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By Group 6



1 Introduction

Introduction, established in 2018,
empowers entrepreneurs with disabilities
and MSMEs, fostering inclusion and
economic growth in the digital economy
and is operated by people with disabilities,
parents, and those who care about people
with disabilities.
2 Attitude Component

what is Attitude Component?

Attitude Component is a concept in psychology that
describes the three main elements that make up a person's
attitude towards an object or topic: cognitive, affective, and
behavioral components.

1 Cognitive Component 2 Affective Component

The cognitive component of The Affective Component shapes involves rational visitors' emotional responses to
evaluations of its services, reliability,, influenced by visual
and credibility, providing insights for appeal and customer service.
improvements to support disabled Enhancing UI/UX and improving
entrepreneurs and MSMEs better. customer service fosters positive user
experiences and platform success.
2 Attitude Component

3 Behavioral Component 4 Component Consistency

The behavioral component of Component consistency ensures involves user actions user attitudes are aligned and
reflecting positive attitudes, such as reinforcing; positive evaluations lead
purchases or subscriptions. to positive emotions and behaviors,
Implementing loyalty programs and fostering loyalty. Maintaining quality
personalized newsletters can and soliciting feedback sustain this
enhance engagement and customer alignment.
3 Benefit

Attitude Change Strategies

1 Change The Cognitive Component

2 Change The Affective Component

3 Change The Behavioral Component

4 Step

Change The Cognitive

Change and Add Beliefs Shift Importance and
1 2
Change Ideal
Quality Certifications Sustainability Focus
Customer Testimonials Social Impact
Case Studies Educational Content
Natural and Eco-friendly Materials Cost-Benefit Analysis
Unique Craftsmanship Testimonials and Reviews
5 Component

Change The
01. Classical Conditioning

Pair the product with stimuli that elicit positive affective

responses by Using music, visuals, or influencers that
consumers like in advertisements to create positive
associations with the brand.
6 Component

02. Affect toward the Ad or 03. More Exposure

Web SIte
Enhance positive feelings towards the
Repeated exposure to advertisements or the brand
advertisement or website itsel by Attractive site
to increase affection by Use ads that frequently
design, enjoyable advertisements, and
appear on social media or other online platforms to
satisfying user experiences can enhance
increase familiarity and affection towards the brand.
positive attitudes towards "”
7 Change

Change The Behavioral


Encourage desired actions from consumers

Promotions and Discounts
Loyalty Programs
Free Shipping or Product Samples
8 Individual and Situational Characteristics That Influence Attitude Change

Cue Relevance and Competitive Situation Consumer Resistance to Persuasion

Individual Characteristics Individual Characteristics

Customers may vary in their sensitivity to Some customers may exhibit resistance
cues related to "" based to persuasion due to factors such as pre-
on factors such as their previous existing attitudes, skepticism towards
experiences, knowledge about similar marketing messages, or a sense of brand
products or services, and personal loyalty to competitors.
preferences. Situational Characteristics
Situational Characteristics The effectiveness of persuasion tactics
Competitive situations, such as the employed by "" can also
presence of other similar e-commerce be influenced by situational factors such
platforms or promotional offers from as the timing of the marketing message,
competitors, can significantly impact the perceived credibility of the source,
attitude change and the relevance of the message to the
customer's current needs.
9 Benefit

Communication Characteristics That

Influence Attitude Change
1 Source Characteristics

2 Appeal Characteristics

3 Message Structure Characteristics

Source Characteristics
1 Source Credibility 2 Celebrity Sources 3 Sponsorship

The trustwothiness and Using well-known Associating the brand

expertise of the source personalities to promote with reputable events or
providing message the product. organizations.
"" can Partnering with Sponsoring community
use testimonials from celebrities or events, environmental
industry experts, influencers who align initiatives, or popular
certifications, and with the brand's values social causes can
customer reviews to can attract attention and improve brand
enhance credibility. create positive perception. This
Highlighting professional associations. Their association can convey
endorsements and endorsement can lend values such as social
showcasing credentials authority and increase responsibility and
can also boost the appeal, especially if reliability.
perceived they are respected
trustworthiness. figures in relevant fields.
Appeal Characteristics
1 Fear Appeals 2 Humorous Appeals

Using fear to motivate behavior Using humor to make the

change. message more engaging and
"" can use memorable.
moderate fear appeals to Incorporate humor in
highlight the consequences of advertisements or social media
not using their sustainable campaigns to create a positive
products, such as and enjoyable brand image.
environmental degradation. Humor can make the content
However, the message should more shareable and increase
also provide a clear solution to audience engagement.
mitigate the fear.
Appeal Characteristics
Value-Expressive versus
3 Emotional Appeals 4
Utilitarian Appeal
Targeting emotions to create a
Value-expressive appeals focus on
strong connection with the expressing values and self-concept,
audience. while utilitarian appeals focus on
Use storytelling that evokes practical benefits.
emotions like happiness, For value-expressive appeals, highlight
nostalgia, or empathy. For how using "" products
example, sharing stories of how aligns with consumers' values, such as
"" products have environmental consciousness. For
positively impacted utilitarian appeals, emphasize the
communities or the environment practical benefits, like product
can foster an emotional bond.. durability and cost-effectiveness.
Message Structure Characteristics
One-Sided versus Two-Sided Positive versus Negative Nonverbal Components
Messages Framing
One-sided messages presenting one of two Elements like visuals, body
present only positive equivalent value outcomes language, and tone that
aspects, while two-sided either in positive or gain support the message.
messages present both pros terms (positive framing) or in “” can utilize
and cons. negative or loss terms high-quality visuals, such as
For audiences that are (negative framing). images and videos, that
initially skeptical or convey the brand's
knowledgeable, commitment to quality and
"" can use sustainability. Nonverbal
two-sided messages to build cues like the professional
trust by acknowledging appearance of
potential downsides while spokespeople, engaging
emphasizing the overall visuals, and a consistent,
benefits. For more receptive friendly tone can reinforce
audiences, one-sided the message and make it
messages might suffice to more persuasive.
reinforce positive attitudes.
Market Segmentation and Product
Development Strategies
What is Market Segmentation Strategies for
Market Segmentation Criteria:
•⁠ ⁠Dividing a large market into smaller
Demographic: Age, gender, income, family size.
segments with similar demands.
Psychographic: Attitudes, interests, values,
•⁠ ⁠Tailoring products, services, and marketing
to specific groups.
Geographic: Focus on regions with higher

Segmentation Based on Attitudes Market Strategies

Customized Messages: Tailor messages for each
Environmental Consciousness: Prioritize segment (e.g., eco-friendly for environmentalists).
⁠Targeted Advertising: Use data to target specific
sustainability and conservation
Innovation : Open to new ideas and products
segments (e.g., social media ads for those
Quality Consciousness : willing to pay for high quality interested in disabilities).
Price Sensitivity : Seek affordable, cost effective Content Marketing: Create engaging content for
options different segments (e.g., stories of entrepreneurs
with disabilities).
Market Segmentation and Product
Development Strategies
Product Development Strategie Implementation Tactics

Eco-Friendly Products: Use sustainable Feedback and Surveys: Gather customer

materials, reduce environmental impact. insights.
innovative Features: Unique designs, Prototyping and Testing: Refine
products before full-scale production.
Diverse Product Lines: Cater to different
High-Quality Products: Ensure durability,
preferences and needs.
Collaborations and Partnerships: Form
Affordable Options: Offer various price
strategic alliances.
points, value bundles.
12 Conclusion

Attitudes, composed of cognitive, affective, and behavioral
components, shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Strategies for changing attitudes involve altering affect,
behavior, cognition, or a combination of these elements. The
credibility of the source and the type of appeal used impact the
effectiveness of persuasion., a social business
platform launched in 2018, supports people with disabilities and
their families. It showcases their products, promotes B2B and
B2C concepts, provides training and market information, and
fosters independence and entrepreneurship among disabled

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