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1. One of the following is not an advantage of farm mechanization (a) helps increase yield (b) reduces
drudging (c) it is very expensive (d) unpleasant and difficult jobs can be done with ease
2. All the following are limitations to farm mechanization except (a) economic limitation (b) lack of
technical knowhow (c) small farm holdings (d) lack of formal education
3. One of the following is not a source of power used in the farm (a) human power (b) soil power (c)
wind power (d) animal power
4. One of the following is a disadvantage of human power (a) easily available (b) easily controlled (c)
output is low (d) man uses his intelligence to control others farm output
5. One of the following is not used to provide power in the farm (a) horses (b) pig (c) cattle (d) donkeys
6. Wind power is used in the following areas except (a) drying (b) tillage (c) wind mills (d) separation of
chaff from grains
7. The type of power or energy derived from electricity is called (a) human power (b) animal power (c)
electrical power (d) water power
8. Operations that require human power include the following except (a) land preparation (b) planting
(c) storage (d) all of the above
9. The form of energy generated from machines like tractor, planters and harvesters is called (a)
mechanical power (b) animal power (c) wind energy (d) sun energy
10. One of the advantages of mechanical power is that (a) it is used for carrying people drawing ploughs
(b) used in heating farm stead (c) it makes operations timely (d) used in winnowing
11. All the following are factors of agricultural production except (a) land (b) labour (c) food crops (d)
12. To which of the following factors of production does the law of diminishing returns relates? (a)unit
factor (b) fixed factor (c) land (d) labour force
13. All the following are the characteristics of land except (a) fixed in supply (b) free gift of nature (c)
immobile (d) they are expensive 3
14. Ways by which land can appreciate include the following except __ (a) erosion (b) fallowing (c) uses
of fertilizer (d) weeding
15. Land can depreciate through the following except __ (a) irrigation (b) erosion (c) overgrazing (d)
infestation by weeds
16. The person charged with the responsibility of directing the affairs of the farm administration and
technical is called (a) labour (b) land (c) capital (d) entrepreneur
17. The reward for land is ___ (a) profit (b) rent (c) internet (d) wages
18. The reward for labour is __ (a) rent (b) profit (c) wages (d)interest
19. The reward for capital is __ (a) profit (b) interest (c) rent (d) salary
20. The reward for entrepreneur is (a) interest (b) rent (c) wages (d) profit
21. The following are qualities of a farm manager except __ (a) he must be wicked (b) he must be
flexible (c) he must be innovative (d) he is the employee of the business
22. One of the following is not a function of a farm manager (a) evaluation (b) marketing (c)
embezzlement (d) production
23. The creation of goods and farm produce which can be sold is called __ (a) production (b) agriculture
(c) manufacturing (d) factor
24. The type of production carried out in small scale by family members is called ___ (a) multiple
production (b) direct production (c) family production (d) hired production
25. The modern method of production is called __ (a) direct production (b) technology (c) indirect
production (d) large production
26. Non-agricultural lands can be used in the following ways except (a) cemetery (b) markets (c) social
centres (d) agricultural farming
27. Which of the following is not a source of agricultural finance in Nigeria (a) merchant banks (b)
money lenders (c) co-operations (d) all of the above
28. Types of credit (loan) are as follows except (a) long term loan (b) medium term credit (c) short term
credit (d) few years credit
29. Loans repayable within a period of 5-20 years are regarded as _ (a) long term credit (b) medium
term credit (c) short term credit (d) average term credit
30. The type of credit repayable within a year or less is called (a) long term credit (b) short term credit
(c) medium term credit (d) quick period credit
31. The type of credit mostly used to purchase machinery, breed of livestock is called (a) short term
credit (b) medium term credit (c) long term credit (d) average term credit
32. The process of acquisition, controlling and the use of capital in agricultural business is called __ (a)
agricultural financing (b) agriculture fighting (c) agricultural business (d) agricultural loans
33. The various sources of power used in doing farm activities is called (a) bush power (b) farm power
(c) animal power (d) solar power
34. The advantages of animal power include the following except (a) it can be controlled (b) animal can
be hired (c) animal can die (d) maintenance cost is cheap
35. The main source of power for subsistence agriculture is (a) animal (b) machine (c) electricity (d) man
36. The most suitable source of power for stationary equipment on the farm is __ (a) machine (b)
electricity (c) animal (d) man
37. An important farm machine used for coupling many implements is __ (a) disc hammer (b) harvesters
(c) tractors (d) plough
38. Financial assistance from government to the famers is usually in the following forms except (a) loans
(b) tax (c) credit (d) subsidy
39. The following are problems of agricultural mechanization in Nigeria except (a) land tenure system
(b) problem of spare part (c) it helps to increase food availability (d) farmers are too poor to buy
expensive machines
40. The art and science of cultivating the soil, producing livestock, preparing livestock feeds, processing
crops and livestock product for man is called (a) agriculture (b) apiculture(c) horticulture (d) agro-


Answer any 3 questions

1a). Define Farm Power (2 marks)

b) list four sources of farm power (4 marks)
c) state two advantages and two disadvantages of any sources of farm power mentioned in questioned
1b (4 marks)

2a.) Write short note on the following sources of farm power. Note state the advantages and
disadvantages of each (a) work animals (b) machine (c) water (d) wind (e) sun (10 marks)
3a). What does mechanization mean in agriculture (2marks)
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanization? At least discuss 4 each (8 marks)

4a). What is agricultural financing? (2marks)

b) Name eight sources of agricultural credit (8 marks)

5a). who is a farm manager? (2 marks)

b) List and discuss four functions of a farm manager (8 marks)

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