Optimal Dispatching of Combined Heat and Power System Considering The Power Demand Elasticity of Hydrogen Storage Active Load

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Optimal Dispatching of Combined Heat and Power

System Considering the Power Demand Elasticity of
Hydrogen Storage Active Load
Li Lin , Xinyao Zheng, and Jia Gu

Abstract—With the wide application of hydrogen storage tech- new energy sources. Simultaneously, with the construction of
nology in the integrated energy system, the advantages of multi- an integrated energy system, the coupling of different forms of
energy complementation on the load side are becoming obvious. In energy in the links of power production, transmission, and con-
order to fully explore the elasticity of multienergy complementation
to optimize system operation, this article incorporates hydrogen sumption is becoming stronger [1], and the transforming forms
storage active load (HS-AL) into the combined heat and power of different energy sources on the demand side have become
system (CHPS) and analyzes its optimal operation mechanism. By diverse. Thus, on the basis of the traditional demand response
analyzing the operating characteristics of hydrogen storage and the (DR), the concept of integrated demand response (IDR) [2] is
integrated demand response of terminal electric and thermal loads,
proposed. Compared with the traditional DR, IDR can take the
the external demand elastic space of HS-AL is extracted. Then,
the optimal dispatching model considering the power demand advantage of the transforming and time transfer characteristics
elasticity of HS-AL is established. Finally, the simulation validates of different energy sources, which can promote the bidirectional
the effectiveness of the proposed model. The results also show that interaction between energy suppliers and demanders, and effec-
the elasticity of HS-AL can be fully utilized to promote wind power tively improve load flexibility on the user side.
accommodation and effectively reduce the deep regulation pressure
Nowadays, protecting the environment and accelerating the
of coal-fired power units at night. This research will provide a
theoretical reference for the bidirectional coordinated optimization energy transition in China are so urgent that hydrogen energy, a
between HS-AL and CHPS. clean and efficient energy carrier, which has high energy density
and can be stored on a large scale for a long time in a variety of
Index Terms—Active load, elasticity of loads, hydrogen storage,
optimal dispatching model, wind power accommodation. ways, is considered to be one of the most promising energies.
As an intermediate carrier of electricity, it will play an important
role in the future energy system. At present, the most commonly
I. INTRODUCTION used hydrogen production technology is hydrogen production
from fossil fuels, which has a large scale of application and low
P to the end of September 2019, the total installed capacity
U of wind power in our country has reached 198 million kW,
an 8.9% year-on-year increase. Current wind power accommo-
cost but large carbon dioxide emissions. However, this is not in
accordance with the vision of our country’s environmental pro-
tection and carbon neutrality goal. Hydrogen production from
dation is mainly undertaken by thermal power units, but the
water electrolysis meets the development requirements, which
regulation capacity of thermal power units has basically been
is the future development direction of hydrogen production. In
used up, resulting in frequent and deep peak regulation, which
particular, using wind power, distributed photovoltaic (PV) gen-
greatly increases the system peak-regulating cost, and restricts
eration and other renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen
the increment of the grid-connected capacity of wind power.
from water electrolysis can improve the accommodation level
Therefore, it is necessary to explore the regulation capacity on
and utilization of new energy, which makes it become the target
the load side to further increase the grid-connected capacity of
and key point of various countries.
Combining renewable energy with hydrogen production and
Manuscript received March 1, 2021; revised May 21, 2021; accepted July hydrogen storage processes can greatly improve energy effi-
21, 2021. Date of publication August 18, 2021; date of current version March
20, 2022. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of
ciency. Applying this technology to the integrated energy system
China under Grant 2018YFE0208400. Paper 2021-ATAH-0162.R1, approved is a good way to improve load flexibility and obtain more
for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the benefits. In recent years, hydrogen energy vehicles, hydrogen
Advanced Technology and Application for Hydrogen-Integrated Transportation
and Power Systems of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. (Corresponding
fuel cells, and hydrogen gas turbines have become major devel-
author: Li Lin.) opment trends. For example, in order to overcome the difficulty
Li Lin and Xinyao Zheng are with the School of Electrical and Electronic of absorbing renewable energy in western China, Jin et al.
Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
(e-mail: linli@ncepu.edu.cn; zhengxinyao99@126.com).
[3] propose an idea of using hydrogen production technology
Jia Gu is with the Schneider Electric Information Technology (China) Co., to solve the abandonment of wind and PV and gives two so-
Ltd., Shanghai 200120, China (e-mail: gujiancepu@126.com). lutions based on the fuel cell hydrogen storage system and
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
hydrogen-mixed natural gas, respectively. Zhao et al. [4] propose
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2021.3105618 a wind–hydrogen–hydrogen gas turbine coupling-integrated
0093-9994 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA. Downloaded on February 09,2024 at 12:13:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

energy system, and the system connects the electricity of poor

quality generated by the wind farm to the electrolyzer to produce
hydrogen. It can be seen that hydrogen storage technology
has already been applied to the integrated energy system, but
there is no study that combines it with the power grid and
thermal network to improve the response characteristics of the
integrated energy system. Therefore, the research on new energy
accommodation characteristics of the integrated energy system
with hydrogen storage is a forward-looking subject. In order
to focus on the key point, this article takes wind power as a
representative of new energy to carry out relevant work.
There is good basic research on the modeling of IDR. On
Fig. 1. Structure of CHPS with HS-AL.
the basis of the traditional DR modeling method of controllable
electric loads, Cui et al. [5] classify and model the cooling,
thermal, and electric loads in the energy hub and successfully considers the role of hydrogen storage on the load side and
realizes the coordinated dispatching of multiple loads. Xu et al. combines it with a variety of flexible loads to form a uniformly
[6] establish a model with electric and thermal loads coupling dispatchable hydrogen storage active load (HS-AL), which is
and proposes a two-stage optimal dispatching method based incorporated into CHPS.
on the model. By taking into account the concept of virtual Thus, according to the operating characteristics of HS-AL,
energy plant, Mancarella et al. [7], [8] establish a virtual energy this article analyzes its optimal operation mechanism. Along
plant model containing CHP units, electric heat pumps, and with the IDR characteristics of terminal electric and thermal
variable loads to reflect IDR characteristics on the demand side. loads, the comprehensive response capability of HS-AL actively
In addition, the optimal operation of IDR is also a focus in participating in the system dispatching is analyzed qualitatively.
the current research, the goal of which is closely related to the Then, the external elastic demand space of HS-AL is extracted.
scale of IDR participants [9]. For small-scale terminal users, the And considering generation cost and wind curtailment cost, the
optimization goal is mainly to meet their own needs of energy optimal dispatching model based on the demand elasticity of
consumption and try to reduce energy costs. But for large-scale HS-AL is established. Finally, this article simulates and analyzes
users with multienergy coupling, the internal devices can be the impact of HS-AL on new energy consumption, economical
connected with terminal loads as an IDR subject to participate operation, and deep regulation of the units in CHPS.
in the grid dispatching for the purpose of obtaining additional The main contributions of this article are summarized as
benefits, so its optimization goal is to maximize social benefits follows.
or minimize operating cost. To explore IDR characteristics of 1) Considering the multienergy complementation character-
generalized flexible loads and transferable loads, Shi et al. [10] istics of integrated energy system, the hydrogen storage
establish a double-layer optimal dispatching model considering unit is first introduced to establish HS-AL, and the opti-
the adjustable heat-to-electric ratio of CHP units. Cui et al. [11], mal operation mechanism of CHPS with HS-AL is ana-
[12] consider linearization constraints and multienergy prices of lyzed. According to the internal operating characteristics
the natural gas network, respectively, and propose a double-layer of HS-AL and IDR characteristics of terminal electric and
optimization model with the goal of achieving the lowest energy thermal loads, the comprehensive response capability of
cost in the upper layer and the highest energy efficiency in the HS-AL actively participating in the system dispatching
lower layer to actualize economic distribution of energy. The is analyzed qualitatively, and its external elastic demand
research articles above provide important help for IDR modeling space is extracted.
of hydrogen storage. 2) In the system modeling aspect, we take the winter heat-
Current research on the optimal dispatching of combined ing season as a scenario. In order to achieve more wind
heat and power system (CHPS) is mostly carried out from the power accommodation and the lowest generation cost of
aspects of adding electric heating and thermal energy storage the system, the optimal dispatching model based on the
devices [13]–[15], improving dispatching strategies [16], [17], demand elasticity of HS-AL is established, and the impact
and exploring the characteristics of the thermal network [18], of HS-AL on the system dispatching is discussed.
[19]. With the introduction of hydrogen storage in the integrated
energy system, the advantages of multienergy complementation
on the load side are becoming obvious. But there are few studies II. STRUCTURE AND OPERATION MECHANISM OF CHPS
that consider the multienergy complementation characteristics WITH HS-AL
of the integrated energy system with hydrogen storage. In fact, Fig. 1 shows a typical CHPS with HS-AL. As can be seen,
with the introduction of hydrogen storage, the power elasticity the power generation part is composed of a wind farm, a thermal
of integrated energy system has an obvious change. If hydrogen power plant, and a coal-fired power plant. The energy transmis-
storage participates in the system peak shaving, the optimization sion part is composed of a power grid and thermal network. It
plan of peak shaving will be changed. Given these gaps, on the also contains multiple electric and thermal loads and HS-AL.
basis of current research on the demand elasticity, this article The HS-AL in the figure contains distributed PV generation

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TABLE I hydrogen storage has a high power level, high energy density,
and long storage period. Applying it to the integrated energy sys-
tem can improve the flexibility and multienergy complementary
space of the system.
Cost is one of the main obstacles to the widespread adoption of
hydrogen storage technology. At present, the cost of hydrogen
production from water electrolysis is relatively high, ranging
from 25 to 40 yuan/kg, which will not exceed 15 yuan/kg by
2035 [20], predicted by the “White Paper on Chinese Hydrogen
Energy and Fuel Cell Industry.” A new report from the Com-
monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of
Australia claims that hydrogen storage may soon have the same
cost competitiveness as the current energy storage system. By
devices, electrolyzers, hydrogen storage tanks, CHP, gas boilers, 2025, the cost of hydrogen storage may be comparable with
and terminal loads. Different from the conventional gas turbines that of gas generation. In fact, the report data show that com-
fueled by natural gas, the hydrogen-fired gas turbines used in pared with emerging green energy storage technologies, such
this article use hydrogen mixed with natural gas as fuel. By as battery energy storage, hydrogen storage may even be more
using a specialized burner to burn the mixture of hydrogen and cost competitive. The newly released “EU Hydrogen Energy
natural gas, not only can stable combustion be achieved but Strategy” points out that the hydrogen production from renew-
also the emissions of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide can be able energy will reach 1 million tons by 2024 and 10 million
significantly reduced. From the perspective of the power grid, tons by 2030. The figures are very impressive, which shows
HS-AL can be seen as a load unit to purchase electricity from the that hydrogen storage is relatively promising among various
grid; it can also provide surplus electricity for the grid. HS-AL large-scale and long-term energy storage technologies. China’s
is an adjustable load with the ability of purchasing and selling hydrogen energy has developed for 20 years and is in the stage
electricity, which can participate in the dispatching flexibly. of large-scale industrialization now. There will be a large-scale
Inside HS-AL, power generation devices, adjustable energy application in the next five years, and the national subsidy policy
storage devices, and terminal loads work together, making HS- is about to begin, which will give a lot of motivation to the
AL has the ability of adjusting time and energy consumption development of hydrogen storage.
harmoniously, and external energy consumption characteristics In terms of power level, energy density, energy storage pe-
of HS-AL represent a certain flexible and adjustable space. riod, and development potential, hydrogen storage has greater
According to the characteristics of each device inside HS-AL, advantages than battery energy storage. Therefore, this article
the power elasticity range of HS-AL can be obtained theoret- chooses hydrogen storage technology as the internal electric
ically. Based on this, the superior grid dispatching department energy storage of HS-AL.
can formulate an optimal dispatching strategy to reduce coal
consumption cost and promote wind power accommodation.
B. Internal Devices and Terminal Loads’ Models of HS-AL
III. ANALYSIS OF POWER ELASTICITY SPACE AND RESPONSE 1) Electrolyzer: In the water electrolysis system, the elec-
CAPACITY OF HS-AL ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING IN THE trolyzer is the most important component. Under the action of
DISPATCHING electricity, water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen in
the electrolyzer. According to different kinds of electrolyzer
A. Choice of Battery Energy Storage and Hydrogen Storage
diaphragm materials, water electrolysis technology is divided
Electrochemical energy storage, that is, battery energy stor- into alkaline electrolysis, proton exchange membrane (PEM)
age, has the advantages of high efficiency, flexible application, electrolysis, and solid oxide electrolysis. Alkaline electrolysis
and quick response. It plays an increasingly important role in is the most mature technology at this stage, but there are some
cooperating with new energy integrated power system and as- disadvantages, such as electrolyte liquid pollution, electrode
sisting system operation. In the past ten years, battery technology corrosion, low current density, and low efficiency in the actual
has undergone a revolution. Although the cost of battery energy application process. Solid oxide electrolysis technology is still in
storage is still high, the decline rate of it is rapid, and the cost the experimental stage, which is difficult to achieve mature and
of batteries has been reduced by 80%–90%. China is a battery stable applications in a short time. PEM electrolysis technology
producer with the strongest battery industry chain and the largest has the characteristics of small size, high efficiency, high gas
production capacity in the world. It is predicted that the global purity, high current density, and fast dynamic response, and it
battery output will exceed 1 billion kWh in 2030, and in this has strong load adaptability to fluctuations. The combination of
case, the cost of battery energy storage will drop significantly. PEM electrolysis technology and solar energy can be applied
However, the battery is only a short period, high frequency, to fields, such as the on-site hydrogen production at hydrogen
and distributed energy storage device, which is not suitable for refueling stations, manned space flights, fuel cells, and energy
large-scale, long-period, and centralized energy storage scenar- storage. Although the cost of electrolyzers has fallen by 40% in
ios. As given in Table I, compared with battery energy storage, the past five years, high investment and operating cost are still a

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major problem that need to be solved urgently. This article uses value of hydrogen storage and hydrogen discharge of the hydro-
PEM electrolysis technology to produce hydrogen. gen storage tank, respectively; RHS is the remaining capacity of
The electrolyzer model is as follows [21]: hydrogen storage tank l in period t; and RHS,max and RHS,min
t,k t,k are the maximum and minimum remaining value of the hydrogen
CEH = αEH PEH (1)
storage tank, respectively.
t,k According to the IDR characteristics of terminal electric and
where CEH is the cost of electrolyzer k in period t; αEH is the
t,k thermal loads, this article divides them into reducible loads and
operating cost coefficient of the electrolyzer; and PEH is the
transferable loads. And considering the elasticity of terminal
electric power of electrolyzer k in period t.
heating loads caused by temperature ambiguity, the article es-
The power constraints of the electrolyzer are as follows:
tablishes models for the following loads, respectively.
0 ≤ PEH ≤ PEH ,max (2) 3) Reducible Electric and Thermal Loads:
t t t
ΔPEH ,min ≤ ΔPEH ≤ ΔPEH ,max (3) PLcut = PLcut∗ − αt ΔPLcut (6)
t t
where PEH,max is the maximum electric power of the elec- where PLcut ∗ and PLcut are the power before and after dispatch-
trolyzer; ΔPEH t,k
is the input power change of electrolyzer k in ing in period t; and ΔPLcut is the power reduced in period t. We
period t; and ΔPEH ,max and ΔPEH ,min are the maximum and suppose αt is a 0–1 variable, which represents the reduction state
minimum ramp rate of the electrolyzer, respectively. of the load in period t, and αt = 1 means the load is reduced.
2) Hydrogen Storage Tank: Hydrogen storage is a bridge 4) Transferable Electric and Thermal Loads:
connecting hydrogen production and hydrogen use. Early hydro- T

t t t
gen storage materials were usually 304 stainless steel or Cr–Mo PLtrans = PLtrans ∗ + (γt ,t − εt,t )ΔPLtrans (7)
steel. The steel cylinder is heavy, and in the process of filling t =1,t =t
high-pressure hydrogen, the temperature will rise rapidly. Once t t
where PLtrans ∗ and PLtrans are the powers before and after
the gas pressure exceeds the capacity of the cylinder, there will t
dispatching in period t; and ΔPLtrans is the power of a single
be an explosion. Therefore, pressure and stability are two major
transfer. We suppose γt ,t and εt,t are 0–1 variables, which
problems in the storage and transportation process of hydrogen.
represent the transfer state of the load in period t. γt ,t = 1 means
This article uses a type IV hydrogen storage tank manufactured
that the load is transferred from period t’ to period t, and εt,t = 1
by Hexagon in Norway. The hydrogen storage tank has a carbon
means that the load is transferred from period t to period t’.
fiber shell and the capacity reaches 4.4 kg. The hydrogen storage
5) Heating Loads: We suppose that the heating loads here
pressure adopts global standard 70 MPa. It only takes 3 min to
are all indoor heating; according to the physical process of
fill the tank with hydrogen fuel. This type of hydrogen storage
heat change inside the building and first-order thermodynamic
tank has the characteristics of lightweight, corrosion resistance,
model, the indoor temperature can be expressed as follows:
leakage prevention, and hydrogen embrittlement resistance. The
t+1 t −Δt/τ
structure of carbon fiber makes the tank only burst when the Tin = Tin e + (R · QtL +Tout
) · (1 − e−Δt/τ ) (8)
pressure is excessive. The hydrogen escaping from the gap will t t
where Tin and Tout are the indoor and outdoor temperatures of
not cause fragments and explosions, which greatly improves the
the building in period t, respectively; R is the equivalent thermal
safety of hydrogen storage. The density of type IV hydrogen
resistance of the building, which is a fixed value for a specific
storage tank is higher, and the overall cost is lower than that of
building. Here, for residential heated buildings, R is taken as
the old hydrogen storage tank type.
6.8 ◦ C/kW uniformly; QtL is the thermal power injected into the
The hydrogen storage tank model is as follows:
  building in period t; Δt is the dispatching time; and τ = R · C air ,
t,l  t,l  where C air is the heat capacity of the air, which is 1.2 kW · h/◦ C.
CHS = βHS PHS  (4)
Then, we can conclude the power of heating loads as follows:
where CHS t,l  t+1 t −Δt/τ
is the cost of hydrogen storage tank l in period t; 1 Tin − Tin e
βHS is the unit operating cost of the hydrogen storage tank; and QtL = t
− Tout . (9)
t,l R 1−e −Δt/τ
PHS is the output power of hydrogen storage tank l in period t, a
positive value represents energy discharge, and a negative value The human body’s perception of temperature has a certain
represents energy storage. degree of ambiguity, so the heating demand can be met by
The power constraints of the hydrogen storage tank are as limiting the heating temperature of heated buildings to a certain
follows: range. The national standard “Indoor Air Quality Standard”
⎧ t,l
(GB/T18883-2002) stipulates that the heating temperature in our
⎨ WHS,min ≤ WHS ≤ WHS,max
⎪ country is 16–24 °C, based on which the constraints on indoor
PHS,min ≤ PHS ≤ PHS,max (5) temperature are established.

⎩ t,l t
RHS,min ≤ RHS ≤ RHS,max Tmin ≤ Tin ≤ Tmax (10)
where WHS (t) is the capacity of hydrogen storage tank l in where Tmin and Tmax are the minimum and maximum indoor
period t; WHS,max and WHS,min are the maximum and minimum temperatures that meet the requirements of indoor heating, re-
capacity, respectively; PHS,max and PHS,min are the maximum spectively.

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Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of electric power distribution inside HS-AL.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of thermal power distribution inside HS-AL.

in Figs. 2 and 3, the elastic demand space of HS-AL when it
participates in the grid dispatching is analyzed qualitatively.
The models of other devices are detailed in [22]–[27]. As shown in Fig. 2, the typical original curve of thermal
Generally, HS-AL includes the links of energy input, energy loads presents the peak and valley characteristics of low day and
output, and intermediate energy conversion, all of which can be high night. According to the internal cost optimal dispatching
represented by the following matrix: principle of HS-AL, terminal reducible and transferable thermal
loads participate in IDR first, which results in that the peak
Lte thermal loads are reduced and a part of the loads is transferred
Ltt from peak periods to valley periods. Due to the uncertain re-
⎡ ⎤ sponsiveness of thermal loads, its demand represents an elastic
ge γPPV + Pet space (the red area). Then, the thermal energy storage device
ζT kζCHP he
= ⎣ Pgt ⎦ generates heat during peak periods. It stores heat when the
gt gt ht
0 (1 − k)ζGB + kζCHP (1 − λ)ζCHP t
PHS grid electricity price is low, which results in that the equivalent
(11) demand of thermal loads changes and the elastic space increases
(the yellow area). During peak periods, the hydrogen storage
where Lte and Ltt are the total demand of electric loads and tank releases hydrogen, and the gas turbine generates heat,
thermal loads, respectively; k is the distribution coefficient of which is equivalent to reducing thermal loads (the blue dotted
natural gas, which satisfies 0 < k < 1; λ is the distribution line). Finally, considering users’ thermal comfort, the heating
coefficient of hydrogen, which satisfies 0 < λ < 1; γ is the temperature can be maintained within a certain range to meet
distribution coefficient of distributed PV generation, which sat- users’ needs. At this time, the demand for heating loads changes
ge he gt ht gt
isfies 0 < γ < 1; ζCHP , ζCHP , ζCHP , ζCHP , ζGB , and ζ T , re- from rigid to flexible, and the equivalent demand space for
spectively, represent the gas-to-electricity efficiency, hydrogen- thermal loads further increases. We suppose that the thermal
to-electricity efficiency, gas-to-heat efficiency, hydrogen-to-heat energy of HS-AL is supplied internally, and there is no thermal
efficiency of CHP units, gas-to-heat efficiency of gas boilers, and power exchange with the upper-level system. In order to make
the transmission efficiency of the electric network, respectively, Fig. 2 clearer, we also suppose that the capacity of gas boilers
where the value of ζ T is 1; PPV t
is the PV power; Pet is the and gas turbines inside HS-AL is similar. Considering that the
electric power between the power grid and HS-AL; Ptg is the gas turbines run on the “determine electricity by heat” operation
input amount of natural gas; and PtHS is the amount of hydrogen mode and the adjustment of thermal output is relatively flexible
in the hydrogen storage tank, which is equal to (1 − γ)PPV . during the heating season, the output of gas boilers is set to a fixed
value to maintain efficient operation. The gas turbine responds
to the changes in thermal loads, thermal energy storage, and
C. Analysis of Power Demand Elasticity of HS-AL hydrogen storage. The thermal output at the minimum response
Considering IDR characteristics of electric and thermal loads, corresponds to the green curve, and the thermal output at the
the elasticity of heating loads, and the role of energy storage de- maximum response corresponds to the red curve. Based on this,
vices, the equivalent power demand of terminal loads represents the elastic and adjustable thermal output space of gas turbines
great uncertainty, which makes the external power demand of inside HS-AL is obtained (the blue slanted area).
HS-AL become flexible. According to the schematic diagrams of Fig. 3 shows the internal electric power distribution of HS-AL.
thermal and electric power distribution inside HS-AL, as shown We suppose that all distributed PV generations are sold to the

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Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of electric power distribution inside AL.

is, HS-AL has the ability to actively participate in the optimal

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of thermal power distribution inside AL.
dispatching of the power grid and provide flexible adjustment
space. However, if hydrogen storage is not taken into account,
the adjustable elasticity of HS-AL will be limited, resulting in
power grid preferentially. Therefore, the equivalent curve of some inelastic periods and a decrease in the power demand of
electric loads that considers distributed PV output is obtained HS-AL to the superior grid. As a result, HS-AL fails to obtain
(the yellow curve). Similar to the demand elasticity of thermal greater benefits with its own elasticity advantages. What is more,
loads, electric loads participate in IDR actively, which results in the flexibility of grid dispatching and the grid-side wind power
that its demand represents an elastic space (the red area). When accommodation will be affected.
distributed PV generation is surplus, hydrogen storage units use
excess electricity to produce hydrogen from water electrolysis IV. DAY-AHEAD DISPATCHING MODEL OF CHPS BASED ON
and store them. During valley periods, hydrogen storage units HS-AL DEMAND ELASTICITY
also produce and store hydrogen when the grid electricity price
is low. During peak periods, the hydrogen storage tank releases A. Objective Function
hydrogen and supplies it to the hydrogen-fired gas turbine to gen- HS-AL can be regarded as a special generating unit, which
erate electricity, which results in that the equivalent demand of has the bidirectional adjustable ability between power supply
electric loads changes and the elastic space increases (the green and consumption. Here, we suppose that the surplus electricity
area). The demand elasticity of terminal electric loads is related of HS-AL is fully consumed. Considering the elastic space of
to the effect of IDR and hydrogen storage, and the elastic space HS-AL and wind curtailment penalty [28], [29], we establish a
is the area enclosed by the yellow and blue curves. We suppose dispatching model of CHPS of which the goal is to minimize
that the electricity needed by electric loads is satisfied by internal the total generation cost of the system. The objective function is
gas turbines and the upper-level power grid, and electric output as follows:
and thermal output have a linear relationship. According to the
 M N

adjustable thermal output space of gas turbines in Fig. 2, the   t,m
 t,n t
elastic space of electric output is obtained (the blue slanted area). C= FCON + FCHP + μPWA ·ψ
Obviously, the difference between the electric output of internal t=1 m=1 n=1
gas turbines and the demand of terminal loads is the external K L R

power demand of HS-AL, the elastic space of which corresponds + CEH + CHS + αt PHS−AL (12)
to the purple area. We can see that the demand of HS-AL is elastic k=1 l=1 r=1
throughout the time, and it is negative sometimes, which means
HS-AL can transfer electricity to the upper-level power grid. where C is the total generation cost; M and N are the numbers
When HS-AL participates in the grid dispatching as a flexible of pure condensing units and CHP units, respectively; FCON is
load, the preferred electric power PHS−AL,0 in the elastic space the coal consumption of pure condensing unit m in period t, t/h;
can be obtained. FCHP is the coal consumption of CHP unit n in period t, t/h; T is
If the characteristics of hydrogen storage inside HS-AL are the total periods of a dispatching cycle; μ is the wind curtailment
not considered, the schematic diagrams of thermal and electric penalty coefficient, t/MW; PWA is the wind curtailment power
power distribution inside AL can be obtained (see Figs. 4 and in period t, MW; ψ is the coal price, yuan/t; K, L, and R are the
5). It can be seen from Figs. 2–5 that considering thermal energy number of electrolyzers, hydrogen storage tanks, and HS-AL,
storage, hydrogen storage, and IDR characteristics of terminal respectively; PHS−AL is the power generation of HS-AL r in
loads, the electric power demand of HS-AL is adjustable, that period t; and α is the electricity price in period t, yuan/MW · h.

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Consumption characteristic of the pure condensing unit is as

FCON = a0 + a1 PCON + a2 PCON
where PCON is the power generation of a pure condensing unit,
MW; and a0 –a2 are the fitting coefficients.
Consumption characteristic of the single-extraction CHP unit
is as follows:
FCHP = b0 + b1 PCHP + b2 D + b3 PCHP 2
+ b4 PCHP D + b5 D2
where PCHP is the power generation of a CHP unit, MW; D
is the amount of steam extraction, t/h; and b0 –b5 are the fitting
Fig. 6. Improved IEEE14-node system model.
coefficients. a0 –a2 are the fitting coefficients.

B. Constraint Conditions TABLE II

1) Power Balance Constraint Considering Demand Elastic- SYSTEM UNDER DIFFERENT DISPATCHING PLANS
ity of HS-AL:
t,n t,m t,r
+PW =PLt + PHS−AL +Af · PEt,s
n=1 m=1 r=1 s=1
where PCHP is the electric power of CHP unit n in period t,
MW; PCON is the electric power of pure condensing unit m in C. Model Solving
period t, MW; PW is the feed-in wind power in period t, MW; The dispatching model is related to mixed-integer opti-
PL is the total loads in period t, MW; Af is the mark value of mization. This article uses MATLAB simulation software
wind curtailment, Af = 1 means that the electric boiler is ON, and particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve the
Af = 0 means that the electric boiler is OFF; S is the number problem.
of electric boilers in the thermal power plant; and PEt,s is the
electric power consumed by electric boiler s in period t, MW,
whose expression is as follows: V. CASE STUDY

PEt,s = Qt,s
E (aδs ) (16) A. Case System
In this case, an improved IEEE14-node system model is used.
where Qt,s
E is the thermal power of electric boiler s in period t, As shown in Fig. 6, node 1 is a wind farm, nodes 2–8 are
GJ/h; a is the thermoelectric conversion coefficient; and δs is
connected with the conventional electric loads, and node 9 is
the thermoelectric conversion efficiency of the electric boiler.
connected with HS-AL. Nodes 10, 12, 13, and 14 are connected
2) Heat Balance Constraint:
with four pure condensing units (#13–#16) and node 11 is
 connected with a thermal power plant (#1–#12). The model
CHP +Af · Qt,s
E = Qt,j
L (17) of the thermal network is detailed in [18]. The electric boiler
n=1 s=1 j=1 capacity is 50 MW, a is 3.6, μ is 0.32, δs is 0.95, ΔH is
where J is the number of heat exchange stations in the thermal 2327.53 kJ/kg, and the coal price is 598 yuan/t. The parameters
power plant; Qt,j
L is the thermal load of heat exchange station j
of the above-mentioned units are given in Tables III–V in the
in period t, GJ/h; Qt,n
CHP is the thermal power of CHP unit n in
Appendix. The power price is given in Table VI in the Appendix.
period t, GJ/h, whose expression is as follows: Thermal loads, conventional electric loads, and wind power
 prediction in each period of a day are given in Table VII in
ΔH 1000 (18) the Appendix. The preferred electric power and the upper and
where Dt,n is the steam extraction amount of CHP unit n in lower elastic ratio of AL in each period are given in Table VIII
period t, t/h; and ΔH is the steam enthalpy drop, kJ/kg. in the Appendix.
3) Power Constraint of HS-AL:
 B. Analysis of Simulation Results
−PAG,max ≤ PHS−AL ≤ PAL,max (19) This article designs the following three dispatching plans.

where PAG,max is the maximum power generation of HS-AL, Plan 1: The load of node 9 is rigid.
MW; and PAL,max is the maximum loads of HS-AL, MW. Plan 2: Node 9 is AL (without hydrogen storage).
4) Other Constraints [30]: Plan 3: Node 9 is HS-AL.

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Fig. 7. Wind power under different dispatching plans and total wind power.
Fig. 10. Total power output of system units under different dispatching plans.

Fig. 8. Comparison of the generation cost under different dispatching plans.

Fig. 11. Power output of pure condensing units under different dispatching

elasticity of AL without considering hydrogen storage is rela-

tively small and there exist inelastic periods. When hydrogen
storage is considered, the elastic space is greatly increased.
Therefore, we can see from the dispatching results of Plan 2 and
Plan 3 that there is a significant difference in the offset power of
AL (see Fig. 9), especially in the inelastic periods (6:00–7:00,
16:00–17:00, and 22:00–23:00) of Plan 2. The power con-
Fig. 9. Comparison of AL offset power between Plan 2 and Plan 3.
sumption of HS-AL increases significantly, and the wind power
accommodation level in the whole day is improved by 5.77%.
With the introduction of hydrogen storage, AL can not only fully
accommodate PV power and increases its own elasticity but
The dispatching results are given in Tables IX and X in also use hydrogen storage to accommodate surplus wind power
the Appendix. The comparison of wind power and the com- of the system instead of gas generation, which can improve
parison of the generation cost under three dispatching plans the economy of AL. The overall wind power accommodation
are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. Table II presents level of the system can also be improved, the effect of which is
the total wind curtailment rate and daily generation cost of more obvious in the heating season. However, compared with
the system under different dispatching plans. The results show Plan 1 and Plan 2, the optimal dispatching of CHPS based on
that the level of wind power accommodation in Plan 1 is the the elasticity of HS-AL cannot guarantee the most economical
lowest, followed by Plan 2. By adopting Plan 3, the level conclusion. To sum up, the full consideration of HS-AL demand
of wind power accommodation can be improved with a rel- elasticity has obvious effects in improving the economy of AL
atively economical cost, which validates the effectiveness of and promoting wind power accommodation of the system.
Plan 3. 2) Impact of Optimal Dispatching on the Deep Regulation
1) Impact of HS-AL Demand Elasticity on the System Dis- of the Units and the Generation Cost: The total power output
patching: It can be seen from Figs. 2–5 that the external demand of system units under different dispatching plans is shown in

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Fig. 10, and the total power output of pure condensing units APPENDIX
under different dispatching plans is shown in Fig. 11.
In the traditional dispatching of CHPS, the main problem is FITTING COEFFICIENTS OF EACH PURE CONDENSING UNIT
that the units are forced to reduce output, which is caused by the
coexistence of high wind power generation and high-heat supply
at night. The problem seriously restricts wind power accommo-
dation and the stable operation of CHPS. As shown in Figs. 10
and 11, considering the demand elasticity of HS-AL, Plan 3 is
more likely to promote wind power accommodation at night
and effectively alleviate the problem of blocked output on the
generation side, compared with Plan 1 and Plan 2. Therefore, the TABLE IV
total power output of the units, especially pure condensing units,
is significantly improved at night (1:00–4:00 and 22:00–24:00),
which effectively alleviates the regulation pressure of units and
contributes to maintaining the stable operation of CHPS at night.
Generally, the participation of HS-AL in the dispatching can
effectively promote wind power accommodation of the system.
But due to the influence of various cost factors, such as the
wind curtailment penalty, the optimal dispatching proposed in
this article has no significant effect on reducing the generation
cost of the system. Therefore, the advantages of considering the
demand elasticity of HS-AL in the dispatching are still reflected
in promoting wind power accommodation and alleviating the
regulation pressure on the generation side.
By analyzing the comprehensive response capability of HS-
AL and extracting its external elastic demand space, this article
establishes an optimal dispatching model considering the power
demand elasticity of HS-AL, which can realize the bidirectional
coordinated optimization between CHPS and HS-AL. The con-
clusions are as follows.
1) Considering the elasticity of terminal electric and thermal
loads, AL has a relatively abundant elastic space compared
with rigid loads. The introduction of hydrogen storage
makes the elastic demand space of AL further increase.
After participating in the dispatching of CHPS, HS-AL
can obtain more cheap wind power to meet its internal
demand and improve the economy itself, which is also
beneficial to promote wind power accommodation of the
2) Considering the elasticity of HS-AL, the optimal dispatch-
ing of CHPS makes the system more inclined to use the
elastic space of HS-AL. Particularly, in the heating season
and high wind power generation scenarios, HS-AL will TOU POWER PRICE
consume more electricity, and the effect of absorbing
high-generation wind power will be significant. It can be
seen that with the introduction of hydrogen storage on the
load side, the optimal dispatching of CHPS can greatly
promote new energy accommodation of the power grid.
3) The optimal dispatching strategy of CHPS proposed in
this article can effectively promote the consumption of
high wind power generation and alleviate the regulation
pressure of coal-fired power units at night, which is ben-
eficial to the stable operation of CHPS.

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