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Strength (Intermediate)

**Please be sure to watch the strength session video in your member's area for
guidance on correct and safe technique**

The Exercises:
'W' Squats to Toes x15 reps
Mountain Step In's x20 alternating
Alternative Lunges x20 reps
Plank Hold x 1-minute hold
Bridges x15 reps
Narrow Squat Hold x12 reps (with 5-sec hold)

The Session - 2-3 sets of each exercise

Move through the six exercises at your chosen number of reps, have a sip of water
and go again for the final set.

"W" Squat to Toes

Remember: when squatting, bend the knees and hinge forwards from the hips. Keep
weight in the hills. Only go to a comfortable death for the knees. If balancing on the
toes isn't comfortable, keep the feet flat. Chest up, core locked.
Mountain Step In's x20 alternating

Remember: keep hands under shoulders. Tuck hips under, belly button in. The further
forwards you are, the further you will get your foot in. Try to keep the neck relaxed

Alternating Lunges x12 reps

Remember: keep keep the chest up and hinge over the front leg, which helps to
target the glutes. Drive through the heels. Always make sure the knees feel good.
Core locked.
Plank Hold x 1-minute hold

Remember: try to keep tension between the elbows and the feet. Push your body
away from the mat so you're strong through the shoulders. Bellybutton locked into
spine. Feel free to move around slightly throughout so you can keep finding that
strong, challenging point. Always making sure your back feels good.

Glute Bridge x15 reps

Remember: try to keep hips level and tummy locked. Always peel one vertebra off
the floor at a time, and replace back down one at a time. Aiming to mainly target
the glutes. But you should also feel your core, thighs, back and hamstring muscles
working too.
Narrow Squat Hold x12 reps (with 5-second hold)

Remember: keep looking ahead, and keep your weight in your heels. Always
challenge the depth but only go as low as you comfortably can. Be mindful of how
your knees feel.

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