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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City 2200
Telefax No.: (047) 602-7175 loc 322


School GORDON COLLEGE Grade Level Grade 8

Pre-service Teacher BLESSY MYL MAGRATA Learning Areas English
Teaching Date MAY 10, 2024 Quarter Fourth Quarter
Teaching Time Duration 60 minutes


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through
his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a
Program Standard
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through

Grade Level Standard his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian
literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs;
information flow in various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion
Content Standard in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and
use of information sources, active/passive constructions,
direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in
journalistic writing.
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of
journalistic texts, the contents of which may be used in composing
and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of properly
Performance Standard
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for
opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
EN8LT-IVh 2.3: Identify similarities and differences of the
featured selections.
Learning Competencies
EN8LT-IVh-3: Explain how a selection is influenced by culture,
history, environment.

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute class, 80% of the students should be able to do the following
with 75% proficiency:
a. discuss the plot progression of the “Singa”;
b. identify the characteristic of the Singa based on natural environment, cultural elements,
and historical significance; and
c. compare the similarities and differences between Singapore and Philippines.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: The Singa (Legend of Singapore)
b. References: Voyages in Communication – Grade 8, First Edition, 2013
(English - Learner‘s Material) Page 556-557
c. Materials: Manila paper, Pictures, Audio Recording, Matrix, Copy of the Story
d. Skills: Reading and Listening
e. Strategies: Audio-based Instruction, Traditional Learning, Graphic Organizer,
Collaborative Learning

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
a. Pre-Activity

Good morning, class.

Good morning, Ma’am!
Let us start this class with a prayer. ________,
come here in front and lead the prayer.
In the name of the father…
Alright, before you take your seats, arrange
your chairs properly and pick up any piece of
trash that you see on the floor.
Yes, Ma’am.
You may now take your seats.

For our attendance, where is the class

secretary? Are there any absences today? If
there is some, kindly write their names in
one-fourth sheet of paper and pass it to me.
None, Ma’am.
It is great to see that everyone is present
today. So, how was your weekend, everyone?
Did you have fun with your rest day?
Yes! It was fun, Ma’am!
Good to hear that we use our weekend
proactively. Well then, shall we have some fun
activities and lessons to tackle. Are you
Yes, Ma’am!

b. Motivation

Great! Class, as you may know, just like the

rest of everybody. I love to scroll through my
social media using my learning tablet.
Unexpectedly, I came across on some vacation
pictures that urge me to travel and visit the
place I saw!

Of course, I remember my favorite class. What

if I bring you along with me? Shall we travel
and explore together?
Yes, Ma’am!
Excellent! Let me show you my Instagram,
where I saw the pictures. But let us add some
twist. You must guess, what country we are
going to visit!

Here is the post by @JuanTheAdventurer. He

captions here.
1st Day: Exploring Cloud Forest
2nd Day: Looking Among the Ship
3rd Day: Happy National Day Parade
4th Day: Selfie with Merlion Statue

Let us try to look with these beautiful

pictures one by one. Anyone from the class,
what did you notice on first photo in the
upper left. Yes, ________.
Ma’am, it looks like a forest inside of a

That is right, what else is in the picture?

Ma’am, it also has some waterfalls and
pathways like a park.

Why do you think they put plants and create

it inside of a building?
Ma’am, for tourism and to make money.

Besides for tourism, what are the reasons?

Ma’am, to shelter the plants and preserve

Correct! Actually, Cloud Forest is the home to

one of the world’s tallest indoor waterfalls
and a lush mountain clad with plants from
around the world. Amid to the city life, it is a
place to conserve biodiversity and geology.
How about the second picture on the lower
left? What did you notice on it? Yes, ________.
Ma’am, it has a lot of ships sailing.

That is right, what else is in the picture?

Ma’am, I think they are cargo ships.

What do you think it carries?

Ma’am, maybe package items like machines,
food, furniture, and vehicles.
Correct! Indeed, those are general cargo
vessels in the sea. Did you know, the place
that we are going to visit is a very rich
country. They are the largest port in
Southeast Asia and one of the world’s greatest
commercial centers.

How about the third picture on the upper

right? What can you see? Yes, ________.
Ma’am, there are people wearing red.

That is right, what else is in the picture?

Ma’am, it looks like they are celebrating
because they are holding flags.

What is the design of the flag? It is their

Ma’am, it is Singapore Flag.

That is correct, they are holding their flag and

what expressions can you see in their faces?
Ma’am, they look happy and awe.

What do you think these people are

Ma’am, their national day.

That is correct! Just like us celebrating

Independence Day on June 12. Singapore
celebrates their national day on August 9 with
a parade and a speech from their Prime

Now that you guess the country we are going

to visit. This last picture would be easy for
you. This is the trademark of Singapore. The
Merlion statue.

Anyone, what can you describe about the

statue? Yes, ________.
Ma’am, it looks like a lion with water coming
out from its mouth.

Very good observation, how about its body?

Ma’am, it has scales like a fish.

It is a statue with the head of a lion and the

body of a fish. Do you think that this creature
is real? Have you seen it in real life?
No, Ma’am. It is impossible.

It is actually a depicted mythical creature. A

statue called Merlion. Have you guessed why
it is called a Merlion? Yes, _______.
Ma’am, it is Mer like a mermaid because it is
half fish and lion because it is the head of a

A very close answer! The Merlion was first

used in Singapore as the logo for the tourism
board. Its name combines "mer", meaning the
sea, and "lion".

As we have our preview in the place we are

going to visit. We can conclude first that
Singapore holds importance in their tourism
forests, maritime ports, national identity, and
symbolic representations of it.

Let us now have some fun and travel through

the past! Listen and read the origin of
Singapore and how it came to be.

c. Lesson Proper

Here are the travel brochures for our journey!

These brochures have the legend of Singapore
called “The Singa”.

But before that, anyone from the class can

define what is a legend? Yes, ___________.
A legend is a traditional story with
supernatural or mythological elements.

Correct! How about the others?

It is a semi-true story; it sometimes involves
heroic character and fantastic places.
Very good. Legend is a non-historical or
unverifiable story passed down by tradition
from earlier times and widely accepted as
historical, often with mythical qualities. Due
to its oral nature, the authorship is uncertain.
Are we clear about that?
Yes Ma’am.
Great, get one each and pass these papers up
to the back. This is your copy for our today’s
discussion trip.

Does everyone have their own copy?

Yes Ma’am.

Very good. Now, you may have noticed the

highlighted words in your brochures. Class,
what are they?
Stags, jettisoning, darted, knoll, fleet, and

Thank you. Later in the story, we will come

across in these unfamiliar words. Thus, we
must first to understand the meaning behind
them. Let us have our legendary Merriam
Webster to define them.

Everyone, kindly all read it.

1. Stags - Male deer with


2. Jettisoning - Throwing
or discarding items from a
ship to lighten its load.

3. Darted - Moved
suddenly and quickly in
a particular direction.

4. Knoll - Small hill or

mound of earth.

5. Fleet - A group of ships

sailing together under the
same ownership or

6. Summit - The highest

point of a hill or
mountain; the top.
All these words will help you understand
more the story. Are you able to follow along?
Yes, Ma’am.

Good, let us begin our first reading, which

involves silent reading and audio listening. It is
just like an audio book, where you will silently
read while listening to the story.

Also, while you are reading, keep in mind these

following guide questions. Everyone, kindly
read it.
1. Who is the main character and where did
they go?
2. What challenge did the main character
3. How did the main character overcome the
4. What did the main character discover on the
5. Why did the main character choose to stay?

Thank you. Are we clear about everything?

Yes, Ma’am.

Great, let now us play the audio recording and

read the story silently.

The Singa (Legend of Singapore)

There is an adventurous king named Sang Nila

Utama. He was restless by nature and wanted to
travel to faraway places.

He loves to hunt wild animals. Upon hearing

that there were stags in the jungles of Tanjong
Bentam, he took him a great fleet of ships to
head to the forest. Upon arriving on the island,
he had an expedition which lasted for several
hours. He slayed many wild and savage beasts,
but no stags. Sang was unsatisfied.

Suddenly, a large stag came out of a bush in

front of Sang, shocking him. He drew his dagger
and hurled it at the stag, only grazing the
animal. The stag ran and Sang followed it.
The stag ran through the jungle and darted up
a knoll. Sang followed the stag up the hill. Upon
reaching the summit, it was nowhere to be

There was a large rock which Sang climbed. He

saw the land and sea spread out around him. In
the distance, he saw a stretch of white sand – an
island. The king was fascinated by the sight of
the island. He asked the subjects what it is and
the subject replied that it is Temasek.

Sang ordered his fleet to set sail and they

started their journey towards Temasek.
Suddenly, a heavy storm occurred, and it
threatened to tear the ships apart. Sang’s ship
was in the storm’s eye started to bail the water
from the ship and get most of the cargo for

Sang suddenly had an idea. He remembered his

grandfather’s tale of how one of his ancestors
became the Sea-King and that his crown was the
only thing which belonged to his ancestor. He
threw the crown into the sea and the storm
calmed down. They reached Temasek.

Upon setting foot on the island, a creature

appeared. They were in awe of the creature’s
appearance. It was large and moved with grace,
had a black head, covered in a furry mane, a
whitish neck and a red body.

When Sang drew his weapon, the creature

stared back at him with golden eyes and let out
a deafening roar before leaping into the jungle.
He wondered what that animal was. A wise man
appeared and told him that it’s a Singa
(Malaysian for “Lion”)

Sang said that it must be a great place if it

breeds such a beautiful animal. He decided to
live there… on the island of Singapura (“Lion


Okay, does everyone understand the story?

Not quite, Ma’am.

It is okay. We are going to re-read it again.

This time, the whole class will read the story
together. Along the way, we will try to analyze
what happen on it. Are we clear?
Yes Ma’am.

Great, look into your copy. Let us read the title

then the first box.
The Singa (Legend of Singapore)

There is an adventurous king named Sang

Nila Utama. He was restless by nature and
wanted to travel to faraway places. He loves
to hunt wild animals. Upon hearing that
there were stags in the jungles of Tanjong
Bentam, he took him a great fleet of ships to
head to the forest.

Who is the king mention in the story?

Ma’am, his name is Sang Nila Utama.

Very good! How do you describe King Sang

Nila Utama?
Ma’am, the king loves to hunt wild animals
and he is also adventurous.

Correct! What did the king hear that pushed

him to go into the jungles of Tangjong
King Sang Nila Utama went to Tanjong Bentam
because he heard there were stags in the

Is he just like us? If we are interested on

something and hear that object of our interest
is in a certain place, we tried to actually visit
that place. Anyone experience it?
Yes, Ma’am!
Mind sharing your experience and your
emotions on it, ______.
I love foods, as a food vlogger every time there
is new restaurant either a small business I will
try to visit and try their menu. It is very
exciting and fulfilling!

Thank you! Do you think that Sang Nila Utama

feels the same way? When he heard that there
were stags in the said jungle?
Yes Ma’am, I bet he is excited like us!

Indeed, as he is adventurous and loves to


Great! Now, let us continue the story. Read the

second box.
Upon arriving on the island, he had an
expedition which lasted for several hours. He
slayed many wild and savage beasts, but no
stags. Sang was unsatisfied. Suddenly, a large
stag came out of a bush in front of Sang,
shocking him. He drew his dagger and hurled
it at the stag, only grazing the animal. The
stag ran and Sang followed it. The stag ran
through the jungle and darted up a knoll.
Sang followed the stag up the hill. Upon
reaching the summit, it was nowhere to be

Now, here is Sang Nila Utama. Upon arriving

on the island, what did the king do?
Ma’am, King Sang Nila Utama slayed many
animals, wild and savage. But he was still

Correct! What as he slayed many animals,

what weapon do you think he uses?
Ma’am, an arrow!

Ma’am, he can use an polearm!

Ma’am, a dagger!

Very good! All of those are possible weapon

that Sang Nila Utama use. Next one, what do
you think are the animals he slayed?
Ma’am, there would be a bird!

Ma’am, a rabbit!

Ma’am, a snake!

Possible! After all it is a jungle! There is a lot

of animals he killed. However, what animal
suddenly came out that shocked him?
Ma’am, he encountered a large stag in the
jungle, but his attempt to slay it was
unsuccessful, leading to a chase.

That is right, but where did the stag go?

Ma’am, it run through the forest and head
toward the knoll.
Did the king follow the stag? What is the
result of his run?
Yes, Ma’am. He followed the stag but upon
reaching the top, he did not see the stag.

That is right. Unfortunately, he did not see the

stag. Now, let us proceed in reading the next
box to see what happen next.
There was a large rock which Sang climbed.
He saw the land and sea spread out around
him. In the distance, he saw a stretch of white
sand – an island. The king was fascinated by
the sight of the island. He asked the subjects
what it is and the subject replied that it is

Here is Sang Nila Utama at the top of the

mountain. What do you he saw instead of the
Ma’am, King Sang Nila Utama discovered an
island and was captivated by its beauty.

Correct! What is the name of that Island?

Ma’am, the island of Temasek.

If you were to guess, what do you think

“Temasek” means? As you can see, this island,
like you mention a while ago, is a beautiful
island that was surrounded by the sea. Yes,
Ma’am, it means sea town.

That is right. This island is called Temasek as

this place is surrounded by the sea.

If you were to live here, where do you get

your primary source of food?
Ma’am, by the sea. We will go for fishing.

Very good. Did you know the term Temasek is

also known as a fishing village.

Is it very exciting right, King Sang Nila Utama

decided to look closer in that island.

Now, let us proceed to read the next part.

Sang ordered his fleet to set sail and they
started their journey towards Temasek.
Suddenly, a heavy storm occurred, and it
threatened to tear the ships apart. Sang’s
ship was in the storm’s eye started to bail the
water from the ship and get most of the
cargo for jettisoning.

Sang suddenly had an idea. He remembered

his grandfather’s tale of how one of his
ancestors became the Sea-King and that his
crown was the only thing which belonged to
his ancestor. He threw the crown into the sea
and the storm calmed down. They reached

In order to go to the island, what

transportation did the Sang took?
Ma’am, he set sail with ships.
Correct! On their way to Temasek, what
suddenly happened?
Ma’am, they encounter a heavy storm that
almost tear the ships apart.

Correct! Now, in the story Sang’s ship was in

the storm’s eye meaning they are under the
center point of the storm. What did they first
do to solve it?
Ma’am, they try to get the water out from the
That is right, what else?
Ma’am, they tried to throw their things out
from the ships.

That is also correct, but why do they need to

do that?
Ma’am, in order to prevent the ships from
tearing down and sinking under the sea. They
tried to lighten it.

Excellent, observation! Yet, despite all of that

the storm does not stop. What did the King do
to permanently calmed the storm?
Ma’am, King Sang Nila Utama calmed the
storm by throwing his crown into the sea,
following the legend of his ancestor becoming
the Sea-King.

If you were Sang Nila Utamu, would you

throw away your crown to the sea?
Yes, Ma’am. If it is for the betterment of the
people, I would gladly do it.

Thank you, __________. Now that the storm is

finally calmed. Did they reach their
Yes, Ma’am.

Great! Let us proceed to the next part.

Upon setting foot on the island, a creature
appeared. They were in awe of the creature’s
appearance. It was large and moved with
grace, had a black head, covered in a furry
mane, a whitish neck and a red body. When
Sang drew his weapon, the creature stared
back at him with golden eyes and let out a
deafening roar before leaping into the jungle.

Once they set foot on the island, what is very

first thing they saw.
Ma’am, it is a creature.

What is their first reaction?

Ma’am, they look at it with admiration.

Why? Describe the creature that they saw?

Ma’am, it was large and moved with grace, had
a black head, covered in a furry mane, a
whitish neck, and a red body.

Describing the creature, it looks majestic. But

as a person who loves to hunt, what did Sang
Nila Utama do?
Ma’am he drew a weapon.

And how did the creature react when the king

drew his weapon?
Ma’am, the creature stared back at the king
with golden eyes and let out a roar before

Why do you think the creature react that

Ma’am, because they are outsider of the island
and the creature is wary of them.
Very good, after all the king and his
companion is very new on the island. Would
you also do the same? For example in real life,
a stranger come into your house. What would
be your first reaction?
I would be shocked Ma’am!

I will call a police officer.

I will hide Ma’am!

Same reaction, just like the creature in the

story. We would be shocked.

Now, let us now read the last part, what

decision did the king do after.
He wondered what that animal was. A wise
man appeared and told him that it’s a Singa
(Malaysian for “Lion”)

Sang said that it must be a great place if it

breeds such a beautiful animal. He decided to
live there… on the island of Singapura (“Lion

What is the name of the creature?

Ma’am it is called “Singa.”

Upon learning the name of the creature, what

did Sang Nila Utama do next?
Ma’am, he decided to live on that island.
Correct! Why did King Sang Nila Utama
decide to make the island of Singapura his
new home?
King Sang Nila Utama decided to make
Singapura his new home because of the
beauty of the island and the presence of the
majestic Singa creature.

And what did the King name the island?

He named it after the creature, Singapura.

Very good! If you were King Sang Nila Utama,

would you also do the same thing?
Yes, Ma’am if the place is a good condition to
live in. We can develop and take care of it.

Thank you, ____________. The story finally came

to an end. It feels like we just got the small
glimpse of Singapore, right?
Yes, Ma’am.
As everyone seems to enjoy the legend, let us
have some another activity to understand it

d. Application

List down the characteristic that we can

conclude based on the story of “The Singa”.

Considered it just like a diary. After a long

travel and journey in the legend of Singapore.
It is time to note down our observations and
most memorable thing about it. But in our
case, we are just going to tweet it in our
twitter activity!

But first, let’s break the class into four groups.

On the right side, row one and two will be
group one. Row three and four will be group
two. On the left side, row one and two will be
group three and row three and four will be
group four.

Well then, form a circle.

In five, four, three, two, one.

Settle down, everyone.

Here are the manila paper and markers. On

your sheet, you'll find a table with three
columns: "Natural Environment," "Cultural
Elements," and "Historical Significance."
Please list the characteristics of "The Singa"
story in these columns. Following that, one to
two presenters from your group will share
and summarize your findings with the class.

Everyone must participate in the activity. You

can designate one to two individuals for
writing and presenting, while the remaining
team members will offer input for the
columns. Let us aim to complete the task
within five minutes. Is that understood?

Yes Ma’am.
Very good. You may now begin.

Four minutes remaining. Remember, class,

collaboration is key. Work together.

Three minutes remaining. Ensure that each

column is addressed thoroughly with relevant

Two minutes remaining. Keep up the

teamwork and attention to detail.

One minute remaining. Take this time to

finalize your answers and make any
necessary adjustments.

Ten seconds remaining, group one, make sure

you are ready to share your insights with the

Time is up. Everyone, please settle down and

let us call upon for the first group to share
their output.
Good morning, everyone, we are the group 1.
Based on our observation the story illustrates
several key characteristics of Singapore. Its
natural environment is depicted as lush with
dense jungles and diverse wildlife, including
stags and lions. Culturally, Singapore reflects
Malay influences, evident in language and the
symbolic importance of lions ("Singa").
Historically, Singapore holds significance as
the site of exploration by Sang Nila Utama,
who named it "Singapura" (Lion City) and
established a kingdom on the island.
Fantastic observation. Let us give the group
one, three claps. One, two, three! Now, second
group, kindly present your work.
We are the group 2 and the story highlights
distinct traits of Singapore. Its natural setting
is depicted as rich with dense forests and a
variety of wildlife, including stags and lions.
Culturally, Singapore showcases Malay
influences evident in its language and the
symbolic role of lions, known as "Singa."
Historically, Singapore holds significance due
to Sang Nila Utama's exploration, his naming
of the island "Singapura" (Lion City), and the
establishment of a kingdom.

Excellent work group two! Again, let us give

them three claps. One, two, three! Now, group
three, kindly present your work.
For group 3, our observation from the story,
its environment is described as abundant with
dense forests, there’s also the sea, and the
wonderful island. Culturally, Singapore
displays Malay heritage through language and
reverence for the lion, known as "Singa."
Historically, the island gains significance with
Sang Nila Utama's exploration, the naming of
"Singapura" (Lion City), and the founding of a

Thank you so much, group three! Class, give

them three claps. One, two, three! Now, group
four kindly present your work.

Hello everyone, we are the last group. The

story reveals Singapore's lush greenery and
diverse wildlife, including stags and majestic
lion. Malay heritage through language and a
special term for lions, called "Singa."
Historically, the island gains importance with
Sang Nila Utama's exploration, the naming of
"Singapura" (Lion City), and the founding of a
kingdom. It also hints at Singapore's maritime
history and multiculturalism, adding to its
global appeal.

Thank you so much, group four! Class, give

them three claps. One, two, three!

Every group was able to share their answers.

As everyone notice, we mostly point out the
same thing. We recognize the lush greenery
and diverse wildlife depicted from the story.
Moreover, the significance of the lion in their
culture, highlights the importance of cultural
heritage in shaping national identity.
Especially the sacrifice of the leader for his
people. Additionally, the historical
significance of Sang Nila Utama's exploration
and the founding of "Singapura" reflects
Singapore's rich history and its journey
towards nationhood.

How about the others, anyone would like to

share? Did we miss something?
None, Ma’am.

Excellent! Again, let us give yourself a round

of applause. Great job, everyone.

e. Generalization

Let us now have a recap about the story. But

first let us bring back again the pictures that
we saw earlier in the Instagram, so that we
can see whether that the legend truly reflect
the Singapore today.

Now, raise your hand if you want to answer.

Again, who is the main character of the story?

Ma’am the main character is Sang Nila Utama.

Correct! What can you say about his

Ma’am Sang Nila Utama is described by his
adventurous spirit and restlessness, evident in
his desire to explore distant lands and his
enjoyment of hunting wild animals.
If you were the King in the story, would you
make the same decision he made and why?
Example, sacrificing the crown or staying and
naming the island Singapura.
Ma’am, I too will do the same. If it for the
betterment of my people, I would not hesitate.

Thank you very much. Now, do you think that

his personality reflects the people in
Singapore now? Why?
Yes, Ma’am. His personality traits align with
certain values and characteristics that are still
evident in Singaporean society today, such as
adventurousness, selflessness, and national

Very good, Singaporean up until today exhibit

his great characteristics.
Now, what are the settings or places where
events in the story took place?
The story unfolds in the jungles of Tanjong
Bentam, on the island of Temasek (Singapore),
and on the island of Singapura.

That is right, there are three settings in the

story. What resemblances or reflections of
those settings do you notice in present-day
Ma’am, present-day Singapore still boasts
verdant greenery akin to the jungles of Tanjong
Bentam, and its maritime significance is
evident in its thriving ports and shipping
industry. Furthermore, the lion symbolism
seen in the legend is echoed in modern
Singapore through iconic landmarks like the
Merlion Park.

Great observation! Lastly, how do you think

this legend reflects the present society of
Singapore? Do you think this legend has a
high influence on our history, culture, and
Ma’am, I think this story serve as a cornerstone
of Singapore’s historical and cultural heritage.
That directly influence on their today’s society.
It became their identity. They gave importance
in maritime trade and exploration for

Well said! Through this legend we can catch

some glimpse of the foundational root they
believe in and what is currently important to
them. As being said, a literature or a story
reflects the people, the society, and the
culture itself.

Is it clear for everyone? Any questions?

None, Ma’am.

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Alright, now that we have finished discussing

"The Singa", it is time to delve deeper into the
themes of environment, history, and culture
presented in the story.
Here is a matrix comparing themes in "The
Singa" versus in what we know about the

A matrix is like a table where we organize

information in rows and columns to make
comparisons. In this case, we have "The
Singa" on one side and the Philippines on the
other side, with different aspects listed under
each theme.

Pass these papers around, get one each. This

is where you will be answering.

Does everyone have their matrix?

Great. Take a moment to read the instructions

for our activity.
Yes, Ma’am.

Instruction: Complete the matrix by

incorporating specific examples and
details from both the story "The Singa"
and your knowledge of the Philippines,
examining the similarities and differences
of the themes of environment, history, and
culture in the narrative, highlighting
parallels between the story and the
Philippine context.

As you can see, under the aspects, we have

three main categories and other sub-category.
In “Environment”, you might write about the
tropical climate depicted in the story and
compare it to the climate in the Philippines.
You can also mention specific geographic
features like jungles or islands.

On another hand, in “History” you will

compare about Sang Nila Utama's journey in
the story and compare it to historical
explorations in the Philippines, like those led
by Ferdinand Magellan. You may also discuss
the establishment of Singapura in the story
and compare it to settlement in the

For “Culture”, you can mention traditional

practices like hunting and sailing, along with
examining social structures exemplified by
the protagonist's role in "The Singa" and its
resonance with Philippine society.

Is everyone clear on the aspects you need to

address? Feel free to ask any questions if
you're unsure.
Yes, Ma’am.
With that said, let us aim to complete this
activity within 10 minutes. Afterward, I will
call two to four students to share their
answers with the class.

You may begin answering now.

8 minutes remaining. Remember to provide

specific examples from "The Singa" story and
compare them to relevant aspects of the

4 minutes remaining. Use your understanding

of both "The Singa" and Philippine context to
draw meaningful connections between the

1 minute remaining. Double-check your


Okay, time is up. Does anyone want to share

their answers?

Yes, _______. Come in front and explain your

Ma’am, both "The Singa" and the
Philippines share a tropical climate with
lush jungles and islands, reflecting their
geographical similarities. Historical
exploration is seen through Sang Nila
Utama's journey leading to the
establishment of settlements and in the
Philippines, Filipinos are originally living
in the country even before the Spanish
colonialization. Furthermore, both
cultures cherish mythical creatures and
folklore, while traditional practices like
hunting and sailing highlight their shared
maritime heritage and connection to

Very good observation ________. How about the

others? Yes, _______. You are raising your hand.
"The Singa" portrays a diverse urban
landscape and climate, while the
Philippines exhibits a tropical climate with
varied ecosystems. Both narratives feature
historical exploration, with Sang Nila
Utama's journey paralleling Spanish
colonization efforts in the Philippines.
Additionally, shared cultural elements
include mythical creatures like the Singa
and Bakunawa, along with the importance
of folklore and traditional practices such
as hunting and sailing.

Thank you for sharing your answer ________. To

others who are not able to share, let us try to
accommodate them next time.

But for now, please pass your paper in the

center aisle. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then pass the
paper forwards, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Again, thank you everyone for participating in

our class and activity. I hope you learn
something new today. With that said, the class

Matrix Template:


a. Climate
b. Geographic
a. Exploration
b. Settlement and
a. Traditional
b. Social Structure
V. Assignment

Assignment 1
Instructions: You are a tourist that travel in Singapore. As you visit different places, you notice
some familiar events, lifestyle and places that reminds you some parts of the “The Singa” their
• Your task is to gather a variety of pictures reflecting the story elements and compile them
into a scrapbook. Each picture should be accompanied by a brief description linking it to
the story. Additionally, include reflections on the back of the scrapbook, exploring how the
legend continues to influence societal beliefs in present-day of Singapore.

Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2)
Demonstrates a deep Adequately reflects the Shows effort but lacks
Relevance Fails to effectively
understanding of the story's story elements with consistency in
to Story connect with the story
themes and effectively reflects some minor representing story
Elements elements.
elements of the legend. inconsistencies. elements.
Descriptions are
Descriptions are
Descriptions adequately missing or unclear,
Descriptions are clear, concise, present but lack clarity
Description explain the connection hindering
and effectively explain the or fail to effectively
Quality to the legend but may understanding of the
connection to the legend. explain the connection
lack some clarity. connection to the
to the legend.
Layout is visually engaging, Layout is somewhat Layout is lacking in
Layout is unappealing
well-organized, and enhances engaging and organized. engagement or
Visual or disorganized.
the viewer's experience. Images are of decent organization. Images
Appeal Images are of poor
Images exhibit high-quality quality but may lack may be of low quality or
quality or irrelevant.
resolution and composition. consistency. poorly presented.
Reflections provide Reflections are missing
Reflections are present
Reflections offer insightful some insight into how or superficial,
but lack depth or fail to
Reflection commentary on how the the legend influences providing little to no
effectively explore how
Depth legend influences societal societal beliefs but may insight into how the
the legend influences
beliefs. lack depth or legend influences
societal beliefs.
thoroughness. societal beliefs.
Some creativity and Limited creativity and Lack of creativity and
Scrapbook showcases
originality are evident originality in image originality in image
originality in image selection
in image selection and selection and selection and
Creativity and presentation style.
presentation style. Some presentation style. Few presentation style. No
and Innovative approaches are
innovative approaches innovative approaches innovative approaches
Originality evident in interpreting and
to interpreting elements to interpreting elements to interpreting
representing elements of the
of the legend are of the legend are elements of the legend
present. evident. are evident.

Assignment 2
Reading Assignment: Read the excerpt "On sites of Cultural Interchange" by Toh Hsien Min.

While reading, pay attention to:

➢ Descriptions of cultural heritage and architecture.
➢ The narrator's emotional response to historical preservation efforts.
➢ Observations on cultural diversity within the setting.

Prepared by:
Magrata, Blessy Myl A.

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