can only change the length of the
dimension arrow. All other properties can be changed with native NX functions.

ATTENTION: The view option „extracted edges“ must be set to „Associative“.

The spline dimension is completely associative to the model. The shown dimension is the
projected length of the select edge/curve. Currently only the top view is supported.

AEC Spline Dimension AEC Drafting

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AEC Spline Dimension with Sections

Figure 9: AEC Spline Dimension with Sections Icon

Creates a spline dimension with sections

Figure 10: Dialog AEC Spline Dimension with Sections

Select a view or section first,

Consequently the whole dialog is available.

Figure 11: Fully loaded Dialog AEC Spline Dimension with Sections

Now it is possible to select the edges from the Model and set every inputs as needed.

If "Create overall dimension" option is turned on, an overall dimension about all selected edges
is produced, which also includes gaps automatically.

AEC Spline Dimension with Sections AEC Drafting

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Select points out of the model as boundary objects. The Selected Points has to be on the
selected Spline.

The Sections are all created on one side, with a toggle it is possible to switch the Sections to
the opposite side and the same applies for the text rotation, with a toggle it is possible to rotate
the text about 180°.

NOTE: Please make sure whether NX creates an associative or non-associative point (status
bar). The offset distance between the dimension text and dimension line can be set in the
configuration file.

The spline dimension with sections is completely associative.

AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut

Figure 12: AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut Icon

This tool cuts the extension lines depending on the font size and is configurable within

1.) Dimensions with 2 extension lines (radial dimension excluded).
2.) Spline Dimension

Figure 13: Dialog AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut

NOTE: A dimension that has been created between two 2D centerlines is not currently

AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut AEC Drafting

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AEC Grad < > Gon conversion

Figure 14: AEC Elevated mm

This Application is only for the use in Drafting. It converts the text from an angular dimension
from grad to gon and also back from gon to grad.

HINT: Sketch-Dimensions is not supported.

Figure 15: Start dialog - Grad<>Gon

The Figure 15 shows the dialog which is used to ask in what unit should be converted.

Figure 16: Dialog for object selection

The Figure 16 shows the selection dialog for the angular dimension, this dialog opens when
user has chosen the unit for the conversion.

AEC Grad < > Gon conversion AEC Drafting

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AEC Elevated mm

Figure 17: AEC Elevated mm

If a dimension has at least 3 decimals, elevated mm elevates the 3rd decimal and truncates the
other decimals. If the 3 decimal is a 0, it is not displayed.

NOTE: Sketch dimensions are currently not supported.

Figure 18: Dialog AEC Elevated mm

AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment

Figure 19: AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment Icon

This function aligns views and sections to the x-axis of the current drawing sheet.

Figure 20: Dialog AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment

First set the direction for the rotation. With the two to be selected points, the vector is
determined, which is used to be horizontally aligned on the drawing sheet.

AEC Elevated mm AEC Drafting

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AEC Chainage 2D

Figure 21: Symbol AEC Chainage 2D

Die AEC Stationierung DWG ist eine Applikation zum übertragen der AEC Stationierungsdaten
vom 3D Model in eine Zeichnungsansicht. Die Übertragenen Objekte (Lienen, Texte) können
dann individuell angepasst werden.

The Dialog:
The Dialog contains two groups:
- "Selection"
- In case of Section View "Chainage Line Length"
- "Create or Update"

Figure 22: AEC Chainage 2D – Dialog

Group "Selection"

The first group (Figure 22) "Selection" includes all necessary selections.

- Select Component: The Component which includes the chainage.

- Select View: The view for drawing the chainage.

Group " Chainage Line Length"

The second group (Figure 22) is only in case of a section view visible and it is to set the line
length above and below the chainage position.

Group "Create or Update"

The third group (Figure 22) "Create or Update" shows the buttons to create and to update the
chainage in drafting.

AEC Chainage 2D AEC Drafting

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The following text describes how the application is to use.

Select Component:
- The "Reference Set" must be set to "CHAINGE". Then the objects can be picked from
the software.
- If it is an assembly the selection scope must be set to "Entire Assembly". With that
setting it is possible to select a dingle component.

Select View:
- It has to be a "Base View" or a "Section View" (only longitudinal sections of the building
are allowed) no Detail View.

- A klick at the "Create" button perform the creation of the 2D chainage. The Figure 23
shows an example.

Figure 23: 2D Chainage after creation in View

The Figure 24 shows a chainage in a longitudinal section view.

Figure 24: Chainage Longitudinal Section

Customizing in View:

The Lines and Texts can be edited

The created lines and texts can now be edited as desired.

- Text:
Select a text to move it (multiple selection is also possible). It works simple by drag and
drop. With a double klick on a text, the text itself can be changed, like a NX native Hint.

- Line:
The format properties of the lines can be changed by "Edit Display" (Ctrl + J) after selecting
(also multiple selections) the line. In order to change the length of the line the view has to
be expanded (position and direction can also be changed, but should not be made during
the stationing).

AEC Chainage 2D AEC Drafting

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Figure 25: View Expand

To do this, right-click on the view frame and select the "Expand" in the right klick menu
(third group) as shown in Figure 25.

In the extended view, the lines can be edited by double-clicking.

Figure 26: Change Line Length

As shown in Figure 26, the length of the line can be changed at the ball (end point) or the
arrow head (start point).

Figure 27: Customize Chainage 2D

The Figure 27 shows an adapted (customized) version of the Chainage 2D in the drawing view.

Furthermore, the lines or texts of the chainage can also be formatted using the groups created
in the part navigator. It is so easy and fast to edit the display settings of the line and text.

Figure 28: Groups from Chainage in the Part Navigator

Update the Chainage 2D (Recreate)

AEC Chainage 2D AEC Drafting

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In order to update the chainage lines and the chainage texts, the component and the view has
to be selected again, then the Chainage can be restored by clicking the "Update" button.

IMPORTANT: If you want to set back to the state from the 3D model, all individual adaptations
in the drawing will be lost! To ensure that this is also desired, a query can be seen in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Querry Update 2D Chainage

If this query is answered with "Yes", the actual 2D Chainage is deleted and the new 2D
Chainage will be created with the data from the 3D model.

Delete the Chainage from View

You can delete the stationing elements either by deleting each individual line or text, as well
as by deleting the respective group (see Figure 28).

AEC Chainage 2D AEC Drafting

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AEC Section View with Depth

Figure 30: AEC Section View with Depth Icon

AEC Section View with Depth is a tool designed for getting the Break-Out View in a Section
View by a user defined depth. With a few clicks, users can see the Break-Out View of this
“Depth Cut”. For showing the “Depth Cut” area, a preview Sketch will be created on a
configurable Layer which is set by user during the process. The Cut - Line is fully editable,
which enables a reliable and operational practicability. User can edit the Cut - Line at any time,
the Section View will be updated as long as the Cut - Line is modified

The Dialog
The Dialog contains two Parts, “Create Section View with Depth” and “Delete Section View with
Depth”, as showed in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Dialog 1 AEC Section View with Depth

Press the Button "Delete section with Depth" and select the section view to delete or select the
sketch in the Part Navigator and delete it.

Figure 32: Dialog 2 AEC Section View with Depth

First select the section view and then the complete dialog is available

Figure 33: Dialog 3 AEC Section View with Depth

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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After selecting the section view, select start- and endpoint in the associated base view. To
define the depth, change the value (Section Depth [m]) in the Dialog

Important: Start and end points must be set to a drafting curve (spline) for the "Point on curve"
catch point, for example if you select a cutting line to define the point, the depth cannot be
determined and the depth cut it does not work.

Create Section View with Depth

Before you start this software, you will need to set your Sketch Layer to a specific layer in
“AECDraftingConfig.xml”. In the following example, the “layer” is set to “66”.

Figure 34: Select the View

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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Select StartPoint and EndPoint on Model in ParentView

You may need to activate “Point on Curve”.

Figure 35: Preview of Section Depth

As shown in Figure 35, a “Preview of Section Depth” will be created in Parent View. This
“preview” is actually a Sketch on Sheet named after the selected Section View. The “Preview”
will be updated every time you reset StartPoint and EndPoint. Then click “OK” or “Apply”
You will get the result of Section Depth as shown in

Figure 36: Result Section Depth

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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Editing the Section Depth

First, activate the Sketch from Part Navigator (Hook and DoubleClick in Part Navigaor).

Figure 37: Activate Sketch in Part Navigator.

After the activation, you can edit the Sketch by drag “End-Cut-Line”.

Figure 38: Edit Sketch

Right after your drag of end line is done, the Section View will be updated automatically.

Figure 39: Update Section View

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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You can repeat this step at any time you want. And the Section View will always be up–to–

Figure 40: Up to Date Section View

To hide Sketch and the dimension remove the hook in the part navigator and deactivate the
layer you set before in “AECDraftingConfig.xml” by Layer Settings(Ctrl + L).

Figure 41: Layer

Delete the Section Depth

There are two ways of deleting the Section Depth:

Delete by Software
Select “Delete Depth Section”.

Figure 42: Dialog Delete Depth Section

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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Select the associate Section View.

Figure 43: Select the associate Section View

The Section View will be restored to original state.

Figure 44: The Section View will be restored to original state

Delete by deleting “Preview” Sketch

Figure 45: Delete the Section with Depth by deleting the Sketch


If the including view is moved, the drawing is in status "out of date", to get it back to "up to date"
activate the sketch with the rectangle and update the view. (Figure 46)

Figure 46: Drawing Update

AEC Section View with Depth AEC Drafting

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AEC Longitudinal Section

Figure 47: Symbol AEC Longitudinal Section

Figure 48: Dialog 1 AEC Longitudinal Section

Select a view or section first.

The complete dialog is available.

Figure 49: Dialog 2 AEC Longitudinal Section

1.) Select parent view.

2.) Select the curve/edge you want to cut at.
a. Along Whole Curve
b. Select Start and End Point
3.) Define the max. number of sections
a. Maximum count of sections → 49 sections (Versions below NX10 can't perform
more then 49)
b. Set Number of sections 0-96 manual.
4.) Set the tolerance for the points.
5.) Select the direction vector for the new section.
6.) Select a position to place the new section.

AEC Longitudinal Section AEC Drafting

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Along Whole Curve

Select the view:

Figure 50: EX 1 - Longitudinal Section

Select the curve/edge to cut along in sections:

Figure 51: EX 2 - Longitudinal Section

Set the distance between the intermediate sections. This distance will determinate the amount
of sections in the curve, that will be cut.

AEC Longitudinal Section AEC Drafting

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Figure 52: EX 3 - Longitudinal Section

Set the tolerance and determinate the tolerance for the points which creates a section. If the
longitudinal section is not possible to set, it is recommendable to prove with a different

Figure 53: EX 4 - Longitudinal Section

Select the direction vector for the new section. Up/down set the section in horizontal, left/right
set the section in vertical.

Figure 54: EX 5 - Longitudinal Section

AEC Longitudinal Section AEC Drafting

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Select a position to place the new section.

Figure 55: EX 6 - Longitudinal Section


Figure 56: RESULT - Longitudinal Section

AEC Longitudinal Section AEC Drafting

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Select Start and Endpoint

Select the start point on the guide spline (Figure 57).

Figure 57: Start Point on guide spline

Select the end point on the guide spline (Figure 58).

Figure 58: End Point on guide spline

The remaining application is the same as described above

Note: When using with maximum number of sections, it can lead to a Performance reduction.

AEC Longitudinal Section AEC Drafting

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AEC Edit Section Edge Curve

Figure 59: Symbol - AEC Edit Section Edge

AEC Edit Section Edge Curve allows you to edit all Section Edge Curves in a Section View.
You can select the Linewidth as you want, and apply to all Section Edge Curves in the selected
Section View.

Main dialog is showed in Figure 60.

Figure 60: Dialog - AEC Edit Section Edge

- Select the Section View

- Set the Linewidth
- Edit the Section Edges
- Remove Edit

AEC Edit Section Edge Curve AEC Drafting

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How to use:
- Select View

The View Selection is set to “Section View Only” and “Single”, so only Section View is editable
in this case, and one edition at one time. After your selection of a Section View, all Section
Edge Curves in the View will be highlighted. Those Curves are the ones to be edited in the
following process.

Figure 61: Highlighted Section lines

Set Linewidth

Figure 62: Set the Linewidth

The Figure 62 shows the line weights.

AEC Edit Section Edge Curve AEC Drafting

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Edit or Remove Edit

Figure 63: Edit the Section line Width


Figure 64: Remove Section line Width

AEC Edit Section Edge Curve AEC Drafting

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AEC Elevation numbers

Figure 65: Symbol AEC Elevation Numbers

This button creates/defines elevation number points in the modeling (3D) und sets the
corresponding elevation number symbol in the drafting (2D).

Figure 66: Startdialog - AEC Elevation Numbers

To create a setting out points table, select first an AEC Coordinatesystem. (See chapter ‘AEC
Coordinatesystem’ for more details).

Figure 67: Section/View Selection

Select a view or section. A selection of the drawing sheet is not allowed.

Figure 68: Common Settings

Consequently the settings for the symbol of the elevation number are set.

AEC Elevation numbers AEC Drafting

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After the user sets all desired properties, he can start with the selection of the points on the

This dialog allows the selection of points which were set in the modeling (3D) before.

If the option „allow only elevation points“ is selected, the selected points will be filtered right
after selection. If you select another point while this option is active, it will be ignored and the
selection will be deleted automatically.

If the validation is positive, the previous selected symbol is placed on the drawing.

➔ Option ACTIV:
Only existing elevation points from the model can be selected. Furthermore, the
tolerance settings for XYZ are available here.
Within the XY Tolerance only one symbol is created, and only used the heights which
exist outside the Z-tolerance.
The selected points are immediately upon selection, according to the set "Only
Elevation-Points allowed" filtered. If this option is set, and it also points are selected
which are not Elevation-Points, these selected points for creating the elevations
symbols are not considered and the selection is automatically deleted.

The review should be positive, then immediately the preset icon on the drawing is

➔ Option INACTIV:
Any points can be selected. For example, an end-point of an edge.
Note: Please note native NX messages in the status bar (Associative - or non-
associative selected item)

Information for „TOP-View symbol“:

If the “TOP-View“ symbol is selected and there are other elevation points on the same
coordinates, the height text will be written clockwise to the symbol, whereat the highest value
is always placed top right.


AEC Elevation numbers AEC Drafting

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Relative elevation numbers:

Scope of application example: In some cases it is necessary that the height is not reflecting the
reference to the sea level, but e.q. the height of a building. In this case you have to use relative
elevation number points on the drawing.

Entry point to work with

relative elevation
Figure 69: Relative Elevation Numbers

How to set relative elevation numbers:

Figure 70: Selection Reference Point

First select an origin point for the reference height.

Figure 71: Establishing the Relative Elevation Numbers

Further relative elevation numbers can be now defined on the construction. As long as you stay
in this dialog relative elevation numbers will be created. To create “normal” elevation numbers
on the drawing, you must close and reopen the dialog.

AEC Elevation numbers AEC Drafting

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Description of the separate elevation number symbols:

There are 7 types of elevation number symbols available.

TOP-View symbol

Section view symbol: HALF with underline

Section view symbol: HALF without underline

Section view symbol: DONE with underline

Section view symbol: DONE without underline

Section view symbol: RAW with underline

Section view symbol: RAW without underline

Figure 72: Explanation of Symbols - AEC Elevation Numbers

The symbols for the section views can also be rotated by 180 degrees, so that the “arrow” points
to the top side. This orientation is set by the option direction.

To create a symbol without underline, the option “suppress underline of symbol” has to be set.

Furthermore, you find options for the textsize. The symbols for the text size 2.5 are smaller than
the symbols for the text size 3.5.

With the scale option you can scale any symbol as you like. E.q.: If you enter a scale of 0.5 the
whole symbol will be half size, also the text size of the elevation value.

AEC Elevation numbers AEC Drafting

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Flood Level
In addition to the high points, a symbol for the flood level mark can now also be set.

Figure 73: Flood Level Symbol

The dialog in Figure 74 shows the selection of the symbol and Figure 73 shows the design of
the symbol.

Figure 74: AEC Elevation Numbers - Flood Level

AEC Elevation numbers AEC Drafting

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AEC Slope dimension

Figure 75: Symbol - AEC Slope dimension

This tool is used to measure the slope from a curve or edge.

Enter the scale for the text and the symbol.

Set the option “per mill” if you want the resolution of the percentage per mill or unset it, if you
want the percentage per cent.

Select view/section.

Figure 76: Start Dialog - AEC Slope dimension

Select a start- and end point, to calculate the slope dimension.

Figure 77: Dialog AEC Slope dimension

AEC Slope dimension AEC Drafting

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AEC Hatch Line

Figure 78: Symbol - AEC Hatch Line

Creates hatches on a drawing.

When clicking on the toolbar button following dialog opens.

Figure 79: Start Dialog – AEC Hatch Line

After the selection of a view or section, all options to create a hatch are available.

Figure 80: Dialog - AEC Hatch Line

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Natural Ground

Figure 81: Natural Ground

1. Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2. Optional: Select a start- and end point to set the hatch boundary.
3. Set the height of the hatch.
4. Define the direction of the hatch.

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Thermal Insulation

Figure 82: Thermal Insulation

1.) Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2.) Optional: Select a start- and end point to set the hatch boundary.
3.) Set the start height of the hatch.
4.) Set the end height of the hatch.
5.) Define the direction of the hatch.

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Batter without Border

Figure 83: Batter without Boarders

1.) Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2.) Optional: Select a start- and end point to set the hatch boundary.
3.) Set the start height of the hatch.
4.) Set the end height of the hatch.
5.) Define the distance between the lines
6.) Define the direction of the hatch.

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Batter with border

Figure 84: Batter with Boarders

1.) Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2.) Optional: Select a start- and end point to set the hatch boundary.
3.) Set the start height of the hatch.
4.) Set the end height of the hatch.
5.) Define the distance between the lines
6.) Define the direction of the hatch.

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Construction Join

Figure 85: Construction Joint

1. Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2. Optional: Select a start- and end point to set the hatch boundary.
3. Set the height of the hatch.
4. Define the direction of the hatch.

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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Demolition Line

Figure 86: Demolition Line

1. Select the curves or edges, to create the selected hatch.

2. Set the height of the hatch.
3. Define the direction of the hatch.

Configuration Settings:

Figure 87: Settings Demolition Line

Width: Is the thickness of the line (use NX standard formats)

Font: Is the line style (use NX standard formats)
Color: Is the line color (use NX standard formats)
Distribution Length: Basic length for the line spacing (Will be then averaged out
=> slight deviations with line length).

AEC Hatch Line AEC Drafting

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AEC Hatches (Area filling)

The AEC hatches are contained in the file: AEC_Hatches.chx. This file contains the AEC
hatching package, which is supplied in the AEC Suite environment. If the AEC environment is
not used, but the setup is installed via Setup.exe (UGALLIANCE), this hatch file must be copied
manually in the UGII folder, the NX installation (may only be done by the CAD or IT

Figure 88: NX Hatches using AEC Hatches.chx

How to set the AEC hatches in NX hatch dialog is shown in Figure 88, the hatching can now be
configured and then inserted to fill an area.

AEC Hatches (Area filling) AEC Drafting

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AEC Round Pillars

Figure 89: Symbol AEC Round Pillar

The aim of AEC Round Pillar Hatches is to create a vivid image of a Round Pillar in Drafting.
By using this tool, customers can easily distinguish a Round Pillar from other bodies. The Round
Pillar Hatches is fully associated to view and model. Any modification on model will cause an
auto-update to the View, and Hatches are associative to View in terms of Scale, Rotation, Move
and Update.


The dialog of this tool contains 4 groups.

- Create Round Pillar
- Reverse Round Pillar
- Round Pillar In Region
- Delete Round Pillar

Figure 90: Round Pillar

How to use:

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 45

1. Select View and choose Hatch type

Figure 91: How to Use - Round Pillar

Define Round Pillar

- Select Round Pillar Bodies to perform
- Define Hatches line number
- Press “Create Hatches” button

Figure 92: Select and Create - Round Pillar

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

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Note: Available “Round Pillar” are shown as following. So you can create Round Pillar on
these Bodies.

Figure 93: Bodies into Consideration - Round Pillar

This software has taken these “Round Pillar” Bodies into consideration.
- Cylinder
- Variational Sweep
- Extrude
- Pipe (Tube)
- Swept
- Sweep
- Cone

Define Hatches line number by one side.

e.g. If one-side number: 4 → Then Hatches Number: 9 (4 for each side and 1 for middle line)

Figure 94: Number of Lines - Round Pillar

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 47

Reverse Round Pillar Hatches

Each Round Pillar has a front and a back side, there are varies ways to create a Round Pillar.
Different Sketches, CSYS, Vectors, creation types, Views will result in different output. In order
to provide you with a perfect result, we kindly ask you to correct it manually.

Figure 95: Correct 1 - Round Pillar

As is shown in the graph above, there are two Hatches presented on wrong side. So, click
“Edit Hatches” button, select these two Bodies with wrong side Hatches. Then click “Reverse
Direction” button.

Figure 96: Correct 2 - Round Pillar

In Figure 97 the Hatches shall be corrected.

Figure 97: Correct 3 - Round Pillar

For all changes in Drafting, like move, rotate or scale the view, the Hatch will be associative a
stay at the correct position.

Edit Model Geometry

After modify the Model, Click on Update View, then the Hatches will be updated as well.

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

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Edit Round Pillar In Region

Select Bodies which has Round Pillar to be edited.

Figure 98: Edit in Region 1 - Round Pillar

Select Bounding Objects

Figure 99: Edit in Region 2 - Round Pillar

Click on “Edit Round Pillar in Region” Button

Figure 100: Result Edit in Region - Round Pillar

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 49

Delete Round Pillar Hatches:

You can delete Round Pillar in two ways:

Delete By Dialog

Figure 101: Delete 1 - Round Pillar

Click “Delete Round Pillar”.

Figure 102: Delete 2 - Round Pillar

Delete From Navigator

Figure 103: Delete 3 - Round Pillar

Figure 104: Delete 1 - Round Pillar

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

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Move, Rotate, Scale the View

Figure 105: View Modification - Round Pillar

Modification on View will not influence Round Pillar.

Figure 106: Exceptional case - Round Pillar

Important Note:
There is one exception where the hatching fails. This case is depicted in figure 88 (Pillar with
angel to trim line). Left shows the top view with the trim line, in the middle of the figure you see
the trimmed version and on the right the zoomed result is shown. In this case the right contour
line is not the section of the ellipse but on the hidden circle. Consequently, the anchor points
on the ellipse are not detected which results in a lapse. We suggest to place the section that
the contours join the ellipse.

Edit Model Geometry

After modify the Model (Body), go back to Drafting, click on Update View, then the Round Pillar
will be updated as well.

AEC Round Pillars AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 51

AEC Setting out points

Figure 107: Symbol - AEC Setting out Points

Drafting (2D)

To create the setting out points table you have to select a view or section first:

After a view or section is selected, the complete tool is availible:


MILLIMETER 1m:1000mm
METER 1m:1mm

Expand existing Setting

Out Points table.

Definition of the list

numbers: The additional
text is placed in front of
the running number.

Add new setting out


Figure 108: Dialog - AEC Setting out Points

AEC Setting out points AEC Drafting

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Information: Only existing points can be selected, which were created in the model before,
otherwise the table entries and setting out points are not associative.

After all desired points are selected and the position for the setting out points table is set, the
dialog gets confirmed with the OK button and the tabular note and the setting out point symbols
get created.

The setting out points symbols are associative to the selected point.
If the point gets moved in the model, also the relating symbol moves and the relating value in
the tabular note is updated.

If a point gets deleted in the model, also the symbol is deleted, and the related table entry is

Example for a successfully created tabular note:

Figure 109: Table - AEC Setting out Points

Information: In the AECDrafting configuration file, you can set the text property for the text
above the table, the text in the first row and the text in the other rows in the table.

Symbol for setting out points on the drawing:

Figure 110: Plan Symbol - AEC Setting out Point

The text at the symbol can be moved. The symbol itself cannot be moved.

Information: The text property of the text of the symbol can be set in the AECDrafting
configuration file.

AEC Setting out points AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 53

AEC Stakeout the Edges

Figure 111: Symbol - AEC Stakeout the Edges

To start the software in the drawing area, an AEC coordinate system must first be selected (for
more details see section AEC coordinate system - Drafting).

Information: The creation of the stakeout edges is only working with elevation points, which
were created in the model with chainage or which were created afterwards with chainage
parameters. Points, which were defined as elevation points manually, do not have any relation
to a chainage and cannot be attached to them.

To create the stakeout edges table you have to select a view or a section first

After a view or a section was selected, the complete tool is available


MILLIMETER 1m:1000mm
METER 1m:1mm

Add new stakeout edge.

Position for the stakeout

edge table.

Select existing table.

Update selected table.

Figure 112: Dialog - AEC Stakeout the Edges

AEC Stakeout the Edges AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 54

Add new stakeout edge:

After confirming the “Add new stakeout edge” button, a new entry field is available.

Name for stakeout edge

(Confirm entry with

Select stakeout edge

Position for note on

drawing (Note gets
created instantly)

Figure 113: Dialog - AEC Stakeout the Edges after an adding

The settings for stakeout edges can be changed any time afterwards. Therefore, select the
desired list entry. Afterwards you can enter a new name (Enter confirms), select a new edge or
change the position of the note on drawing. The note on the old position is deleted

Example for a note-symbol:

Figure 114: Symbol Hint - AEC Stakeout the Edges

Information: If there is no elevation point on a selected curve/edge a message will be shown.

Please select another edge/curve or check the elevation number in the model.
A possible reason for error is, if a component, in which the edge exists, is not fully loaded.
After all desired stakeout edges are defined, with the confirmation of the dialog, the stakeout
edges table is created at the selected position.

AEC Stakeout the Edges AEC Drafting

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Figure 115: Table - AEC Stakeout the Edges

If no elevation points exist (no intersection of edge/station line) on a chainage with its selected
stakeout edges, the related field will be kept empty.

The style of the note text and the style of the tabular note can be configured in AECDrafting.xml.

If an elevation point is moved or deleted in the model, the table is not updated automatically.
The user must select the tabular note and have to press the “Update” button.

AEC Attributes

Figure 116: Symbol - AEC Attributes

After clicking the toolbar button, the following dialog opens:

Here you have to select the desired

component out of the assembly
navigator or select an existing
component name.

Figure 117: Start Dialog - AEC Attributes

The application must be ‘Drawing’, otherwise an error message will be shown.

At the start of the program, also the ‘AECAttributes_Pattern.txt’ will be checked.

You can define patterns in the ‘AECAttributes_Pattern.txt’.

Only part attributes can be used!

AEC Attributes AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 56

After all defined attributes (see configuration file) are checked, the whole dialog is available:

Select the pre-defined pattern

Select the attribute title. Add

it to part denotation.

Figure 118: Dialog - AEC Attributes

After all desired inputs/settings are confirmed and the ok/apply button is activated, the
component description will be created in the drawing at the selected position.

Figure 119: Display - AEC Attributes

AEC Attributes AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 57

The text settings are depending on the nx customer default settings.

You don’t can edit the content of the part denotation native. Start the AEC Attributes tool and
select the existing part denotation to edit.

Textfont, text height, etc can be edit native.

You can update the part denotation when you update the associated view.

Information about the ‘AECAttributes_Pattern.txt’:

Use the following syntax:

Free text: Text1

Free text: Text2

AEC Attributes AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 58

AEC Revision Cloud

Figure 120: Symbol - AEC Revision Cloud

AEC Revision Cloud is a tool which allows you to drawing Revision Cloud in Siemens NX. The
Revision Cloud is created not only for drawing some nice cloud in Drafting, but also for drawing
attention to the user. This will help you to increase your productivity.

The dialog of this tool contains 2 groups.
• Selection of View
• Definition of Revision Cloud

Figure 121: Dialog - AEC Revision Cloud

How to use
1. Select View

Figure 122: Select a View

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 59

After you select the view, a default name depending on the selected View will be set to “Revision
Cloud Name” block as shown above (Selected View: Top@1). And later after Apply or Ok, the
associativity of your Revision Cloud will be set to the View you selected.

2. Define the Revision Cloud

• Select the Cloud type

• Revision Cloud name
• Set minimum and maximum Diameter value (Unit: mm)

Figure 123: Group Revision Cloud Definition

3. Select Points for Revision Cloud

Rectangular Revision Cloud

Figure 124: Creating a Rectangular Revision Cloud

As is shown in the graph above, this two points selection will create a vertical & horizontal

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

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Figure 125: Rectangular Revision Cloud

Result as you seen above. The Revision Cloud is set to RED, but you need to turn off
“Monochrome” first. Go to Part Navigator, right click on Drawing, uncheck Monochrome.

Figure 126: Setting for Monochrome Display

Than a colorful Drawing shall be presented on screen.

Figure 127: Revision Cloud displayed with color

NOTICE: The Monochrome is uncheck for the following example as well.

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 61

Polygonal Revision Cloud

Figure 128: Set Points for the Polygonal Revision Cloud

As is shown in the graph above, set cloud Points as you want. If the distance between two
points is bigger than the maximum diameter you set. The software will create several points in
between to enable the creation of Revision Cloud.

Figure 129: Revision Cloud with many Points

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

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Figure 130: Revision Cloud with few Points

Select the Points by clockwise will create a normal Revision Cloud.

Select the Points by anti-clockwise will create a reverse Revision Cloud.

Circular Revision Cloud

Figure 131: Place points for a round Revision Cloud

As is shown in the graph above, select two Points for center and radius, this will create a circular
Revision Cloud.

Figure 132: Circular Revision Cloud

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 63

Edit Revision Cloud

Edit the Revision Cloud is quite simple. Just double click on the cloud you created.

Figure 133: 1-Edit the Revision Cloud

Do all that you would like to change.

Figure 134: 2-Edit Revision Cloud

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 64

Result as following graph:

Figure 135: Result Editing a Revision Cloud

Move the Cloud

• Drag & drop

Figure 136: Moved Revision Cloud

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 65

Delete Revision Cloud

• Delete directly

Figure 137: Delete the Revision Cloud directly

• Delete Permanently

Go to reuse Library, find your “Part Symbols”.

Figure 138: Delete the Revision Cloud from Part Symbols

AEC Revision Cloud AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 66

AEC Northing Symbol

Figure 139: Symbol - AEC Northing Symbol

The AEC North Arrow tool adds a north arrow symbol to a selected view. This symbol is aligned
on the Y axis of a previously selected AEC coordinate system.

View/Section selction:

First the view into which the symbol should come must be selected.

Figure 140: Select View - AEC Northing Symbol

Insert Position:

When a view is selected, use the cursor to select a position within the view frame of the
selected view as symbol position.

Figure 141: Select Symbol Position - AEC Northing Symbol

When the position is specified you can insert the symbol into the view by clicking on OK.

AEC Northing Symbol AEC Drafting

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Figure 142: AEC Northing Symbol in View

The symbol is placed in the view with a customizable scale and angle. The size can be changed
via the symbol scale and the angle via the symbol angle. An angle change should not be made
manually because the dependent AEC coordinate system has set the north direction.

AEC Northing Symbol AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 68


Some of the AECDrafting tools have the possibility to be configured. You find those
configurations in the application directory within the file AECDrafting.xml. The same file also
resists in the udo directory. Changes at those files only have to be done by administrators.

Configuration AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 69

Drafting Preferences
In the AECDrafting Toolbar you will find some actions to quickly switch NX drafting preferences.

Sets the annotation style to filled arrow with 2.5 Text size and the unit to meter

Sets the annotation style to filled arrow with 3.5 Text size and the unit to meter

Sets the annotation style to filled arrow with 2.5 Text size and the unit to millimeter

Sets the annotation style to filled arrow with 3.5 Text size and the unit to millimeter

Sets the annotation style to cross with 2.5 Text size and the unit to meter

Sets the annotation style to cross with 3.5 Text size and the unit to meter

Sets the annotation style to cross with 2.5 Text size and the unit to millimeter

Sets the annotation style to cross with 3.5 Text size and the unit to millimeter

This action requires one or more selected view labels. The selected view labels text size is set
to 5.0 and the text is underlined.

Drafting Preferences AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 70

This action requires one or more selected view labels. The selected view labels text size is set
to 7.0 and the text is underlined.

Sets the text size to 2.0 mm and the length of the arrowhead to 2.0 mm. The arrowhead is filled.
The line font of the text will be set to thin.

Sets the text size to 2.5 mm and the length of the arrowhead to 2.5 mm. The arrowhead is filled.
The line font of the text will be set to thin.

Sets the text size to 3.5 mm and the length of the arrowhead to 3.0 mm. The arrowhead is filled.
The line font of the text will be set to normal.

Sets the text size to 5.0 mm and the length of the arrowhead to 4.0 mm. The arrowhead is filled.
The line font of the text will be set to normal.

Sets the text size to 7.0 mm and the length of the arrowhead to 5.0 mm. The arrowhead is filled.
The line font of the text will be set to thick.

Drafting Preferences AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 71

List of Figures
Figure 1: Ribbon Bar AEC Drafting ........................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Radial Toolbar ............................................................................................................ 4
Figure 3: context menu .............................................................................................................. 4
Figure 4: PMI Section View – Material dependent Hatch .......................................................... 5
Figure 5: Paste PMI Section View (Settings) ............................................................................ 5
Figure 6: AEC Spline Dimension Icon ....................................................................................... 6
Figure 7: Dialog AEC Spline Dimension .................................................................................... 6
Figure 8: Fully loaded Dialog AEC Spline Dimension ............................................................... 6
Figure 9: AEC Spline Dimension with Sections Icon ................................................................. 7
Figure 10: Dialog AEC Spline Dimension with Sections ........................................................... 7
Figure 11: Fully loaded Dialog AEC Spline Dimension with Sections ....................................... 7
Figure 12: AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut Icon ......................................................... 8
Figure 13: Dialog AEC Dimension with Extension Line Cut ...................................................... 8
Figure 14: AEC Elevated mm .................................................................................................... 9
Figure 15: Start dialog - Grad<>Gon ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 16: Dialog for object selection ........................................................................................ 9
Figure 17: AEC Elevated mm .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 18: Dialog AEC Elevated mm ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 19: AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment Icon ................................................. 10
Figure 20: Dialog AEC Horizontal View and Section Alignment ............................................. 10
Figure 21: Symbol AEC Chainage 2D ..................................................................................... 11
Figure 22: AEC Chainage 2D – Dialog .................................................................................... 11
Figure 23: 2D Chainage after creation in View ........................................................................ 12
Figure 24: Chainage Longitudinal Section .............................................................................. 12
Figure 25: View Expand .......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 26: Change Line Length ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 27: Customize Chainage 2D ........................................................................................ 13
Figure 28: Groups from Chainage in the Part Navigator ......................................................... 13
Figure 29: Querry Update 2D Chainage .................................................................................. 14
Figure 30: AEC Section View with Depth Icon ........................................................................ 15
Figure 31: Dialog 1 AEC Section View with Depth .................................................................. 15
Figure 32: Dialog 2 AEC Section View with Depth .................................................................. 15
Figure 33: Dialog 3 AEC Section View with Depth .................................................................. 15
Figure 34: Select the View ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 35: Preview of Section Depth ....................................................................................... 17
Figure 36: Result Section Depth .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 37: Activate Sketch in Part Navigator. .......................................................................... 18
Figure 38: Edit Sketch ............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 39: Update Section View .............................................................................................. 18
Figure 40: Up to Date Section View ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 41: Layer ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 42: Dialog Delete Depth Section .................................................................................. 19
Figure 43: Select the associate Section View ......................................................................... 21
Figure 44: The Section View will be restored to original state ................................................ 21
Figure 45: Delete the Section with Depth by deleting the Sketch ........................................... 21
Figure 46: Drawing Update ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 47: Symbol AEC Longitudinal Section ......................................................................... 22
Figure 48: Dialog 1 AEC Longitudinal Section ........................................................................ 22
Figure 49: Dialog 2 AEC Longitudinal Section ........................................................................ 22
Figure 50: EX 1 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 23
Figure 51: EX 2 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 23
Figure 52: EX 3 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 24
Figure 53: EX 4 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 24
Figure 54: EX 5 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 24
Figure 55: EX 6 - Longitudinal Section .................................................................................... 25
Figure 56: RESULT - Longitudinal Section ............................................................................. 25
Figure 57: Start Point on guide spline ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 58: End Point on guide spline....................................................................................... 26
Figure 59: Symbol - AEC Edit Section Edge ........................................................................... 27

List of Figures AEC Drafting

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Figure 60: Dialog - AEC Edit Section Edge ............................................................................. 27

Figure 61: Highlighted Section lines ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 62: Set the Linewidth .................................................................................................... 28
Figure 63: Edit the Section line Width ..................................................................................... 29
Figure 64: Remove Section line Width .................................................................................... 29
Figure 65: Symbol AEC Elevation Numbers ........................................................................... 30
Figure 66: Startdialog - AEC Elevation Numbers .................................................................... 30
Figure 67: Section/View Selection ........................................................................................... 30
Figure 68: Common Settings ................................................................................................... 30
Figure 69: Relative Elevation Numbers ................................................................................... 32
Figure 70: Selection Reference Point ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 71: Establishing the Relative Elevation Numbers ........................................................ 32
Figure 72: Explanation of Symbols - AEC Elevation Numbers ............................................... 33
Figure 73: Flood Level Symbol ................................................................................................ 34
Figure 74: AEC Elevation Numbers - Flood Level ................................................................... 34
Figure 75: Symbol - AEC Slope dimension ............................................................................. 35
Figure 76: Start Dialog - AEC Slope dimension ...................................................................... 35
Figure 77: Dialog AEC Slope dimension ................................................................................. 35
Figure 78: Symbol - AEC Hatch Line....................................................................................... 36
Figure 79: Start Dialog – AEC Hatch Line ............................................................................... 36
Figure 80: Dialog - AEC Hatch Line ........................................................................................ 36
Figure 81: Natural Ground ....................................................................................................... 37
Figure 82: Thermal Insulation .................................................................................................. 38
Figure 83: Batter without Boarders .......................................................................................... 39
Figure 84: Batter with Boarders ............................................................................................... 40
Figure 85: Construction Joint ................................................................................................... 41
Figure 86: Demolition Line ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 87: Settings Demolition Line ......................................................................................... 42
Figure 88: NX Hatches using AEC Hatches.chx ..................................................................... 43
Figure 89: Symbol AEC Round Pillar ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 90: Round Pillar ............................................................................................................ 44
Figure 91: How to Use - Round Pillar ...................................................................................... 45
Figure 92: Select and Create - Round Pillar ............................................................................ 45
Figure 93: Bodies into Consideration - Round Pillar ............................................................... 46
Figure 94: Number of Lines - Round Pillar .............................................................................. 46
Figure 95: Correct 1 - Round Pillar .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 96: Correct 2 - Round Pillar .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 97: Correct 3 - Round Pillar .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 98: Edit in Region 1 - Round Pillar ............................................................................... 48
Figure 99: Edit in Region 2 - Round Pillar ............................................................................... 48
Figure 100: Result Edit in Region - Round Pillar ..................................................................... 48
Figure 101: Delete 1 - Round Pillar ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 102: Delete 2 - Round Pillar ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 103: Delete 3 - Round Pillar ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 104: Delete 1 - Round Pillar ......................................................................................... 49
Figure 105: View Modification - Round Pillar .......................................................................... 50
Figure 106: Exceptional case - Round Pillar ........................................................................... 50
Figure 107: Symbol - AEC Setting out Points ......................................................................... 51
Figure 108: Dialog - AEC Setting out Points ........................................................................... 51
Figure 109: Table - AEC Setting out Points ............................................................................ 52
Figure 110: Plan Symbol - AEC Setting out Point ................................................................... 52
Figure 111: Symbol - AEC Stakeout the Edges ...................................................................... 53
Figure 112: Dialog - AEC Stakeout the Edges ........................................................................ 53
Figure 113: Dialog - AEC Stakeout the Edges after an adding ............................................... 54
Figure 114: Symbol Hint - AEC Stakeout the Edges ............................................................... 54
Figure 115: Table - AEC Stakeout the Edges ......................................................................... 55
Figure 116: Symbol - AEC Attributes ....................................................................................... 55
Figure 117: Start Dialog - AEC Attributes ................................................................................ 55
Figure 118: Dialog - AEC Attributes ........................................................................................ 56
Figure 119: Display - AEC Attributes ....................................................................................... 56
Figure 120: Symbol - AEC Revision Cloud ............................................................................. 58
Figure 121: Dialog - AEC Revision Cloud ............................................................................... 58

List of Figures AEC Drafting

neoapps GmbH © 2020 page 73

Figure 122: Select a View ........................................................................................................ 58

Figure 123: Group Revision Cloud Definition .......................................................................... 59
Figure 124: Creating a Rectangular Revision Cloud ............................................................... 59
Figure 125: Rectangular Revision Cloud ................................................................................. 60
Figure 126: Setting for Monochrome Display .......................................................................... 60
Figure 127: Revision Cloud displayed with color ..................................................................... 60
Figure 128: Set Points for the Polygonal Revision Cloud ........................................................ 61
Figure 129: Revision Cloud with many Points ......................................................................... 61
Figure 130: Revision Cloud with few Points ............................................................................ 62
Figure 131: Place points for a round Revision Cloud .............................................................. 62
Figure 132: Circular Revision Cloud ........................................................................................ 62
Figure 133: 1-Edit the Revision Cloud ..................................................................................... 63
Figure 134: 2-Edit Revision Cloud ........................................................................................... 63
Figure 135: Result Editing a Revision Cloud ........................................................................... 64
Figure 136: Moved Revision Cloud ......................................................................................... 64
Figure 137: Delete the Revision Cloud directly ....................................................................... 65
Figure 138: Delete the Revision Cloud from Part Symbols ..................................................... 65
Figure 139: Symbol - AEC Northing Symbol ........................................................................... 66
Figure 140: Select View - AEC Northing Symbol .................................................................... 66
Figure 141: Select Symbol Position - AEC Northing Symbol .................................................. 66
Figure 142: AEC Northing Symbol in View .............................................................................. 67

List of Figures AEC Drafting

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