Learning ACT 1

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Presbyopia: It is the loss of near vision,

where some structures of the eye lose

their transparency causing the light rays to
not focus correctly, this caused as the
years go by. They are corrected with
Ophthalmologist: A doctor who specializes glasses or surgery.
in the direct care and treatment of the eye,
prescribes examinations, diagnoses and Glaucoma: Problem where a structure of
treats a wide variety of anomalies. In the eye called the optic nerve is damaged,
addition to prescribing lenses or correcting causing vision loss or blindness. It is
with surgeries. Presbyopia usually corrected with surgery.
Strabismus: It is an eye disorder that
Emmetropia: It is the state where the eye causes the eyes to not align correctly
does not have any defect or anomaly, and Optometry is the science that studies and Ophthalmologist Glaucoma where both eyes cannot aim to observe
it would be said to be an area of the eye. measures the physical and optical
the same object. They are corrected with
phenomena of vision.
Emmtropia prismatic lenses. Visual Acuity (VA): It is a test that is
Myopia: Refractive error that affects Strabismus
abused to identify the visual capacity of
distance vision, where light rays focus in our eyes to observe and distinguish
front of the retina causing defocus or Myopia OPTOMETRY shapes or objects, under a certain
blurred vision. AV distance and conditions.
Hyperopia: Refractive error that affects Visual Acuity Optotypes: It is an instrument used to
near vision, where light rays focus behind Hyperopia Amtropia evaluate the visual acuity of people, of
Optotypes which there is a variety depending on the
the retina causing blurred vision.
Optometrist type of test to be performed where we will
Astigmatism see optotypes of letters, numbers, shapes
Astigmatism: visual defect where light rays Ametropias: it is a term used to name the
Glasses or figures.
focus on different points except the retina, refractive errors that occur in our vision.
causing blurred and distorted vision. These are alterations in the eye, where Visual correction Glasses: They are glass lenses mounted
the light rays do not focus correctly on the on rings depending on their material, for
Optometrist: The optometrist is a health Contact lenses
back of the eye towards the retina, the correction of ametropia.
professional who is responsible for
causing blurred or distorted vision.
providing visual health care, diagnosis,
treatment and correction of refractive Contact lenses: They are thin, transparent
errors in the perception of the visual small glass lenses that are placed directly
system. on the eye to correct refractive errors.

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