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These high-altitude forests offer dense

vegetation and natural cover against predators.
● Ecological Role: As a herbivore, the Pudu
venezuelensis plays a crucial role in seed dispersal
and vegetation management within its habitat. Its
presence indicates the health of the montane
ecosystems it inhabits.
● Threats: Faces threats from habitat loss due to
deforestation and agricultural expansion in the Andean
region, necessitating conservation efforts to safeguard
its future.

4. Sulawesi Babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis)

● Discovery: Rediscovered in 2019 during an expedition

to remote forests of Indonesia.
● Description: The Sulawesi Babirusa is a unique
species of wild pig characterized by its remarkable
appearance, particularly its large, curving tusks. Both
males and females possess these tusks, which curve
backward towards the forehead and can reach lengths
of up to 30 cm. The coat is typically brownish-gray, with
a sparse covering of coarse hair.
● Habitat: Inhabits dense tropical forests and swampy
areas on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is
primarily a herbivore, feeding on roots, tubers, and
fallen fruits found in its forest habitat.
● Behavior: Babirusas are known for their solitary
nature, with males often being territorial. They

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