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Civic education ss1

1. A small group of people who have unusual religious belief is known as a). cultism b). racism c). organism d).
2. One of the following is not a cult group (a). Pyrates b). black axe (c) black scorpion (d) white house
3. One of the following cult groups is called sea dogs (a) Eiye confraternity (b) Pyrates confraternity (c) green
berets (d) black berets
4. Sealords is also known as (a) black axe (b) amazons (c) Egbe Dudu (d) buccaneers
5. Pyrates confraternity was found in (a) 1950 {b} 1951 (c) 1952 (d) 1953
6. One of the following is not a reason for joining and establishing cult groups (a) to abolish convention (b)it
develops the nation (c) to put an end to tribalism (d) it leads to destruction of infrastructure in the school
and other place where these cult group clashes
7. The fundamental human right of citizens of Nigeria are in ____ chapter of the constitution (a) V (b) IV (c) VI
(d) VII
8. Laws emanate from constitutional drafting committee is categorized under (a) organic (b) unwritten (c)
written (d) judicial
9. Separation of power is an essential feature of the (a) parliamentary (b) judiciary (c) legislative (d)
10. Internal security is the primary duty of which security agency (a) the army (b) the custom (c) the immigration
(d) the police
11. Citizens of Nigeria can help in promoting UDHR through all these except (a) financially supporting victims of
human right abuse (b) keeping quiet when they suffer human right abuse (c) acquiring more information
about human right (d) respecting other people’s right.
12. Orderliness may not be applicable while (a) running for safety (b)streets urchins disturbing public peace (c)
boarding a bus at a bus stop (d) waiting to buy goods at a super Market
13. The following are roles of the government in UDHR except (a) enactment of laws (b) making civic education
compulsory subject for all levels of education (c) abusing human rights (d) embarking on advocacy through
print and electronic media
14. One of the following is not a right of a person (a) right to dignity (b) right to kill (c) right to life (d) right to
15. UDHR means (a) universal document of human resources (b) universal declaration of human rights (c)
universal document of human right (d) universal diversification of human rights
16. Principles and beliefs that influence the behavior and culture of a particular people is (a) honesty (b) value
(c) equity (d) dishonesty
17. One of the following is a level of manifestation of values (a) individual (b) cult (c) peer (d) twins
18. One of the following is not a type of justice (a) social justice (b) organizational justice (c) distributive justice
(d) destructive justice
19. The type of values that care about other people more than about oneself is called (a) selfishness (b) envy (c)
selflessness (d) jealousy
20. One of the following is not a way of obtaining value (a) family (b) school (c) religion (d)


21. HIV means (a) human immune deficiency virus (b) human insolvable virus (c) human insolvent virus (d)
human indestructible virus
22. AIDS means (a) acute insect destroyer syndrome (b) acquired immune deficiency syndrome (c) acute
immune deficiency syndrome (d) acute indestructible syndrome
23. HIV is a condition that pave way for (a) life saving opportunistic organism (b) life saving opportunistic
infections (c) life saving gems (d) life saving bacteria
24. One of the following is not an effect of HIV/AIDS (a) it damages the cells which serves as defense to the body
(b) it causes weight loss (c) it can lead to brain tumor (d) it can lead to a good healthy living
25. We must do the following to people living with HIV/AIDS except (a) kill them (b) show love to them (c) give
them a sense of belonginbg (d) give them good heaklth care and support
26. The four factors on which HIV/AIDS related stigma are based on ___ (a) gender, norms, epiderms and race
(b) class, school, pareent, race (c) class, race, ethnicity, sexuality (d)class, ethnicity, sexuality and gengder
27. One of the following is not an effect of stigmatization on people living with HIV/AIDS (a) loss of income (b)
loss of marriage and child bearing options (c) withdrawal of care giving in the home (d) employment
28. ____ refers to increasing social, political, spiritual, mental and economic strength of individual (a)
empowerment (b) packaging (c) engagement (d) detachment
29. Undiscovered talents may cause all these except (a) unemployment (b) poverty (c) frustration (d) increase in
the standard of living
30. One consequences of lack of cooperation is (a) conflict (b) oneness (c) understanding (d) progress
31. The time of life between childhood and adulthood is known as (a) youth (b) adult (c) body (d) old age
32. One of the followinfg is crucial to democracy building (a) cultism (b) youth empowerment (c) civil unrest (d)
33. All these are youth empowerment skills except (a) manipulative skills (b) intellectual skills (c) destructive
skills (d) life coping skills
34. The founding principle of representative democracy is (a) legal sovereignty (b) de facto sovereignty (c) de
jure sovereignty (d) popular sovereignty
35. The rule of law entails the following except the (a) the supremacy of the law (b) unprotected right of
minorities (c) equality before the law (d) fundamental liberty of individuals
36. One of the following is not a feature of representative democracy (a) popular sovereignty (b) legal
sovereignty (c) free press (d) periodic elections
37. The rule of law can be safe guarded by all the following except (a) independent judiciary (b) seperation of
power (c) stable laws (d) inaccessible courts
38. Youth join cults because of these reasons excepts (a) to secure protection (b) to diffuse frustration (c)
prepare for future ambition (d) to search for power
39. An advantage of self-reliance to a nation is that it (a) promote economic growth (b) retards economic
growth (c) nurtures social vices (d) reduces government income and revenue
40. One of the consequences of lack of cooperation is (a) conflict (b) unity (c) understanding (d) progress

Section B

1. As a student exhaustively discuss the concept of orderliness towards achieving academic excellence.

2. As a student critically examine the ‘’concept of respect for constituted authority’’ towards character and
discipline in the society

3a. Suggest any 5 measures to eradicate cultism in Nigeria

3b. Identify any 3 reasons individual join cults

4. Briefly and incisively narrate the history of cultism in Nigeria.

4b. Examine any five (5) consequences of cultism

5. Discuss briefly the historical background of UDHR

5b. Critically examine any 5 rules of government in achieving UDHR

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