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Romeo & Juliet Act I Test True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 6.

What event does the Prologue foreshadow? a. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet b. The marriage of Romeo and Juliet c. The death of Romeos and Juliets child d. The marriage of Paris and Juliet 7. Abram and Balthasar, who appear in Scene i, are examples of a. flat characters. c. typical servants. b. round characters. d. hot-headed young men. 8. In these lines, what is Prince Escalus message to Capulet and Montague? If ever you disturb our streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. a. Capulet and Montague have been responsible for three brawls. b. The city streets have been much disturbed. c. Ancient citizens have had to take up arms. d. Capulet and Montague will pay with their lives if there are further disturbances. 9. Choose the item that best restates Capulets answer to Pariss request to marry Juliet. But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part. And she agreed, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice, . . . a. Woo her gently, Paris. When you get her heart, you will have my consent. b. Woo her until you win her over. I will ask her to consent as well. c. Win her heart, gentle Paris. My wanting her to consent is only a part of the process. If she agrees, then you have my consent as well. d. Win her heart, Paris. I shall will her to consent, for my part. Once she agrees, having had a fair choice, I will agree too.

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____ 10. Based on the information in the following passage and in the corresponding text aids, when is Juliets birthday? 3 NURSE. Ill lay fourteen of my teeth teen: Sorrow. 3 And yet, to my teen be it spoken, I have 4Lasmmastide: August 1, but four Shes not fourteen. How long a holiday celebrating the is it now summer harvest. 4 5 To Lammastide? A fortnight and odd LADY CAPULET. A fortnight and odd days: Two weeks plus a days.5 few days. NURSE. Even or odd, of all days in the year, Come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen. a. In fourteen days b. In four days c. On Lammas Eve, or July 31 d. On August 1

____ 11. Which best rephrases Nurses speech in the passage?

a. Ill lay fourteen of my teeth in a rowyet to Juliet it is known, I have but four shes not yet fourteen. b. Id wager fourteen of my teeththough to my sorrow it is true I have only four that shes not fourteen. c. Ill have fourteen of my teeth pulled outbut sad as it is I would only have four leftbut shes not fourteen. d. Ill lay out fourteen of my teeththough it was once told, I have only fourif shes fourteen.

____ 12. By comparing Paris to a book, Lady Capulet encourages Juliet to a. ignore his looks completely. c. study all his features carefully. b. listen to his wisdom. d. look only at his eyes. ____ 13. Romeo agrees with Benvolios plan to go to Capulets party because he hopes to a. forget his love for Rosaline. c. catch a glimpse of Rosaline. b. challenge Tybalt to a fight. d. make peace with the Capulets. ____ 14. What makes Romeo reluctant to go to the party? a. He is afraid of angering Capulet. b. He had a fearful dream of his death. c. He is afraid of upsetting his father. d. Mercutio has warned him against going. ____ 15. In Scene v at the Capulet feast, Capulet is a dramatic foil for Tybalt because a. they both know the Montagues are present, but no one else is aware of it. b. his enjoyment of the guests differs from Tybalts experience. c. they are both somewhat upset. d. his tolerance of the Montagues contrasts with Tybalts outrage. ____ 16. In Scene v, why does Capulet allow Romeo to remain at the feast? a. He wants to keep an eye on him and see what hes up to. b. He wants to confront Romeo later when there arent so many people around. c. He is annoyed and wants to deal with Romeo in his own way. d. He will not allow a well-mannered guest to be insulted in his home. ____ 17. What obstacles to Romeo and Juliets relationship are already apparent in Act I? a. The families rivalry and Lady Capulets refusal to allow Juliet to marry so young b. The families rivalry and Capulets desire for Juliet to marry Paris c. Montagues refusal to allow the relationship and Benvolios own affection for Juliet d. The Princes refusal to allow the families to mix and Romeos affection for Rosaline ____ 18. What detail about Montague helps to make him a round character? a. The description of his home b. The concern he shows over his sons unhappiness c. The description of his relationship with his wife d. The unpleasant way he treats Benvolio ____ 19. What is the purpose of text aids? a. To keep track of scenes b. To provide information about unfamiliar language c. To indicate the setting and give stage directions d. To indicate who is speaking ____ 20. Act I of Romeo and Juliet is mainly about the Capulet-Montague family feud and a. Romeo and Juliets first meeting.

b. Romeos unrequited love for Rosaline. c. Pariss desire to marry Juliet. d. Juliets interest in marriage. ____ 21. What is Mercutios view of dreams? a. They should be taken seriously. c. To believe in them is foolish. b. They only happen to wicked d. Dreams are an altered state of people. reality. ____ 22. What poetic device does Shakespeare use frequently in the play regarding the rhythym? a. sonnetic device c. iambic perameter b. islambic realiter d. iambic pentameter ____ 23. According to the Prologue, what is the result of Romeo and Juliets deaths? a. the nurse also kills herself c. Romeos mother dies from grief b. the feud between the families d. Paris vows to never marry ends Romeo & Juliet Act I Test Answer Section TRUE/FALSE 1. ANS: F false PTS: 1 2. ANS: F 3. ANS: T 4. ANS: F 5. ANS: T MULTIPLE CHOICE 6. ANS: A 7. ANS: A 8. ANS: D 9. ANS: C 10. ANS: C 11. ANS: B 12. ANS: C 13. ANS: C PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1

14. ANS: B 15. ANS: D 16. ANS: D 17. ANS: B 18. ANS: B 19. ANS: B 20. ANS: A 21. ANS: C 22. ANS: D 23. ANS: B 24. ANS: B 25. ANS: A 26. ANS: B 27. ANS: A 28. ANS: A 29. ANS: C 30. ANS: A

PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1 PTS: 1

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