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Saini 1

Vihaan Saini

Mrs. Currier

Multimedia AM

27 November 2023

10 Most Asked Interview Questions

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself

my name is Vihaan and I moved to us 5 years old I can speak three languages I like to work

mostly alone I like cars and enjoy most of the work I do

2. What do you consider to be one of your strengths?

What I consider one of my strengths is being helpful to the other person.

3. What do you consider to be one of your weaknesses?

What I consider one of my weaknesses is not working on time and I'm trying to improve on

the back to call the work that's given to me on time

4. What is a recent achievement of yours?

My recent achievements are that I've gotten always in my sophomore year and try to end

up my grades

5. How well do you work with others?

Saini 2

I work well with others And we all share the same workload and do all the sign work that

was given to us

6. Tell me about a time you had to deal with a challenge or conflict

the time I have to deal with the challenge was to write my first English essay and I don't

know how to write it or what to say in it so I searched up a lot of this stuff on it and is all

research and wrote it

7. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

In the next 5 years, I see myself graduating from Fresno State with a bachelor's in computer


8. If there was a problem at work, how would you handle it?

First I will try to de-escalate the situation and find out what is the reason for that problem

and who/how the problem can be solved.

9. How do you normally deal with pressure or stressful situations?

I will try to see what is making situation so stressful and try to see if I can solve it

10. Tell me about a time when you failed and what you learned from it.

the time I feel was I got called out for plagiarizing my work and I learned from it that not

plagiarize from it and do all of my own work from that

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