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iQMS Training Policy

Your project has received

A risk is defined as
Customer specifies one of
What is the purpose
The purpose of a code
Application should
Procedures Manual
Match the following
Performance Improvement
What all needs to be estimated for a project
In which of the following
Tool used to track
You have joined a
At the beginning of your
Match the following
A project team is
In a development
At the beginning of the project
Which among the following
Identify the metric
Your project has got
What is quality
The configuration management is an
The effort spent
The recommended size and productivity
You are about to start a large
What model could be used by an
Defect Prevention for testing
Identify whether the following
Where would you find
Scalability, Portability and
A process ...
Effort Slippage
Which of the following
TCS standardised processes are
Which is the most appropriate
A Performance improvement
Process Handbook covers
Which of the following items
Your customer has given
There are several steps in
You are the Project manager
The program is working as per
In a large development team
TCS seeks periodic feedback
On time delivery
Internal projects need not
You have been asked
Customer specifies one of the
What is the most appropriate
Which type of documents, available
You have recently joined
You are the project
In your Project, you have come

The Project you are managing

While executing the project you have
Which of the following is the main
What should be the main focus
Due to an error in measuring the size of the
What is quality
Which of the following describes
You are managing a
Static Code analysis
IQMS includes
Your customer has reported
As a Project manager
Which of the following are examples
A customer has asked
Which of the following statements
Customer Satisfaction
Which is the most appropriate
The Project XYZ
A defect can be
The customer had complained
End timelines
Which of the following are process

You are building a new

After you have identified the
What are the three major facets
While calculating the metric
Policy is
System testing covers both
Your project will be
A good quality code
There are several steps
Project team members
You are doing the impact
In a large development team
You have joined a testing
Identify the metric
A project team is looking
Which of the following techniques
You are the Project manager
PDCA stands for
You have received the customer
Which of the following is not a sizing technique?
Your customer has reported
Which of the following parameters
During Project startup
All deliverables are configurable
Brainstorming is a process for
Which of the following is
You are building a new product and
There are several processes in risk
Onsite component of a Project need
You are the Project manager of a large
Which tool enables the deployment
Identify the metric
You are about to start testing
An activity for which
In your project the Project plan
Which of the following is true
Which of the following techniques is used to
Match the following
In a development Project, the project
Customer specifies one of the requirements as
Accept, Transfer, Avoid are
Your customer has recently
Which of the following things will
What are the different ways
What is the right time to deploy
Your projects is in the integration
Your customer manager
IQMS caters to the need
Under which of the following conditions
After you have identified
You want to measure the effectiveness
In a Production Support project
Which of the following is
You are trying to compute
Which of the following
What is the best
You have received
You will consider
You are managing
IQMS caters to the need of
Which tool helps in
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
In which of the following scenarios should
In your project, you are
While analyzing the defects
You have been allocated
Deliverables by TCS are:
Identify the knowledge
Bad Fix refers to
Your project has received
Your Customer has recently
Sam and Lara are part of
You have asked
Engagement risk register
Which of the following
Which of the following best
Timesheets should
Effort spent
When should the Project
Feedback from the customer
Organisation structure of
Which is the primary
Process Improvement in
Your Customer has given
Customes specifies
What are the different
You have the software
Static Code Analysis tools
During Project Startuo (PSU)
There are several
A Customer requested the ABC
Which of the following is/are
Which component of the TCS
Which of the following best describes Cyclomatic complexity?
Timesheet helps in which of the following ways:
Which of the following holds true about the
You have completed the development and unit testing for
The detailed plan of your Development project
You have received the validated requirements
CSS is typically initiated:
What are the different means of preventing
CSS is not applicable for
Which among the following
For a leading banck of the USA
Who will identify the initiatives
Which metrics does not indicates
You are the Project Manager (PM)
You have to implement a product
A defect wan reported during
There are several steps in Risk Management and one of them is
Which one is not a valid sizing
Timesheet entry for unplanned tasks, is best
There are multiple projects in your
Which tool enables the deployment of
All associates can contribute assets in Prime
Size, effort, and Defect
Coding activity in Software Development
Building right things right
Timesheets should
What is the frequency
An associate has joined as a Developer in a project
As part of
CSS is not applicable for
Feedback from the Customer
Which is the primary
All Associates can contribute assets in
Process improvement
Some of the servers
Sam and Lara are part of a Project teams. Lara has
Which of the following is / are
Which of the following is not true
You spend two hours fixing
You are managing a large testing project where
A high severity defect has been identified in a
In the ETVX model, X is often equivalent to:
To make TCS reliable, resilient and immune to the
Which of the following is the best phase to assess
You have beem assigned as the Project Manager (PM) and want
Why do you think you should log defects that
Static code checking helps detect which of
You are managing a Development project. After completion
If a Customer does not provide feedback through the CSS
What does the Loyalty parameter in the CSS
Your project has received CSS offline in the Customer format.
Match the following: A. Guidelines
Guidelines, forms, checklists, standards are:
While working in a project, you have
Accept is one of the response
Your team has attended
You are managing a development project. After completion of System Testing, you have performed
The Quality Policy of TCS is:
Which IQMS document has the TCS organisation structure
If a Customer does not provide feedback
Your customer wants the product to be of very
Which of the following options
Coding standards
Which of the following are the possible items
What is the purpose of conducting the
Which of the following is / are non-functional
You would like to submit a code snippet in the
Coding activity in Software Development may be treated as a
Monitoring helps in ensuring that the tasks
The timesheet data is used for
Which of the following contributes to code quality?
The first step in Risk Management
Your customer has defined defect severity
You have been assigned as the Project Manager
Tacit Knowledge can be shared
After delivering the software
Monitoring means being aware of the status.
Causal analysis
In which of the following situations, while
Unit testing is a _____ testing, while System
You have prepared the Software Requirement
Static Code Analysis can help us in gauging the level
At the beginning of the project, you have identified the risks in your project and entered them in the risk register.
Match the defect type to the phase in which it can occur. A. Analysis Phase B. Design Phase
Which of the following statements may be generally accepted to be true about Agile Software Development?

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