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Operative Dentistry, 0000, 00-0, 000-000

Influence of Emission Spectrum and

Irradiance on Light Curing of
Resin-Based Composites
CAK Shimokawa  B Sullivan  ML Turbino  CJ Soares  RB Price

Clinical Relevance
Clinicians should be aware that while broad-spectrum LED curing lights can enhance the
properties at the top of a restoration made of resin composites that contain ‘‘alternative’’
photoinitiators, the use of these lights could result in inferior properties at the bottom,
since little violet light reaches this area of the restoration.

SUMMARY Methods and Materials: Two prototype LCUs

Purpose: This study examined the influence of that used the same light tip, but were either a
different emission spectra (single-peak and single-peak blue or a broad-spectrum LED,
broad-spectrum) light-curing units (LCUs) de- were used to deliver the same radiant expo-
livering the same radiant exposures at irradi- sures to the top surfaces of the RBCs using
ance values of 1200 or 3600 mW/cm2 on the either standard (1200 mW/cm2) or high irradi-
polymerization and light transmission of four ance (3600 mW/cm2) settings. The emission
resin-based composites (RBCs). spectrum and radiant power from the LCUs
were measured with a laboratory-grade inte-
Carlos Alberto Kenji Shimokawa, DDS, MSc, PhD student, grating sphere coupled to a spectrometer, and
Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
the light beam was assessed with a beam
profiler camera. Four RBCs (Filtek Supreme
Braden Sullivan, BSc, research assistant, Department of
Dental Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie
Ultra A2, Tetric EvoCeram A2, Tetric EvoCer-
University, Halifax, NS, Canada am T, and TPH Spectra High Viscosity A2)
Mı́riam Lacalle Turbino, DDS, MSc, PhD, associate professor,
were photoactivated using four different light
Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, conditions: single-peak blue/standard irradi-
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil ance, single-peak blue/high irradiance, broad-
Carlos José Soares, DDS, MSc, PhD, professor, Department of spectrum/standard irradiance, and broad-
Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials, School of Den- spectrum/high irradiance. The degree of con-
tistry, Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Brazil version (N=5) and microhardness at the top
*Richard Bengt Price, BDS, DDS, MS, FRCD(C), FDS RCS and bottom of 2.3-mm-diameter by 2.5-mm-
(Edin), PhD, professor, Department of Dental Clinical thick specimens (N=5) were analyzed with
Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Dalhousie University, Hal- analysis of variance and Tukey tests. The
ifax, NS, Canada real-time light transmission through the RBCs
*Corresponding author: 5981 University Ave., Halifax, NS was also measured.
B3H 4R2, Canada; e-mail:
Results: For all light conditions, the 2.3-mm-
DOI: 10.2341/16-349-L
diameter specimens received a homogeneous
2 Operative Dentistry

irradiance and spectral distribution. Although adequately activate these alternative photoinitia-
similar radiant exposures were delivered to tors, some manufacturers have included in their
the top surfaces of the RBCs, the amount of LCUs several different LED chips that emit light at
light energy emitted from the bottom surfaces different wavelengths, thus producing a broader
was different among the four RBCs, and was emission spectrum.3,4 However, it is difficult to
also greater for the single-peak lights. Very achieve a uniform distribution of light at the tip of
little violet light (wavelengths below 420 nm) the LCU, and this inhomogeneity can lead to
reached the bottom of the 2.5-mm-thick speci- nonuniform polymerization of dental restorations.5-8
mens. Another trend is to try to make clinical procedures
The degree of conversion and microhardness faster. Instead of using a 40-second light exposure
results varied according to the RBC (p,0.05). time, some manufacturers claim that their LCUs
The RBCs that included alternative photoini- deliver such a high irradiance that they can
tiators had greater microhardness values at adequately polymerize RBC restorations in as little
the top when cured with broad-spectrum as one second. However, studies have shown that
lights, while at the bottom, where little violet light-curing RBCs for short exposure times is not
light was observed, the results were equal or ideal.9-11 This is of concern because inadequate
higher when they were photoactivated with photoactivation of the RBC can negatively affect
single-peak blue lights. With the exception of the properties of the restoration, resulting in a lower
the microhardness at the top of TPH, equiva- degree of double-bond conversion and inferior me-
lent or higher microhardness and degree-of- chanical properties.12-14 Also, the degree of conver-
conversion values were achieved at the bottom sion of the resin has a direct correlation with
surface when the standard (1200 mW/cm2) biocompatibility of the RBC restoration in the
irradiance levels were used compared to when mouth.15 Moreover, the irradiance of the LCU used
high irradiance levels were used. in the photoactivation of the RBC may affect the
polymerization kinetics, and a rapid polymerization
Conclusions: Considering the different behav-
reaction may increase the polymerization contrac-
iors of the tested RBCs, the emission spectrum
tion stresses and have detrimental effects on the
and irradiance level influenced the polymeri-
zation of some RBCs. The RBCs that included
alternative photoinitiators produced greater Since there are many different types of LCU
values at the top when cured with broad- available, dentists should be aware of differences
spectrum lights, while at the bottom, results that exist among units and the impact these
were equal or higher for the RBCs photoacti- differences can have on the RBC. They should know
vated with single-peak blue lights. when it is appropriate to use each type of LCU.18,19
To provide the dentist with this information, this
INTRODUCTION study aimed to verify the influence on the polymer-
ization of four different RBCs with different emission
Camphorquinone is the most commonly used photo- spectra from single-peak and broad-spectrum LED
initiator in resin-based composites (RBCs), but it has units, which delivered either a standard irradiance
a yellow color that may influence the final color of that is typical of most contemporary LCUs, or a high
the restoration.1 This can be problematic if the irradiance typical of a powerful LCU. The null
patient has bleached teeth or otherwise requires a hypotheses were the following:
light-colored restoration. Consequently, some resin
manufacturers have started to use ‘‘alternative’’ 1) There will be no difference between the degree of
photoinitiators, such as Lucirin TPO and Ivocerin. double-bond degree of conversion and the Knoop
These photoinitiators do not impart such a yellow microhardness of RBCs achieved when light cured
color to the final restoration, but they are most with the single-peak blue or the broad-spectrum
reactive to lower wavelengths of light2 close to 410 curing lights.
nm compared to camphorquinone, which is most 2) There will be no difference between the degree of
sensitive to light at 468 nm, or below 320 nm. double-bond conversion and microhardness of
Light-curing units (LCUs) that use light-emitting RBCs when light cured under the standard
diodes (LEDs) rather than halogen lights produce a irradiance, or the high-irradiance conditions.
relatively narrow wavelength of light and deliver 3) There will be no correlation between the degree of
little below 420 nm. Since they may not be able to double-bond conversion and Knoop microhardness
Shimokawa & Others: Effect of Curing Light Output on the RBC 3

values of RBCs when light cured using the (Ophir-Spiricon). The effect of the ambient light was
different exposure conditions. eliminated before the data collection by using the
UltraCal feature in the BeamGage software.
METHODS AND MATERIALS The image received by the camera was collected
Four RBCs were used in this study: Filtek Supreme using the BeamGage software 10 seconds after
Ultra—shade A2B (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), activating the LCUs using the standard irradiance
Tetric EvoCeram —shade A2 (Ivoclar Vivadent, conditions and three seconds after activating the
Amherst, NY, USA), Tetric EvoCeram—shade T LCUs under the high-irradiance conditions. Color-
(Ivoclar Vivadent), and TPH Spectra High Viscosi- coded and calibrated irradiance images were gener-
ty—shade A2 (Dentsply, Milford, DE, USA). They ated using the mean values of emitted radiant power
were photoactivated using either a custom-designed that had been previously collected. The graphics
single-peak blue light or a broad-spectrum light, software program Origin Pro version 9.1 (OriginLab,
both made by Ultradent (South Jordan, UT, USA). Northampton, MA, USA) was used to scale the two-
The optics (lenses) in both units were identical, both dimensional images that were then visually com-
had a 9.6-mm tip diameter, and only the LED pared.
emitters were different. The electrical current to
the LED emitters of both LCUs could be altered by Degree of Conversion
the user, thus allowing the units to deliver various Degree of double-bond conversion measurements
irradiance levels. were made in gray opaque molds that were 2.3 mm
in diameter and 2.5 mm in height. The molds were
Characterization of the LCUs filled with uncured RBCs and placed directly over
The emitted radiant power and emission spectrum the diamond at the center of the Golden Gate
were measured through a 2.3-mm-diameter aperture Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) platform (Spe-
into a FOIS-1 integrating sphere (Ocean Optics, cac, Orpington, Kent, UK) attached to a Tensor 27
Dunedin, FL, USA) coupled to the USB 4000 fiber- Mid IR FT-IR spectrometer (Bruker, Billerica, MA,
optic spectrometer (Ocean Optics). Before the mea- USA). A Mylar strip was placed over the top of the
surements, the system was calibrated using an LS-1- uncured resin and pressed flat with a glass slab. The
CAL-INT calibration lamp (Ocean Optics). For each slab was removed and the specimen was exposed for
light condition, five measurements of the spectral 15 seconds using the standard irradiance level or
radiant power emitted between 350 and 550 nm were five seconds using the high irradiance level. These
made. Using results from the integrating sphere, the exposure times delivered the same radiant exposures
electrical current to the LED chip was adjusted so to the RBCs. The mid IR spectra were collected for
that the same radiant exposure was delivered in four five seconds before light curing and were recorded
exposure conditions: 1) single-peak blue light with continuously in real time for four minutes at a
standard irradiance (SS), 2) single-peak blue light resolution of eight wavenumbers and collection rate
with high irradiance (SH), 3) broad-spectrum multi- of two scans per second. Five specimens were made
with each RBC and each light condition for a total of
peak light with standard irradiance (MS), and 4)
80 specimens.
broad-spectrum multipeak light with high irradiance
Knoop Microhardness
As previously described,20 to assess the radiant
power distribution across the LCU tip, the beam After the degree-of-conversion analysis, the speci-
profile analysis was made using a charge-coupled mens were removed from the ATR platform. Twenty-
device (CCD) digital camera with a 50-mm-focal- four hours after light curing the specimen, three
length lens (SP620U, Ophir-Spiricon, Logan, UT, Knoop microhardness indentations were made in the
USA) that was fixed at a predetermined distance from top and the bottom of each specimen, using a load of
the diffusing surface of a translucent ground-glass 15 gf for eight seconds in a microhardness-testing
target (DG2X2-1500, Thor Laboratories, Newton, NJ, device (HM 123, Mitutoyo, Kawasaki, Kanagawa,
USA). A custom-made blue filter (International Light Japan).
Technologies, Peabody, MA, USA) was used to flatten
the spectral response of the CCD camera. The Light Transmission
photonic count received by each camera pixel was The FOIS-1 integrating sphere coupled to the USB
calibrated with BeamGage version 6.6 software 4000 fiber-optic spectrometer was used to measure
4 Operative Dentistry

Table 1: Emitted Radiant Power (mW), Calculated Irradiance (mW/cm2), and Radiant Exposure (J/cm2) 6 Standard Deviations
From Each of the Four Light Conditions: Single Standard, Single High, Multi Standard, and Multi High
Polymerization Mode Power (mW) Irradiance (mW/cm2) Radiant Exposure (J/cm2)
Single standard 49.6 6 0.7 1193.8 6 17.6 17.9 6 0.26
Single high 149.9 6 0.7 3607.9 6 16.6 18.04 6 0.08
Multi standard 51.1 6 0.1 1229.9 6 3.2 18.4 6 0.05
Multi high 150.1 6 1.1 3612.7 6 26.0 18.1 6 0.13

the light transmission through the RBC. The RBCs RESULTS

were inserted in a single portion into the same gray
The emitted radiant power, calculated irradiance,
opaque molds used for the degree-of-conversion
and radiant exposure values from each of the four
analysis and covered with Mylar strips. Then they
light conditions are reported in Table 1. The
were pressed between two glass mixing slabs to
emission spectrum and the wavelength peaks of the
produce flat top and bottom surfaces. These molds,
four light conditions are shown in Figure 1. The light
now filled with uncured RBC, were placed at the
beam profiles showed that there was a homogeneous
aperture of the integrating sphere and photoactivat-
distribution of the light through the 2.3-mm aper-
ed at 0-mm distance. SpectraSuite software (Ocean
ture (Figure 2) in all cases.
Optics) was used to record, in real time, the spectral
radiant power transmitted through each RBC. Means and standard deviations of the Knoop
microhardness values at the top of the specimens
After the transmitted spectral radiant power had
are reported in Table 2. Photoactivation with the SS
been measured, the light beam profile through the
light resulted in statistically higher hardness values,
cured specimen was measured using the beam
while photoactivation with the SH light resulted in
profiler camera with a 50-mm-focal-length lens
lower values. Specimens photoactivated with the
(SP620U, Ophir-Spiricon) and a custom-made blue
broad-spectrum lights presented intermediate hard-
filter (International Light Technologies). The molds
ness values. The degree of double-bond conversion
filled with the cured RBC were placed at a fixed
distance from the camera, and the LCU tip was and Knoop microhardness values at the bottom are
placed in contact with the molds. Then the LCU was also reported in Table 2. Filtek Supreme Ultra A2
activated, and the light beam transmitted through photoactivated with the SS light (single-peak blue
the cured RBC was examined. Narrow-band-pass
interference filters that had a maximum bandwidth
centered at 400 or 460 nm and a full-width half-
maximum tolerance of 10 nm (Edmund Industrial
Optics, Barrington, NJ, USA) were used to collect
separate beam profile images of the transmitted
violet and blue lights. The images were collected
using BeamGage version 6.6 software (Ophir-Spiri-
con). Only the high-irradiance-level light conditions
were beam profiled through the different RBCs.

Statistical Analysis
Analysis of variance, followed by the Tukey post hoc
multiple comparison test (a=0.05), was applied. To
determine if there was a statistically significant
difference between the degree of conversion and
Knoop microhardness obtained under the different
light exposure conditions, tests were applied sepa-
rately for each RBC since each RBC has a different
composition. In addition, the Pearson correlation
test was applied to verify if there was a correlation
between degree of conversion and microhardness Figure 1. Emission spectrum, power (mW) and wavelength peaks
measured at the bottom of the specimens. (nm) from the two lights for each of the four light conditions.
Shimokawa & Others: Effect of Curing Light Output on the RBC 5

Figure 2. Two- and three-dimensional light beam profiles of the lights recorded through the 2.3-mm aperture together with the power (mW) and
scaled irradiance (mW/cm2) using the single high (SH) and multi high (MH) light conditions. The images were taken both without a filter and with either
a 400-nm or a 460-nm 65 nm narrow-band-pass filter and scaled using the power values (mW) calculated from the integrated area under the
emission spectrum (violet 30 mW, blue 120 mW).

light with standard irradiance) achieved a signifi- tivated with high irradiances presented higher micro-
cantly higher degree of conversion compared to when hardness values. The Pearson correlation test showed
the MH light (multipeak light with high irradiance) a significant linear correlation between the degree-of-
was used, while, when photoactivated with the SH conversion and the microhardness values at the
light (single-peak light with high irradiance) and MS bottom for all the RBCs tested (Figure 3).
light (multipeak light with standard irradiance), it The real-time light transmission results showed
presented intermediate values. The microhardness that the emitted radiant power that was measured
at the bottom of the specimen followed the same through the 2.5-mm-thick RBCs was dependent on
trends as the degree-of-conversion results. the choice of RBC and varied from only about 1.5% to
Specimens of Tetric EvoCeram A2 and Tetric 8% of the power received at the top, depending on the
EvoCeram T made at the standard irradiance setting RBC and the light condition used (Figure 4). The
resulted in a higher degree of double-bond conversion radiant exposures delivered to the bottom of the
values when either the single-peak blue (SS) or the specimen are reported in Table 3. Of the emitted
broad-spectrum (MS) light was used. The specimens power, the violet light emitted from the bottom
photoactivated with the SS light showed the highest decreased from about 20% of the total power
degree-of-conversion results at the bottom for the delivered to the top, to only 2.5% to 8% of the total
Tetric EvoCeram A2, but there was no statistical power that was emitted at the bottom (Figure 5). The
difference between values obtained with blue light light transmission increased with exposure time,
and broad-spectrum light for the Tetric EvoCeram T. and there was more light transmission through the
For the TPH Spectra High Viscosity A2, degree-of- translucent Tetric EvoCeram—shade T. The scaled
conversion and microhardness values were not beam profile images illustrate how little of the violet
statistically different for specimens photoactivated light reached the bottom of the specimens (Figure 6).
with either the single-peak blue or the broad-
spectrum lights. However, regarding degree of con- DISCUSSION
version and microhardness values at the bottom, the Previous studies compared light curing using differ-
use of lower irradiances resulted in higher values, ent designs of single-peak blue and broad-spectrum
while for the top microhardness, specimens photoac- lights.21-24 This study allowed better standardization
6 Operative Dentistry

Table 2: Means 6 Standard Deviations for Degree of Conversion at the Bottom (%) and Knoop Microhardness (KHN) for Each
of the Four Light Conditions (ext.)

Top Hardness (KHN) Bottom Hardness (KHN)

Filtek Supreme Tetric TPH Spectra Tetric Filtek Supreme Tetric
Ultra A2B EvoCeram A2 High Viscosity A2 EvoCeram T Ultra A2B EvoCeram A2
Single standard 85.7 6 1.3 A 32.0 6 1.1 B 50.4 6 2.7 B 36.6 6 2.7 B 31.6 6 2.5 A 16.5 6 0.6 A

Single high 79.3 6 2.5 C 31.9 6 1.3 B 63.3 6 2.5 A 29.8 6 2.6 C 29.1 6 2.3 AB 14.7 6 0.8 B

Multi standard 82.0 6 1.8 BC 55.1 6 1.6 A 50.2 6 2.6 B 49.3 6 4.2 A 30.2 6 1.8 AB 15.7 6 1.1 AB

Multi high 83.0 6 1.8 AB 55.6 6 1.7 A 63.0 6 1.5 A 50.2 6 4.1 A 26.8 6 0.5 B 16.3 6 0.2 B

*Statistical differences between light conditions are described with superscript letters, the same letters within a column indicate no significant difference in the value

Figure 3. Scatter graph showing the

correlation between Knoop micro-
hardness and degree of conversion
for the four resin-based composites
for each of the four light conditions (p-
and R2-values indicated for the Pear-
son correlation test).

Figure 4. Percent of maximum pow-

er transmitted in real time through the
2.5-mm-thick specimens for each of
the four light conditions and for Filtek
Supreme Ultra—shade A2B, Tetric
EvoCeram—shade A2, Tetric Evo-
Ceram—shade T, and TPH Spectra
High Viscosity—shade A2. For TPH,
the green line (MS) overlies the black
line (SS). Note how the light trans-
mission through the resin-based com-
posites increased with exposure time.
Shimokawa & Others: Effect of Curing Light Output on the RBC 7

Table 2: Extended.

Bottom Hardness (KHN) Degree of Conversion at the Bottom (%)

TPH Spectra Tetric Filtek Supreme Tetric TPH Spectra High Tetric
High Viscosity A2 EvoCeram T Ultra A2B EvoCeram A2 Viscosity A2 EvoCeram T
Single standard 30.1 6 1.8 A 25.3 6 1.9 A 68.5 6 1.2 A 67.8 6 0.3 A 75.9 6 0.3 A 71.9 6 0.6 AB

Single high 24.7 6 1.8 B 20.6 6 1.5 B 66.6 6 1.7 AB 64.7 6 0.6C 74.3 6 0.3 B 70.4 6 0.5 C

Multi standard 27.0 6 2.2 AB 26.7 6 2.7 A 67.7 6 2.0 AB 66.2 6 1.4 B 75.5 6 0.9 A 72.5 6 0.8 A

Multi high 23.7 6 1.9 B 23.9 6 1.3 AB 65.1 6 1.9 B 65.5 6 0.6 BC 74.0 6 0.3 B 71.4 6 0.5 BC

of the light conditions because both lights used the since the manufacturer states that both of these
same tip and construction, with changes only in the RBCs use the alternative photoinitiators and these
emission spectra from the LED emitters. The four initiators are activated by the violet light present in
light exposure conditions delivered similar radiant broad-spectrum lights. Previous studies have also
exposures (Table 1), and the standard and high reported improved properties when RBCs with these
radiant powers were similar for the single-peak blue alternative photoinitiators are photoactivated with
and broad-spectrum lights. The shapes of the emis- broad-spectrum lights.23,26 Consequently, it is rec-
sion spectra was the same for the blue lights, with ommended that broad-spectrum lights should be
peaks at 460 nm, and for the broad-spectrum lights, used to photoactivate RBCs that have alternative
with peaks at 400 and 460 nm at both settings (Figure photoinitiators because the top microhardness val-
1). For all conditions, the beam profile of the lights ues would be enhanced. This should reduce the wear
showed a homogeneous irradiance distribution and better support occlusal loading.
through the 2.3-mm aperture. This is relevant since
At the bottom of the specimen, there was no
it is known that the distribution of light can be
difference between microhardness values when the
inhomogeneous across the light tip, and this inhomo-
single-peak blue or the broad-spectrum lights were
geneity may affect resin polymerization.6,18,25 The
distributions of the violet and blue light components used, even for the RBCs with alternative photo-
from the LCUs were also homogeneous, as seen in initiators in their composition. It might be expected
beam profile images taken through the 400- and the that RBCs that include only camphorquinone in
460-nm narrow-band-pass filters (Figure 2). their formulation would achieve a higher microhard-
ness when photoactivated with a single-peak LCU
The RBCs achieved different microhardness values, compared to that achieved with a broad-spectrum
as observed in Table 2, and this can also be noted LED unit delivering the same radiant power because
observing the different distributions on the scatter more light energy is delivered in the 460 nm region
graphs (Figure 3). Tetric EvoCeram A2 achieved the to the CQ from the single-peak LCU. However, there
lowest microhardness values, probably due to the
was no difference between RBCs photoactivated with
different formulation of this product. All the RBCs
presented lower microhardness values than expected
at the bottom of the specimens. This likely occurred Table 3: Radiant Exposure (J/cm2) Delivered to the
due to the optical characteristics of the opaque molds. Bottom of the Specimens Made of Each of the
The 2.5-mm height is more than the increment Four Resin-Based Composites, Using Each of
the Four Light Conditions. (Energy Calculated by
thickness recommended by the manufacturer, and
Integrating the Area Under the Curve of the Real-
the opaque gray molds prevented any light transmis- Time Power Graph and Dividing It by the Area of
sion. This should not be considered a limitation of the the Molds)
study because the aim was to measure not the depth
Filtek Tetric TPH Tetric
of cure of the RBCs but rather the influence of the Supreme EvoCeram Spectra High EvoCeram
different exposure conditions on their photoactivation Ultra A2B A2 Viscosity T
at a clinically relevant thickness (2.5 mm). A2
Single standard 0.42 0.54 0.31 1.24
The first null hypothesis was rejected since using
Single high 0.40 0.52 0.32 1.23
the broad-spectrum lights increased the top micro-
Multi standard 0.34 0.48 0.31 1.11
hardness of two RBCs: Tetric EvoCeram A2 and
Multi high 0.31 0.51 0.29 1.11
Tetric EvoCeram T. This result is not unexpected
8 Operative Dentistry

Figure 5. Radiant power delivered to

the top surface and percentage of this
radiant power from the violet and blue
LEDs that was emitted at the bottom
through 2.5 mm of Filtek Supreme
Ultra—shade A2B, Tetric EvoCer-
am—shade A2, Tetric EvoCeram—
shade T, and TPH Spectra High
Viscosity—shade A2 when using the
broad-spectrum high-irradiance light.
Note the greater light transmission
through the translucent Tetric EvoCer-
am—shade T and the difference in the
transmitted power values compared
to what was delivered to the top.

Figure 6. Scaled two-dimensional

irradiance beam profile images
viewed through 2.5-mm-thick speci-
mens of the four RBCs. The images
were taken without a filter and with
either a 400-nm or a 460-nm 65 nm
narrow-band-pass filter. The images
were scaled using the power values
(mW) calculated from the integrated
area under the emission spectrum.
Shimokawa & Others: Effect of Curing Light Output on the RBC 9

single-peak or broad-spectrum lights. This probably energy delivered at the bottom of Tetric EvoCeram T
occurred because more than sufficient radiant (Table 3 and Figure 4) may explain why there was no
exposure was delivered within the blue wavelength significant difference between degree of double-bond
range from both lights to photocure the RBCs. conversion when using the single-peak blue and the
Regarding degree of conversion, except for the broad-spectrum lights for this translucent shade,
Tetric EvoCeram A2 where specimens photoactivat- while there was a significant difference between the
ed with the SS light achieved a significantly higher degree of conversion using the same lights for the A2
degree of double-bond conversion, results were shade of the same RBC (Table 2).
similar to the microhardness outcomes at the The reduced transmission of violet light at depth is
bottom, with no difference between specimens a concern if violet light is required to activate some of
photoactivated with single-peak blue and broad- the photoinitiators used in the RBC, since the
spectrum lights. This likely occurred because all biocompatibility of restorations is directly correlated
the specimens received more than enough energy at with the degree of conversion of RBCs.15 If the
the bottom. alternative initiators at the bottom of restorations,
close to the pulp or to the gingival tissues, are not
As previously reported, the real-time radiant
used up, there may be increased release of unwanted
power transmitted through these four RBCs in-
leachates from the RBC. The concern is that the RBC
creased during polymerization 27; that is, the RBCs
may appear to be adequately polymerized if suffi-
became more transparent as they polymerized
cient blue light is delivered to activate the camphor-
(Figure 3), but it is still greatly reduced compared
quinone photoinitiator, but still may contain the
to what is delivered to the top surface. Although the
unused alternative photoinitiators at the bottom.
curing lights delivered very similar radiant expo-
sures, the radiant power delivered from the broad- The second null hypothesis was also rejected.
spectrum lights is a combination of violet and blue Equivalent or higher microhardness and degree-of-
light and thus the light delivered in the blue region conversion values were achieved at the bottom
is less compared to the single-peak blue lights. Since surface when 1200 mW/cm2 was used compared to
almost none of the violet light reaches the bottom of 3600 mW/cm2. Not all RBCs responded in the same
the specimen, radiant power delivered in this manner to the different irradiance levels. This may
spectral region is effectively ‘‘wasted’’ at the bottom, be related to the different composition among these
but not near the top surface. This helps to explain four products, in that they likely have different
why the radiant exposure delivered at the bottom of polymerization kinetics. High-irradiance photoacti-
the Filtek Supreme Ultra specimens was 0.3 J/cm2 vation could potentially cause a lower degree of
when photoactivated with the broad-spectrum lights, conversion because there are more radicals being
while it was higher (0.4 J/cm2) when the single-peak formed at the same time, which in turn leads to more
blue light was used. The radiant exposure delivered biradical terminations.10 Slower polymerization
at the bottom of the translucent shade of Tetric rates should produce fewer polymer growth centers,
EvoCeram specimens (1.1 J/cm2 when photoactivat- leading to a higher density of linear chains.28,29 Also,
ed with the broad-spectrum lights), was also higher using a high irradiance should produce polymers
(1.2 J/cm2) when the single-peak blue light was used. with higher cross-linked density than when using
The ratio of blue and violet light transmitted appears low irradiance because of the rapid formation of the
to be affected by the composition of the material polymeric chain. These differences would lead to
since there was a greater percentage of violet light different mechanical properties of the material, such
transmitted through the Filtek Supreme Ultra A2 as hardness, but without necessarily altering its
than through the other RBCs (Figure 5). This is degree of conversion.
likely due to the exclusive use of nanosized filler It is important to note that the previous studies
particles in Filtek Supreme Ultra that result in less that analyzed polymerization kinetics used very low
light scattered in the 400 nm range when compared irradiances,30 from 3.1 to 50 mW/cm2, or very high
to the other RBCs that use larger sized filler irradiances of up to 7500 mW/cm2, while in the
particles. Of note, since twice as much light was present study,31 the ‘low’ irradiance was close to
transmitted through the Tetric EvoCeram T than 1200 mW/cm2, and the higher irradiance was close to
through the Tetric EvoCeram A2, even though both 3600 mW/cm2 (Table 1). Thus, the low irradiance
were the same brand of RBC, the shade of the used in the present study should not be considered
material influences the amount of both blue and low, but instead is a representative standard
violet light transmission. The increased amount of irradiance value for contemporary curing lights.
10 Operative Dentistry

The high irradiance levels used in this study are merization of the tested RBCs. Equivalent or higher
similar to several high-irradiance light curing units. microhardness and degree-of-conversion values were
The third null hypothesis was rejected since the achieved at the bottom surface when 1200 mW/cm2
Pearson correlation showed a direct linear correlation was used compared to 3600 mW/cm2.
between bottom microhardness and degree-of-conver-
sion results (Figure 3). Previous studies have also Acknowledgements
reported positive correlations between microhardness The authors wish to thank Ultradent for providing the custom
and degree of conversion.32,33 Since these two inde- made curing units for this study. They also thank the
University of São Paulo, Santander Bank, and the Dalhousie
pendent tests produced the same outcomes, there is Faculty of Dentistry Research Fund for supporting this study.
more confidence in the conclusions of this study. The manufacturers kindly provided the resin-based compos-
ites for this study.
Considering the results of this study, for shallow
cavities or thin increments, broad-spectrum lights
Conflict of Interest
should be used to photocure RBCs that use alterna-
The authors of this article certify that they have no
tive photoinitiators in their composition. When proprietary, financial, or other personal interest of any nature
restoring deeper cavities with a single increment of or kind in any product, service, and/or company that is
composite using a broad-spectrum light, the expo- presented in this article.
sure time should be increased since little violet light
penetrates down to 2.5 mm. The aim is to deliver the (Accepted 18 January 2017)
same radiant exposure to the bottom of the compos- REFERENCES
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