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Actividad de aprendizaje GA2-240202501-AA2 - Expresar opiniones sobre

situaciones cotidianas y laborales actuales, pasadas y futuras en contextos


Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA2-EV01. Crónica

Presentado por: Maria Deyoneri Parra Cuaran

Presentado a: Yenny Corredor

Técnico preselección de talento humano mediado por las TIC

Ficha 2879888

Centro de comercio y servicios

Regional Tolima

In the area of human talent, there are many people who have left a significant mark.
One of them is Peter Drucker, who is considered the father of modern management.
Drucker was a writer, professor, and business consultant who wrote more than 30
books on business and management. His ideas on management and leadership
have been highly influential in the business world.

Peter Ferdinand Drucker (1909-2005) was an Austrian consultant and business

professor, treatise writer, and lawyer, considered the greatest administrative
philosopher of the 20th century. He is the author of more than 35 books, and his
ideas were instrumental in the creation of the Modern Corporation. Drucker wrote
multiple works recognized worldwide, on topics related to the management of
organizations, information systems and the knowledge society, an area in which he
is recognized as a father and mentor together with Fritz Machlup, Drucker left in his
works the mark of his great intelligence and his tireless activity.His main
contributions: Many business concepts that are now widely accepted in modern
management were defended by Drucker when no one else had anything like it.
Today, for example, we all talk about the importance of learning in intelligent
organizations and enterprises. Peter I, the Great, spoke of the subject and set the
term in 1958!

Among Peter Drucker’s main contributions to management are management by

objectives, people management as the cornerstone of the managerial task,
decentralization and delegation of power to employees, the importance of ethics in
companies, innovation and putting customers at the center of what the company
does.The father of Management defended the crucial role of people in organizations
(differentiating them from other resources).

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