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6/24/24, 6:33 AM Thẻ ghi nhớ: HS 2711: Health Science 1 | Quizlet

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Thuật ngữ trong học phần này (23)

"The capacity of an individual, social group Health Potential

or population to maintain an acceptable
level of health balance and to re-establish it
when it is lost...For individuals, this designates
adequate social, psychological and physical
health resources and the ability to use
them...For a population, this is indicated by
such factors as an adequate level and
distribution of income and social welfare,
healthy lifestyles among all population
groups (characterized by a balance between
health -enhancing and health- damaging
behaviour) and a high life expectancy free of
suffering and disability" is encapsulated by
the term:

Both A & B

The term "Health inequality" refers to:

(A)The differences in health outcomes between countries
(B) The differences in health outcomes within countries

Which of the following is not linked to social None of the above- All linked to social position

True or False: The social determinants are FALSE

based on the choices that we make,
therefore any solution to issues arising from
the social determinants must be built on
education and behaviour change.

According to your readings, which of the Living close to a hospital

following do not, (or minimally) affect health

True or False: Poor social and economic TRUE

circumstance affects health throughout the
life. 1/3
environment refer to:

True or6:33
6/24/24, False:
AM Good health includes reducing TRUE Thẻ ghi nhớ: HS 2711: Health Science 1 | Quizlet
levels of educational failure, reducing
insecurity and unemployment, and
improving housing standards.

True or False: Job security increases health, TRUE

wellbeing, and job satisfaction. Higher rates
of unemployment cause more illness and
premature death.

True or False: The concept of 'Quality of Life' TRUE

includes feelings people express in areas
such as standard of living, income, housing,
neighbourhood and health.

Which of the following statements do not Treatment of disease

match with the term "Public Health"?

'Targets for Health for All' as adopted by ALL OF THE ABOVE

WHO member states in the European region
advocates for which of the following:

What kind of information are more recent ALL OF THE ABOVE

(within the past few decades) Health
Information Systems interested in?

In your readings, "the main social pathways Social Determinants of Health

and mechanisms through which social
determinants affect people's health can
usefully be seen through three
perspectives." Which of the following is not
listed as one of those perspectives?

Which of the following listed ARE core ALL OF THE ABOVE

functions of Public Health, as purported by
the World Health Organization?

Which of the following are NOT a part of the NONE OF THE ABOVE- All a part of the SDH Framework
Social Determinants of Health Framework?

True or False: The most cited definition of FALSE

Health can be found in the Constitution of
the United States of America.

What is meant by the term 'the Social That there is a direct correlation to one's social position within a society and their health
Gradient'? in comparison to those above and below them.

True or False: Public Health is primarily the FALSE

acute response to a disease at an individual

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
According to the WHO, Health is:
absence of disease or infirmity.

The main concepts around morbidity, A, B, and C

according to Kaplan & Anderson involve 3
types of evidence. These are: 2/3
Statement on Health in All Policies, health
6/24/24, 6:33isAM
the sole responsibility of the Thẻ ghi nhớ: HS 2711: Health Science 1 | Quizlet
health sector. 3/3

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