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Marvellous Mages

Your party may have heard about these archmages in campfire stories, read
about them in dusty old tomes, or been lucky enough to meet them face-to-face!
Say the magic words and add these wizards to your story with a roll of the dice.

Famous spellcasters
1. Fin Dursil – Uses their mastery 11. Elc Glomdark – Known as 'the
of aquatic magic for personal soulfeeder'; made an oath to
gain as a suave buccaneer. never use necromancy again.
2. Syll Koi – Lives as a sentient 12. Trillo McJagger – Thief who
teapot after a magical mishap. manipulates time and space
to perform elaborate heists.
3. Odysseus Blimm – Creates rifts
to other worlds and has written 13. Avios Beq – Master of flight,
many books on planar travel. and sky-racing enthusiast.
4. Aari Komodo – Each of their 14. Varrius Shin – Infamous for
draconic tattoos holds a spell. their obsession with cloning.
5. Neigh Zlee – Short and fiery 15. Huan Opal – Recently woke
healer who runs an arcane up from a millennia-long
training hospital in a busy city. magically induced slumber.
6. Nightjar – A vigilante who uses 16. Marteen Y'ik – An abjuration
illusions to confuse their foes. virtuoso; this child earned the
rank of archmage aged ten.
7. Grubbit Fronz – Awakened frog
who has since learnt divination. 17. Baltha Pry – Retired principal
of an elite magical institute.
8. Amfi Gharial – Owner of a zoo
who created a team of magical 18. Pikrin Lemotalia – Remotely
constructs to run the venue. assassinated a king; now held
in a dank, anti-magic prison.
9. Kel Mia – Teleportation pioneer
who has no interest in exploring 19. Izi Filo – Uses potions to grow
beyond their local area. in size in order to study giants.
10. Tummos Qwin – The astral 20. Zirt Law – Humble evocation
home of this elderly oracle ace; once protected a city
is famously hard to find. from a major meteor strike.


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