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June,1st, 2023

Mrs.Campbell Senior Mistress, Prefect Advisor

Eight Mile Rock High School
P. O. Box F42595
Martin Town, EMR
The Bahamas

Dear Mrs. Campbell:


I key this letter of reference for the above student who is desirous of becoming a Prefect for the
academic year 23-24.It is a pleasure for me to state that Italiya has the necessary personality
qualities, deportment and academic requirements.

Italiya is a mannerly, focused and cooperative student who is extremely concerned about her
personal development. She listens attentively and follows instructions thoroughly. In addition, Italiya
is very critical of her writing style and she sets high standards for herself.
She possesses a pleasant personality and she displays pride in her physical appearance as she wears
her uniform exuding 'Bluejay Pride.'

With the proper training that I know your committee members will provide, I am confident that
Italiya will prove herself worthy serving as a Prefect for the new academic year.
Just to reiterate, I am pleased to report that she possesses a positive attitude and she is willing to
assist our colleagues whenever the need arises. Please afford her the opportunit to prove that she is
capable of fulfilling the responsibilities assigned by your Prefect Committee.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Wells , Year head

Eight Mile Rock High School

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