A Proposal On The Impact of Thuggery and Violence On Democratic Prevalence in Benue State

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MAY, 2024
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background to the Study

The importance of democracy amongst the people of Gwer Local Government Area of Benue State

cannot be over-emphasized. The people have wholeheartedly embraced the concept of

democratization. This is carried out with believe that democracy would provide dividends to them.

The people have also embraced the concept of partly politics in the area. Almost all the registered

parties have been granted free access to campaign within the geo-political zones. One unique

feature of party politics within the area is the lack of political god fathers amongst the people. The

Tiv concept of "Ya na angbian" (Zoning) plays a significant role in the promotion of

democratization within the area. However, it is apparent that transitions from one civilian

government to the other have been more violent than what was experienced during military to

civilian transitions. A more worrying trend in this regard has been the adoption of thuggery as an

aspect of politics in the country, which includes Tivland.

Though, it remains true that violence or the threat of its use is a universal phenomenon. Thus, there

are as many forms of violence as there are human aspirations. In political dimensions too,

individuals and groups throughout history have in one form or the other resorted to violence or its

potential use as a tactic of political action. lt has been used by groups in seeking power by groups

holding power and by groups in the process of losing power. The universality of violence however

does not make it a desirable option. In spite of being an unwholesome practice. Tivland is not new

to political violence. A glimpse into the past reveals how the Tiv got enmeshed in political violence

soon after they became involved in the Nigerian political system' Since then the Tiv have been

experiencing recurring bouts of political violence from one end to the other. It is pertinent to recall
the situation in Gwer LGA between 2006 and 2007 when the entire LGA degenerated into an abyss

where the destruction of lives and property held sway.

Other areas like Tarka and Kwande witnessed almost the same fate. Conceptual clarifications,

Theoretical Framework and The Review of Related Literature The relevance of a conceptual

framework in an endeavor like this cannot be overemphasized. This is because of the several

meanings a term may have. lt clearly defines the operational meaning which the same concept is

assuming within the mental construct of a given analysis. To this end, the terms' democracy and

effects of political thuggery will be conceptualized'

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In contemporary times and relations in the world, the primary focus of analysis is on the negative

effects of the political thuggery spread and its effects on peace and the growth of democracy in

Nigeria courtesy of the process of encrypting of the Nigerians rich cultural heritages which hitherto

promotes peace and morality. Some of these cultural imports via the help electronic

communication via social media and other internet ingredients.

Overtime cultural practices in Nigeria gradually being remove from political development in the

form of ethnic, religious or ideological rivalries which have become the basis for political

gangsterism and thuggeries in this millennium. The development is making things going out of

hand. Every eyes that blinks and the dawn of the new day as the Nigerian youths are guilty of

copying hook-line and sinker. From findings, most of this political culture in Nigeria are copied

via foreign movies, internet and other social media especially from the volatile Middle East.

The discussion of these variations are the dynamic of this research project and the way the Nigerian

youths are becoming violence machines in election years especially in the Tiv region of Benue

state in the north-central Nigeria being the focus of this research.

1.3 Research Questions

i. What is the nature and characters of Benue people especially the Tiv group before 1999

and the effects on democratisation and peace in the periods of the return to civil rule in


ii. What are the strategies of put in place to dismantle the process in Nigerian and particularly

among the Tiv youths and people of Benue State?

iii. What are the measures of use in political thuggery and how its disturb and disrupt peace

and tranquility of the people of the state and Nigeria in this new age where the world is

seeking democracy and seen it as a panacea to peace?

iv. What are the roles of social media notably smart phones, android, movies e. t. which its

pronounced effects have brought to bear and it is now helping in tracking these thugs and

volatile youths of Benue and Nigeria?

v. What roles is the Nigerian government playing to see to the of this trend and bring back

the dream of the founding fathers and what that can be done to promote the peace and

security and development of Benue and Nigeria in general?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The aim of this work is to examine those factors that is contributing to the rampart nature of

political thuggery in Nigerians since the return to civil rule in 1999 after prolong military rule and

how these development is affecting the peace and the growth of democracy especially among the

Tiv of Benue state. In doing this, the research discovered some objectives as follows:

i. To examine the historical antecedents in the evolution of political thuggery in Benue and

Nigeria and the presence implications on Benue youths and peoples.

ii. To examine the nature and character of the regime of political thuggery on these youths

and how it has negatively influenced their lives.

iii. To assess the nature and role of the greed in the context of the democratization process in

Benue and Nigeria.

iv. To examine the roles of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental

Organizations (NGOs) in campaigning against the menace of political thuggery and its

implications on the process.

v. To examine and assess the contributions of the ethnicity and marginalization in the

communities especially the Tivland in assisting the growth of political thuggery and other political

violence in the state.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The research scope covers the practice of democracy in Benue state and particularly among the

Tiv people of Benue state since 1999 as they have been the dominant ruling ethnic group in the

research of the state. The limitation and delimitation of the research covers the Tivland and

particular the Northern Senatorial District also known as zone B of the state. This zone include:

Gboko, Takar, Makurdi, Gwer-West, Gwer-East, Guma and Buruku Local Government Areas.

2.0 Literature Review

The scope of the literature will cover a wide range of aspects relating to political violence in the

area of study. These aspects include the causes and effects of political violence on democracy in

the area of study. The review has been done with the cardinal aim of presenting a wide range of

views on the subject matter and importantly to present the gaps that have been left out within the

context of this research.

Quite a large number of work have been written on political violence in Tivland. However, many

of these works dwell on the 1960 and 1964 political disturbances in Tivland. These acts of violence

- the nande-nande and the atemityo have placed the Tiv prominently in Nigeria's history of political


According to R. Anifowose, the origin of political violence in Tivland can be anchored on poor

understanding of the socio- political organization of the Tiv people. ln his analysis of the 1960 and

1964 disturbances in Tivland, the author posits that a minimum degree of social justice is necessary

for peace and stability especially in democratic political systems but this was absent among the

Tiv. This again was factored on the reason that the relationship between the government and the

opposition was bitter and this was fueled by the teeming number of jobless school leavers who

capitalized on the situation. The work however does not mention the role of thugs in these


2.1 Theoretical Framework

The analysis in social science oriented. Thus, in a chapter like this, it is pertinent to use a theory

whose framework analysis will be made. Impact of Thuggery and violence on Democratic

Prevalence in Benue State: A Study of Gwer LGA, this section will explore relevant theories and

concepts that can shed light on the dynamics and influences at play. The study of this nature

necessarily embodies reviews of relevant literature, this section therefore attempts to review some

scholarly work on thuggery and democracy in Nigeria by different authors, attempt was made to

confine the analysis of the work within the framework of pluralist theory.

Ilesanmi (in Khalid 2004) is of the opinion that pluralism is used in three different perspectives,

namely; the sociological, political and normative. The sociological usage implies the way a society

is constituted i.e. in terms of race, religion, ethnics, and gender and class identities. On the other
hand, political pluralism is said to be concerned with political power i.e. sharing power amongst

the sub-units that make up the holistic political entity. Lastly, pluralism is normatively used to

imply the fact that no matter the level of uniqueness that exists in society, individuals and groups

do differ in some respects.

3.0 Research methodology

3.0 Introduction

The technique employed in this study to look at the Impact of Thuggery and violence on

Democratic Prevalence in Benue State: A Study of Gwer LGA is covered in this chapter. In this

context, research methodology refers to the procedures that will be used for data gathering and

evidence management. The researcher will investigate books, journals, newspapers, and other

written materials pertinent to the topic to gather secondary sources of data. The analysis of the data

will be done using content analysis, and the findings will be presented in a descriptive and

qualitative manner.

The following subheadings are used to organize the discussion in this chapter: research design,

method of data collection and research instrument, method (techniques) for data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The research design for this study on “The Impact of Thuggery and violence on Democratic

Prevalence in Benue State: A Study of Gwer LGA” is qualitative research in which descriptive

research design was adopted by the need to understand the dynamics of the conflict and the role

of governance. This research design makes use of descriptive strategy to enable the researcher

understand the event that unfolded in Benue state.

A qualitative research design is a methodological approach used to explore and understand

complex phenomena, typically involving the collection of non-numerical data. Qualitative

research is particularly useful when the research aims to delve into the richness and depth of

experiences, perceptions, and social contexts.

3.2 Sources of Data

The sources of data for this research consist of secondary sources. The document from which

secondary data were collected, was drawn from textbooks, e-books, e-journals, newspaper. The of

theoretical comparative and historical literature were relied on and provided the basis for literature


3.3 Method of Data Collection and Instrumentation

In connection with this research, a thorough data collection for this study was qualitative method.

As was already said, the investigation would rely on secondary data. Secondary data will use text,

and specific types of descriptions. It will be put to the test to see if the selected theories are sound.

The published works on textbooks, journals, magazines, periodicals, the internet, etc. These are

highly pertinent to the field of research and are among the instruments used to gather data.

3.4 Method (techniques) forData Analysis

The data gleaned from scholarly publications will be closely evaluated through content analysis in

accordance with the topics being investigated. Content analysis is used to verbally summarize the

information gathered.

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