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Theon Balor

Part of Clan: Mountainforge

Location: Earthspur mountains
Apprentice of blacksmith Skothaen Fierystone
Son of Khetrik Balor who is the clan chief
Other members of the clan are 10x harder on Theon because of his family name. Basically, they think he is a nepo-baby
who has it easy. He wishes to gain their respect and to proceed with becoming a blacksmith by proving himself worthy.
Most dwarves who want to exceed past their apprenticeship, slay monsters or giants and use their hide/bone to craft armor
and weapons.
However, Theon wants something grander than that. Something more dangerous that no other dwarf dares to do. He wants
to prove that he is more than his last name.
North of the Earthspur mountain range is an ancient stronghold, known as Ironfang Keep. Rich iron and rare ore deposits
are located near the keep, however no one dared to mine them due to fear of the presence of the Keep and its unknown
Theon has heard stories of orc tribes, elves, giants, even dragons disappearing in the region. There were rumors of
someone experimenting on living beings deep within the keep and that shadowy creatures roam around it. It was once
thought that mysterious dark mages lived within it practicing dark magic. Although the stories differ, one thing for certain
is that Ironfang Keep is cursed and anyone smart enough would steer clear of the place.
There seems to be only one entrance into the keep but it is sealed by giant runecasters. No one can teleport inside the keep
itself. However, records report that ancient dwarven-dug tunnels, referred to as the Lost Ways, may run underneath the
Keep and possibly to a secret entrance. These tunnels were subterranean passageways once part of the ancient realm of
Sarphil, the lost realm of shield dwarves ruled by the ancient Clan Namarforge.
But these are just legends and myths and have never been proven to be true. Theon’s clan have never found the Lost Ways
but then again, they have never searched the northern tip of the Earthspur Mountains near Ironfang Keep. That will be his
quest, to not only find the Lost Way tunnels but to use the rare ore found at Ironfang Keep forging himself a mighty
weapon. Hell, he may even enter the Keep itself and live to tell the tale.
Theon set out and traveled north in search of the ancient tunnels. However, fate decided something different and now he
finds himself a captive of the Mulmaster militia.
Ore found near Ironfang Keep:
Adamantite ore – black ore, clear green sheen in candlelight. In the presence of magical radiances, it gives off a purple,
white color.
Otataral – rare reddish ore that can negate magic. Scabbard, sheath, or box made of iron and bronze can neutralize the
effects until the blade is drawn. Exposure to its raw form or blade for long periods of time can make any spellcaster go
mad. Any magic attempted near its presence (within 10ft) will cease and release a chill air. A weapon is not actually
forged with this ore. A weapon is forged like regular but then needs to be quenched in Otataral dust which then binds to
the weapon. The ore/dust cannot be exposed to extreme heat. Once the iron loses its glow, then the weapon can be dipped.
If not, an explosion will result (1d20 fire and 1d20 force damage). Intelligence check + proficiency bonus DC 15.
It is not the best weapon though. It will need constant sharpening and will grow brittle over time. There will be enough
dust for a dagger, handaxe, few darts, or a few arrowheads.

In the sewers underneath Mulmaster, there is a cave in. DC 15 perception check to see that one of the rocks have the
Sarphil symbol. (crossed double-ended pick and hammer above an anvil.
Sarphil- ruling house of Sarphil is Clan Namarforge. Ancient realm of the shield dwarves in -4400DR. They formed an
alliance with the Elven court for 2000 years until the year of -2000DR when duegar and drow made an alliance and
attacked known as the Dark Court Slaughter. Dwarven warriors were chased north and whatever dwarves that survived
were in small, isolated holds with no real unity. Rumors of caverns and tunnels dug by them throughout the North. At
some point the tunnels were patrolled by dwarven warriors called the Vault Wardens.
Companions will find a puzzle leading to the tunnels. Will eventually find a stronghold with giants and drow. Possible
dungeon craw in the ancient dwarven stronghold.

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