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Madymo pedestrian models

for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0

Coupled with Radioss

Release Package

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.

• 50th male pedestrian

• 6-year-old child pedestrian
• Release package description
• Coupling model setup
• User guidelines Madymo output

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50th Male Pedestrian

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
50th male pedestrian certification

Madymo – Radioss coupling

Madymo R2022.1
• TB024 AM50 pedestrian model ( v1.1 )
Radioss < user version >
• generic vehicles from Euro NCAP website
(revision 2.2)
• < user platform >
CPU distribution
• ? Madymo – ? Radioss

12 certification load cases

• 4 generic vehicles ( FCR , MPV , RDS , SUV )
• 3 driving speeds ( 30 , 40 , 50 kph )

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6-Year-Old Child Pedestrian

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
6-year-old child pedestrian certification
Family Car ( FCR ) Multi-Purpose Vehicle ( MPV )

Roadster ( RDS ) Sport Utility Vehicle ( SUV )

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Release Package

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Release Package

HBM-certification – results
• 4 vehicle types ( FCR / MPV / RDS / SUV )
• 2 pedestrian models ( 6yo / AM50)
• empty template files NOT included - to be downloaded by user
from TU Graz Nextcloud (01_Templates)

Folder to store the generic vehicle certification results

HBM-certification – applications

Folder to store the vehicle assessment

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Release Package

Main input files for

Madymo - Radioss coupling simulations
• 12 load case simulations per pedestrian size
• 4 vehicle types ( FCR / MPV / RDS / SUV )
• 3 impact speeds ( 30 / 40 / 50 kph )

Remark: folders and files similar for each pedestrian size

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Release Package

Radioss Generic Vehicle model include files

• 210423_Revision2_2
• 4 vehicle types ( FCR / MPV / RDS / SUV )
• files NOT included - to be downloaded by user
from TU Graz Nextcloud (02_GV_Models)

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Release Package

Madymo application include files

• Ground system include
• Vehicle system include
• with ‘container FE_MODEL’ for Radioss vehicle model in coupling
• Pedestrian initialization include
• positioning and posture for 6YO, AF05, AM50, AM95
• Contacts system include
• pedestrian contacts with ground and vehicle
• automatic HIT detection
• simulation termination switch

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Coupling with Radioss
Model Setup

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

• In this section a description is made of the Radioss and Madymo input (run)

• All available files have pre-defined default input values that are chosen such
that the models match the specifications as defined in Euro NCAP Technical
Bulletin TB024 v2.0

• This section serves as supporting information when a manual change is


Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Radioss input file

• The input files for the Radioss - Madymo coupling simulations are pre-defined already

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Radioss engine input files

Pre-defined simulation end time. Not taken

into account in the coupling simulation

Alignment of the Radioss unit conventions

with the Madymo unit conventions

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Radioss starter input file

Alignment of the Radioss unit conventions

with the Madymo unit conventions

Radioss elements copied from the vehicle

input file. Attributes modified to meet the
vehicle type and impact speed

File path might be modified to match the

user include directory tree

Pre-defined vehicle velocity

To have Madymo calculate the HBM

trajectories relative to the vehicle, one extra
3-node element is defined in Radioss, which
is added to the (rigid) windscreen PART).
The nodes are used in Madymo to attach a
vehicle reference coordinate system

Definition of FE part set to be communicated

to Madymo for use in contacts with human
pedestrian model

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Radioss vehicle input file changes

File path might be modified to match the

user include directory tree

Radioss elements need to be commented

out or removed from each vehicle input file.
Those are defined in the main Radioss
inputfile for each vehicle type.

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


COUPLING element referring to

empty FE_MODEL
‘Vehicle_fem’ inside
SYSTEM.MODEL ‘Vehicle_sys’

SYSTEM.MODEL ‘Vehicle_sys’
with container FE_MODEL
‘Vehicle_fem’ and 0.1 kg body
for Vehicle Impact Point

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


SYSTEM.MODEL ‘Pedestrian_sys’,
including new Madymo TB024 pedestrian model
(model can be found in installationdirectory/share/dbs/human/3d)

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


All user parameters

clustered in
Madymo level

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


Time step related parameters

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


Pedestrian body size and

arm-head contact switch

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


Vehicle type and driving speed

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Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


Vehicle driving direction and

vehicle impact point location
parameters that reflect the
partner FE vehicle model
settings. Pedestrian model
is automatically repositioned
based on these DEFINE

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


FE node ID list for connecting

VehicleImpactPoint_bod to partner
FE vehicle ( see slide 16 )

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


FE node ID list for vehicle group

definitions used in vehicle-
pedestrian contacts ( see slide 16 )

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
Coupling Model Setup

Madymo input file


Relative include file paths for

application include files ( see slides
10 and 11)

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User Guidelines
Madymo Output

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Maximum value = HIT

Output – HIT
• Determined automatically
• From file <vehicle type><velocity>.peak via contact sensors,
switches and controller in
• Search for string ‘HIT_cts/HIT_ctrl’ Madymo input deck

<vehicle type> = FCR | MPV | RDS | SUV

<velocity> = 30 | 40 | 50
<pedestrian model> = 6yo | AM50

The ‘official’ HIT value is determined from time history output signals in TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx.
The Madymo HIT output given the .peak file is provided merely as an extra service

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Output – Contact Forces

• From file <vehicle type><velocity>.cntfrc
• Select ALL signals
• Select channel
• ‘Res. Total Force’

<vehicle type> = FCR | MPV | RDS | SUV

<velocity> = 30 | 40 | 50
<pedestrian model> = 6yo | AM50

Contact force output signals to be included in columns B to H in

TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx
• Note to take into account dimension conversions!

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Output – Trajectories
• From file <vehicle type><velocity>.lps
• Select ALL signals
• Select channel
• ‘X-comp. position’
• ‘Z-comp. position’

<vehicle type> = FCR | MPV | RDS | SUV

<velocity> = 30 | 40 | 50
<pedestrian model> = 6yo | AM50

Trajectory output signals to be included in columns I to Z in

TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx
• Note to take into account dimension conversions!
• Note that Madymo trajectory output is already
made relative to vehicle impact point!

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Output – Head COG acceleration

• From file <vehicle type><velocity>.lac
• Select signal
• ‘/Pedestrian_sys/HC_lac’
• Select channels
• ‘Res. acceleration’
• ‘Z-comp. acceleration’

<vehicle type> = FCR | MPV | RDS | SUV

<velocity> = 30 | 40 | 50
<pedestrian model> = 6yo | AM50

Acceleration output signals to be included in columns AA and AB

in TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx
• Note to take into account dimension conversions!

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Output – Head COG velocity

• From file <vehicle type><velocity>.lvl
• Select signal
• ‘/Pedestrian_sys/HC_lvl’
• Select channel
• ‘Res. velocity’

<vehicle type> = FCR | MPV | RDS | SUV

<velocity> = 30 | 40 | 50
<pedestrian model> = 6yo | AM50

Velocity output signal to be included in column AC in

TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.
Madymo models for Euro NCAP TB024 v2.0
User Guidelines – Madymo Output

Output – Energies for Madymo – Radioss coupling simulations

• ‘total hourglass energy‘ = Radioss hourglass energy + Madymo hourglass energy ( equals zero as no FE in Madymo )
- --- *_0001.out
- total hourglass energy of : /2 ( EnergyTotal_out ) *.energy

• ‘total internal energy‘ = Radioss internal energy + Madymo total internal energy
- I-ENERGY *_0001.out
- total internal energy of : /2 ( EnergyTotal_out ) *.energy

• ‘total energy‘ = Radioss kinetic energy + Madymo total energy + work by ext. load on vehicle system *
- K-ENERGY T *_0001.out
- total energy of : /2 ( EnergyTotal_out ) *.energy
- work done by external loading on system : /3 ( Vehicle_sys ) *.energy

• ‘contact energy‘ = Radioss sliding interface energy + Madymo work done by contact forces **
- --- *_0001.out
- work done by contact forces on : /2 ( EnergyTotal_out ) *.energy

* The Radioss total energy drops as the work done by Madymo contacts on Radioss FE nodes turns out NOT to be included in Radioss energy balance in coupled Madymo-Radioss simulations. Therefore,
this energy contribution is taken from the Madymo energy output and added as an extra term to complete the overall total energy.

** All contacts defined in the Madymo input deck (both the HBM internal contacts and the HBM-vehicle contacts) are so-called characteristic-based contacts, which have a different nature than the ‘classic‘
penetration-based contacts used in Radioss. The work done by Madymo contacts should actually NOT be considered as artifical energy, and the energy involved should not be added to the ‘contact energy‘
as defined for the TB024 quality checks. Nevertheless, we kept them in, also in order to enable the ‚initial contact energy‘ quality check. Even with Madymo contact energy included, all quality checks are met.

Energy output signals to be included in column AD to AG in TB024 document <vehicle type>_<pedestrian model>.xlsx

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.

© Siemens 2021

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document

only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described, or which may
undergo modification in the course of further development of the
products. The requested performance features are binding only when
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.

All product designations may be trademarks or other rights of

Siemens AG, its affiliated companies or other companies whose use by
third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
respective owner.

Restricted | © Siemens 2021 | TB024 User Guidelines | 2021-12-01 | Siemens Digital Industries Software | Where the digital twin meets tomorrow.

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