Letter of Complaint

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Lllana A Abedln

rlnclpal lv
lrlneo SanLlago naLlonal Plghschool
Ceneral SanLos ClLy

uear Maam Abedln
Whenever l roam around ln Lhls campus Carbages are everywhere LxpecLed
wasLe scaLLered durlng recess Llme SLudenL [usL Lhrow Lhelr garbages noL
knowlng Lhe effecL Lo our envlronmenL and also Lo Lhe repuLaLlon of Lhe school
as Lhe promoLer of cleanllness

vlslLors mlghL be comlng Lo our school wlLh 2 purpose 1o observe Lhe quallLy
educaLlon LhaL Lhe Leacher promoLlng and Lhe orderness of Lhe school

lf garbages canL conLrolledlL mlghL les d Lo drawbacks
1he school musL advocaLe a plan lnLended for Lhe awareness of everybody
ln regards Lo Lhe wasLe managemenL
Poplng for your early response

8especLlvely ?ours
Marla as lgalan

llne lood LLd
10 8rldges SLreeL London

#123 SecreL lace Subdlvlslon

uear Mr 8oger !ones
l recelve Lhe leLLer you senL lasL SepLember 1abouL Lhe sLock conLrol sysLem
1he sald sysLem could accommodaLe Lhe needs of our cosLumer lL can also
help Lhe producLlon of our producL 1he sLock conLrol sysLem co0uld be a
greaL help

8uL before we buy Lhls sysLem can we clarlfy someLhlng abouL Lhe sysLem
?ou sald LhaL Lhe sysLem was new buL lL wlll Lake 3 weeks Lo lnsLall lL
Slnce lL wlll noL be dellvered on Llme so can we have a dlscounL?
Poplng for your response

8especLlvely yours
!aneL 8rown

LllLe CaLLerlng Servlces
8eglon xll
Ceneral SanLos ClLy
Muno18 s2011
ulrecLlve Memorandum
1o Lmployers (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
lrom Manager (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
uaLe CcLober 04 2011

1hls memo presenL Lhe Lhlngs LhaL should be properly observed Lo make
Lhe company success
LlsL of ?early lncome
?early 8eporL
1hlngs needed Lo lmproved 8eauLlflcaLlon
lncome of Lhe Lmployees
8aLe of yearly cosLumers
lor more deLall lease look for Lhe manager

Marla as lgalan

LllLe CaLLerlng Servlces
8eglon xll
Ceneral SanLos ClLy
Mlno 8s2011
lleld Memorandum
1o Cwner (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
lrom Chlef Cfflcer (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
uaLe CcLober 04 2011
8e 8uslness lnspecLlon
urpose 1hls memo presenL Lhe flndlng abouL Lhe lnspecLlon of Lhe buslness
Summary LvenLhough Lhe buslness run well lL needs more lmprovemenL of Lhe
faclllLles addlLlonal reclpes for Lhe cosLumers for Lhelr saLlsfacLlon
rob|em 1he lnspecLlon was deslgn Lo deLermlne Lhe dlfferenL facLor LhaL mlghL
affecL Lhe managemenL of Lhe buslness
Conc|us|on 1he buslness lack of Lhlngs Lo faclllLaLe Lhe Lhlngs needed
8ecommendaLlon SpenL more money for Lhe beauLlflcaLlon of Lhe buslness
plannlng for some reclpe LhaL enable Lo aLLracL cosLumers Lo Lry lL Plre some
enLerLalners Lo make Lhem feel welcome

Marla as lgalan
Chlef Cfflcer

LllLe CaLLerlng Servlces
8eglon xll
Ceneral SanLos ClLy
M8 no 13s2011
8esponse Memorandum
1o ueparLmenL Pead (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
lrom SecreLary (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
uaLe CcLober 04 2011
8e Schedule of AcLlvlLles
urpose 1o lnform Lhe managemenL abouL Lhe schedule of acLlvlLles LhaL wlll happen
Summary 1h|s memo was wrlLLen Lo suggesL Lhe re schedullng of evenL ln awareness
Lo Lhe problem LhaL mlghL encounLered
D|scuss|on AcLually wlLh regards Lo Lhe preparaLlon of program lL ls a problem Slnce
1he company have a loL of cosLumers Lhen Lhe plannlng wlll [usL be cancelled
AcLlon So Lhe employees declded Lo have Lhelr program durlng Lhe ChrlsLmas arLy
so LhaL all Lhe acLlvlLles wlll be held LhaL day 1hey can able Lo lnvolve Lhemselves wlLh
Lhe acLlvlLles

Marla as lgalan

LllLe CaLLerlng Servlces
8eglon xll
Ceneral SanLos ClLy
M1no20 s 2011
1rlp Memorandum
1o lellow Workers (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
lrom Lmployers (LllLe CaLLerlng Company)
uaLe CcLober 04 2011
urpose 1he purpose of Lhls memo ls Lo lnform Lhe people abouL Lhe beauLlful
places LhaL can be a LourlsL desLlnaLlon
Summary ln general l felL LhaL Lhe places l had vlslLed was good enough Lo reduce sLress
D|scuss|on All Lhe vacaLlonlsL almosL en[oy Some of Lhem Lake a shoL of Lhe places
8ecommendaLlon eople especlally Lravelers should dlscovered Lhe places Lo en[oy and relax

Marla as lgalan

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