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Laboratory final test review- Second semester- Biology- C.Z.


Laboratory 6. The Microscope

*1. Identify the parts of the compound light microscope (diagram).
*2. Calculate the total magnification.
3. Practice Exercise: Calculate the total magnification when using a microscope with an eyepiece that magnifies
Objective Total magnification

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MiniLab. Plasmolysis
4. What is plasmolysis?
5. What type of solution was the Elodea leaf in when it was in salt water?
6. What effect did the salt water have on the Elodea leaf?
7. Can the plasmolysis process be reversed? Explain.

MiniLab. Microbiology and Taxonomy

8. What is microbiology?
9. What is a protist?
10. What method is used to classify protists?
11. What are the three main protist groups.

Laboratory 7. Fungi
12. Explain the results of the fungi and bread laboratory:
a. Mention the dependent and independent variables.
b. Contrast the control group and the experimental group.
c. Why was there fungal growth in the experimental group?
13. Explain why you should not eat bread that has fungal growth in one corner. Elaborate using the structure of
a fungus.
14. Identify the structures seen in the microscope:

Laboratory 8. Eye dissection

*15. Identify the parts of the eye (diagram).
16. Indicate the function of each part of the eye studied in class (table).
17. Why does a blind spot form in the eye?
18. Mention the photoreceptors of the eye and their function.

Laboratory 9. Frog dissection

*19. Identify the parts of the external and internal anatomy of the frog (diagrams).
20. Indicate the function of the following structures of the frog:
a. Teeth
b. Interdigital membranes
c. Cloaca
d. Skin
e. Heart
f. Kidneys
g. Bladder
h. Fatty bodies
21. How is the heart of an amphibian different from that of a human? How does this affect circulation?

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