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PRJM1003 – Project Leadership

Assignment #8 – Interview questions


This Report must be submitted by the due date assigned


Student #: 200557915

Group #: N/A

Submission Date: 16-07-2023

PRJM 1003 – Project Leadership 1 or 6

1. If you were a new Project Manager, what would be your
process for establishing Project goals?
 Goals are something specific to a particular project that are expected to be achieved

towards the end. Any project manager new or old should have a clear understanding of

what needs to be delivered. As a project manager I would follow the standard

procedures starting with establishing clear goals and effectively communicating it with

the project team. Setting objectives to define what is expected of during each phase and

the teams or individuals accountable for fulfilling it. Provide the necessary resources and

any additional support needed during all times. Making sure any member or every

member of the team has easy access to communicate with PM. Following up with the

team not just as in for regular work updates but also checking the well-being of the

members this also works as an ice-breaker when working with new teams. Monitoring

the project alignment with the goals established along the journey to cross-check every

once in a while from a third person perspective to be able to make effective decisions.

2. How would you handle a team member who was not

performing well?
 Performance metrics vary for every organization depending on the work standards

followed or expected from every individual or team working in the project. If a team or

its members are not performing well it would be important to understand the root

cause i.e. study the factors that are affecting their performance. The problem could be

PRJM 1003 – Project Leadership 2 or 6

anything from the member could be new to the process or has problems in

communication the issues or problems with management of resources... etc. As a PM it

is important to understand what the team members are going through by engaging in

conversations with the member to better understand the situations. After identifying

the problem it would be apt to review the situation and come up with alternate

solutions that would ease up the hassle created previously. Solutions sought are to be

consulted, consented and should be realistic in a measurable way like providing

additional resources or support, training the employees and engaging in regular

conversations to cross check if the modified plans are working as anticipated and make

necessary changes if needed.

3. Tell me about a time you were faced with conflict situation

between team members. How did you handle it?
 Project teams generally has people with multiple perspectives and knowledge’s. The

differences can sometimes lead to conflicts in the team affecting team’s performance or

work atmosphere. Conflicts are generally unwanted and unavoidable circumstances and

are to be addressed sensitively. On a personal note, I have never had the authority to

deal with larger teams or manage conflicts between team members. However, I would

like to present my views on the given hypothetical situation based on conflict

management processes of PM. The first step would be talking to team members

individually and gathering the information by active listening. It is important not be

PRJM 1003 – Project Leadership 3 or 6

judgmental and be open minded during the whole process. Rephrasing / restating the

points discussed to be on the same page with the affected team member. Coming up

with solutions of mutual consent by being fair and unbiased. Monitoring the post

resolution situations and continuing the discussions if necessary to ensure the smooth

and efficient flow of process.

4. Tell me about a time when you made a big mistake at work

or on a project. What did you learn from it?
 To recall, I remember having to face this situation once where I was held accountable

for not informing / reporting, an error on site that I was aware of. A few years ago I was

working on an interior construction project and have noticed that the glass railing

ordered came out to be larger than the size expected for that particular site. I was

aware of the situation as I was looking after the materials and work inspections of that

site. Due to large volume of works, packed in hectic schedule and multiple site queries it

slipped of my mind until the client has noticed the same and has pointed it to the senior

architect. As the person looking after the site I should have taken the call of informing it

to the management which I didn’t. However, the senior architect was smart enough to

talk and convince the client saying it would be safer to have higher railings having

children around. The lesson I have learnt on a personal front is to make necessary calls

immediately if things goes unplanned and the ability to adapt and respond to clients

without having to harm their relations with the organizations.

PRJM 1003 – Project Leadership 4 or 6

5. What skills do you believe you have that would make you
a good Project Manager?
 I personally prefer the SWOT methodology for identifying the facts about my inner self.

The following skills are something that I believe would make me a good project

manager: Accountability in getting things done, have positive relations with team

members, Empathy and lending the help hand at times needed, Giving free hand to

team in terms of decision making and taking firm stand with the collective decisions


 Areas I believe I need to work on to make myself even better as management

professional are: to let go off things once done with no regrets and just learn from them,

display better communication skills when in need of the hour, use the authority / power

given when fixing things.

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PRJM 1003 – Project Leadership 6 or 6

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