Collaborative Navigation in Urban Environments Via GNSS and 5G Signals

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

Collaborative Navigation in Urban Environments

via GNSS and 5G Signals
Yuan Zhang, Rui Wang, and Zhe Xing
College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai China,,

Abstract—In this paper, we address the key enabling tech- localization accuracy can be achieved, particularly through
nologies for collaborative global navigation satellite system/fifth the use of map-based techniques. An integrated methodology
generation (GNSS/5G) navigation in urban environments. First, of GNSS and device to device (D2D) measurements in the
we derive the posterior belief over the state space conditioned
on the given ranging measurements in non-ideal ranging 5G communication system was introduced in [11].
environment (e.g., line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS)) Cellular positioning technique in urban environments is a
challenging task due to presence of NLOS propagation in
ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications | 978-1-5386-7462-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279482

and GNSS velocity. Then, building on the premises of non-

ideal ranging in LOS/NLOS, a robust particle filter (RPF) 5G ultra-dense networks. NLOS occurs due to the reflection
algorithm adopted for urban environments is proposed to and refraction of radio signals, which introduces a positive
estimate the sight state and position of the mobile terminal
(MT). Statistics on 5G measurement error in a LOS environ- bias with the LOS condition, thus, leading to degradation
ment and in the presence of NLOS are presented. Finally, of positioning accuracy. In addition, NLOS arises from the
comprehensive performance evaluations are carried out in propagation of radio signals in many communication systems
5G ultra-dense networks. Simulation results demonstrate that (e.g., fourth-generation (4G), 5G, etc.). NLOS propagation
meter-scale positioning and tracking accuracy can be achieved is likely to occur in the 5G communication system, which
in LOS/NLOS using the proposed RPF technique.
Index Terms—Collaborative navigation, robust particle filter brings challenges to meet the needs of high-precision posi-
(RPF), line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS), urban envi- tioning, especially in the field of autonomous ground vehicle
ronments (AGV), pedestrian navigation, etc. Several 5G positioning
estimation algorithms for NLOS were proposed in [12], [13].
I. I NTRODUCTION Dynamic BS formation for solving NLOS problems in 5G
millimeter-wave communication was introduced in [12]. A
The fifth-generation (5G) communication networks require
cooperative localization algorithm was developed in [13] for
highly-accurate knowledge of mobile terminal (MT) to en-
mixed LOS/NLOS environments where the NLOS effect was
hance location-based services, such as autopilot [1], [2],
mitigated by exploiting the geometric relationship of range
pedestrian navigation [3], [4], etc. The existing positioning
technologies, such as Bluetooth, WiFi, which all yield po-
In this paper, building on the premises of 5G high-accuracy
sitioning accuracy in the range of a few meters, as well as
positioning and LOS/NLOS propagation conditions, we de-
global navigation satellite system (GNSS) [5] based solutions
velop e key enabling technologies for GNSS/5G collaborative
in which the accuracy of single point positioning (SPP) is in
navigation in urban environments, where a robust particle
the order of 10 meters at best. The order of one meter or even
filter (RPF) technique is proposed for state estimation of the
below is envisaged for future accurate positioning services of
5G wireless communication networks [6].
More specifically, the novelty and technical contributions
5G positioning has been extensively studied in different
of this paper are summarized as follows:
contexts. A joint device positioning and clock synchroniza-
• We derive the posterior belief over the state space condi-
tion scheme in 5G ultra-dense networks was proposed in [7].
A novel tensor-based method was presented in [8] for channel tioned on the given ranging measurements in non-ideal
estimation that allowed estimation of mmWave channel pa- ranging environments (e.g., LOS/NLOS) and GNSS
rameters in a non-parametric form, in turn enabled position- velocity.
• Considering the derived posterior distribution, a robust
ing and mapping using only diffuse multipath. A new method
was proposed in [9] for cooperative vehicle positioning and particle filter (RPF) algorithm for non-ideal ranging in
mapping of the radio environment, comprising a multiple- LOS/NLOS scenarios is proposed to estimate the sight
model probability hypothesis density filter and a map fusion state and position of the MT.
• 5G measurement error statistics in a LOS environment
routine, which considered different types of objects and
different fields of view. [10] described how centimeter-level and in the presence of NLOS are presented.
• We considered the interacting multiple model-extended
Kalman filter (IMM-EKF) [14], and compared it with

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

our proposed RPF algorithm in a mixed LOS/NLOS where b is the transition probability of LOS that may depend
model. on the urban environment, and the LOS state likelihood
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. function is given by
Section II proposes a GNSS/5G collaborative navigation
pit =
scheme based on a RPF technique. Section III evaluates the ⎧  
performance of the proposed methodology. Section IV draws ⎨√ (di −d˜i )2
exp − MB,t2σ2 MB,t , if (diMB,t > d˜iMB,t )
the conclusions. vi ,
⎩ 1 1

1, else
The performance of RPF technology is evaluated in 5G ul- where d˜iMB,t = d¯iMB,t + a is the ideal ranging.
tra dense network scenarios, which mainly include two types
of BSs: Urban Macro (UMa) BS and Urban Micro (UMi) B. Linear Model for the State Transition with GNSS Control
BS. According to [15], 5G ultra-dense network scenarios, in With the RPF, the obtained ranging measurements are used
which the simulation methodology is specified by the 3GPP to estimate the MT position as well as the sight states. Thus,
working group, are defined using predefined communication the state of the process is defined as
network parameters.
We consider the scenario that the MT navigating in urban X(t) = [xMT,t , yMT,t , s1MT,t , ..., sMT,t ]T ∈ R2+M . (5)
environments can obtain ranging measurements yMB =
(d1MB,t , ..., dM
MB,t ) at time instant t between M BSs and the Considering the presence of an input control with sampling
MT. The MT is characterized by the state vector st and nt , period Δt, the linear model for the state transition can be
where st = (xMT,t , yMT,t ) is the 2D position of the MT, and extended as follows
nt = (s1MT,t , ..., sMMT,t ) denotes the sight state in LOS/NLOS
in which siMT,t = 1 for LOS and siMT,t = 0 for NLOS. st = Fst−1 + Bμt−1 + wt−1 , (6)

A. Pseudorange Measurement Model where the state transition matrix F ∈ R2×2 is a 2×2 identity
matrix, the control input matrix B ∈ R2×2 is
The ranging measurement model between the MT and BSi
is given by Δt 0
B= . (7)
diMB,t = d¯iMB,t + v1i + (1 − siMT,t ) × v2i , (1) 0 Δt
where d¯iMB,t denotes the true distance measurement, v1i is a The linear model for the state transition can be applied to
zero-mean Gaussian noise following v1i ∼ N (0, σv21 ), and v2i collaborative navigation, provided that μ includes external
denotes a positive distance bias induced by the blockage of inputs that control the MT movement, where the control is
direct path [16], [17]. Normally, v1i and v2i are independent. assumed to be the velocity vG introduced by GNSS module.
For each BSi , the sight state of the MT can be dynamically The process noise, of size 2 × 1, w is assumed to be a zero-
updated by [18] mean Gaussian noise following w ∼ N (0, Q), where the
 convariance matrix Q described the uncertainty of the state.
i 1, if(p(siMT,t = 1|siMT,t−1 )) × pit > pthreshold
sMT,t = ,
0, else C. RPF for GNSS/5G Collaborative Navigation
where pthreshold is the NLOS identification threshold. In 5G The significance of GNSS/5G collaborative navigation is
ultra dense network scenarios, the MT is assumed to be to estimate a posterior distribution over state space con-
moving continuously. The current sight state and the last sight ditioned on the measurements. For GNSS/5G collaborative
state are not independent with each other, i.e., the current navigation, we distinguish two types of measurement in-
sight state is defined by the last sight state and the current formation: 1) perceptual measurement information such as
obversation likelihood. p(siMT,t = 1|siMT,t−1 ) is transition ranging measurements diMB,t of the MT, 2) GNSS data yG,t
probability for predicting the current sight state from the last of the MT, which carry information about velocity of the
state using first-order Markov given by MT. Then, we have
⎧ i

⎪ p(sMT,t = 1|siMT,t−1 = 1) = b bel (st ) = p st |Oti , yG,t−1 , Ot−1
, yG,t−2 , ..., O1i , ∀i ∈ M.

⎨p(si (8)
MT,t = 0|sMT,t−1 = 1) = 1 − b
, (3)

⎪ p(s i
= 0|s i
= 0) = b i
where O1:t denotes the measurement information starting at

MT,t MT,t−1
⎩p(si = 1|si = 0) = 1 − b time 1 up to time t.
MT,t MT,t−1

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

The recursive equation is obtained as where K represents the highest sequence number of the
detected LOS measurements. Thus, the enhanced feasible
p(Oti |st ) p(st |st−1 , yG,t−1 )bel(st−1 )dst−1 region D is denoted as
bel (st ) = .
p(Oti |yG,t−1 , ..., O1i ) D = DNLOS ∩ DLOS . (13)
  Considering the enhanced feasible region D to filter the
The pair sjt , sjt−1is distributed according to particles, the particle weights are updated as follows
ωt , if sjt ∈ D
qt = p(sjt |sjt−1 , yG,t−1 ) × bel sjt−1 , (10) j
ωt = . (14)
0, else
where the prior distribution qt is to propose samples of the  
desired posterior distribution. Restate the desired distribution for the sample pair sjt , sjt−1
Considering the pseudorange observation diMB,t and the given by
sight state siMT,t in LOS/NLOS environment, we build the
feasible region to filter the particles outside the intersection p(Oti |sjt )p(sjt |sjt−1 , yG,t−1 )bel(sjt−1 )
bel(sjt ) = . (15)
of the multiple circular areas. The feasible region is defined p(Oti |yG,t−1 , ..., O1i )
Since p(Oti |yG,t−1 , ..., O1i ) is a constant, the weights of the
DNLOS = st | st − sBSi  ≤ diMB,t , i = 1, ..., L , (11) particles are derived as
where sBSi is the position of the BSi , st − sBSi  is the p(Oti |sjt )
ωtj = ∝ p(Oti |sjt ). (16)
Euclidean distance between st and sBSi , and L represents p(Oti |yG,t−1 , ..., O1i )
the highest sequence number of the detected NLOS mea- For the LOS measurements, the observation likelihood of the
surements. jth particle is denoted as
L 1
 ji L
p(Oti |st ) = pt , (17)

where pji
t denotes the likelihood
of achieving the measure-
ments diMB,t with the BSi by the
jth particle, we have
ji 1 (diMB,t − d˜ji
MB,t )
pt = √ exp − . (18)
2πσvi 2σv2i
1 1

MT In this section, comprehensive numerical evaluations are
20 m examined to illustrate and quantify the achievable GNSS/5G
collaborative navigation performance using RPF in 5G ultra-
Fig. 1: The scenario of GNSS/5G collaborative navigation dense networks. UMi-street and UMa-street scenarios in 5G
with LOS/NLOS environment. ultra-dense networks are shown in Fig. 2. The deployment
area has plane area of 60 m×110 m. GNSS data are obtained
The scenario of GNSS/5G collaborative navigation with by adding Gaussian noises to the ideal constant velocity
LOS/NLOS environment in 5G ultra-dense networks is as vG = 1 m/s, while 5G ranging information is generated
shown in Fig. 1. In this scenario, the measured diatances are by additional measurement noise (cf.(19)) and NLOS bias
denoted as solid circles, and true diatances are represented is modeled according to (21). The noise distribution of the
by red dashed circles. For LOS measurements (e.g., BS2 ), GPS receiver is determined by a GPS receiver module. Here,
the measured distance and the true diatance are represented the GPS receiver module we use is the Garmin GPS 18x-5Hz
by the red dashed circle. The feasible region D that consists with position error 2σgnss <15 m (where σgnss denotes the
of NLOS measurements from BS4 and BS5 is partly large. standard deviation of the positioning), velocity error 0.1 knot
Thus, LOS measurements are considered to build the feasible and frequency 5 Hz [19].
region DLOS , and the feasible region DLOS is given by Four algorithms are compared in this section: IMM-EKF,
  PF [20], RPF using GNSS and 5G cellular signals, and GNSS
DLOS = st | st − sBSi  ≤ diMB,t + 2σv1i , i = 1, ..., K , solutions. The parameters Pthreshold is set to 0.005 in the
(12) algorithm. For the OFDM signal used in 5G systems, the

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

variance1 of v1i can be calculated by the methods given in and considering the possible range of C/N0 in the 5G ultra-
[21]–[23] dense network scenario. Let us define the C/N0 limits for
two main network designs with high and low intersite dis-
c2 Ts2
σv2i = var(v1i ) =  , (19) tance (ISD), i.e., dMB equal to 116 m and 5 m, respectively.
1 8π 2 · SNRi · p2n · n2
The 5G ultra-dense network scenarios are defined using the
predefined parameters in TABLE I. In the first case, the
where c is the speed-of-light, Ts is the OFDM symbol dura- maximum path losses are assumed. As it is shown in Fig. 3,
tion equivalent to inverse to the subcarrier spacing Fsc (i.e., by utilizing the ultra-dense network scenario path loss model
Ts = F1sc ), NPRS is the subset of positioning reference signal [25], a path loss is around 132.59 dB for dMB = 120 m
(PRS) pilot subcarriers, and p2n is the relative power weight at f = 30 GHz. Using Pmax = 43 dBm and SF = 2σSF ,
of the nth subcarrier. the C/N0 limit is at 72.91 dB-Hz, which only allows to
achieve a target accuracy of 30 cm with a signal bandwidth
higher than 50 MHz. In the second case, minimum path
Start Sidewalk losses are considered. By utilizing the ultra-dense network
scenario path loss model [25], a path loss is around 83.75 dB
Umi BS for dMB = 5 m at f = 30 GHz. Thus, with maximum power
Pmax = 43 dBm and SF = 2σSF , the C/N0 limit is equal to
Uma BS 121.15 dB-Hz, i.e., the target accuracy can be achieved with
20 m any signal bandwidth. These two C/N0 limits are shown
in Fig. 3. It is observed that due to the large transmission
bandwidth of higher NRB , the standard deviation of code
phase error is two orders of magnitude lower compared to
End lower NRB .

32-RB-PRS, 50MHz
Fig. 2: UMi-street and UMa-street scenarios with the MT 100 66-RB-PRS, 100MHz
132-RB-PRS, 200MHz
trajectory (solid white line) and BSs in 5G ultra-dense 264-RB-PRS, 400MHz

The error statistic is evaluated in the presence of NLOS.
σv1 [m]

The channel impulse response (CIR) is simulated by ray-

tracing [24]. A generic model for the simulated CIR is
d=116 m
modeled as 10-2

l=0 (Max.BS power,
h(τ ) = αl δ(τ − τl ), (20) SF = 2σSF) d=5 m
(Max.BS power,
SF = 2σSF)
where L is the number of multipath components, αl and τl 10-3
80 90 100 110 120
are the relative attenuation and delay components, respec-
C/N0 [dB-Hz]
tively, of the lth path with respect to the first path. Then the
Fig. 3: Plot of σv1 as a function of the carrier-to-noise
NLOS bias term v2i can be predicted based on the simulated
ratio C/N0 by using different 5G system bandwidths, and
CIR, and is expressed as [24]
considering the possible range of C/N0 in the 5G ultra-dense
c(sin( 2N ))3 network scenario.
v2i = a
π (χ1 + χ2 ), (21)
4πFsc cos( 2N a
Fig. 4 illustrates localization errors along the path. Fig.
where Na denotes the number of active subcarriers, χ1 and
5 illustrates the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of
χ2 are the biases due to multipath as introduced in [24]
localization error. From Fig. 6 and Fig. 5, we see that
depending on the geometric properties of the CIR.
the proposed RPF algorithm can achieve one-meter level
A. Simulation in 5G Ultra-dense Network Scenario positioning accuracy even under LOS/NLOS environment
conditions in 5G ultra-dense network scenarios. This is
Fig. 3 shows a plot of σv1 as a function of the carrier-to-
because we have built an effective LOS/NLOS feasible region
noise ratio C/N0 by using different 5G system bandwidths,
to filter unsuitable particles. It is observed that IMM-EKF has
1 According to [21], (19) is obtained from the Cramér-Rao lower bound better positioning performance than PF. The significance of
(CRLB) of the time delay based on the time of arrival (TOA) estimation. IMM theory is to combine the switching of the LOS and the

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

IMM-EKF 32 RB-PRS, 50 MHz bandwidth with an ISD of ~ 25 m

PF 66 RB-PRS, 100 MHz bandwidth with an ISD of ~ 25 m
10 132 RB-PRS, 200 MHz bandwidth with an ISD of ~ 25 m
264 RB-PRS, 400 MHz bandwidth with an ISD of ~ 25 m
Estimation errors [m]

Positioning RMSE [m]

6 5



0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 IMM-EKF PF RPF

Time instant
Fig. 4: Localization error along the path. Fig. 7: RMSEs for all positioning methods under different
simulation numerologies with an ISD of 25 m.

NLOS. Then the problem of positioning estimation is con-

verted to a nonlinear filtering of jump Markov systems with
1.0 two independent switching parameters. Hence, IMM-EKF is
Cumulative probability

more robust than PF in mixed LOS/NLOS environments.

The results from the comprehensive numerical evalua-
tions are illustrated in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 illustrates that position-
IMM-EKF ing performance improves when ranging measurements are
0.5 PF
fused from more BSs compared to the scenario with fewer
GNSS BSs. Although there exists interference between BSs, more
effective observations are also helpful for the improvement of
positioning accuracy. Fig. 7 shows RMSEs for all positioning
0.0 methods under different simulation numerologies with an
0 2 4 6 8 10 ISD of 25 m. It is shown that due to the large transmission
Location error [m] bandwidth of higher NRB , the standard deviation of the
Fig. 5: The CDF of localization error. measurement noise error is two orders of magnitude lower
compared to lower NRB .
IMM-EKF In this paper, we proposed the key enabling technology for
7 PF GNSS/5G collaborative navigation in urban environments.
6 First, we derived the posterior belief over the state space con-
ditioned on the given ranging measurements (LOS/NLOS)
Positioning RMSE [m]

5 and GNSS velocity. Then, a RPF algorithm for urban en-

4 vironments was proposed to estimate the sight state and
position of the MT. Next, 5G measurement error statistics
3 in a LOS environment and in the presence of NLOS were
2 presented. Finally, comprehensive performance evaluations
were conducted in 5G ultra-dense networks. Simulation
1 results demonstrated that meter-scale positioning could be
achieved in LOS/NLOS using the proposed RPF technique.
2 BSs 3 BSs 4 BSs 5 BSs
This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science
Fig. 6: RMSEs for all positioning methods with different Foundation of China under Grant 62271352, the Shanghai
number of BSs. Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan Project No.

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2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): SAC Satellite and Space Communications Track

TABLE I: The Environment Parameters of the 5G Ultra-dense Networks

Value Value
Parameters [15] Parameters [15]
Shadow fading standard deviation σSF 6.5 dB 6.5 dB Bandwidth B 100 MHz 25 MHz
Frequency f 30 GHz 3 GHz Number of resource blocks for subcarrier NRB 66 65
Number of active subcarriers Na 788 776 Subcarrier spacing Fsc 120 kHz 30 kHz

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