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payShield 9000

User Manual for

Card Issuance Firmware (1119-0902) -
Card Issuing Processing
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware (1119-09xx) - Card Issuing Processing

>> Revision Status

Document No. Software Version Built on Base … Publication Date

1270A622-001 1119-0902 payShield 9000 v1.3e July 2012
1270A622-001.1 1119-0902 payShield 9000 v1.3e July 2012

ii Thales e-Security
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> References

The following documents are referenced in this document:

1 payShield 9000 Installation Manual

2 payShield 9000 Console Reference Manual

3 payShield 9000 Security Operations Manual

4 payShield 9000 Host Command Reference Manual

5 payShield 9000 Host Programmers Manual

6 payShield 9000 General Information Manual

7 User Manual for Card Issuance Firmware (1119-09xx) - Visa Open

>> Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this document:

Abbreviation Meaning

3DES Triple DES

ANSI American National Standard Institute

CBC Cipher Block Chaining

DES Data Encryption Standard

ECB Electronic Code Book

HSM Host Security Module

LMK Local Master Key

PIN Personal Identification Number

Thales e-Security iii

Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> List of Chapters

>> Introduction ........................................................................................ 13

>> Console Commands ............................................................................. 17

>> Host Commands.................................................................................. 20

>> Appendix A: Local Master Key Variants ................................................ 110

>> Appendix B: Algorithm Identifiers ........................................................ 111

>> Appendix C: PKCS#1Pad Mode (Pad Mode Identifier = 01) ..................... 112

>> Appendix D: Public Key Encoding ......................................................... 114

>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (Visa) ............................. 115

>> Appendix F: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (Visa) ......................... 118

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa) ......................................... 120

>> Appendix H: Format of Static Data Authentication Block ........................ 124

>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card Certificate .................................. 125

>> Appendix J: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (MCI/EPI/JCB) ................ 128

>> Appendix K: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (MCI/EPI) .................. 130

>> Appendix L: Issuer Public Key Certificate Format (MCI/EPI) ................... 132

>> Appendix M: Encryption of Tag-Length-Value (TLV) Fields ........................ 134

>> Appendix N: Multos Padding ............................................................... 135

>> Appendix O: Triple DES CBC Mode of Encryption/Decryption .................. 136

>> Appendix P: Multos KTU Format ......................................................... 137

>> Appendix Q: Checksum Algorithm ........................................................ 139

>> Appendix R: Format of ICC Certificate .................................................. 140

>> Appendix S: Mastercard PIN Block Format ........................................... 142

>> Appendix T: Multos Encryption Algorithm ............................................. 143

>> Appendix U: Alternative Output Formats for Private Key ........................ 144

4 Thales e-Security
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> Appendix V: Encryption of Chinese Remainder Theory Components .......... 145

>> Appendix W: ZS Command Output for PIN Block Format ........................ 147

>> Appendix X: RSA CRT Components Format Definition............................. 148

>> Appendix Y: Diversifying a Key from a Master Key ................................. 149

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card .................... 150

>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key ............................................... 156

>> Appendix BB: JCB PIN Block Format ................................................... 159

>> Appendix CC: Multos Version 3.0 Public Key Certificate ......................... 160

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0 Public Key Certificate ........................ 162

>> Appendix EE: Multos CA Public Key Format .......................................... 165

>> Appendix FF: Multos Version Public Key Format (Version 1) ................... 166

>> Appendix GG: Multos Public Key Authentication .................................... 168

>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key Calculation ................................. 169

>> Appendix II: EMV 2000 Session Key Output Key Formats....................... 172

>> Appendix AAA: Application Specific Error Codes .................................... 173

>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable Activities ........................................ 174

Thales e-Security 5
Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> Table of Contents

>> Revision Status ...................................................................................... ii

>> References ........................................................................................... iii

>> Abbreviations ........................................................................................ iii

>> List of Chapters .................................................................................... 4

>> Table of Contents .................................................................................. 6

>> End User License Agreement ................................................................ 10

>> Introduction ........................................................................................ 13

Overview ............................................................................................ 13
Structure of this document ................................................................... 13
PCI HSM Certification and Compliance .................................................... 14
Key Type Table ................................................................................... 14

>> Console Commands ............................................................................. 17

General ............................................................................................. 17
List of Console Commands (Alphabetical) ................................................ 17
List of Console Commands (Functional) ................................................... 17
Miscellaneous Commands .................................................................... 18
Generate Mutual Authentication Key .................................................... 19

>> Host Commands.................................................................................. 20

General ............................................................................................. 20
Multiple LMKs .................................................................................... 20
List of Host Commands (Alphabetical)..................................................... 22
List of Host Commands (Functional) ....................................................... 24
Personalisation Commands................................................................... 26
Translate a secure data block to card specific format............................. 27
Encrypt & Authenticate data block ...................................................... 29
Generate Welcome XLS Diversified Key ............................................... 31
RSA Key Management Commands for EMV-type Schemes ......................... 33
Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (Visa)..................................................... 35
Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (MCI) ..................................................... 38
Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate (Visa) .................. 40
Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate (MCI) ................... 42
Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (Visa)....................................... 44
Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (MCI) ....................................... 47
Import or Export an encrypted RSA Private Key ..................................... 49
Key Management Commands ............................................................... 51
Master DES key set-up commands for VSDC and Visa Cash .................... 51
Master DES key set-up commands for M/Chip Lite and M/Chip Select ..... 52
Card Issuing Commands for VSDC or UKIS .............................................. 54

6 Thales e-Security
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

Generate Card Unique DES Keys ......................................................... 55

Generate Static Data Authentication Signature ...................................... 58
Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip Select, & Generic
MULTOS Applications .......................................................................... 60
Translate a KTU ............................................................................... 64
Generate Multos Application Signature ................................................ 67
Hash Data Using Multos Asymmetric Hash Algorithm ............................ 69
Multos ALU Generator ...................................................................... 72
Import Hash Modulus ....................................................................... 78
Translate PIN .................................................................................. 80
Construct all ICC Public Key related data elements................................. 82
Generate ICC Public/Private Keyset .................................................... 85
Generate ICC Derived Keys ................................................................ 88
Generate EMV2000 Session Keys ...................................................... 91
Import Multos CA Public Key .............................................................. 93
Miscellaneous Commands .................................................................... 95
Generate or Verify MAC on Data using Session Key under KEK ................ 97
Generate and Verify MAC .................................................................. 99
Diversified key for Easy Entry/Dedicated Funding Account ..................... 101
Translate PIN ................................................................................ 103
Generate Audit Record.................................................................... 105
Verify Audit Record......................................................................... 107
Reset Audit Record Index ................................................................ 109

>> Appendix A: Local Master Key Variants................................................ 110

>> Appendix B: Algorithm Identifiers ........................................................ 111

>> Appendix C: PKCS#1Pad Mode (Pad Mode Identifier = 01) ..................... 112

>> Appendix D: Public Key Encoding ......................................................... 114

>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (Visa) ............................. 115

>> Appendix F: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (Visa) ......................... 118

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa) ......................................... 120

>> Appendix H: Format of Static Data Authentication Block ........................ 124

>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card Certificate .................................. 125

>> Appendix J: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (MCI/EPI/JCB) ................ 128

>> Appendix K: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (MCI/EPI) .................. 130

>> Appendix L: Issuer Public Key Certificate Format (MCI/EPI) ................... 132

>> Appendix M: Encryption of Tag-Length-Value (TLV) Fields ........................ 134

>> Appendix N: Multos Padding ............................................................... 135

Thales e-Security 7
Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> Appendix O: Triple DES CBC Mode of Encryption/Decryption .................. 136

>> Appendix P: Multos KTU Format ......................................................... 137

>> Appendix Q: Checksum Algorithm ........................................................ 139

>> Appendix R: Format of ICC Certificate .................................................. 140

>> Appendix S: Mastercard PIN Block Format ........................................... 142

>> Appendix T: Multos Encryption Algorithm ............................................. 143

>> Appendix U: Alternative Output Formats for Private Key ........................ 144

>> Appendix V: Encryption of Chinese Remainder Theory Components .......... 145

>> Appendix W: ZS Command Output for PIN Block Format ........................ 147
PIN Block Format Mode 0 ............................................................... 147
PIN Block Format Mode 1 ............................................................... 147

>> Appendix X: RSA CRT Components Format Definition............................. 148

>> Appendix Y: Diversifying a Key from a Master Key ................................. 149

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card .................... 150
Get Key Version ............................................................................. 150
Get Challenge ................................................................................ 151
Mutual Authenticate A .................................................................... 152
Mutual Authenticate B .................................................................... 153

>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key ............................................... 156

ASN.1 encoding of a PRIVATE Key .................................................... 156
Private Key Exponent/Modulus format ............................................... 157

>> Appendix BB: JCB PIN Block Format ................................................... 159

>> Appendix CC: Multos Version 3.0 Public Key Certificate ......................... 160

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0 Public Key Certificate ........................ 162
Notation ....................................................................................... 162

>> Appendix EE: Multos CA Public Key Format .......................................... 165

>> Appendix FF: Multos Version Public Key Format (Version 1) ................... 166

>> Appendix GG: Multos Public Key Authentication .................................... 168

>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key Calculation ................................. 169

>> Appendix II: EMV 2000 Session Key Output Key Formats ....................... 172

>> Appendix AAA: Application Specific Error Codes .................................... 173

8 Thales e-Security
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable Activities ........................................ 174

Thales e-Security 9
Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

>> End User License Agreement


Please read this Agreement carefully.

Opening this package or installing any of the contents of this package or using this product in
any way indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this License.

This document is a legal agreement between Thales e-Security Ltd., (“THALES”) and the company that has purchased a THALES
product containing a computer program (“Customer”). If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the
product and all accompanying items (including cables, written materials, software disks, etc.) at your mailing or delivery ex pense to the
company from whom you purchased it or to Thales e-Security, Ltd, Meadow View House, Crendon Industrial Estate, Long Crendon,
Aylesbury, Bucks HP18 9EQ, United Kingdom and you will receive a refund.

1. OWNERSHIP. Computer programs, ("Software") provided by THALES are provided either separately or as a bundled part of a computer
hardware product. Software shall also be deemed to include computer programs which are intended to be run solely on or within a
hardware machine, (“Firmware”).Software, including any documentation files accompanying the Software, ("Documentation")
distributed pursuant to this license consists of components that are owned or licensed by THALES or its corporate affiliates. Other
components of the Software consist of free software components (“Free Software Components”) that are identified in the text files
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the Software. Rather, Customer has a license to use the Software. The Software is copyrighted by THALES and/or its suppliers. You
agree to respect and not to remove or conceal from view any copyright or trademark notice appearing on the Software or
Documentation, and to reproduce any such copyright or trademark notice on all copies of the Software and Documentation or any
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2. LICENSE GRANT. THALES grants Customer a non-exclusive license to use the Software with THALES provided computer equipment
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purchase. Any future upgrades are only authorised pursuant to a separate maintenance agreement. Customer may copy the
Documentation for internal use. Customer may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, or modify the THALES owned or
licensed components of the Software unless such copies are made in machine readable form for backup purposes. In addition,
Customer may not create derivative works based on the Software except as may be necessary to permit integration with other
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international copyright and patent laws and international trade provisions.

3. NO WARRANTY. Except as may be provided in any separate written agreement between Customer and THALES, the software is
provided "as is." To the maximum extent permitted by law, THALES disclaims all warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. THALES does not w arrant that
the functions contained in the software will meet any requirements or needs Customer may have, or that the software will operate
error free, or in an uninterrupted fashion, or that any defects or errors in the software will be corrected, or that the software is
compatible with any particular platform. Some jurisdictions do not allow for the waiver or exclusion of implied warranties so they may
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under this agreement or otherwise with respect to the software and documentation or otherwise shall be equal to the purchase price.

10 Thales e-Security
payShield 9000 – Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

However nothing in these terms and conditions shall however limit or exclude THALES’ liability for death or personal injury resulting
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6. TERM & TERMINATION. This EULA is effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this EULA at any time by destroying or
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9. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This License Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed either by the laws of England
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Thales e-Security 11
Card Issuance Firmware - Card Issuing Processing

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12 Thales e-Security
>> Introduction

>> Introduction

This manual describes the commands used in the P3 Card Issuance Firmware that
have been enhanced to use Thales Key Scheme formatted keys so that standard base
commands can be used to generate import and export keys. Additional commands
are also included which allow the personalisation of some global platform and
proprietary chip cards.
This firmware is different code to the base (i.e. standard) payShield 9000 firmware,
but is created by adding the functionality defined in this manual to the functionality of
the base software that it is built on. This means that the Card Issuing Firmware
replaces the standard firmware, but inherits the functionality of the base software.
The standard payShield 9000 manuals should be used to understand the functionality
deriving from the standard software. The version of base firmware that this release of
Card Issuing Firmware is developed against is shown in the Revision Status at the
start of this document in the “Built on Base …” column.
The Card Issuing Firmware supports a number of Credit, Debit and Electronic Purse
initiatives. The particular schemes supported are:
Visa Smart Credit Debit (VSDC) specified in the Visa Integrated circuit card
Specification (VIS), Version 1.4 and 1.5. This also covers the UK subset known
as UK Integrated circuit card Specification (UKIS) Version 3.0.
MasterCard M/Chip Lite (version 2 and 4) and M/Chip Select (version 2 and 4)
credit and debit schemes. The latter runs on the Multos multi-application card.
The Visa defined Easy Entry and Dedicated Funding Account applications are also
covered, although both of these are being phased out.
The JCB J/Smart credit/debit scheme.
In addition support has also been included to enable the generation of Multos ALUs in
a relatively application independent way. There may be some constraints for some
Multos applications imposed by the available memory of the HSM. These are noted in
the text.
As well as the functions defined in this specification, there exists a supplementary
specification which describes additional functions which have been developed to
support the Global Platform scripting language. Global Platform (previously known as
Visa Open Platform) is a multi-application card which is gaining in popularity. In many
respects, Global Platform and the Multos platform are competing technologies. Since
the Global Platform support functions which Thales offers operate in isolation from the
functions defined in this document, they are described in a separate manual - Card
Issuance Firmware (1119-09xx) - Global Platform Scripting.

Structure of this document

The functions described in this document fall into the following categories:
Functions for the set up and management of top level RSA keys for Visa
Cash, VSDC (and UKIS), M/Chip Lite, M/Chip Select, and JCB Lite. Where

Thales – Information Technology Security 13

>> Introduction

necessary, duplicate functions are provided to handle the differences

between the Visa and MasterCard formatting rules.
Functions to enable the setting up of top level DES keys for Visa Cash, VSDC
(and UKIS), M/Chip Lite and M/Chip Select.
Functions to support the issuance of Visa Cash cards.
Functions to support the Issuance of VSDC cards.
Functions to support the Issuance of M/Chip Lite and M/Chip Select cards.
The functions in this section also support the generic ALU building
Miscellaneous functions to support key sharing with personalisation systems
and a number of other aspects of generating smart card data.
These functions are all used by Card Issuers during the process of generating
cryptographic smart card data which will be placed on the card during the
personalization process.
The commands using public key cryptography are based on the standard public key
functionality available in the Thales Host Security Module family but with additional
commands to support EMV-type certificates. These commands are based on a
selectable public key algorithm and a selectable hash algorithm. Initially only the RSA
public key algorithm and the SHA-1 hash algorithm are supported. Other algorithms
will be included later if required.
Optional Licence HSM9-LIC002 must be installed on the payShield 9000 if
commands using the RSA algorithm need to be used.

PCI HSM Certification and Compliance

This firmware is not PCI HSM certified. (See Chapter 10 of the payShield 9000
General Information Manual for information about PCI HSM certification of the
payShield 9000.)

Key Type Table

The HSM uses a set of generic commands to generate, export and import keys.
These generic commands refer to a ‘permissions’ table to determine the allowable
actions when operating with a certain LMK pair and variant. This permissions table
(known as the Key Type Table) tells the generic commands whether the generation,
import or export under certain LMK pairs is allowed, and also whether or not
Authorized state is required to perform that action.
The Key Type Table to be used by this application is shown below:
>> Introduction

Variant  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

 LMK  G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I G E I

Pair Code
04 - (Comp)
05 A U A U U A U

06 –
07 U A U
14 - CVK
02 TMK

16 -
17 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

18 –
19 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

20 –
21 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

22 –
23 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

KEK CMK KEK (Comp) CMK (Comp)

24 –
25 U A U U A U U A U U A U

26 -
27 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U


28 –
29 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

30 –
31 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

32 –
33 U

34 –
35 U A U

36 –


38 –
39 U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U U A U

Not all key type codes are available in all commands for security reasons.

The Key Type code used within commands is formed by using the Variant code as
the first character then the LMK pair code as the second character. For example
the code for a ZPK is 001.
The payShield 9000 HSM provides a set of commands for key generation, key
export and key import. An export command is one that translates a key from LMK
encryption to encryption under a ZMK or an RSA public key, for sending to another
party. Import is the reverse, for receiving keys and translating to local storage. The
Key Type Table controls ‘permitted actions’ for the console and host commands
used to generate, import and export keys.

Thales – Information Technology Security 15

>> Introduction

Errors are reported when an action breaks the rules imposed by the table. For
29 : Key function not permitted
The table above shows the actions that can be applied to each specific LMK pair.
For each key type, the 3 boxes below the key type refer, from left to right, to:
G = Generate. E = Export. I = Import.
Each of these 3 boxes contains one of the following entries to define permissions:
blank = Not allowed.
A = allowed in Authorized State.
U = allowed Unconditionally, i.e. without Authorized State.
>> Console Commands

>> Console Commands

This Chapter details any console commands which are in addition to or are modified
from the base Software.
See the General section in the chapter on Host Commands.

List of Console Commands (Alphabetical)

Function Page

DQ Generate Mutual Authentication Key 19

List of Console Commands (Functional)

Function Page
Miscellaneous Commands 18
Generate Mutual Authentication Key DQ 19

Thales – Information Technology Security 17

>> Console Commands

Miscellaneous Commands

Command Page

Generate Mutual Authentication Key 19

>> Console Commands

Generate Mutual Authentication Key Variant  Keyblock 

Online  Offline  Secure 
Authorization: Not Required
Command: DQ

Function: To create a P3SAM Mutual Authentication Key (KMA) encrypted

under a ZCMK and LMK.

Authorization: Authorisation never required.

Inputs: ZCMK, encrypted under LMK pair 04-05 (32 H or 1A+32H

or 1A+48H)

Outputs: KMALMK - The Mutual Authentication Key encrypted under the

LMK pair 16-17 variant 1. (32 H or 1A+32H or 1A+48H)
KMAZMK - The Mutual Authentication Key encrypted under the
ZMK (32 H or 1A+32H or 1A+48H)
KMA Key check value (6H)

Errors: KEY PARITY ERROR - the plaintext key does not have odd
parity on each byte. Re-enter the correct value.
MASTER KEY PARITY ERROR - the contents of LMK storage
have been corrupted or erased. Do not continue - inform the
Security Department

Example: Online> DQ<Return>

Key check value: XX XX XX

Thales – Information Technology Security 19

>> Host Commands

>> Host Commands

This Chapter details all the commands available with their responses and possible
error codes.
A number of abbreviations are used throughout. They are:

L : Encrypted PIN length. Set at installation.

m : Message header length. Set at installation.
n : Variable length field.
A : Alphanumeric (can include any non-control type) characters.
H : Hexadecimal character ('0'...'9', 'A'...'F').
N : Numeric Field ('0'...'9').
C : Control character.
B : Binary data (byte) (X'00...X'FF).
D : Binary coded decimal (BCD) character ('0'...'9').

For example:
32 H : Indicates that thirty-two hexadecimal characters are required.
mA: Indicates the string of "message header length" alphanumeric
For convenience, the STX and ETX control characters, which bracket every
command and response when using Asynchronous communications, are not shown
in the details that follow.
In a command to the HSM, any key can be replaced by a reference to internal user
storage. In the details that follow, a key is always shown as if it is to be sent with
each command; in every case the key can be replaced by the index flag K and a
three-digit pointer value.
The HSM can be used in systems where there may be Atalla security equipment at
other network nodes. This is achieved by the inclusion of an Atalla variant in those
commands that translate a key from/to encryption under a ZMK. This has the
effect of modifying the ZMK before it is used to decrypt/encrypt in accordance with
the method used by the Atalla equipment. The HSM can support 1 or 2 digit Atalla
When a disabled host command is invoked, the error code 68 is returned.

Multiple LMKs
This firmware supports Multiple LMKs, as described in the payShield 9000 user
manuals. The ID of the LMK required by each command can be specified by using
>> Host Commands

the “%” delimiter followed by the LMK ID, immediately before the optional end of
message delimiter. This is shown in the host command structures that follow.
For backwards compatibility, if these optional Multiple LMK fields are omitted, the
default LMK will be used.

Thales – Information Technology Security 21

>> Host Commands

List of Host Commands (Alphabetical)

Command Function Page

HI (HJ) Generate Card Unique DES Keys 55

HK (HL) Generate Static Data Authentication Signature 58

HW (HX) Generate or Verify MAC on Data using Session Key 97

under KEK

IU (IV) Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (Visa) 35

IW (IX) Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate 40


IY (IZ) Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (Visa) 44

JM (JN) Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (MCI) 38

JO (JP) Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate 42


JQ (JR) Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (MCI) 47

JY (JZ) Diversified key for Easy Entry/Dedicated Funding 101


P0 (P1) Translate a secure data block to card specific format 27

P2 (P3) Encrypt & Authenticate data block 29

P4 (P5) Generate Welcome XLS Diversified Key 31

WG (WH) Generate Audit Record 105

WI (WJ) Verify Audit Record 107

WK (WL) Reset Audit Record Index 109

WM (WN) Generate EMV2000 Session Keys 91

XY (XZ) Import Multos CA Public Key 93

YA (YB) Import or Export an encrypted RSA Private Key 49

ZE (ZF) Translate PIN 103

ZG (ZH) Translate a KTU 64

ZI (ZJ) Generate Multos Application Signature 67

ZK (ZL) Generate and Verify MAC 99

>> Host Commands

Command Function Page

ZM (ZN) Hash Data Using Multos Asymmetric Hash Algorithm 69

ZO (ZP) Multos ALU Generator 72

ZQ (ZR) Import Hash Modulus 78

ZS (ZT) Translate PIN 80

ZU (ZV) Construct all ICC Public Key related data elements 82

ZW (ZX) Generate ICC Public/Private Keyset 85

ZY (ZZ) Generate ICC Derived Keys 88

Thales – Information Technology Security 23

>> Host Commands

List of Host Commands (Functional)

Function Command Page
Personalisation Commands 26
Translate a secure data block to card specific format P0 (P1) 27

Encrypt & Authenticate data block P2 (P3) 29

Generate Welcome XLS Diversified Key P4 (P5) 31

RSA Key Management Commands for EMV-type 33

Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (Visa) IU (IV) 35

Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (MCI) JM (JN) 38

Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate IW (IX) 40


Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate JO (JP) 42


Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (Visa) IY (IZ) 44

Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (MCI) JQ (JR) 47

Import or Export an encrypted RSA Private Key YA (YB) 49

Key Management Commands 51

Master DES key set-up commands for VSDC and Visa 51
Master DES key set-up commands for M/Chip Lite 52
and M/Chip Select

Card Issuing Commands for VSDC or UKIS 54

Generate Card Unique DES Keys HI (HJ) 55

Generate Static Data Authentication Signature HK (HL) 58

Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, 60

M/Chip Select, & Generic MULTOS Applications
Translate a KTU ZG (ZH) 64

Generate Multos Application Signature ZI (ZJ) 67

Hash Data Using Multos Asymmetric Hash Algorithm ZM (ZN) 69

>> Host Commands

Function Command Page

Multos ALU Generator ZO (ZP) 72

Import Hash Modulus ZQ (ZR) 78

Translate PIN ZS (ZT) 80

Construct all ICC Public Key related data elements ZU (ZV) 82

Generate ICC Public/Private Keyset ZW (ZX) 85

Generate ICC Derived Keys ZY (ZZ) 88

Generate EMV2000 Session Keys WM (WN) 91

Import Multos CA Public Key XY (XZ) 93

Miscellaneous Commands 95
Generate or Verify MAC on Data using Session Key HW (HX) 97
under KEK

Generate and Verify MAC ZK (ZL) 99

Diversified key for Easy Entry/Dedicated Funding JY (JZ) 101


Translate PIN ZE (ZF) 103

Generate Audit Record WG (WH) 105

Verify Audit Record WI (WJ) 107

Reset Audit Record Index WK (WL) 109

Thales – Information Technology Security 25

>> Host Commands

Personalisation Commands
Available Commands

Command Page

Translate a secure data block to card specific format 27

Encrypt & Authenticate data block 29

Generate Welcome XLS Diversified Key 31

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Translate a secure data block to card
specific format
Authorisation: Not required

Function: Translate secure data block for ST card.

State: Online

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value 'P0' (0=zero).

Decrypt / Encrypt 2N Decryption / Encryption mode:

00 = ECB / ECB
01 = ECB / CBC
10 = CBC / ECB
11 = CBC / CBC

Decrypt Key Type 3H 002, 102, 202, 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802 or 902

Decryption key 32 H or 1A+32H Decryption key encrypted under LMK pair 14-15, Variant indicated by
or 1A+48H 'Decryption Key Type'

Decryption IV 8B Decryption Initialisation Vector

(only present if Decrypt / Encrypt Mode = 10 or 11)

Encryption Variant 3H 002, 102, 202, 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802 or 902

Encryption key 32 H or 1A+32H Encryption Key encrypted under LMK pair 14-15, Variant indicated by
or 1A+48H 'Encryption Key Type'

Encryption IV 8B Encryption Initialisation Vector

(only present if Decrypt / Encrypt Mode = 01 or 11)

Header Length 2H Length of the following header information (must be even)

Header nH Output header for PIN Try Limits, counter and other future values

Delimiter 1A Value ;

Sensitive Data Length 3H Length of the following Sensitive Data

Sensitive Data nB Sensitive Data in 8 byte blocks

Delimiter 1A Value ;

Trailer Length 2H Length of the following trailer information

Trailer nH Output trailer for padding in 8 byte blocks

Thales – Information Technology Security 27

>> Host Commands

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'P1'.
Error Code 2N 00 : No error

10 : Decrypt KEY parity error

11 : Encrypt KEY parity error

12 : No keys loaded in user storage

13 : LMK error, report to supervisor
15 : Invalid input data
21 : Invalid user storage index
50 : Invalid Decrypt / Encrypt mode

53 : Invalid Decrypt KEY Length

54 : Invalid Encrypt KEY Length

58 : Invalid Encryption Variant
80 : Invalid header length error
81 : Sensitive data length error

82 : Invalid trailer length error

Any standard error code

Encrypted Sensitive nB Encrypted Sensitive Data encrypted under Encryption Key


End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Encrypt & Authenticate data block

Authorisation: Not required

Function: To encrypt a data block using a derived encryption key DKENC (derived from
a master key MKENC). The input data block can be in the clear or
encrypted under a KEK or a ZPK.

State: Online

Notes: If a value does not fully occupy a field, this should also be padded out with

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value 'P2'

Pattern Byte 2H Pattern Byte

Pattern Offset 3N Pattern Offset, range 000 to 791

Pattern Length 2N Pattern Length, range 00 to 99

Encryption Method 1N 0 = Clear Input Data Block, following field not present.
1 = ZPK encrypted under LMK pair 06-07
2 = KEK encrypted under LMK pair 24-25 Variant 1

KEY 32 H or 1A+32H If Encryption Method = 0, this field is not present

or 1A+48H If Encryption method = 1, Input Data Block encrypted under a ZPK
If Encryption Method = 2, Input Data Block encrypted under a KEK

MK-smi 32 H or 1A+32H Master Key MK-smi encrypted under LMK pair 28-29 Variant 2
or 1A+48H

Derivation Data 32 H Derivation Data

Derivation Method 2N Derivation Method, range 01 – 02

Datablock Multiplier 2N Number of Input Data 16 hexadecimal character data blocks. Range 01
to 99.

Input Data Block nH Input data block in multiples of 16 hexadecimal characters.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 29

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'P3'.

Error Code 2N 00 – No error

10 – KEY parity error

11 – MK-smi parity error

50 – Invalid Pattern Offset

51 – Invalid Pattern Length

52 – Invalid Encryption Method

53 – Invalid Datablock Multiplier
54 – Invalid Derivation Method
55 – Invalid Input Data Block length
56 – Invalid Pattern Offset
Any standard error code

Number of following 2N Number of following data blocks, range 01 to 99.


Encrypted data block(s) nH Encrypted data blocks in multiples of 16 Hex characters

Check Digit 16 H Check Digit

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Welcome XLS Diversified Key

Authorisation: Not required

Function: This function generates a diversified key from a master key and card
number using a proprietary algorithm for the Welcome Real-time Extended
Loyalty Application (XLS).

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “P4”

Master Key Type 3H Key Type, under which Keys are encrypted:
002 = LMK pair 14-15
003 = LMK pair 16-17
004 = LMK pair 18-19
005 = LMK pair 20-21
006 = LMK pair 22-23
008 = LMK pair 26-27
009 = LMK pair 28-29

00A = LMK pair 30-31

00E = LMK pair 38-39

Master Key 32 H or 1A+32H Master key encrypted under the LMK pair defined by the Master Key
Type and variant defined by Key Variant.

Diversification Data 8B 8 bytes of clear text diversification data

KEK 32 H or 1A+32H The KEK encrypted under LMK pair 24-25 variant 1.
or 1A+48H

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 31

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'P5'.

Error Code 2N 00 – No error

03 : Invalid diversification data length
04 : Invalid Master Key Type
10 : Parity error on Master key

11 : Parity error on KEK

Any standard error code

Key 1A+32H Generated key encrypted under LMK ‘Key Type’, Variant ‘Key Variant’ with
length Key Length

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

RSA Key Management Commands for EMV-type Schemes

The commands in this section allow the Card Issuer to set up the appropriate RSA
keys in readiness for the card issuing process. The following step by step
description shows how the commands are intended to be used. Further notes
describing how each function is used in the context of Visa Cash/VSDC/UKIS,
M/Chip Lite/M/Chip Select and JCB Lite are given with each command.
The Issuer creates his own RSA keyset by using one of the Generate Issuer RSA
Key Set commands. The key length will have to be defined (typically 512, 640,
768, 896, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bits) and the public exponent chosen. The
public key exponent varies from scheme to scheme with the most common
values being 3 and 65537. The Private Key part of the keyset is returned to the
host system encrypted under the HSM’s Local Master Key. This must be stored
on the host database. The Public Key (PK) part of the keyset is also returned to
the host system in two formats; a self signed certificate and the Public Key
protected with a MAC. The self signed certificate is in the format required for
transportation to the scheme Certification Authority (CA). It is normally
transferred directly to a floppy disk (probably via a connected PC) for transport
to the Certification Authority. The exact format details of how the self signed PK
certificate is to be written to the floppy disk is to be determined by the scheme
provider (eg Visa, Europay, Mastercard, JCB).
If the PK is to be stored on the local database it is recommended that it is
protected from alteration by storing the MAC as well. In this way, the
authenticity of the PK can be later verified using the Verify MAC on PK
The Certification Authority (probably the Scheme Provider) will read the self
signed PK certificate from the floppy disk and generate the Issuer PK certificate
by signing the Issuer PK and other data using the (already generated) CA Private
Key. The CA may sign the Issuer PK using several CA Private Keys of different
key lengths to produce several different Issuer PK certificates. This is to allow
the issuer to migrate to longer key length (and hence more secure) certificates
in the future if necessary. The certificate(s) are written to a floppy disk for
transportation back to the Issuer together with the Output Extension and
possibly a Detached Signature. At the same time, the Certification Authority
PK(s) (in the form of self signed certificate(s)) may also be written to a floppy
disc for transportation back to the Issuer. This will allow the Issuer to verify the
CA PK certificate and the Issuer Certificate(s) when they arrive.
The Issuer reads the floppy disk(s) and places the certificate(s) and the CA PK(s)
on the host database. The certificates are then verified. First it is necessary to
verify the CA self signed certificate(s) using one of the Validate Certification
Authority Self-Signed Certificate commands. These commands return the CA
Public Key and a MAC which should be stored for later use.
The Issuer Certificate is verified using one of the Validate an Issuer Public Key
Certificate commands. These commands return the Issuer PK, a MAC over
that PK and an indicator of successful validation. It is possible at this stage to
compare the Issuer PK and the MAC with that obtained when the Issuer Keyset
was generated to ensure that the PK returned from the Certification Authority is

Thales – Information Technology Security 33

>> Host Commands

the same as that sent. The Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate command
also allows the Issuer SK (stored when the Issuer Keyset was generated) to be
submitted so that a cryptographic check of consistency between the two can be
made. The Visa variant of this command also allows the Visa Detached
Signature to be validated. At any stage in the future the authenticity of the CA
PK(s) and the Issuer PK(s) can be verified using the Verify MAC on PK
command. The Issuer Certificate(s) may also be verified at any time by using the
Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate command again.
The appropriate stored Issuer Certificates will be placed on each card issued to
enable the terminals to perform Static Data Authentication or Dynamic Data
Authentication on the card data.
During the card issuing process it is necessary to have available the appropriate
Issuer Private Key (SK) within the HSM. It may be held (in encrypted form) on
the host database and sent to the HSM every time it is used. Alternatively, to
save on communication time, it may be pre-loaded into each HSM requiring it
using the Load Private Key command. It is the responsibility of the host
application to keep track of the SK loaded at any time. Different HSM
configurations can store a different number of SK(s) simultaneously. In this case
the stored SK is referenced by a Key Index number.
At infrequent intervals it is normal to change the Local Master Keys (LMKs) of
the HSMs. When this happens it is necessary to translate all keys encrypted
under the old LMKs to encryption under the new LMKs. The Private Key(s) can
be translated using the Translate SK command. The MACs protecting the Public
Key(s) can be translated using the Translate MAC on PK command.

An additional RSA Private key import/export function is also provided for flexibility.

Available Commands

Command Page

Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (Visa) 35

Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (MCI) 38

Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate 40


Validate a Certification Authority Self-Signed Certificate 42


Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (Visa) 44

Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate (MCI) 47

Import or Export an encrypted RSA Private Key 49

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (Visa)
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To generate an Issuer RSA Key Set and return the Public Key in the form
of a Visa -style EMV Self-Signed Certificate. This function is suitable for use
with Visa Cash (Public Key variant) and the Visa Smart Debit Credit (VSDC)

State: Online

Notes: Depending on key size, this function may take a long time to execute (up to
a minute or more). If an even Public Exponent is supplied, then an error
will be returned by the HSM and no processing will take place.
If the function is being used to generate keys for use with Visa Cash (Public
Key), the Signature Identifier must be set to 03 (meaning RSA with a public
exponent of 65537), the first byte of the 11 byte Data Block must be hex
60 (Visa Service Identifier = Visa Cash) and if the public exponent field is
supplied, it is ignored.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “IU”

Hash Identifier 2N Identifier of algorithm used to hash data.

Valid values

01 SHA-1

Signature Identifier 2N Identifier of signature algorithm.

Valid values
01 RSA

03 RSA with exponent 65535

Must be 03 for Visa Cash.

Key Length 4N Modulus length in bits (must be a multiple of 8)

minimum value = 0400, maximum value = 2040

Data Block 11 B Data block to be included in the self-signed certificate (comprises Visa
Service Identifier, Certificate Format, Issuer Identification Number and
Certificate Expiration Date) See Appendix E.

Tracking Number 3D 6 digit tracking number to be included in the self-signed certificate.

See Appendix E.

Thales – Information Technology Security 35

>> Host Commands

Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of Authentication Data field; value “;”

Public Exponent Length 4N Optional; length in bits of the Public Exponent; must be supplied if
Public Exponent present in command message

Public Exponent nB Optional; if supplied then it must be odd; if not supplied then a default
exponent of 65537 is assumed

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
5End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'IV'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

02 - Key length error

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

17 - HSM not in Authorised State

47 - DSP error - report to Supervisor

50 - Invalid signature identifier

51 - Inconsistent Signature Identifier
52 - Public exponent length error

53 - Public exponent is even

79 - Invalid hash identifier

Any standard error code

MAC 4B MAC on Public Key and Authentication data calculated using of LMK
pair 36-37

Public Key nB Public Key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format (sequence of modulus and

Certificate Length 4N Length in bytes of Self-Signed Certificate

Self-Signed Certificate nB Self -signed certificate (the concatenation of the

Unsigned Issuer Public Key Input Extension and the Self-Signed Issuer
Public Key Data). See APPENDIX F.

Hash Length 2N Length in hex characters of hash result in next field. This length will
depend on the hash algorithm specified in the command message. For
SHA-1, this length will be 40.

Hash Value nH Hash value of self signed Issuer Public Key data
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Private Key Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the Private Key field

Private Key nB Private key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 37

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Issuer RSA Key Set (MCI)
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To generate an Issuer RSA Key Set and return the Public Key in the form
of a MasterCard/Europay-format Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Certificate.

State: Online

Notes: Depending on key size, this function may take up to a minute or more to
execute. This command may be used with an odd Public Exponent.
This command uses the “Europay” method of generating key pairs.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “JM”

Hash Identifier 2N Identifier of algorithm used to hash data.

Valid values
01 SHA-1

Signature Identifier 2N Identifier of signature algorithm.

Valid values

01 RSA

Key Length 4N Modulus length in bits (must be a multiple of 8)

minimum value = 0400, maximum value = 2040

Data Block 9B Data block to be included in the Self-Signed Certificate (comprises

Certificate Subject ID (4 bytes), Expiry Date (2 bytes) and Certificate
Serial Number (3 bytes)). See APPENDIX K.

Issuer Public Key Index 3B Issuer Public Key Index. See APPENDIX K.

Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of Authentication Data field; value “;”

Public Exponent Length 4N Optional; length in bits of the Public Exponent; must be supplied if
Public Exponent present in command message

Public Exponent nB Optional; if supplied then it must be odd; if not supplied then a default
exponent of 65537 is assumed
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'JN'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

02 - Key length error

08 - Invalid public exponent

13 - LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

17 - HSM not in Authorised State

47 - DSP error – report to Supervisor

50 - Invalid signature identifier
52 - Public exponent length error
53 - Public exponent is even
79 - Invalid hash identifier

Any standard error code

MAC 4B MAC on Public Key and Authentication Data calculated using LMK 36-

Public Key nB Public Key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format (sequence of modulus and

Certificate Length 4N Length in bytes of Self-Signed Certificate

Self-Signed Issuer nB Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Certificate (the concatenation of the Clear
Public Key Certificate Data and the Self-Signed Certificate). See APPENDIX K.

Hash Length 2N Length in hex characters of hash result in next field. This length will
depend on the hash algorithm specified in the command message. For
SHA-1, this length will be 40.

Hash Value nH Hash value of self signed Issuer Public Key data

Private Key Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the Private Key field

Private Key nB Private Key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 39

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Variant  Keyblock 
Validate a Certification Authority Self-
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Signed Certificate (Visa)
Authorization: Required

Function: To validate a Visa format Self-signed Certification Authority (CA) certificate.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “IW”

Certificate Length 4N Length (in bytes) of CA Self-Signed Certificate

CA Self-Signed nB CA self-signed certificate (concatenation of Unsigned Visa CA Public

Key Output Extension and Self-Signed Visa CA Public Key Data). See
Certificate APPENDIX E.

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, value “;”

Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'IX'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor
15 - Error in input data
17 - HSM not in Authorised State
47 - DSP error - report to Supervisor
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

51 - Hash validation failure (unsigned)
52 - Hash validation failure (self-signed)

79 - Invalid hash algorithm

80 - Certificate length error
81 - Invalid Certificate Format

Any standard error code

MAC 4B MAC on Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using of LMK pair

Public Key nB Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

(sequence of modulus, exponent)

Expiration Date 2D The Certificate Expiration Date (MMYY) recovered from the certificate.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 41

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Validate a Certification Authority Self-
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Signed Certificate (MCI)
Authorization: Required

Function: To validate a MasterCard/Europay-style Self-Signed Certification Authority

(CA) Certificate.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “JO”

Certificate Length 4N Length (in bytes) of CA Self-Signed Certificate

CA Self-Signed nB CA Self-Signed Certificate (concatenation of the Clear Data and the

Self-Signed Certificate). See APPENDIX J.

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, value “;”

Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'JP'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

08 - Invalid public key

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

17 - HSM not in Authorised State
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

47 - DSP error - report to Supervisor
50 - Invalid trailer

51 - Invalid certificate format

52 - Invalid subject ID
53 - Public exponent is even

54 - Invalid public key data

55 - Invalid public key algorithm indicator

56 - Hash validation failure

79 - Invalid hash algorithm

80 - Certificate length error

81 - Invalid header
Any standard error code

MAC 4B MAC on Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using LMK 36-37

Public Key nB Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

(sequence of modulus, exponent)

Hash Length 2N Length in hex of hash results in next field. This length will depend on
the hash algorithm specified in the command message. For SHA-1,
this length will be 40.

Hash Value nH Hash value of self signed CA Public Key data

Expiry Date 2D The Certificate Expiry Date (MMYY) recovered from the certificate.

Certificate Serial 3B The Certificate Serial Number recovered from the certificate

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 43

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Variant  Keyblock 
Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To validate an Issuer public key certificate and return the Public Key with its
associated MAC.

State: Online

Notes: To validate an Issuer public key certificate and return the Public Key with its
associated MAC.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “IY”

MAC 4B MAC on CA Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using of LMK
pair 36-37

CA Public Key nB CA Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

(sequence of modulus, exponent).

CA Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation over the
CA public key (must not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of authentication data field; value “;”

Certificate Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the Issuer Certificate

Public Key Certificate 4N Offset to start of Issuer Public Key Certificate within the Issuer
Offset Certificate

Issuer Certificate nB Issuer certificate, comprising the Unsigned Issuer Public Key Output
Extension and the Issuer Public Key Certificate (See APPENDIX G)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of Issuer Certificate field; value “;”

Issuer Authentication nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation over the
Data Issuer Public Key (must not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, to indicate end of Authentication Data field; value “;”. Note: this
is a mandatory field.

Private Key Length 4N Optional; length (in bytes) of the Private Key (must be present if Private
key field is present)

Private Key nB Optional; Private key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, to indicate end of Private Key field; value “;”. Note: this is a
mandatory field.

Detached Signature 4N Optional; length in bytes of Detached Signature field


Detached Signature nB Optional; Detached Signature created by signing the combined certificate
data with the CA Private key.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'IZ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 - MAC verification failure

02 - Hash validation failure

03 - Invalid Certificate Extension Format

04 - CA PK does not conform to encoding rules

05 - Invalid hash algorithm

09 - Inconsistent Signature Identifier

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

47 - DSP error - report to Supervisor

49 - Private key error - report to Supervisor

75 - Invalid public key / Private key pair

76 - Public key length error

77 - Detached Signature error - bad format

78 - Private key length error

79 - Detached Signature error - bad Object ID

80 - Certificate length error

81 - Detached Signature length error

82 - Invalid Public Key Certificate

83 - Detached Signature error

Any standard error code

MAC 4B MAC on Issuer Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using LMK
pair 36-37

Issuer Public Key nB Issuer Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

Thales – Information Technology Security 45

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

(sequence of modulus, exponent)

Hash Length 2N Length in hex characters of hash result in next field. This length will
depend on the hash algorithm specified in the command message. For
SHA-1 this length will be 40

Hash Value nH Hash Value calculated over Issuer Public Key and related data (see

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Variant  Keyblock 
Validate an Issuer Public Key Certificate
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Not Required

Function: To validate an Issuer public key certificate and return the Public Key with its
associated MAC.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “JQ”

MAC 4B MAC on CA Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using LMK
pair 36-37

CA Public Key nB CA Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

(Sequence of modulus, exponent).

CA Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation over the
CA public key (must not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of authentication data field; value “;”

Certificate Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the Issuer Certificate

Public Key Certificate 4N Offset to start of Issuer Public Key Certificate within the Issuer
Offset Certificate

Issuer Certificate nB Issuer Certificate, comprising the Clear Data and the Issuer Public Key
Certificate (See APPENDIX L)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of Issuer Certificate field; value “;”

Issuer Authentication nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation over the
Data Issuer Public Key (must not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, to indicate end of Authentication Data field; value “;”

Private Key Length 4N Optional; length (in bytes) of the Private Key (must be present if Private
Key field is present)

Private Key nB Optional; Private Key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

Thales – Information Technology Security 47

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'JR'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 - MAC verification failure
02 - Hash validation failure

04 - CA PK does not conform to encoding rules

05 - Invalid hash algorithm

06 - Invalid public key algorithm indicator

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

47 - DSP error – report to Supervisor

49 - Private Key error – report to Supervisor

75 - Invalid public key / Private Key pair

76 - Public key length error

78 - Private Key length error

80 - Certificate length error

81 - Invalid header
82 - Invalid trailer
83 - Invalid certificate format
84 - Invalid subject ID

MAC 4B MAC on Issuer Public Key and Authentication Data, calculated using LMK

Issuer Public Key nB Issuer Public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format
(sequence of modulus, exponent)

Hash Length 2N Length in hex characters of hash result in next field. This length will
depend on the hash algorithm specified in the command message. For
SHA-1, this length will be 40.

Hash Value nH Hash value of Issuer Public Key data

Expiry Date 2D The Certificate Expiry Date (MMYY) recovered from the certificate.

Certificate Serial 3B The Certificate Serial Number recovered from the certificate


End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Import or Export an encrypted RSA Private
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To import or export the five components that make up a RSA private key
(P, Q, D1, D2, Q-1 mod P) in a format suitable for P3.

State: Online

Notes: The external key is ASN.1 encoded and encrypted under a double length
ZMK using CBC encryption. The command expects Q-1 mod P as the final
parameter, not the alternative P-1 mod Q.
The private key components must be a multiple of 8 bits (e.g. 1024 bits
and 1032 bits are valid, however any values in between are not valid)

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “YA”

ZMK 32 H or 1A+32H Zone Master Key, encrypted under LMK pair 04-05
or 1A+48H

Mode Flag 2N 00 = RSA Private Key Import

01 = RSA Private Key Export

Input Private Key 4N Length in bytes of the following field


Input Private Key nB If Mode Flag = 00:

ASN.1 encoded private key, padded with nulls to a multiple of 8 bytes and
encrypted under the ZMK using the CBC mode of DES with a zero IV. See
If Mode Flag = 01:

Private Key encrypted under LMK pair 34-35

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 49

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'YB'.

Error Code 2N 00 : No error

10 – ZMK parity error
12 – No keys loaded in user storage
13 – LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data

17 – Not in Authorised State
21 – Invalid user storage index

50 – Private Key does not conform to encoding rules

51 – Private key modulus is not a multiple of 8 bits

80 – Private Key length error

81 – Invalid mode flag

Any standard error code

Private Key Length 4n Length of following field

Private Key nH If Mode Flag = 00:

Private Key encrypted under LMK pair 34-35

If Mode Flag = 01:

ASN.1 encoded private key, padded with nulls to a multiple of 8 bytes and
encrypted under the ZMK using the CBC mode of DES with a zero IV. See

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Key Management Commands

Master DES key set-up commands for VSDC and Visa Cash
Use Base commands for Generating exporting and importing
There are three separate DES Master Keys required to support the VSDC scheme.
The UKIS specification calls for a subset of two of these keys. Visa Cash calls for
two DES Master Keys. These functions also support Master Keys for the Visa Easy
Entry and Dedicated Funding Account applications. These keys are all double length
keys but are referred to as two separate single length keys in this specification.
They are:
Derivation Master Key for Application Cryptograms (DMKA AC and DMKBAC) used
to derive the Unique DES Key or Keys for Application Cryptograms (UDKA AC and
UDKBAC) which are placed on each card and used to generate or validate the
Derivation Master Key for Message Authentication Codes (DMKA MAC and
DMKBMAC) used to derive the Unique DES Key or Keys for MACs (UDKA MAC and
UDKBMAC) which are placed on each card and used to produce the MAC session
keys for secure messaging.
Derivation Master Key for Encryption (DMKAENC and DMKBENC) used to derive
the Unique DES Key or Keys for Encryption (UDKA ENC and UDKBENC) which are
placed on each card and used to produce Encryption session keys for secure
Master Update Key (KMUA and KMUB) used to produce the double length
Derived Update Key (KDU), which is installed onto a card and used during the
card update process.
Master Load Key (KMLA and KMLB) used to produce the double length Derived
Load Key (KDL), which is installed onto the card and used during the funds
reload process.
The set-up commands are provided in two forms, as HSM Console Commands and
as Host Commands. HSM Console Commands allow the keys to be set up with no
intervention by the host system. The HSM provides a simple terminal dialogue with
the user resulting in the appropriate key being displayed encrypted under the HSM’s
Local Master Key. The host must allow this encrypted key to be entered manually
and stored in the key database. The Host Commands allow the keys to be setup
under the control of the host system.
The Master keys may either be generated by the HSM and translated to encryption
under a Zone Control Master Key (ZCMK) for export to other systems, or Imported
from another system under a ZCMK and translated to encryption under an LMK for
local storage.
The terms KEYA and KEYB is used to describe the left half (KEYA) and right half
(KEYB) of any one of the keys identified above. The term KEYAB refers to the
concatenation of KEYA and KEYB to form a double length key.
Key Check Values (KCV) are also produced by the functions described. A KCV is the
result of encrypting a block of zeros with the key. The 64 bit result is expressed as
6 hexadecimal digits.

Thales – Information Technology Security 51

>> Host Commands

Three KCVs are produced for each double length key:

a) A KCV for the left half of the key (ie KEYA), called KCVA.
b) A KCV for the right half of the key (ie KEYB), called KCVB.
c) A KCV for the complete double length key (KEYAB). This is produced by
encrypting a block of zeros with the left half of the key (KEYA), followed by
decryption using the right half of the key (KEYB), followed by encryption using
the left half of the key (KEYA) again. This is called KCVAB.
The key management functions in this specification all use double length Zone
Control Master Keys (ZCMKs). Accordingly the HSM should be configured to use
double length zone master keys using the CS console command. This will ensure
that when zone master keys are generated or installed, double length keys are

Master DES key set-up commands for M/Chip Lite and M/Chip
Use Base commands for Generating exporting and importing
There are five separate Issuer Master Keys required to support the
MasterCard/Europay chip credit/debit schemes M/Chip Lite and M/Chip Select.
These are:
Issuer Master Key for Application Cryptograms (IMKAC) used to derive the ICC
Master Key for Application Cryptograms (MKAC) which are placed on each card
and used to generate or validate the ARQC/ARPC/TC/AAC.
Issuer Master Key for Secure Message MACing (IMKSMM) used to derive the ICC
Derived Keys for Secure Message MACing (IDKSMM) which are placed on each
card and used to produce the MAC session keys for secure messaging.
Issuer Master Key for Secure Message Encryption (IMKSME) used to derive the
ICC Derived Keys for Secure Message Encryption (MKSME) which are placed on
each card and used to produce Encryption session keys for secure messaging.
Issuer Master Key for Data Authentication Code Generation (IMK DAC) used to
generate the Data Authentication Code (DAC) used as part of the Static Data
Authentication process. It is not always used.
Issuer Master Key for Dynamic Number Generation (IMKIDN) used to derive the
ICC Derived Key for Dynamic Number Generation (MKIDN) which are placed on
each card and used to generate Dynamic Numbers. This is part of the Dynamic
Data Authentication Scheme. It is not always used.
These functions allow for the management of a Transport Key and a Zone PIN Key
(ZPK) which is used to encrypt a PIN while in transit from Issuer to P3.
The set-up commands are provided in two forms, as HSM Console Commands and
as a single Host Command. HSM Console Commands allow the keys to be set up
with no intervention by the host system. The HSM provides a simple terminal
dialogue with the user resulting in the appropriate key being displayed encrypted
under the HSM’s Local Master Key. The host must allow this encrypted key to be
entered manually and stored in the key database. The Host Commands allow the
keys to be set up under the control of the host system.
>> Host Commands

The Master Keys, ZPK and the Transport Key may either be generated by the HSM
and translated to encryption under a Zone Control Master Key (ZCMK) for export to
other systems, or imported from another system under a ZCMK and translated to
encryption under an LMK for local storage.
Key Check Values (KCV) are also produced by the functions described. A KCV is the
result of encrypting a block of zeros with the key. The 64 bit result is expressed as
16 hexadecimal digits.
The key management functions in this specification all use double length Zone
Control Master Keys (ZCMKs). Accordingly the HSM should be configured to use
double length zone master keys using the CS console command. This will ensure
that when Zone Master Keys are generated or installed, double length keys are

Thales – Information Technology Security 53

>> Host Commands

Card Issuing Commands for VSDC or UKIS

The cryptographic functions required in order to issue a card containing the VSDC
or UKIS application are:
Generate the UDKs for Application Cryptograms (AC), UDKA AC and UDKBAC
Generate the UDKs for Message Authentication Codes (MAC) UDKA MAC and
Generate the UDKs for Message Encryption UDKA ENC and UDKBENC
(All the above keys are generated in a single call to the HSM)
Generate an RSA signature over certain card data
The functions to perform these tasks (together with some others which may be
found useful during system testing) are given in the following subsections.
The function to generate UDKs each have a UDK Modification Flag and UDK
Modification Field parameters included. This is to allow for future extensions to the
standards. They are not required for the current versions of VSDC and UKIS. If the
Modification field is used, it is the responsibility of the host application to ensure
that, in systems where only a single length UDK is employed, both halves of the
Modification field are identical.

Available Commands

Command Page

Generate Card Unique DES Keys 55

Generate Static Data Authentication Signature 58

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Card Unique DES Keys

Authorization: Not Required

Function: Used by Issuer to produce the UDKs to be loaded onto the card. Since
these keys need to be transported to the card personalisation system, they
are supplied encrypted under a previously defined double length Key
Exchange Key (KEK). This function generates UDKAC, UDKMAC and
optionally, UDKENC

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “HI”

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H KEK encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25

or 1A+48H

PAN/PAN Sequence 8B PAN and PAN Sequence Number pre-formatted into 8 byte field

DMKAC (LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H DMKAC encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 28-29.
or 1A+48H

UDKAC Modification Flag 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of UDKAC Modification Field
to follow.

UDKAC Modification 16 B UDKAC Modification Field. Only supplied if UDKAC Modification Flag is set
Field to 1

DMKMAC(LMK) 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of DMKMAC(LMK).

Modification Flag Modification Fields to follow.

DMKAMAC (LMK) 16 H DMKAMAC encrypted under Variant 2 of LMK pair 28-29.

DMKBMAC(LMK) 16 H DMKBMAC encrypted under Variant 2 of LMK pair 28-29.

UDKMAC Modification 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of UDKMAC Modification
Flag Field to follow.

UDKMAC Modification 16 B UDKMAC Modification Field. Only supplied if UDKMAC Modification Flag is
Field set to 1.

Thales – Information Technology Security 55

>> Host Commands

Control Flag 1N Flag to control output values produced by this command. The following
values apply:

0 = No Encryption UDKs and single length KCVs

1 = Encryption Keys and single length KCVs

2 = No Encryption UDKs and double length KCVs

3 = Encryption keys and double length KCVs

DMKAENC(LMK) 16 H DMKAENC encrypted under Variant 3 of LMK pair 28-29. Only present
if Control Flag = 1 or 3

DMKBENC (LMK) 16 H DMKBENC encrypted under Variant 3 of LMK pair 28-29. Only present if
Control Flag = 1 or 3

UDKENC Modification 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of UDKENC Modification
Flag Field to follow. Only present if Control Flag =1 or 3

UDKENC Modification 16 B UDKENC Modification Field Only present if Control Flag = 1 or 3, and
Field UDKENC Modification Flag (above ) = 1

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'HJ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

08 - Parity error on KEK

09 - Parity error on DMKAC

10 - Parity error on DMKMAC

11 - Parity error on DMKENC

12 - No keys in user storage

13 - LMK error - report to supervisor

15 - Error in input data

21 - Invalid user storage index

50 - Invalid UDKAC Modification Flag

51 - Invalid UDKMAC Modification Flag

52 - Invalid UDKENC Modification Flag

53 - Invalid Control Flag

Any standard error code

UDKAAC(KEK) 8B UDKAAC encrypted under KEK

UDKBAC(KEK) 8B UDKBAC encrypted under KEK

KCVAAC 8B Key Check Value for UDKAAC if Control Flag is 0 or 1. Set to zeros if
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Control Flag is 2 or 3.

KCVB AC 8B Key Check Value for UDKBAC if Control Flag is 0 or 1. Key Check Value for
UDKAAC and UDKBAC if Control Flag is 2 or 3.

UDKAMAC(KEK) 8B UDKAMAC encrypted under KEK. Only present if DMKMAC(LMK)

Modification Flag is set to 1.

UDKBMAC(KEK) 8B UDKBMAC encrypted under KEK. Only present if DMKMAC (LMK)

Modification Flag is set to 1.

KCVAMAC 8B Key Check Value for UDKAMAC if Control Flag is 0 or 1. Set to zeros if
Control Flag is 2 or 3. Only present if DMKMAC(LMK) Modification Flag
is set to 1.

KCVBMAC 8B Key Check Value for UDKBMAC if Control Flag is 0 or 1. Key Check Value
for UDKAMAC and UDKBMAC if Control Flag is 2 or 3. Only present if
DMKMAC(LMK) Modification Flag is set to 1.

UDKAENC(KEK) 8B Field only present if Control Flag = 1 or 3. UDKA ENC encrypted under

UDKBENC(KEK) 8B Field only present if Control Flag = 1 or 3. UDKBENC encrypted under


KCVAENC 8B Field only present if Control Flag is 1 or 3. Key Check Value for UDKAENC if
Control Flag is 1. Set to zeros if Control Flag is 3.

KCVBENC 8B Field only present if Control Flag is 1 or 3. Key Check Value for UDKBENC if
Control Flag is 1. Key Check Value for UDKAENC and UDKBENC if Control
Flag is 3.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 57

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Static Data Authentication
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Not Required

Function: To sign card data using the Issuer’s Private Key. Automatic DAC
generation is provided as an option (used by MasterCard/Europay

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “HK”

Hash Identifier 2N Identifier of algorithm used to hash data.

Valid values

01 SHA-1
02 MD5

03 ISO 10118-2

04 No hash

Data Authentication 2B Data authentication code. A value must always be supplied but it will be
Code ignored if the optional parameters at the end are supplied in which
case the DAC is calculated.

Data Length 4N Length of Static Authentication Data field

Static Authentication nB Static authentication data


Delimiter 1A Delimiter; indicates end of Static Authentication Data field; value “;”

Private Key Flag 2N Flag to indicate location of the Private key;

if flag = 99 use Private key provided with command

else flag = index of stored Private key

Private Key Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the Private Key (only present if flag = 99)

Private Key nB Private key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35 (only present if flag = 99)

Delimiter 1A Optional Delimiter; Value “;”. Indicates the presence of the following 2
fields which allow a DAC to be calculated.

PAN/PSN 8B Optional, only present if the optional Delimiter field is present. PAN and
PAN Sequence number pre-formatted into an 8 byte field.
>> Host Commands

IMKDAC (LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Optional, only present if the optional Delimiter field is present. Issuer
or 1A+48H Master Key for Data Authentication Code, encrypted under Variant 6 of
LMK 28-29.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.
End message delimiter 1C Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'HL’.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

10 – Parity error on IMKDAC

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data

47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor
49 – Private key error – report to Supervisor

50 – Invalid Private key flag

78 – Private key length error

79 – Invalid hash identifier

80 – Data length error

Any standard error code

Signature Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the signature

Signature nB Calculated signature

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 59

>> Host Commands

Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip

Select, & Generic MULTOS Applications
The cryptographic functions required in order to issue a M/Chip Lite cards or a
Multos card containing M/Chip Select are:
a) Generate the following and return encrypted under an LMK:
ICC Derived Key for Application Cryptograms, IDKAC
ICC Derived Key for Secure Message MACing, IDKSMM
ICC Derived Key for Secure Message Encryption, IDKSME.
ICC Derived Key for producing ICC Dynamic Numbers (part of the Dynamic
Data Authentication scheme), IDKIDN

All the above keys are generated in a single call to the HSM although the
generation of IDKIDN is optional. This functions allows all the (DES) Derived
Keys to be generated in readiness for ALU generation (M/Chip Select on
MULTOS cards) or for passing to the Personalisation System (M/Chip Lite
cards). They are all returned either encrypted under a Local Master Key for
temporary storage (M/Chip Select on MULTOS cards) or encrypted under a
KEK (M/Chip Lite cards).
b) Generate ICC Keyset (M/Chip Select/MULTOS only).
c) Generate all ICC Public Key data. (M/Chip Select/Multos only)
Create ICC Public Key Certificate. This takes the ICC Public key in its standard
HSM format and creates three separate data elements; the ICC Certificate, the
ICC Public Key Remainder, and the ICC Public Key Exponent. None of these are
d) Generate Static Data Authentication Signature. This is the same function as
used for VSDC (see VSDC section, HK command) although in this case it will be
used with the optional feature to generate its own DAC rather than use the one
e) PIN Translate (M/Chip Select/Multos only). This function takes an encrypted
PIN block as produced by the Issuer (in the format specified by MasterCard) and
translates it to a format required for ALU generation and encrypts it under an
LMK for temporary local storage.
The following commands relate to the generation of Multos ALUs for any
a) Import Hash Modulus. The Hash Modulus is supplied by the Multos CA and is
used to hash the AU prior to generating the Multos Application Signature.
b) Generate KTU. This function takes the sensitive data elements of the AU
(Derived keys, ICC Private Key, PIN), combines them, encrypts them and builds a
modified KTU (KTU’) referring to the encrypted elements. It also generates a
checksum over certain sensitive elements.
c) Hash Data. This function implements the asymmetric hash algorithm used in
Multos as the first stage producing the Application Signature. It uses a
>> Host Commands

previously imported Hash Modulus. It allows data greater than the HSM buffer
size to be hashed by providing a chaining capability.
d) Generate Application Signature. This function produces the Multos Application
Signature by signing (previously hashed data) using the Application Signature
Private Key.
e) Translate a modified Key Transport Unit (KTU’) to a standard Multos KTU
format. The KTU’ will be encrypted with a double length DES key, whilst the KTU
will be encrypted with an RSA public key, specific to the Multos card being
f) Import a Multos Certification Authority RSA public key and translate it to ASN.1
DER encoded format.

The following Multos terminology may help the reader’s understanding of the
commands specified in this document.

Nomenclature Meaning

mkd_pk_c Multos smart card public key certificate

tkpk_ck Multos Certification Authority public key


Multos cards support the loading of one or more applications. Each application is
comprised of a number of elements:
The Application Unit (AU) – this is the code, data and other relevant parts of the
application. Some parts of the code or data may be encrypted using key contained
in the KTU (see below).
The Application Signature – produced by hashing and signing the AU using the
Application Provider Private key. The card is able to check the signature because
there is a corresponding Application Load Certificate which is placed on the card
at the same time as the ALU. The ALC contains the Application Provider’s public
key, signed by the Multos CA private key. The card first verifies the authenticity of
the ALC (using the CA public key already on the card), and then using the
Application Provider’s public key, verifies the Application Signature.

The Key Transformation Unit (KTU) – this carries one or more Area Descriptors
(AD). Each AD defines a portion of the AU which is encrypted and the DES key that
was used to encrypt it. The whole KTU is eventually encrypted using the public key
of the destination card. However at the time it is first generated the destination
card’s public key is not known so it is encrypted under a KEK shared with the
personalisation system. It is known as a KTU’ (KTU prime) at this stage. At the
personalisation system, the card’s public key is located and the KTU’ is translated
to a the real KTU (decrypting from under the KEK and re-encrypting under the
public key of the card.

Thales – Information Technology Security 61

>> Host Commands

The purpose of the functionality described sections in this specification is to allow a

host system to build sections the AU (the parts which contain sensitive data) from a
series of plain text and cipher text components, calculate a checksum over specified
parts of the data, and encrypt the whole section. The same functionality can also be
used to build a KTU’. This functionality must be carried out inside an HSM since the
sensitive data may be keys and PINs which must never be exposed outside a tamper
resistant enclosure.
The basic concepts are:
1. The host handles all parts of the AU except those sections which contain
sensitive data. These sections must eventually be encrypted and the details of
each such section contained as an Area Descriptor in the KTU’.
2. The sensitive sections are constructed inside an HSM by loading a series of
basic elements into a dedicated buffer area. Some elements of these sensitive
sections are not encrypted and so are loaded as plaintext. Other elements are
loaded as cipher text but the HSM decrypts them before inserting the data into
the buffer.
3. A checksum may be calculated over parts of the sensitive area. This checksum
is always calculated over the plaintext data in the buffer. The result is returned
to the host and may subsequently be loaded back into another part of the
4. A random key can be generated and returned to the host (encrypted under a
local master key)
5. Data in the buffer can only be extracted from the HSM after it has been
encrypted using a previously generated random key. The data may have to be
retrieved from the HSM in a series of blocks which must be smaller than the
HSM’s communications buffer size.
There are a number of possible areas in the HSM where the buffer area may exist.
The best one is to use parts of the tamper protected memory where the Local Master
Keys are stored. Of the 2048m bytes of tamper protected RAM in the standard
HSM, the first 488 bytes are used for LMK storage. The next 488 bytes are used for
storage of an old LMK (but only on a temporary basis), the next 414 bytes are not
currently used, and the last 656 bytes may be used for storage of an RSA private key.
Provided the host ensures that no LMK translation activities are performed, and that
no RSA private key is stored in the HSM, 1560 bytes can be allocated in tamper
protected RAM. If this is insufficient, the whole 8K byes of memory allocated to the
User storage area can be used. This is not however tamper protected. It may be
considered acceptable to use this area in certain circumstances since at worst it
contains only the data for a single AU. To get at such data will require that the HSM is
stopped at the critical moment and broken into. It is unlikely that this can be achieved
without leaving evidence that this has happened. These size limitations are much less
of a problem in the high speed HSM and future models.
A special function is to be provided which allocates the memory to be used as the
buffer area. It will be allocated as follows in a standard model HSM:
Requests up to 414 bytes will use the unused part of tamper protected RAM
Requests from 415 to 902 bytes will use the “Old LMK” area and the unused area
Requests from 903 to 1560 bytes will use all tamper protected RAM except the
current LMK area
>> Host Commands

Requests from 1561 to 8192 bytes will use the User storage area.
The request function will return a status indication to indicate whether or not the
request has been satisfied from tamper protected memory.

Available Commands

Command Page

Translate a KTU 64

Generate Multos Application Signature 67

Hash Data Using Multos Asymmetric Hash Algorithm 69

Multos ALU Generator 72

Import Hash Modulus 78

Translate PIN 80

Construct all ICC Public Key related data elements 82

Generate ICC Public/Private Keyset 85

Generate ICC Derived Keys 88

Generate EMV2000 Session Keys 91

Import Multos CA Public Key 93

Thales – Information Technology Security 63

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Translate a KTU

Authorization: Required

To translate a (modified) Key Transformation Unit (KTU’) from encryption
under a double length Key Encryption Key (KEK) to the standard Multos
format KTU, encrypted under an RSA public key.

State: Online

If the length of the KTU’ is less than the length of the RSA public key
modulus, then random padding will be appended to the KTU’ prior to
encryption with the public key.
This command will handle public keys up to a modulus length of 2048 bits.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZG”

KEK 32 H or 1A+32H KEK, encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25

or 1A+48H

Version Flag 1N Flag to indicate Multos version

Flag = 0 – Multos v3.0
Flag = 1 – Multos v4.0

Flag = 2 – Multos v4.0 with hash verification

KTU’ Length 3N Length in bytes of the next field

KTU’ nB Modified KTU’, encrypted under the KEK

Delimiter 1A Value “;”

mkd_pk_c Length 3N Length in bytes of the next field

mkd_pk_c nB Smart card Multos public key certificate (see APPENDIX CC (if Version
Flag = 0) or APPENDIX DD (if Version Flag = 1) for format)

Delimiter 1A Value “;”

MAC 4B MAC on tkck_pk and authentication data, calculated using LMK pair

tkck_pk nB Multos CA public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

>> Host Commands

Authentication Data nA Optional. Additional data included in the MAC calculation (must not
include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value “;” (only present if Version Flag = 2)

HashModMAC 4B MAC on HashMod and authentication data, calculated using LMK 36-
37 (only present if Version Flag = 2)

HashMod nB Multos Hash Modulus, DER encoded in ASN.1 format (only present if
Version Flag = 2)

Authentication Data nA Optional. Additional data included in the MAC calculation (must not
include “;” - only present if Version Flag = 2)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZH'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 - MAC verification failure
02 - KTU’ error

03 - Invalid version flag

04 - Public key does not conform to encoding rules

06 - Public exponent length error

07 – Modulus length error

10 - KEK parity error

12 - No keys loaded in user storage

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

21 - Invalid user storage index

47 - DSP error - report to Supervisor

80 - KTU’ length error

81 - mkd_pk_c length error

82 – Incompatible lengths

83 - Invalid lengths
84 - Invalid CA public key length

85 – HashMod MAC verification failure

86 – Card Certificate validation failure

Any standard error code

KTU Length 3N Length in bytes of the next field

Thales – Information Technology Security 65

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

KTU nB Standard Multos KTU, encrypted under the smart card RSA public key

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Multos Application Signature
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To generate a Multos Application Signature on a message using a Private

Key. If required this command adds random padding to the data to be

State: Online

Notes: It is the responsibility of the calling application to ensure that the message
data to be signed is numerically smaller than the Private key modulus. This
can be achieved by making sure that the most significant bit of the most
significant byte is cleared.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZI”

Mode Flag 1N Mode of operation of this command. Only the value 0 is valid in this
version of the specification.

Private Key Flag 2N Flag to indicate location of the Private key;

if flag = 99 use Private key provided with command

else flag = index of stored Private key

Private Key Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the following field (only present if flag = 99)

Private Key nB Private key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35 (only present if flag = 99)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter, to indicate end of Private Key field; value “;”

Data Length 4N Length of message data to be signed (in bytes)

Message Data nB Data to be signed

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 67

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZJ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

03 – Invalid Private Key type
04 – Invalid Mode Flag
05 – Invalid Private Key Flag

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data
47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor

49 – Private Key error – report to Supervisor

78 – Private Key length error

80 – Message length error

81 – Message too long for supplied Private Key

Any standard error code

Signature Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the signature

Signature nB Calculated signature

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Hash Data Using Multos Asymmetric Hash
Authorization: Not Required

Function: To perform the Multos Asymmetric Hash over supplied data.

State: Online

Notes: This command uses a value known as the Hash Modulus to perform the
hashing operation in conjunction with the exponent included within the DER
encoded Hash Modulus. The function expects to see this public key in the
normal format ie DER encoded in ASN.1 format. Another command is
provided to import this hash modulus which manipulates it into the format
required by this function.
This command may be called several times in succession if the size of the
input data length exceeds the HSM buffer size. In this case the Digest
output from the first call will be used at the Chain Value to the subsequent
Note 1. The length of the Chain Value (or Digest), known as the
hash_chain_length is determined by the calling application. For current
versions of Multos the length is 16 or 20. The size of the Hash Modulus,
known as the hash_modulus_length determines the size of the data which
is processed at each iteration. This is 72, 96 or 128 in current versions
of Multos. This data consists of the Chain Value (from the previous
iteration) and the next hash_block_length bytes of data to be processed.
(hash_block_length = hash_modulus_length - hash_chain_length). Therefore
for current versions of Multos hash_block_length is 56 (for 72 modulus
length & 16 chain length) or 108 (for 128 modulus length & 20 chain
length). It is the responsibility of the calling application to ensure the
correct modulus length and chain length are specified in accordance with
Multos requirements.
Note 2. This command does not add any padding to the supplied data. It
therefore expects the data to be supplied as a multiple of
hash_block_length bytes. It the responsibility of the calling application to
add any padding in accordance with Multos requirements.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZM”

Mode Flag 1N Flag to identify different modes of operation of this command. The only
defined value in this version of the command is 0.

Thales – Information Technology Security 69

>> Host Commands

MAC 4B MAC in the Public Key and Authentication Data calculated using LMK
pair 36-37.

Public Key nB Public Key, DER Encoded in ASN.1 format (sequence of modulus and

Authentication Data nA Optional; additional data included in the MAC calculation (must not
include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value “;”, delimiter for optional Authentication data.

hash_chain_length 2N Length of the Chain Value.

Chain Value nB Allows chaining of this command so that the output of one call can be
used as the Chain Value for the next call. In the case of the first or
only block of data being hashed, it is the calling application’s
responsibility to supply the required Initial Chain Value in this
parameter. For Multos this is a block containing bytes all set to X’55.

Terminator 1A Terminator for Chain Value field; value “;”.

Length of Data 5N Defines length in bytes of next field

Data nB Data to be hashed. It is the responsibility of the calling application to

supply data in multiples of hash_block_length bytes.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZN'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 – MAC Validation failure
04 – Invalid Mode Flag
05 – Public Key does not conform to encoding rules

06 – Invalid hash_chain_length
07 – hash_chain_length inconsistent with supplied Chain Value
12 – No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data

21 – Invalid user storage index

47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor

80 – Data Length error
81 – Data supplied not a multiple of hash_block_length bytes long
Any standard error code

Digest nB The hash value result for the supplied data using the supplied public key.
This is hash_chain_length bytes long.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 71

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Multos ALU Generator

Authorization: Required

Function: Operates as a Generic ALU and KTU’ generator. Multiple calls to this
function establish a memory area in the HSM, load it with a number of
plain text and cipher text blocks (the cipher text blocks are decrypted on
entry), possibly calculate a checksum or a hash, and finally encrypt and
output the data. The host is responsible for loading the appropriate data to
form either part of an ALU or a KTU. It is also the host’s responsibility to
ensure that no other commands are sent to the HSM which might corrupt
any data already loaded into the HSM’s memory.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZO”

Sub Command Code 2H 01 – Allocate HSM memory block

02 – Load Plain Text data
03 – Load Cipher Text data

04 – Calculate checksum
05 – Generate and return random DES key

06 – Encrypt and return data

07 – Move data in HSM memory block
08 – Deallocate HSM memory block
09 – Calculate Hash

(Sub-command parameters dependent on Sub Command Code, as defined in the following sections)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

>> Host Commands

Subcommand Code 01 – Allocate HSM memory block

Memory Block Size 2B Size of memory block required. If a memory block is already allocated, it
will be deallocated before a new one is allocated.

Initial fill value 1B Byte value to place in every byte of memory block

Sub Command Code 02 – Load Plaintext data

Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
to start operating upon.

Data length 2B Length of next field

Data nB Data to load

Sub Command 03 – Load Ciphertext data

Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
to start operating upon.

Ciphertext type 1B If no optional variant is supplied the Pin block uses LMK38/39 variant
9. If variant 9 is supplied in the optional field a different value is stored.
0x00 PIN Block encrypted under LMK pair 38-39 Variant 9 or other
variant as specified later.
0x01 Single length DES Key encrypted under LMK pair 38-39 Variant 9
or other variant as specified later.
0x02 Double length DES key EBC encrypted under LMK pair 38-39
Variant 9 or other variant as specified later.
0x03 RSA private key (HSM format) encrypted under LMK pair 38-39
Variant 9 or other variant as specified later.

0x04 Data ECB encrypted under LMK pair 38-39 variant 9.

Ciphertext length 2B Length of next field

- 0x0008 for PIN block

- variable but a multiple of 8 bytes for single length DES Keys
- variable but a multiple of 16 bytes for double length DES keys

- variable for RSA private key

- variable for Data but a multiple of 8 bytes

Ciphertext data nB Data to be decrypted and loaded into buffer. Encrypted under LMK 38-
39 Variant 9. In the case of an RSA private key the 5 CRT components
are concatenated together and loaded in the order dp, dq, p, q, q -1 mod
p as described in APPENDIX X. There is no padding between

Delimiter 1B Value “;”, Optional, Only present when the Variant Override is present.

Variant Override 1H Optional. If supplied, this variant is used instead of Variant 9 in the
Ciphertext Type above.

Thales – Information Technology Security 73

>> Host Commands

Sub Command Code 04 – Calculate Checksum

Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
to start operating upon.

Length 2B Number of bytes over which to calculate checksum. Minimum allowed is

a value of 8 representing an 8 byte length.

Checksum Method 1B 0x00 – Standard Multos checksum as defined in APPENDIX Q.

(no other values acceptable in this version of the specification)

Checksum IV 4B Initial value (or value so far) of Checksum

Sub Command Code 05 – Generate and return DES Key

Key Type 1B 0x01 = Single length DES key

0x02 = Double length DES key

Sub Command Code 06 – Encrypt and return data

Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
to start operating upon.

Length 2B Number of bytes to encrypt and return. Must be a multiple of 8.

Encryption Method 1B 0x01 = Multos method (APPENDIX T)

0x02 = ECB encryption

0x03 = CBC encryption (triple DES CBC encryption is defined in

APPENDIX O) A default IV of ‘0’ is assumed.

0x04 = CBC encryption with supplied IV

0x05 = Multos encryption with supplied IV

Encryption Key Type 1B 0x01 = Single Length Random DES key encrypted under LMK pair 38-
39 variant 9.
0x02 = Double Length Random DES key encrypted under LMK pair 38-
39 variant 9 using ECB mode.
0x03 = KEK encrypted under LMK pair 24-25 variant 1 using ECB

Encryption Key 8 B or 16B 8B for single length DES key, 16B for double length DES key or KEK

IV 8B IV value - Only present if Encryption method = 0x04 or 0x05

Sub Command Code 07 – Move data

Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
from which data is to be moved.

Length 2B Number of bytes to move starting from Block Offset.

New Block Offset 2B Indicates the offset from the start of the HSM’s allocated memory block
to which data is to be moved. Note that locations from which data in
moved are null filled
>> Host Commands

Sub Command Code 08 – Deallocate HSM memory block


Response for Mode Flag = 0

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZP’.

Error Code 2N 00 – No error

Key Area 256 B AU Key Area (encrypted under key in Area Descriptor 1 of KTU’)

PIN Area 8B AU PIN Area (encrypted under key in Area Descriptor 2 of KTU’). Only
present if PIN Block Present flag is set to 1.

KTU’ nB Always has Area Descriptor 1. Also has Area Descriptor 2 if PIN Block
Present Flag =1. The length will be the length requested in the input data.
The KTU’ is returned encrypted under the supplied KEK.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Response for Mode Flag = 1

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZP’.

Error Code 2N 00 – No error

59 – Invalid Checksum or Hash length requested
60 – Unknown sub command

61 – No available memory block of size requested

62 – No memory block allocated

63 – Memory access outside bounds of allocated buffer.
64 – Unknown Ciphertext type
65 – Error decrypting ciphertext

66 – Unknown Checksum method

67 – Unknown key type

68 – Unknown encryption method
69 – Length requested is not a multiple of 8 bytes

Thales – Information Technology Security 75

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

70 – Error decrypting key
71 – Length error

72 – Encrypted data length greater than 2048

73 – Unknown Hash method or Hash mode
Any standard error code

(Sub-command response parameters dependent on Sub Command Code, as defined in the following sections)

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Subcommand Code 01 – Allocate HSM memory block

(possible error codes: 61)

Memory Block Status

Flag 1B 0x01 = Memory allocated in Tamper Protected area
0x02 = Memory allocated in other area

Sub Command Code 02 – Load Plaintext data

(Possible error codes: 62, 63)

Number of bytes loaded 2B Total number of bytes loaded

Sub Command 03 – Load Ciphertext data

(Possible error codes: 62, 63, 64, 65)

Number of bytes loaded 2 Total number of bytes loaded

Sub Command Code 04 – Calculate Checksum

(Possible error codes: 59, 62, 63, 66 )

Checksum 4B The resultant Checksum

Sub Command Code 05 – Generate and return DES Key

(Possible error codes: 67)

Returned Random Key 8 B or 16 Randomly generated key encrypted under Variant 9 of LMK 38-39. For a
B double length key, it is returned encrypted using EBC mode.
>> Host Commands

Sub Command Code 06 – Encrypt and return data

(Possible error codes: 62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 72)

Length of Encrypted data 2B Length of next field

Encrypted data nB Returned data

Sub Command Code 07 – Move data

(None) (Possible error codes: 62, 63)

Sub Command Code 08 – Deallocate HSM memory block

(None) (Possible error codes: 62)

Thales – Information Technology Security 77

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Import Hash Modulus
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To import the Multos Hash Modulus and convert it into the form of a
standard HSM Public Key for local storage

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZQ”

Mode Flag 1N Flag to identify different modes of operation of this command. Only the
values 0 or 1 are valid for this version of the command.

Length of Hash 2H Length in bytes of next field


Hash Modulus nB Multos Hash Modulus

Delimiter 1A Value “;”

Public Exponent Length 4N Only present if Mode Flag = 1; length in bits of the Public Exponent;
must be supplied if Public Exponent present in command message

Public Exponent nB Only present if Mode Flag = 1; if supplied then it must be odd; if not
supplied then a default exponent of 3 is assumed

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZR'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

04 – Invalid Mode Flag
07 - Public exponent length error
08 - Invalid public exponent

12 - No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor
15 – Error in input data

21 – Invalid user storage index

47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor

80 – Data Length error

Any standard error code

Public Key nB Public Key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format (sequence of modulus and
exponent) contains the imported Hash Modulus and a Public Exponent.

MAC 4B MAC over the Public Key and optional Authentication Data. Calculated
using LMK pair 36-37

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 79

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Translate PIN

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To translate a PIN from encryption under a Zone PIN Key (ZPK) to
encryption under the LMK.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZS”

Mode Flag 1N Flag to identify different modes of operation of this command. Only the
values 0 and 1 are valid in this version of the specification.
Mode flag = 0 means use the output PIN block format specified in PIN
Block Format Mode 0.
Mode flag = 1 means use the output PIN block format specified in PIN
Block Format Mode 1.

ZPK 32 H or 1A+32H Zone PIN Key encrypted under LMK pair 06-07
or 1A+48H

PIN Block 16 H The PIN Block to be translated

PIN Block Format 2H The format code for the PIN block including the new format described
in APPENDIX S (cannot be pin block format 35)

Account number 12 N The 12 rightmost digits of the Account number, may be ignored
depending on PIN block type

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZT'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

04 – Invalid Mode Flag
10 – ZPK Parity error
12 – No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data
20 – PIN Block data error

21 – Invalid user storage index

23 – Invalid PIN Block Format Code

24 – PIN is fewer than 4 or more than 12 digits

Any standard error code

Output PIN Block 8B The translated PIN Block encrypted under LMK pair 38-39 variant 9. The
plain text PIN Block is as described in 0 PIN Block Format Mode 1 or 0
PIN Block Format Mode 0 depending on the value of the Mode Flag in
the command data.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 81

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Construct all ICC Public Key related data
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To obtain all public key related data for an ICC and get it into a form ready
to be included in a Multos AU. This function takes as input a previously
generated ICC Public Key in the standard HSM format. The public key data
elements to be produced are the ICC Certificate (containing the ICC public
key, produced using the Issuer’s Private Key), the ICC Public Key
Remainder, and the ICC Public Exponent.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZU”

Mode Flag 1N Flag to identify different modes of operation of this command. Only
Mode 0 is valid in this version of the command.

Hash Identifier 2N Identifier of algorithm used to hash data.

Valid values
01 SHA-1.

Signature Identifier 2N Identifier of signature algorithm used to sign data. Only the Valid values

01 RSA.

MAC 4B MAC on Public Key and Authentication data calculated using LMK pair

ICC Public Key nB Public Key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format (sequence of modulus and

Authentication data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Delimiter to indicate end of Authentication Data field; value “;”.

PAN 10 B Application PAN. This supplied is left justified and padded on the right
with hex F.

Exp Date 2B Certificate Expiration Date.

Cert Ser Num 3B Certificate Serial Number.

>> Host Commands

Static Data Length 2H Length in bytes of next field.

Static Data nB Static Data to be Authenticated, up to 255 bytes.

Terminator 1A Terminator indicating end of Static Data field. Value “;”

Issuer Private Key Flag 2N Flag to indicate location of the Issuer Private Key; if flag = 99 use
Private Key provided with command, else flag = index of stored Private

Issuer Private Key 4N Length in bytes of the following field (only present if flag = 99).

Issuer Private Key nB Issuer Private Key, encrypted using LMK pair 34-35 (only present if
flag = 99).

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZV'.

Error Code 2N 00 – No error

01 – MAC verification failure
02 – Public Key does not conform to encoding rules
03 – Invalid Issuer Private Key Flag
04 – Invalid Mode Flag

05 – Invalid Hash Identifier

06 – Invalid Crypto Algorithm Identifier

12 – No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor

15 – Error in input data

21 – Invalid user storage index
47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor

49 – Issuer Private Key error – report to Supervisor

78 – Issuer Private Key length error

80 – Data Length error

Any standard error code

ICCCERT length 2H Length of next field.

ICCCERT nB ICC Certificate, see APPENDIX R.

ICC Public Key 2H Length in bytes of the following field. May indicate zero if N C <= NI –
Remainder length 42.

Thales – Information Technology Security 83

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

ICC Public Key nB ICC Public Key Remainder. If the above field indicates zero
Remainder length(because NC <= NI – 42), this field will not exist.

ICC Public Exponent 2H ICC Public Exponent length in bytes.


ICC Public Exponent nB ICC Public Exponent

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate ICC Public/Private Keyset
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Not Required

Function: To generate an ICC Keyset.

State: Online

Notes: Depending on key size, this function may take a significant time to execute.
If a Public Exponent is supplied in the command message, it must be an
odd value (i.e. the least significant bit must equal 1). If an even Public
Exponent is provided, an error code will be returned by the command.
See also APPENDIX U for discussion on alternative Chinese Remainder
Theorem output formats.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZW”

Mode Flag 1N Indicates the mode of operation of this command

0 = Generate Keys using Standard method with q>p
1 = Generate Keys using Europay method with q>p
2 = Generate Keys using Standard method with p>q
3 = Generate Keys using Europay method with p>q
The Europay method does not force the use of strong primes.

Key Length 4N Modulus length in bits; min 0400, max 4096. Must be set to between
0512 and 4096 if the Private key Output Format is 02 (Multos)

Private Key Output

format 2N Output format for Private Key:

01 = Standard HSM format, encrypted under LMK pair 34-35.

02 = MCPA format, encrypted under LMK pair 38-39 variant 9.

03 = Output in the form of 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem

components encrypted under the KEK.

04 = Output the private key exponent (d) and modulus (n) under the
KEK. See APPENDIX F (Private Key Exponent/Modulus format)
for the format of this key.

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Double Length KEK for encrypting the 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem
or 1A+48H components or the private exponent and the modulus. Encrypted under
Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25. Only present when the Private key
Output Format is set to 03 or 04.

Thales – Information Technology Security 85

>> Host Commands

Encrypt Mode 1N Mode used to encrypt the Private Exponent and Modulus:
0 = ECB mode

1 = CBC mode
Only supplied if Private Key Output Format = 04

IV 8B Initialisation Vector.
Only supplied if Encrypt Mode = 1 and Private Key Output Format = 04

Length Bytes 1N The number of bytes that are used to specify the length of the key data
section. Valid entries are 0, 1 or 2. If this value is zero then no
length data will be present in the output. See APPENDIX AA (Private
Key Exponent/Modulus format).
Only supplied if Private Key Output Format = 04

Public Key Encoding 2N Encoding rules for public key (must allow public key length to be
01 = DER encoding in ASN.1 format

Public Exponent Length 4N Indicates the length (in bits) of the public exponent

Public Exponent nB Must be an odd value

Terminator 1A Mandatory terminator, “;”

Authentication data nA Optional; additional data to be included in the MAC calculation (must
not include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZX'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

02 – Invalid private key formatting code

03 – Invalid public key encoding type

04 – Invalid Mode Flag

05 – Key Length error

06 – Public exponent length error

07 – Incompatible Key Length

08 – Supplied public exponent is even (except 2)
09 : Invalid Encrypt Mode
10 – Parity error on KEK
11 : Invalid Length Bytes value
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor
15 – Error in input data

47 – DSP error – report to Supervisor

Any standard error code

Public Key nB Public key, encoded appropriately

MAC 4B MAC over the Public Key and any supplied Authentication Data
calculated using LMK 36-37.

Private Key Length 4N Length (in bytes) of the following field. Only present for Output Formats
01 and 02.

Private Key nB Private key, formatted and encrypted as defined in the supplied Private
Key Output format parameter. Only present for Output Formats 01,
02 and 04.

If output Format 04 is chosen this will be the private key exponent

under the KEK.

Modulus (KEK) nB Only present If Output Format is 04.

The modulus whose length = ‘Key Length’. Encrypted under the KEK
and in the format as specified in APPENDIX AA (Private Key
Exponent/Modulus format).

Private Key Component 1B Length in bytes of each of the following 5 fields. Only present for Output
Length. Format 03.

p (KEK) nB Prime p encrypted under KEK using triple DES CBC (see APPENDIX P).
Only present for Output Format 03.

q (KEK) nB Prime q encrypted under KEK using triple DES CBC (see APPENDIX P).
Only present for Output Format 03.

d1 (KEK) nB d1 = d mod (p-1) encrypted under KEK using triple DES CBC (see
APPENDIX P). Only present for Output Format 03.

d2 (KEK) nB d1 = d mod (p-1) encrypted under KEK using triple DES CBC (see
APPENDIX P). Only present for Output Format 03.

q-1 mod p (KEK) nB Modular inverse of q encrypted under KEK using triple DES CBC (see
APPENDIX P). Only present for Output Format 03.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 87

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate ICC Derived Keys
Authorization: Not Required

Function: Used by Issuer to produce the ICC Derived Keys for the MCPA application
or Europay PN&PL scheme. This function generates IDKAC, IDKSMI,
IDKSMC, and optionally, IDKIDN. These keys are returned encrypted either
under an LMK for local storage (ready for inclusion in the ALU for a Multos
card) or under a KEK for transmission to a Personalisation system (ready
for a Europay “Off-The-Shelf” (OTS) card.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZY”

Mode Flag 1N If Mode Flag = 0 the Dynamic Number Derived Key is not generated.
Output for MULTOS cards
If Mode Flag = 1 the Dynamic Number Derived Key is generated.
Output for MULTOS cards
If Mode Flag = 2 the Dynamic Number Derived Key is not generated.
Output for OTS cards

If Mode Flag = 3 the Dynamic Number Derived Key is generated.

Output for OTS cards

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Key Exchange Key encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25. Only
or 1A+48H present for Mode Flag = 2 or 3.

PAN/PAN Sequence 8B PAN and PAN Sequence Number pre-formatted into 8 byte field

IMKAC(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Issuer Master Key for Authentication Cryptograms, IMK AC, encrypted
under Variant 1 of LMK pair 28-29.

IMKSMI(LMK) Flag 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of IMKSMI(LMK).

IMKSMI(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Issuer Master Key for Secure Message Integratory, IMK SMI, encrypted
under Variant 2 of LMK pair 26-27. Only present if above = 1.

IMKSMC(LMK) Flag 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of IMKSMC(LMK).

IMKSMC(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Issuer Master key for Secure Message Confidentiality, IMK SMC ,
encrypted under Variant 3 of LMK pair 26-27. Only present if above =
>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

IMKIDN(LMK) Flag 1N Flag indicating presence (1) or absence (0) of IMKIDN(LMK). Only
present if Mode Flag = 1 or 3.

IMKDN(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Issuer Master Key for ICC Dynamic Numbers, IMK DN, encrypted under
Variant 5 of LMK pair 26-27. Only present when Mode Flag = 1 or 3
and above = 1.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZZ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

04 – Mode Flag error

07 – KEK Parity error

08 – Parity error on IMKAC
09 – Parity error on IMKSMI

10 – Parity error on IMKSMC

11 – Parity error on IMKIDN
12 – No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to supervisor

15 – Error in input data

21 – Invalid user storage index

Any standard error code

IDKAC(LMK) 16 B IDKAC encrypted under LMK Pair 38-39, variant 1, ECB Mode. Only
present for Mode Flag = 0 or 1

IDKSMI(LMK) 16 B IDKSMI encrypted under LMK Pair 38-39, variant 2, ECB Mode. Only
present for Mode Flag = 0 or 1 and when IDKSMM(LMK) Flag = 1.

IDKSMC(LMK) 16 B IDKSMC encrypted under LMK pair 38-39, variant 3, ECB Mode. Only
present for Mode Flag = 0 or 1 and when IDKSMC (LMK) Flag = 1.

IDKIDN(LMK) 16 B IDKIDN encrypted under LMK Pair 38-39, variant 5, ECB Mode. Only
present when Mode Flag = 1 and when IDKIDN(LMK) Flag = 1.

IDKAC(KEK) 16 B IDKAC encrypted under KEK, ECB Mode. Only present for Mode Flag =
2 or 3.

KCV(IDKAC) 8B Key Check Value for IDKAC. Only present for Mode Flag = 2 or 3.

IDKSMI(KEK) 16 B IDKSMI encrypted under KEK, ECB Mode. Only present for Mode Flag =
2 or 3 and when IDKSMI(LMK) Flag = 1.

Thales – Information Technology Security 89

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

KCV(IDKSMI ) 8B Key Check Value for IDKSMI. Only present for Mode Flag = 2 or 3 and
when IDKSMI(LMK) Flag = 1.

IDKSMC(KEK) 16 B IDKSMC encrypted under KEK, ECB Mode. Only present for Mode Flag =
2 or 3 and when IDKSME(LMK) Flag = 1.

KCV(IDKSMC ) 8B Key Check Value for IDKSMC. Only present for Mode Flag = 2 or 3 and
when IDKSMC(LMK) Flag = 1.

IDKDN(KEK) 16 B IDKDN encrypted under KEK, ECB Mode. Only present when Mode Flag
= 3 and when IDKDN(LMK) Flag = 1.

KCV(IDKDN) 8B Key Check Value for IDKDN. Only present for Mode Flag = 3 and when
IDKDN(LMK) Flag = 1.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate EMV2000 Session Keys

Authorization: Not Required

Function: Used to calculate the EMV 2000 session and intermediate keys.
This function generates the session key and various levels of parent’s keys
from ICC Master Keys such as MKac, MKenc/smc & MKmac/smi.
These keys are retuned encrypted under an LMK for local storage (ready
for inclusion in the ALU for a Multos card) or under a KEK for transmission
to a Personalisation system. Odd parity should be applied to the calculated
intermediate keys and the final session keys. APPENDIX HH details the
calculation of the required keys.
The mechanism to calculate these keys is based on multiple iterations,
each iteration using a different piece of data from the ATC. The number of
iterations is specified as the height, which can be either 16 or 8, 16
iterations if the ATC is processed as single bit at a time and 8 if the ATC is
processed 2 bits at a time.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “WM”

Mode Flag 1N If Mode Flag = 0 Input & Output Keys under LMK
If Mode Flag = 1 Input & Output Keys under KEK
If Mode Flag = 2..9 RFU

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H Key Exchange Key encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25. Only
or 1A+48H present for Mode Flag = 1.

ATC 2B Application Transaction Counter (ATC) used to determine the path for
session key calculation.

IV 16 B Input Initial Vector used for 1st run iteration.

Branches 1N Number of branches per iteration,

Branches equal to either 2 or 4.

If Branches = 2 Height = 16,

if Branches = 4 Height = 8.

Levels Required 1N Number of keys (session & intermediate) to be retuned.

Maximum number of keys output per input key = 9.

Thales – Information Technology Security 91

>> Host Commands

Number of Input Keys 1N Number of keys to be processed, from 1 to 9.

Input Keys nB 1 or more 16B DES keys encrypted under Variant 9 of LMK pair 38-
39 if Mode Flag = 0, or encrypted under the KEK if Mode Flag = 1.
The number of keys is determined by ‘Number of Input Keys’.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'WN'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

04 – Mode Flag error
07 – KEK Parity error

08 – Invalid Branches
10 – Invalid Levels Required

11 – Invalid Number of Input Keys

13 – LMK error – report to supervisor
15 – Error in input data
5x – Parity error on input key x
(covers errors codes 51..59)
Any standard error code

Length of Output Key 2B Unsigned Integer giving length in bytes of following field.

Output Key Block nB 1 or more 16B DES keys, number of keys equal to Levels Required *
Number of Input Keys.

The keys will be encrypted under Variant 9 of LMK pair 38-39 if Mode
Flag = 0, or encrypted under the KEK if Mode Flag = 1.
See APPENDIX II for details of the block

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Import Multos CA Public Key
Licence HSM9-LIC002.
Authorization: Required

Function: To import a Multos CA public key (tkck_pk) and reformat it into standard
HSM format.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “XY”

Version Flag 1N Flag to indicate tkck_pk format

Flag = 0 - Multos v3.0 or v4.0 (see APPENDIX EE)

Flag = 1 - TKCK format (see APPENDIX FF)

tkck_pk Length 3N Length in bytes of the next field

tkck_pk nB Multos CA public key, in Multos format (see APPENDIX EE)

Delimiter 1A Value “;”

Authentication Data nA Optional. Additional data included in the MAC calculation (must not
include “;”)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 93

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'XZ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

03 - Invalid version flag
04 - Public key does not conform to encoding rules
13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor

15 - Error in input data

17 - HSM not in Authorised State
80 - tkck_pk length error

Any standard error code

MAC and tkck_pk 3N Combined length in bytes of the next two fields

MAC 4B MAC on public key and authentication data, calculated using LMK pair

tkck_pk nB Multos CA public key, DER encoded in ASN.1 format

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Miscellaneous Commands
This section describes HSM commands which are applicable to Visa Cash, VSDC,
M/Chip Lite and M/Chip Select applications. These include:
a) A set of three Console commands to allow a double length Key Exchange Key
(KEK) and the Card manufacturer’s Master Key (CMK) to be generated and
exported or imported in component form from the Card Issuer or Card
Manufacturer. The KEK is used for encryption of all other keys passed between
Issuer and Personalizer. The CMK is a key shared between the card
manufacturer and the card Personalizer and is given specific names for
particular schemes and manufacturers. The originator of the key will use the
commands DM and DI, the recipient of the key will use the command DH and
DI. All three commands are provided so that the Issuer can act as originator or
b) A set of 3 console commands and 3 host commands to allow a double length
Key Exchange Key (KEK) and the Card manufacturer’s Master Key (CMK) to be
generated and exported or imported using a previously established Zone
Control Master Key (ZCMK) from the Card Personaliser or Card Manufacturer.
The three console commands permit the KEK or CMK to be set up with no
intervention by the connected host system. The three host commands allow
the host system to handle the set up of the keys which enables the process to
be more automatic if required.
c) A function to allow data produced by the Card Issuers to be verified by the Card
Personalizer. This is achieved by the use of the standard Message
Authentication Code (MAC) technique.
d) Generate MAC. This is an extended version of the command described
in c) above (the existing HW command). It allows use of a single or
double length MAC session key, and overcomes the HSM buffer size
limitation by allowing chaining of data. It also allows for different MAC
The key management functions in this specification all use double length Zone
Control Master Keys (ZCMKs) irrespective of the setting of the single-
length/double-length parameter in the CS console command . Accordingly the HSM
should be configured to use double length zone master keys using the CS console
command. This will ensure that when zone master keys are generated or installed,
double length keys are used.
The term KEY is a generic term meaning any of the applicable keys for the function
concerned. An asterisk preceding the key indicates that a key is double length.

Thales – Information Technology Security 95

>> Host Commands

Available Commands

Command Page

Generate or Verify MAC on Data using Session Key under 97


Generate and Verify MAC 99

Diversified key for Easy Entry/Dedicated Funding Account 101

Translate PIN 103

Generate Audit Record 105

Verify Audit Record 107

Reset Audit Record Index 109

>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate or Verify MAC on Data using
Session Key under KEK
Authorization: Not Required

Function: To Generate or Verify a MAC over a variable length block of data. The size
of the data is limited only by the size of the HSM’s input buffer. The key
used to generate the MAC is encrypted under a KEK and either generated
by the function and returned or supplied with the data.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “HW”

Mode Flag 1N 0 = Generate MAC

1 = Verify MAC

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H KEK encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25

or 1A+48H

MK(KEK) 16 H or 1A+32H MAC generation key encrypted under KEK. Only present if Mode Flag =
or 1A+48H 1

MAC 4B MAC to be verified. Only present if Mode Flag = 1.

Data Length 2B Unsigned Integer giving length in bytes of following field.

Data nB Data over which MAC is to be verified.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 97

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'HX'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 - MAC failed
04 - Mode Flag not 0 or 1
10 - KEK parity error

11 - MAC Key parity error

12 - No keys loaded in user storage
13 - LMK error, report to supervisor

15 - Error in input data

21 - Invalid user storage index

80 - Data length error

Any standard error code

MK(KEK) 16 H or 1A+32H MAC generation key encrypted under KEK. Only present if Mode Flag =
or 1A+48H 0

MAC 4B Calculated MAC. Only present if Mode Flag = 0

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate and Verify MAC

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To Generate or Verify a MAC over a variable length block of data. The size
of the data is limited only by the size of the HSM’s input buffer. If the data
to be MACed is larger than the HSM buffer size, it may be broken down
and treated as a first, one or more middle and one end block. The key
used to generate the MAC (single or double length) is encrypted under a
KEK and either generated by the function and returned, or supplied with
the data. The MAC Algorithm is selectable by the calling application.

State: Online

Notes: This command is a more powerful version of the HW (HX) command,

which is limited to a single block of data and single length keys

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZK”

Mode Flag 1N 0 = Generate MAC

1 = Verify MAC

MAC algorithm Flag 1N 0 = ANSI X9.9 method

1 = ANSI X9.19 method

2 = ANSI X9.52 method

Block Type 1N 0 = Only block

1 = First block
2 = Middle block

3 = End block

KEK(LMK) 32 H or 1A+32H KEK encrypted under Variant 1 of LMK pair 24-25

or 1A+48H

MK(KEK) 16 H or 1A+32H MAC generation key encrypted under KEK. Present if Mode Flag = 1
or 1A+48H (verify, all Block Types) and if Block Type is 2 or 3 for Mode Flag = 0.
Will be 16H long if MAC Algorithm Flag is set to 0 and 32 H long if set
to 1 or 2

MAC 4B MAC to be verified. Only present if Mode Flag = 1 and Block Type = 0
or 3.

IV in 8B Initial Value input. Only present for Block Type = 2 or 3.

Thales – Information Technology Security 99

>> Host Commands

Data Length 2B Unsigned Integer giving length in bytes of following field.

Data nB Data over which MAC is to be verified.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZL'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 – MAC failed
03 – Block Type not 0, 1, 2 or 3
04 – Mode Flag not 0 or 1
05 – MAC Algorithm not 0, 1 or 2

10 – KEK parity error

11 – MAC Key parity error

12 – No keys loaded in user storage

13 – LMK error, report to supervisor
15 – Error in input data
21 – Invalid user storage index
80 – Data length error
81 – Data not a multiple of 8 bytes long (only for

Block Types 1 and 2)

Any standard error code

MK(KEK) 32 H or 1A+32H MAC generation key encrypted under KEK. Only present for Block
or 1A+48H Types 0 or 1 when Mode Flag = 0. Will be 16H long if MAC Algorithm
Flag is 0 and 32H long if MAC Algorithm Flag is 1 or 2.

MAC 4B Calculated MAC. Only present if Mode Flag = 0 and Block Type = 0 or 3

IV out 8B Only present for Block Type = 1 or 2.

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Diversified key for Easy Entry/Dedicated
Funding Account
Authorization: Not Required

Function: Generate a KDE Diversified from the KME or a KDD Diversified from the
KMD. The result is returned encrypted in TLV format, ready for passing to
the personalisation machine.

State: Online

Notes: The KME is the master key for controlling access to cards with the Easy
Entry application. The KMD is the master key for cards with a dedicated
funding account (which works in conjunction with Visa Cash)
The KDE and KDD are Diversified keys used to MAC information that is
written to the areas on the card that handle these applications.
The derivation process is described in APPENDIX Y.
Note that the an algorithm code of ‘01’ is not valid and APPENDIX Y
describes the process of diversifying a key when the algorithm code has a
value of ‘02’.

Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “JY”

809 – KME, Master Key for Easy Entry

Key Type 3N LMK pair 28-29, Variant 8
909 – KMD, Master Key for DFA
LMK pair 28-29, Variant 9

Master Key 32 H or 1A+32H The encrypted Master Key under the appropriate variant of the LMK
or 1A+48H

Derivation Data 8B Data used to create the Diversified key

KEK 32 H or 1A+32H KEK encrypted under variant 1 of LMK 24-25

or 1A+48H

Key Version 1B

Algorithm Code 1B Algorithm code

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 101

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'JZ'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

09 – KEK parity error

10 – Master Key Parity Error

13 - LMK error - report to Supervisor
15 - Error in input data
17 - HSM not in Authorised State

Any standard error code

Diversified Key Data 27 B Dependent on value of Key Type Indicator:

0 – Key is KDE
1 – Key is KDD
1-2 Tag X’9F6F
3 Length X’18
4 Key Version
5 Algorithm Code
6 Key Length X’10
7-22 Key 16 bytes
23 Length of KCV X’03
24-26 KCV 3 bytes
27 Padding X’00
Bytes 4 to 27 are encrypted under the KEK. Bytes 1 to 3 are in clear

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Translate PIN

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To translate a PIN from encryption under a Zone PIN Key (ZPK) to
encryption under the LMK or ZPK under the specified PIN block format.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “ZE”

Mode Flag 1N 0 = Output PIN Block format fixed at 0

1 = Output PIN Block format & Enc Key user definable

ZPK 32 H or 1A+32H Zone PIN Key encrypted under LMK pair 06-07
or 1A+48H

PIN Block 16 H The PIN Block to be translated

Input PIN Block Format 2N The format code for the PIN block.

Account number 12 N The 12 rightmost digits of the Account number may be ignored
depending on PIN block type.

Output Encryption Key 1N 0 = LMK 38-39 Variant 9

1 = ZPK
Only present for Mode Flag 1.

Output PIN Block 2H The Output format for the PIN block. Only present for Mode Flag 1.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 103

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value 'ZF'.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

04 – Invalid Mode Flag
05 - Invalid Enc. Key Mode Flag
10 – ZPK Parity error

12 – No keys in user storage

13 – LMK error – report to Supervisor
15 – Error in input data

20 – PIN Block data error

21 – Invalid user storage index

23 – Invalid Input PIN Block Format Code

24 – PIN is fewer than 4 or more than 12 digits

25 – Invalid Output PIN Block Format Code
Any standard error code

Output PIN Block 8B The translated PIN Block encrypted under the requested encryption key

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Generate Audit Record

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To generate an audit record from the data passed in. An internal counter
must be kept and incremented for each audit record. It will be used to
assign each audit record a unique number. A block will be returned
containing this unique number, the date, time and data itself. A MAC will
be generated over all this data and appended, together with the MAC key.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “WG”

Data Length 2B Unsigned Integer giving length in bytes of following field in the range 1
– 1024.

Data nB Data to be placed into Audit Record.

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 105

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value ‘WH’.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

80 – Invalid data size
Any standard error code

Audit Record Size 2B The size of the following field

Audit Record nB The Audit Record comprising of :

ID – 4 Bytes

Timestamp – 4 Bytes
Data Length – 2 Bytes
Data – n Bytes
MAC over above data – 4 Bytes
MAC Key – 16 Bytes (encrypted under
LMK pair 28-29 v1)

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Verify Audit Record

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To verify an audit record.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “WI”

Audit Record Length 2B Unsigned Integer giving length in bytes of following field.

Audit Record nB The Audit Record Data. This is a block of data consisting of :

ID – 4 Bytes
Timestamp – 4 Bytes

Data Length – 2 Bytes

Data – n Bytes
MAC over above data – 4 Bytes

MAC Key – 16 Bytes (encrypted under

LMK pair 28-29 v1)

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Thales – Information Technology Security 107

>> Host Commands

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value ‘WJ’.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

01 – MAC Verification Error
10 – Parity Error on MAC Key
Any standard error code

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32
>> Host Commands

Variant  Keyblock 
Reset Audit Record Index

Authorization: Not Required

Function: To reset the counter that is kept internally and used by the Generate Audit
Record and Verify Audit Record commands.

State: Online


Field Length & Type Details


Message header mA Subsequently returned to the Host unchanged.

Command Code 2A Value “WK”

Delimiter 1A Value '%'. Optional; if present, the following field must be present.

LMK Identifier 2N LMK identifier; min value = '00'; max value is defined by licence; must
be present if the above Delimiter is present.

End Message Delimiter 1C Optional. Must be present if a message trailer is present. Value X'19

Message trailer nA Optional. Maximum length 32 characters.

Field Length & Type Details

Message header mA Returned to the Host unchanged.
Response Code 2A Value ‘WL’.

Error Code 2N 00 - No error

Any standard error code

End message delimiter 1C Present only if present in the command message. Value X'19.
Message trailer nA Present only if present in the command message. Maximum length 32

Thales – Information Technology Security 109

>> Appendix A: Local Master Key Variants

>> Appendix A: Local Master Key Variants

Variants of the Local Master Key in the HSM are used for encryption of defined
keys or key components. These variants are calculated as follows:
1. Select the appropriate LMK or LMK pair:

e.g. 0123 4567 89AB CDEF

e.g. 0123 4567 89AB CDEF 3131 3131 3131 3131
2. Identify which Variant of the LMK is required and select the following offset
values as appropriate:
Variant 1: “A6”
3. Combine the selected offset with the first byte of the LMK or LMK pair (i.e. “01”
above) using the exclusive-or operation.
4. Replace the leftmost byte of the LMK or LMK pair with the result of step 3 and
use the resulting key as the specified Variant:
e.g. Variant 1 = A723 4567 89AB CDEF
e.g. Variant 1 = A723 4567 89AB CDEF 3131 3131 3131 3131

The HSM currently supports up to 9 LMK variants, with offset values as follows:
Variant 1: “A6”
Variant 2: “5A”
Variant 3: “6A”
Variant 4: “DE”
Variant 5: “2B”
Variant 6: “50”
Variant 7: “74”
Variant 8: “9C”
Variant 9: “FA”
>> Appendix B: Algorithm Identifiers

>> Appendix B: Algorithm Identifiers

Signature Algorithm
01 RSA
03 RSA with public exponent of 65537 (Visa Cash only)

Hash Algorithm
01 SHA-1
02 MD5
03 ISO 10118-2
04 No hash

Encryption Algorithm
01 RSA

Pad Mode
01 PKCS#1, - See also Error! Reference source not found.

Public Key Encoding

01 DER encoding for ASN.1, - See also Error! Reference source not

Thales – Information Technology Security 111

>> Appendix C: PKCS#1Pad Mode (Pad Mode Identifier = 01)

>> Appendix C: PKCS#1Pad Mode (Pad

Mode Identifier = 01)

The PKCS #1 standard defines the padding method to be used before operating
with a public or Private RSA key. The data to be encrypted or decrypted is padded
as follows:
00 BT PS 00 D,
where 00 is a single byte equal to 00, BT is a single byte indicating the block type,
PS is a padding string and D is the data. The total length of the padded block will
be equal to the length (in bytes) of the RSA key modulus.
BT will take the value 01 for a Private key operation and the value 02 for a public
key operation.
PS will consist of bytes FF....FF for block type 01 and random non-zero bytes for
block type 02. PS must contain at least 8 bytes.
The data block D will comprise a single byte 04, followed by a byte to indicate the
length (L) of the rest of D. Thus, D will be either:
04 L hash value, or
04 L DES key
When using this padding mode, the following validity checks will be carried out:
1. For a validation operation (Validate Certificate, Validate Signature):
the length of the data to be validated is equal to the length (in bytes) of
the modulus of the key to be used for the validation - if not, return error
code 76
the first byte of the clear data block is 00 - if not, return error code 77
the second byte of the clear data block is 01 - if not, return error code 77
subsequent bytes consist of at least 8 bytes of binary 1s, followed by a
zero byte - if not return error code 77
the next two bytes are 04 and a byte indicating the length (in bytes) of the
rest of D - if not then return error code 77
the remaining k-2 bytes (where k is the length of D, in bytes) are
compared with the hash of the supplied data - if the two values are not
equal then return error code 02
2. For a generation operation (Generate Signature):
the length (in bytes) of the hash of the supplied data is at most m-13
(where m is the length, in bytes, of the modulus of the key to be used) - if
not, return error code 76
3. For an import key operation (Import DES Key):
the length of the imported key block is equal to the length (in bytes) of the
modulus of the Private key to be used to decrypt the block - if not, return
error code 76
the first byte of the clear data block is 00 and the second byte is 02 - if
not, return error code 77
subsequent bytes consist of at least 8 bytes of random non-zero bytes,
followed by a zero byte - if not, return error code 77
>> Appendix C: PKCS#1Pad Mode (Pad Mode Identifier = 01)

the next two bytes are 04 and a byte indicating the length (in bytes) of the
rest of D (which must be 08 or 10 to indicate a single or double length
DES key) - if not then return error code 77
4. For an export key operation (Export DES Key):
the modulus of the public key to be used must be at least 13 bytes longer
than the DES key to be encrypted - if not, return error code 76

Thales – Information Technology Security 113

>> Appendix D: Public Key Encoding

>> Appendix D: Public Key Encoding

The HSM supports the following public key encoding types:

Type = 01 (DER encoding for an ASN.1 public key)

An ASN.1 RSAPublicKey has the following definition :

RSAPublicKey : : = SEQUENCE {
modulus INTEGER, - - n
publicExponent INTEGER - - e }
>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (Visa)

>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key

Format (Visa)

Field Name Length Description


Header 1b Hex value ‘20’ NOT SIGNED

Visa Service Identifier 4b Identifies specific Visa NOT SIGNED

10 10 00 00 - CCPS
20 10 00 00 - CCPS
30 10 00 00 - CCPS
60 10 cc ce - Visa
Cash (ccc = currency
code, e = currency

Length of Visa CA 2b Length of Visa CA Public NOT SIGNED

Public Key Modulus Key in Hex. (Number of
(N) bytes)

Visa CA Public Key 1b Identifies cryptographic NOT

Algorithm Indicator algorithm used to
generate the Visa CA
Public Key

Length of Visa CA 1b Length of Visa CA Public NOT SIGNED

Public Key Exponent Key Exponent in Hex.
(Number of bytes)

Registered Application 5b Identifies Visa NOT SIGNED

Provider Identifier

Visa CA Public Key 1b Unique Visa CA Public Key NOT SIGNED

Index Serial Number

Visa CA Public Key var b Unsigned Visa CA Public NOT SIGNED

Modulus (N) Key Modulus

Visa CA Public Key var b Exponent of Visa CA NOT SIGNED

Exponent (e) Public Key

Thales – Information Technology Security 115

>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (Visa)

Hash Result 20 b Hash of RID, Visa CA NOT SIGNED

Public Key Index, Visa CA
Public Key Modulus (N),
Visa CA Public Key
Exponent (e) data
elements above.

Unsigned Visa CA Public Key Output Extension

>> Appendix E: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (Visa)

Field Name Length & Description


Header 1b Hex. value ‘21’

Visa Service Identifier 4b Identifies specific Visa Service

10 10 00 00 - CCPS
20 10 00 00 - CCPS
30 10 00 00 - CCPS
60 10 cc ce - Visa
Cash (ccc = currency
code, e = currency

Registered Application 5b Identifies Visa

Provider Identifier

Visa CA Public Key 1b Unique Visa CA Public Key Serial Number


Certificate Expiration 2n MMYY after which this certificate is

Date invalid.

Visa CA Public Key 1b Identifies cryptographic algorithm used to

Algorithm Indicator generate the Visa CA Public Key

Leftmost portion of var b (N - [36+e]) bytes of the Visa CA Public

Visa CA Public Key Key Modulus (N)
Modulus (N)

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result.

Visa CA Public Key 1b Length of Exponent e of Visa CA Public

Exponent Length Key (Number of bytes)

Visa CA Public Key var b Exponent of Visa CA Public Key

Exponent (e)

Hash Result 20 b Hash of Visa CA Public Key and its

related information, ie RID, Visa CA Key
Index, Visa CA Public Key Modulus (N),
Visa CA Public Key Exponent.

Self Signed Visa CA Public Key Data

Thales – Information Technology Security 117

>> Appendix F: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

>> Appendix F: Self-Signed Issuer Public

Key Format (Visa)

Field Name Length & Description


Header 1b Hex value ‘22’ NOT


Length of Issuer Public 1b Length of Issuer Public Key NOT

Key in Hex. (Number of bytes) SIGNED

Issuer Public Key var b Unsigned Issuer’s Public NOT


Issuer Public Key 1b Length of Issuer Public Key NOT

Exponent Length Exponent (Number of SIGNED

Issuer Public Key var b Issuer Public Key Exponent, NOT

Exponent SIGNED
e = (1 to NI/4)

Tracking Number 3n Assigned by Visa NOT


Unsigned Issuer Public Key Input Extension

>> Appendix F: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

Field Name Length & Description


Header 1b Hex. value ‘23’

Visa Service Identifier 4b Identifies specific Visa Service

10 10 00 00 - CCPS
20 10 00 00 - CCPS
30 10 00 00 - CCPS
60 10 cc ce - Visa
Cash (ccc = currency
code, e = currency

Certificate Format 1b Hex value ’02’

Issuer Identification 4 cn Issuer BIN, left justified and padded on

Number the right with hex. ‘F’s).

Certificate Expiration 2n MMYY after which this certificate is

Date invalid.

Tracking Number 3n Transmittal Track Number assigned by


Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result.

Issuer’s Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm to

Algorithm Indicator be used with the Issuer’s Public Key.

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public

Length Key. (Number of bytes)

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public

Exponent Length Key Exponent (Number of bytes). Note,
this field will be 03 (65537 requires 3
bytes) for Visa Cash

Leftmost Digits of var b Leftmost Digits N-(39 + e) digits of

Issuers Public Key Issuers Public Key

Issuer Public Key var b Issuer Public Key Exponent (e = 1 to

Exponent Ni/4).

Hash Result 20 b Hash of Issuer’s Public Key and its related


Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Data

Thales – Information Technology Security 119

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format


Field Name Length & Description


Header 1b Hex. value ‘24’ NOT SIGNED

Visa Service Identifier 4b Identifies specific Visa NOT SIGNED

10 10 00 00 - CCPS
20 10 00 00 - CCPS
30 10 00 00 - CCPS
60 10 cc ce - Visa
Cash (ccc = currency
code, e = currency

Issuer Identification 4 cn Issuer BIN, left justified and NOT SIGNED

Number padded on the right with
hex. ‘F’s).

Certificate Serial 3b Certificate Serial Number NOT SIGNED

Number assigned by Visa CA

Certificate Expiration 2n MMYY after which this NOT SIGNED

Date certificate is invalid.

IPK Remainder Length 1b Length of IPK Modulus (N) NOT SIGNED


Issuer Public Key var b Field only present if NI > NCA NOT SIGNED
Modulus (N) - 36, and consists of the NI-
Remainder NCA + 36 least significant
bytes of the Issuer Public
Key Modulus (N)

Issuer Public Key 1b Length of Issuer Public Key NOT SIGNED

Exponent Length Exponent e in hex. (number
of bytes)

Issuer Public Key var b Exponent (e = 1 to Ni / 4). NOT SIGNED

Exponent This field is not included in
the hash calculation for Visa
>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

CA Public Key Index 1b CA Public Key Index for CA NOT SIGNED

Public Key used to sign the
Issuer Public Key Certificate

Unsigned Issuer Public Key Output Extension

Thales – Information Technology Security 121

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

Field Name Length & Description


Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘6A’


Certificate Format 1b Hex. value ‘02’

Issuer Identification 4 cn Leftmost 3-8 digits, starting with position

Number 1, from the PAN (padded to 8 digits as
required, on the right with hex. ‘F’s)

Certificate Expiration 2n MMYY after which this certificate is invalid


Certificate Serial 3b Binary number unique to this certificate

Number assigned by the Certification Authority

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result in the digital
signature scheme

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm to

Algorithm Indicator be used with the Issuer Public Key

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public

Length Key Modulus in bytes

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public

Exponent Length Key Exponent in bytes

Issuer Public Key var b If NI NCA 36, this field consists of the
Modulus (N) or full Issuer Public Key Modulus (N) right
Leftmost portion of padded with NCA – 36 – NI ‘BB’ bytes. If NI
the Issuer Public Key > NCA – 36, this field consists of the NCA –
Modulus (N) 36 most significant bytes of the Issuer
Public Key Modulus (N).

Hash Result 20 b Hash of the Issuer Public Key and its

related information

Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘BC’


Issuer Public Key Certificate

>> Appendix G: Issuer Public Key Format (Visa)

Field Name Length & Description


Header 1b Hex. value ‘00’

Block Format Code 1b Hex. value ‘01’

Padding Characters var b Hex. value ‘FF’. The length of the padding
is equal to the Signing key modulus - 38.

Separator 1b Hex. value ‘00’

Algorithm Indicator 15 b Hex. value

(for SHA-1)

Hash Results 20 b SHA-1 Hash of the concatenation of the

Output Extension and the IPK Certificate

Issuer Public Key Detached Signature

Thales – Information Technology Security 123

>> Appendix H: Format of Static Data Authentication Block

>> Appendix H: Format of Static Data

Authentication Block

Field Name Length & Description


Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘6A’


Signed Data Format 1b Hex. value ‘03’

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result in the digital
signature scheme

Data Authentication 2b Issuer-assigned code


Pad Pattern (NI - 26) b Pad pattern consisting of (NI - 26) bytes of
value hex ‘BB’

Hash Result 20 b Hash of the Static Application Data to be


Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘BC’


Format of Signed Static Application Data

>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card Certificate

>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card


Name Description Length Notes

Certificate Format 1 ‘04’

BINIEP Issuer ID 3 BIN Assigned to Issuer

IDIEP SVC Serial Number 5 Unique Account number for this

Purse Application assigned by

Pad 2 ‘FFFF’

DEXPCCERT Certificate Expiration 2 MMYY, after which this

date certificate is invalid

IDCCERT Certificate Serial 3 Binary number unique to this

Number certificate assigned by the

ALHCCERT Hash Algorithm 1 Identifies the hash algorithm

Indicator used to produce the Hash Result
below. ‘01’ means SHA-1.

ALGCCERT Card Public Key 1 Identifies the digital signature

Algorithm indicator algorithm to be used with the
Card Public Key (‘03 for RSA
with Public Exponent of 63337)

LMODC Card Key Modulus 1 Length of Card Public Key

length Modulus

Length of Card Public 1 Dependent on ALGCCERT. If this is

Key Exponent ‘03’, (indicating an exponent
65537) the value is ‘03’ (3

MODLC Leftmost bytes of the LMODI-42 The leftmost bytes of the Card
Card Key Modulus Key Modulus, left justified and
padded with hex ‘BB’ if
necessary. If NC>NI-42, this field
consists of the NI-42 most
significant bytes of the Card
Public Key Modulus.

Thales – Information Technology Security 125

>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card Certificate

MODRC Card Key Modulus 0 or NC- This field only present if NC>NI-
Remainder NI+42 42 and consists of NC-NI+42
least significant bytes of the Card
Public Key Modulus.

Card Public Key Data to be signed by the Issuer (ie input to hash algorithm)
>> Appendix I: Format of Visa Cash Card Certificate

Name Description Length Notes

Recovered Data Header 1 ‘6A’

Certificate Format 1 ‘04’

BINIEP Issuer ID 3 BIN Assigned to Issuer

IDIEP SVC Serial Number 5 Unique Account number for this

Purse Application assigned by

Pad 2 ‘FFFF’

DEXPCCERT Certificate Expiration 2 MMYY, after which this

date certificate is invalid

IDCCERT Certificate Serial 3 Binary number unique to this

Number certificate assigned by the

ALHCCERT Hash Algorithm 1 Identifies the hash algorithm

Indicator used to produce the Hash Result
below. ‘01’ means SHA-1.

ALGCCERT Card Public Key 1 Identifies the digital signature

Algorithm indicator algorithm to be used with the
Card Public Key (‘03 for RSA
with Public Exponent of 63337)

LMODC Card Key Modulus 1 Length of Card Public Key

length Modulus

Length of Card Public 1 Dependent on ALGCCERT. If this is

Key Exponent ‘03’, (indicating an exponent
65537) the value is ‘03

MODLC Leftmost bytes of the LMODI-42 The leftmost bytes of the Card
Card Key Modulus Key Modulus, left justified and
padded with hex ‘BB’ if
necessary. If NC>NI-42, this field
consists of the NI-42 most
significant bytes of the Card
Public Key Modulus.

Hash Result 20 Hash of Card Public Key and its

related information

Recovered data trailer 1 ‘BC’

Content of the Card Certificate (Deciphered)

Thales – Information Technology Security 127

>> Appendix J: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (MCI/EPI/JCB)

>> Appendix J: Self-Signed CA Public Key

Format (MCI/EPI/JCB)

Field Name Length & Description


ID of Certificate Subject 5b The “Registered Application NOT SIGNED

Provider Identifier” (RID)

Public Key Index 1b Public Key Index, which NOT SIGNED

uniquely identifies a Public Key

Subject Public Key 1b Indicates the algorithm to be NOT SIGNED

Algorithm Indicator used with the Public Key, set to
“01” (hex) meaning RSA.

Subject Public Key 1b Length of Public Key Modulus NOT SIGNED

Length (equal to NCA)

Subject Public Key 1b Length of Public Key Exponent NOT SIGNED

Exponent Length (from 01 to 04 bytes))

Leftmost Digits of NCA-37 b NCA-37 most significant bytes NOT SIGNED

Subject Public Key of the Public Key Modulus

Subject Public Key 37 b 37 least significant bytes of the NOT SIGNED

Remainder Public Key Modulus

Subject Public Key Nb Public Key Exponent NOT SIGNED


CA Self-Signed Certificate (Clear Data)

>> Appendix J: Self-Signed CA Public Key Format (MCI/EPI/JCB)

Field Name Length & Description


Recovered Data Header 1b Hex value ‘6A’

Certificate Format 1b Hex value ’10’

ID of Subject Certificate 5b The scheme provider RID

Certificate Expiry Date 2 cn MMYY after which this certificate is invalid.

Certificate Serial 3b Inserted by scheme provider


Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to produce

Indicator the Hash Result.

Subject Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm to be

Algorithm Indicator used with the Public Key (=“01” )

Subject Public Key 1b Length of the Public Key Modulus in bytes (NCA)

Subject Public Key 1b Length of Issuer Public Key Exponent in bytes

Exponent Length (from 01 to 04)

Leftmost Digits of NCA-37 b Leftmost NCA-37 bytes of the Public Key

Subject Public Key Modulus

Hash Result 20 b Hash of Public Key and its associated


Recovered Data Trailer 1b Hex value “BC”

CA Self-Signed Certificate (Self-Signed Certificate)

Thales – Information Technology Security 129

>> Appendix K: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (MCI/EPI)

>> Appendix K: Self-Signed Issuer Public

Key Format (MCI/EPI)

Field Name Length & Description


ID of Certificate Subject 4 cn Leftmost 3-8 digits from the NOT SIGNED

PAN, right padded with
hexadecimal F

Issuer Public Key Index 3b Number, chosen by the NOT SIGNED

Issuer, which uniquely
identifies the Public Key

Subject Public Key 1b Indicates the algorithm to be NOT SIGNED

Algorithm Indicator used with the Issuer Public
Key, set to “01” (hex)

Subject Public Key 1b Length of Issuer Public Key NOT SIGNED

Length Modulus (equal to NI)

Subject Public Key 1b Length of Issuer Public Key NOT SIGNED

Exponent Length Exponent (between 1 and

Leftmost Digits of NI-36 b NI-36 most significant bytes NOT SIGNED

Subject Public Key of the Issuer Public Key

Subject Public Key 36 b 36 least significant bytes of NOT SIGNED

Remainder the Issuer Public Key

Subject Public Key var b Issuer Public Key Exponent, NOT SIGNED
e = (1 to NI/4)

Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Certificate (Clear Data)

>> Appendix K: Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Format (MCI/EPI)

Field Name Length & Description


Recovered Data Header 1b Hex value ‘6A’

Certificate Format 1b Hex value ’11’

ID of Subject Certificate 4b Leftmost 3-8 digits from the PAN, right

padded with hex. ‘F’

Certificate Expiry Date 2 cn MMYY after which this certificate is invalid.

Certificate Serial 3b Chosen by the Issuer


Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to produce

Indicator the Hash Result.

Subject Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm to be

Algorithm Indicator used with the Issuer’s Public Key (=“01” )

Subject Public Key 1b Length of the Issuer Public Key Modulus in

Length bytes (NI)

Subject Public Key 1b Length of the Issuer Public Key Exponent in

Exponent Length bytes

Leftmost Digits of NI-36 b Leftmost NI-36 bytes of Issuer’s Public Key

Subject Public Key Modulus

Hash Result 20 b Hash of Issuer Public Key and its associated


Recovered Data Trailer 1b Hex value “BC”

Self-Signed Issuer Public Key Certificate (Self-Signed Certificate)

Thales – Information Technology Security 131

>> Appendix L: Issuer Public Key Certificate Format (MCI/EPI)

>> Appendix L: Issuer Public Key

Certificate Format (MCI/EPI)

Field Name Length & Description


ID of Subject Certificate 4 cn Leftmost 3-8 digits of the NOT SIGNED

PAN, right padded with hex.

Issuer Public Key Index 3b Number, chosen by the NOT SIGNED

Issuer, which uniquely
identifies the Public Key.

Europay Public Key 1b The Europay Public Key NOT SIGNED

Index Index, uniquely identifies a
Europay Public Key.

Subject Public Key var b Field only present if NI > NCA NOT SIGNED
Remainder - 36, and consists of the NI-
NCA + 36 least significant
bytes of the Issuer Public
Key Modulus

Subject Public Key var b Exponent (e = 1 to Ni / 4). NOT SIGNED


Issuer Certificate (Clear Data)

>> Appendix L: Issuer Public Key Certificate Format (MCI/EPI)

Field Name Length & Description


Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘6A’


Certificate Format 1b Hex. value ‘02’

Issuer Identification 4 cn Leftmost 3-8 digits, starting with position 1,

Number from the PAN (padded to 8 digits as
required, on the right with hex. ‘F’s)

Certificate Expiry 2n MMYY after which this certificate is invalid


Certificate Serial 3b Binary number unique to this certificate

Number assigned by the Certification Authority

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result in the digital
signature scheme

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm to

Algorithm Indicator be used with the Issuer Public Key

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public Key
Length Modulus in bytes

Issuer Public Key 1b Identifies the length of the Issuer Public Key
Exponent Length Exponent in bytes

Issuer Public Key var b If NI NCA 36, this field consists of the full
Modulus (N) or Issuer Public Key Modulus (N) right padded
Leftmost portion of with NCA – 36 – NI ‘BB’ bytes. If NI > NCA –
the Issuer Public Key 36, this field consists of the NCA – 36 most
Modulus (N) significant bytes of the Issuer Public Key
Modulus (N).

Hash Result 20 b Hash of the Issuer Public Key and its

related information

Recovered Data 1b Hex. value ‘BC’


Issuer Certificate (Issuer Public Key Certificate)

Thales – Information Technology Security 133

>> Appendix M: Encryption of Tag-Length-Value (TLV) Fields

>> Appendix M: Encryption of Tag-Length-

Value (TLV) Fields

Visa Cash parameters are transferred to the Personalisation System in Tag, Length,
Value (TLV) format. The Tag identifies the parameter type, the Length provides the
length in bytes of the Value field, and the Value is the parameter value itself. For Visa
Cash a Tag of 80 or greater signifies that the parameter is encrypted.
If the plain text parameter (which does not appear outside a security module) is:
the encrypted version becomes:
T L’ V’
T remains the same in plain text.
L’ is the new length of the new V’ field which will be a multiple of 8 bytes (not
V’ is the original L and V fields concatenated together and padded with zeros
to a multiple of 8 bytes and encrypted under the appropriate DES key. The
mode of encryption is Electronic Code Book (ECB), regardless of whether the
encryption key is a single or double length key.

To decrypt such an encrypted parameter, the steps are:

a) Decrypt the L’ bytes of the V’ field.
b) The first byte of the decrypted block will be the original L field. Extract L bytes
starting at the byte after the L byte. The remaining bytes in the block should all
be zeros.
c) We now have the original T, the recovered plaintext L and the recovered
plaintext V fields.
>> Appendix N: Multos Padding

>> Appendix N: Multos Padding

This padding method takes the supplied data in precisely the format submitted and
appends sufficient random data bytes to make the total block equal to the size of
the modulus of the private key. No padding is added if the data supplied is exactly
the size of the private key. It is up to the calling application to ensure that the
supplied data has the most significant bit cleared to ensure that the data to be
signed (supplied data || random padding) is numerically smaller than the modulus. If
the data to be signed is the result of the Multos asymmetric hash function, the
most significant bit will already have been cleared.

Thales – Information Technology Security 135

>> Appendix O: Triple DES CBC Mode of Encryption/Decryption

>> Appendix O: Triple DES CBC Mode of


For the purposes of this specification, the Triple DES CBC mode of
Encryption/Decryption is defined to be the same as the standard single DES CBC
mode except:
a) For Encryption, the single round of DES at each stage (8 bytes) is replaced with
an encrypt, decrypt, encrypt sequence where the left half of the double length
key is applied to both the encrypt stages and the right half of the key is applied
to the decrypt stage.
b) For Decryption, the single round of DES at each stage (8 bytes) is replaced with
a decrypt, encrypt, decrypt sequence where the left half of the double length key
is applied to both the decrypt stages and the right half of the key is applied to
the encrypt stage.

An IV, if used, is applied at the first stage as for the standard single DES CBC mode
>> Appendix P: Multos KTU Format

>> Appendix P: Multos KTU Format

The standard Multos Key Transport Unit (KTU) and the modified version (KTU’) are
defined in this Appendix. The KTU and KTU’ may have different lengths, depending
on whether the system that generated the KTU’ has knowledge of the length of the
smart card public key modulus. The format of the plaintext KTU is as follows.

Data Field Description Length (in bytes)

header X’55 1

msm_controls_data_date 1

mcd_no 8

application_id 17

no_area_descriptors number (L) of protected 1


area_descriptors L records 14 or 22 (per record)

padding random values variable - to ensure that the

total length of the KTU is
equal to the length of the
smart card public key

Each area_descriptor has the following format:

Data Field Description Length (in bytes)

algorithm id algorithm used for data protection (X’01 = DES; 1

X’02 = 3-DES)

area start offset of start of protected area relative to start of 2

application load unit

area length length of protected area - must be a multiple of 8 2


key length length of key data 1

key data key used to protect the area 8 or 16

NB: The algorithm id will always be 02 (3-DES) when generated by the HSM

Thales – Information Technology Security 137

>> Appendix P: Multos KTU Format

The format of the plaintext KTU’ will be as above, except that the
msm_controls_data_date and mcd_no fields will be filled with binary zeros and the
amount of padding may be less than required for a KTU.
The entire KTU or KTU’ is encrypted, either using a double length DES key (for the
KTU’) or an RSA public key (for the KTU).
When a plaintext KTU’ is validated (in the command specified in Generic Card
Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip Select, & Generic MULTOS
Applications), the following checks will be carried out. Any validation failure will
result in the command being terminated and error code 02 being returned to the
1) (byte 1) Header = X’55.
2) (bytes 2-10) msm_controls_data_date and mcd_no fields = 9 bytes of binary
>> Appendix Q: Checksum Algorithm

>> Appendix Q: Checksum Algorithm

This process is used to calculate a 4 byte checksum over the input data. It is an
implementation of the 4 byte “two’s complement” checksum.
a) Assume length of data (in bytes) over which the checksum is to be calculated is
b) Assume data over which checksum is to be calculated is “data”
c) Initialise the 4 byte checksum to “initial.value”
d) Set i = 1
e) WHILE length >0 DO (steps f to l)
f) Perform a bytewise cascading addition of the bytes in the input data, starting
with the initial.value. Each addition is carried out modulo 256 (ie any carry is
ignored). Steps g to l below shows the steps to be carried out for each new byte
of input data.
g) Set checksum[1] = checksum[1] + ith byte of data
h) Set checksum[2] = checksum[2] + checksum[1]
i) Set checksum[3] = checksum[3] + checksum[2]
j) Set checksum[4] = checksum[4] + checksum[3]
k) Set i = i +1
l) Set length = length – 1
n) The 4 byte checksum is checksum[1] || checksum[2] || checksum[3] ||

I/P Data checksum[1] checksum[2] checksum[3] checksum[4]
5A A5 5A A5 (Init value)
01 5B 00 5A FF
7F DA DA 34 33
1A F4 CE 02 35
97 8B 59 5B 90
A6 31 8A E5 75

Thales – Information Technology Security 139

>> Appendix R: Format of ICC Certificate

>> Appendix R: Format of ICC Certificate

Description Length & Notes


Certificate Format 1b ‘04’

Application PAN 20 cn PAN (padded on the right with hex F.)

Certificate Expiration 4n MMYY, after which this certificate is

date invalid

Certificate Serial 3b Binary number unique to this certificate

Number assigned by the issuer.

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result. ‘01’ means

ICC Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm

Algorithm indicator to be used with the ICC Public Key. ‘01’
means RSA.

ICC Public Key Modulus 1b Identifies the length of ICC Public Key
length Modulus in bytes

ICC Public Key Exponent 1b Identifies the length of the ICC Public Key
length Exponent in bytes

Leftmost bytes of the NI-42 b If NIC =<NI-42, this field consists of the
ICC Key Modulus full ICC Public Key padded to the right
with NI-42-NIC bytes of value hex ‘BB’ if
If NIC>NI-42, this field consists of the NI-
42 most significant bytes of the ICC
Public Key Modulus.

ICC Public Key Modulus 0 or NC- This field only present if NIC>NI-42 and
Remainder NI+42 b consists of NC-NI+42 least significant
bytes of the ICC Public Key Modulus.

ICC Public Key Exponent 1 to NIC/4 b ICC Public Key Exponent

Static Data var b Static Data to be Authenticated.

ICC Public Key Data to be signed by the Issuer (ie input to hash algorithm)
>> Appendix R: Format of ICC Certificate

Description Length & Notes


Recovered Data Header 1b ‘6A’

Certificate Format 1b ‘04’

Application PAN 20 cn PAN (padded on the right with hex F)

Certificate Expiration 4n MMYY, after which this certificate is

date invalid

Certificate Serial 3b Binary number unique to this certificate

Number assigned by the issuer.

Hash Algorithm 1b Identifies the hash algorithm used to

Indicator produce the Hash Result below. ‘01’
means SHA-1.

ICC Public Key 1b Identifies the digital signature algorithm

Algorithm indicator to be used with the ICC Public Key. ‘01’
means RSA

ICC Key Modulus length 1b Length of ICC Public Key Modulus in bytes

Length of ICC Public Key 1 b Identifies the length of the ICC Public Key
Exponent Exponent in bytes

ICC Public Key modulus NI-42 b If NIC =<NI-42, this field consists of the full
or leftmost bytes of the ICC Public Key padded to the right with
ICC Public Key modulus NI-42-NIC bytes of value hex ‘BB’ if

If NIC>NI-42, this field consists of the NI-

42 most significant bytes of the ICC
Public Key Modulus.

Hash Result 20 b Hash of ICC Public Key and its related


Recovered data trailer 1b ‘BC’

Content of the ICC Certificate (Deciphered)

Thales – Information Technology Security 141

>> Appendix S: Mastercard PIN Block Format

>> Appendix S: Mastercard PIN Block


The MasterCard PIN Block format is defined as:

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

L L P P P P P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ F F

Byte 1 contains the BCD encoded length of the PIN (04 to 12)

P = PIN Digit
P/F = PIN Digit or Hex F
F = Hex F

This PIN Block Format is allocated Code 35

>> Appendix T: Multos Encryption Algorithm

>> Appendix T: Multos Encryption


This algorithm is required to encrypt the sensitive data inside a Multos ALU. It uses
ONLY DES decrypt rounds at every stage since the Multos card can only perform
DES encrypt rounds for the complementary operation.
It is structurally similar to the Triple DES CBC encryption algorithm defined in Error!
Reference source not found. but instead of using Encrypt/Decrypt/Encrypt at
every stage, the sequence Decrypt/Decrypt/Decrypt is used. This is shown in the
diagram below

Plain Text Plain Text Plain Text

Block 1 Block 2 Block n



Left dec dec dec


Right dec dec dec


Left dec dec dec

Cypher Text Cypher Text Cypher Text

Block 1 Block 2 Block n

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage n

Note, the same sequence of Key Left and Key Right is used at every stage,

Thales – Information Technology Security 143

>> Appendix U: Alternative Output Formats for Private Key

>> Appendix U: Alternative Output

Formats for Private Key

The command in RSA Key Management Commands for EMV-type Schemes has the
ability to output a Private key in the form of 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem
components. These are p, q, d1, d2, q-1 mod p. It is possible to select either of
the conditions q>p or p>q.
Some applications may require that the 5th component (q-1 mod p) is provided in a
different form. This is the modular inverse of p (or p-1 mod q). It is possible to
obtain output in this form by observing the following rules:

1. If the condition that q>p is required:

- Select the condition p>q (ie the opposite of what is required)
- From the returned 5 components (p, q, d1, d2, q-1 mod p) rearrange them
according to the following table.

For new component Use returned


p q

q p

d1 d2

d2 d1

p-1 mod q q-1 mod p

2. If the condition that p>q is required:

- Select the condition q>p (ie the opposite of what is required)
- From the returned 5 components (p, q, d1, d2, q-1 mod p) rearrange them
according to the table above.
>> Appendix V: Encryption of Chinese Remainder Theory Components

>> Appendix V: Encryption of Chinese

Remainder Theory Components

When an RSA Public/Private Key set is generated using the command given in
Section 4.2 of this specification, there is an option to return the Private Key in the
form of 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) components. This Appendix describes
how those components are encrypted.
The length in bits of each of the components is:
a) Exactly half the length of the modulus size requested when the modulus size
is an even number.
b) If the modulus size is odd then either p or q will be one bit longer than the
other depending on the selection made when the command is called. ( ie if
q>p is selected, q will be one bit longer than p and vice versa). In this
situation all 5 components will be the size of the longest of p and q.
The size of each component is then rounded up to the next integral multiple of 8
bits so that the components will each fit into an integral number of bytes. ( ie if the
component size is 509 bits, this is rounded up to 512 bits or 64 bytes). The
component is right justified in the appropriate number of whole bytes so any unused
bits at the most significant (left hand end) are set to zero. This block of bytes is
known as the plaintext component block.
To encrypt this block using DES requires that it must be an integral multiple of 8
bytes so some padding bytes may need to be appended to the right hand end of the
block. To allow the user of the components to know the original size of the
component, the following scheme is used (for each component):
a) Form a composite block consisting of a single length byte concatenated with
the plaintext component block. The length byte contains a binary
representation of the number of bytes in the plaintext component block.
b) If the resultant composite block is a exact multiple of 8 bytes long it is ready
for encryption.
c) If the resultant composite block is not an exact multiple of 8 bytes, append a
single byte containing hex 80, and then as many additional extra bytes
containing hex 00 as necessary to make the whole block up to a multiple of
8 bytes.
Thus anything from 1 to 7 additional bytes are appended to the plaintext component
The length of this composite plaintext component block (length, component data,
and possibly some additional padding) becomes the value supplied back as the
Private Key Component Length parameter. The composite plaintext component
block is then encrypted using triple DES CBC as defined in Error! Reference source
not found..
To retrieve the components the user must:
a) Decrypt the block using triple DES CBC decryption.

Thales – Information Technology Security 145

>> Appendix V: Encryption of Chinese Remainder Theory Components

b) Examine the first byte of the plaintext block to determine the length in bytes
of the plaintext component. Extract from the plaintext block, starting at byte
2, the correct number of bytes for the component
>> Appendix W: ZS Command Output for PIN Block Format

>> Appendix W: ZS Command Output for

PIN Block Format

There are two forms of the ZS Command Output PIN Block Format

PIN Block Format Mode 0

The ZS Command Output PIN Block format (Mode 0) is defined as:

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

L L P P P P P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ F F

Byte 1 contains the binary encoded length of the PIN (04 to 0C)
P = PIN Digit
P/F = PIN Digit or Hex F
F = Hex F

PIN Block Format Mode 1

The ZS Command Output PIN Block format (Mode 1) is defined as:

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

C L P P P P P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ F F

C = Control field, 4 bit field set to 0010 (hex 2)

L = PIN Length, 4 bit field with permissible values of 0100 (hex 4) to 1100 (hex C)
P = PIN Digit
P/F = PIN Digit or Hex F
F = Hex F

Thales – Information Technology Security 147

>> Appendix X: RSA CRT Components Format Definition

>> Appendix X: RSA CRT Components

Format Definition

This Appendix describes how the 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem components

formatted before loading into the HSM memory block (Host Command ZO,
Subcommand 03, Ciphertext Type 03) i.e. this is the format of the plaintext
The length in bits of each of the CRT components is:
a) Exactly half the length of the modulus size when the modulus size is an even
b) If the modulus size is odd then either p or q will be one bit longer than the
other depending on the selection made when the command is called. ( i.e. if
q>p is selected, q will be one bit longer than p and vice versa). In this
situation all 5 components will be the size of the longest of p or q.
The size of each component will be equal to the next integral multiple of 8 bits so
that the components will each fit into an integral number of bytes. ( ie if the
component size is 509 bits, this is rounded up to 512 bits or 64 bytes). The
component is right justified in the appropriate number of whole bytes so any unused
bits at the most significant (left hand end) are set to zero. This block of bytes is
known as the plaintext component block.
The 5 plaintext component blocks are concatenated with no padding between them
in the order:
dp, dq, p, q, u
dp = d mod (p-1)
dq = d mod (q-1)
p= prime p
q= prime q
u= q-1 mod p

Note: dp is referred to as d1, and dq as d2 in DSP module documentation

>> Appendix Y: Diversifying a Key from a Master Key

>> Appendix Y: Diversifying a Key from a

Master Key

The process of diversifying a key from a master key is given below:

a) 8 bytes of Diversification data are created. (For a KDP the diversification data
consists of the BIN (3 bytes) followed by the Card ID (5 bytes). For a KDD or a
KDE, when the algorithm code is ‘02’, the diversification data consists of the
leftmost bytes of the PAN, padded with ‘00’s as needed)
b) This data is triple DES encrypted using the master key resulting in eight bytes
that are the left half of the Diversified key. (For a KDP the Issuer Purchase Key
(KIP) is the master key. For a KDE the KME is the master key. For a KDD the
KMD is the master key)
c) The diversification data is then inverted (XOR with FF) and this new value is triple
DES encrypted using the master key. The resulting eight bytes are the right half
of the Diversified key. (For a KDP the Issuer Purchase Key (KIP) is the master
key. For a KDE the KME is the master key. For a KDD the KMD is the master

Thales – Information Technology Security 149

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses

for the P3SAM Card

Get Key Version

Command Message:

Field Value Length (bytes)

CLA ‘EC’ 1

INS ‘22’ 1

P1` ‘00’ 1

P2 ‘00’ 1

Lc ‘03’ 1

PPIEP Purse Provider Identifier (BIN) 3

Le ‘01’ 1

Response Message
A successful response to the Get Key Version command shall have the following

Field Value Length (bytes)

VKKMA Key Version for the KMA 1

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

A rejected response to the Get Key Version command shall have the following

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

Possible Status Byte return codes are given below

Status Meaning

90 00 No Error

93 1B Key Not Present

Get Challenge
Command Message:

Field Value Length (bytes)

CLA ‘EC’ 1

INS ‘24’ 1

P1` ‘00’ 1

P2 ‘00’ 1

Le ‘04’ 1

Response Message
A successful response to the Get Challenge command shall have the following

Field Value Length (bytes)

RNDP3SAM Random Number from the P3SAM 4

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

A rejected response to the Get Challenge command shall have the following format:

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

Thales – Information Technology Security 151

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

Mutual Authenticate A
Command Message:

Field Value Length (bytes)

CLA ‘EC’ 1

INS ‘14’ 1

P1` ‘00’ 1

P2 ‘00’ 1

Lc ‘10’ 1

T1 Authentication token 1 16

Le ‘08’ 1

Response Message
A successful response to the Mutual Authenticate A command shall have the
following format:

Field Value Length (bytes)

ALGPIEP Algorithm Identifier for Purchase 1


Validity Validity period for the IEP (No. of months) 1

T2 Authentication token 2 8

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

A rejected response to the Mutual Authenticate A command shall have the following

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

Possible Status Byte return codes are given below

Status Meaning

90 00 No Error

93 1D Wrong random number

93 60 Card series data not available

93 61 Date mismatch

95 82 Key version not supported

Mutual Authenticate B
Command Message

Field Value Length (bytes)

CLA ‘EC’ 1

INS ‘16’ 1

P1` ‘00’ 1

P2 ‘00’ 1

Lc ‘18’ 1

[KEK]KSES KEK encrypted under KSES 16

S1 Signature (MAC) 8

Le Absent if ALGP < ‘05’ 1

’14’ if ALGP >= ‘05’

Response Message
A successful response to the Mutual Authenticate B command shall have the
following format when ALGP is less than 5:

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

Thales – Information Technology Security 153

>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

A successful response to the Mutual Authenticate B command shall have the

following format when ALGP is greater than or equal to 5:

Field Value Length (bytes)

[KIP]KEK Encrypted Issuer Purchase Key 16

KCVKIP Key Check Value for the KIP 3

VKKIP Key Version for the KIP 1

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

A rejected response to the Mutual Authenticate B command shall have the following

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

Possible Status Byte return codes are given below

Status Meaning

90 00 No Error

95 57 Invalid Signature


Command Message

Field Value Length (bytes)

CLA ‘EC’ 1

INS ‘20’ 1

P1` ‘00’ 1

P2 ‘00’ 1

Lc ‘0B’ 1
>> Appendix Z: Commands & Responses for the P3SAM Card

Field Value Length (bytes)

PPIEP Purse Provider Identifier (BIN) 3

IDIEP Card Serial Number 5

DEXPIEP Expiry Date for the card 3

Le ‘14’ 1

Response Message
A successful response to the Get KDP command shall have the following format:

Field Value Length (bytes)

[KDPIEP ]KEK Diversified card purchase key (encrypted 16

under the KEK)

KCVKDP Key Check Value for the KDP 3

VKKMP Key version number of the KMP 1

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

A rejected response to the Get KDP command shall have the following format:

Field Value Length (bytes)

SW1-SW2 Status Bytes 2

Possible Status Byte return codes are given below

Status Meaning

90 00 No Error

93 1C Expiry Date out of range

95 83 BIN not found

Thales – Information Technology Security 155

>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key

>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key

ASN.1 encoding of a PRIVATE Key

An RSA Private Key has the following ASN.1 encoded format:
RSAPrivateKey::= SEQUENCE{
q-1 mod p BIT STRING}
When using ASN.1 encoding, the value 30 indicates a sequence and the value 03
indicates a bit string. As a result, a ASN.1 encoded private key will appear as
30 | Length of Complete Sequence | 03 | Bit String Length | p | 03 | Bit
String Length | q | 03 | Bit String Length | d1| 03 | Bit String Length | d2| 03
| Bit String Length | q-1 mod p |
When defining the length of the bit string, the length of the bit string in bytes is
given first, followed by the number of bits that are ignored in the last byte. For
example “101010” is encoded as 03 02 02 A8, where 03 is a bit string, 02 is the
length, 02 is the number of bits dropped from the end of the data, and A8 is the
zero padded data (note that the padding can be any value as it is ignored).
The following example shows the five data items that make up a key and then shows
the key ASN.1 encoded:
FADD62A62492706C 5784790CDC40D76C
5CA0736FA0E07CAA EB1729C1C7FF18E1
70EFC25B7711C907 B515542ACFD80823
EC43DD6A0F955408 09579E9A8D0DECC3
B4050712A28C97F0 6521505342D6E102
58F3BBBB845CBAB0 3B136EC6A7E1F6E9
dp (d1):
A73E41C41861A048 3A5850B33D808F9D
9315A24A6B40531C 9CBA1BD68554BB40
F5F52C3CFA0BDB5A 78B8E2C7353AB017
dq (d2):
9D82939C0A638D5A B0E5146708B3F32D
>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key

22AE04B71708654A EE16358CD739EB56
E5F7D27D02E87C75 7CB79F2F1A96A49B
U (q inverse mod p):
CEB3DA4206C267C1 1EF3DCCB77268707
09E735BED60E68D5 3C0E573FB64A634F
376B15CCC0219C5A 02F09B834048ECB9

ASN.1 encoded public key

In the following example, the bit string indicators have been underlined and the
length indicators are in italic to aid with clarity.

30 81 FF 03 31 00 FA DD 62 A6 24 92 70 6C 57 84
79 0C DC 40 D7 6C 5C A0 73 6F A0 E0 7C AA EB 17
29 C1 C7 FF 18 E1 70 EF C2 5B 77 11 C9 07 B5 15
54 2A CF D8 08 23 03 31 00 EC 43 DD 6A 0F 95 54
08 09 57 9E 9A 8D 0D EC C3 B4 05 07 12 A2 8C 97
F0 65 21 50 53 42 D6 E1 02 58 F3 BB BB 84 5C BA
B0 3B 13 6E C6 A7 E1 F6 E9 03 31 00 A7 3E 41 C4
18 61 A0 48 3A 58 50 B3 3D 80 8F 9D 93 15 A2 4A
6B 40 53 1C 9C BA 1B D6 85 54 BB 40 F5 F5 2C 3C
FA 0B DB 5A 78 B8 E2 C7 35 3A B0 17 03 31 00 9D
82 93 9C 0A 63 8D 5A B0 E5 14 67 08 B3 F3 2D 22
AE 04 B7 17 08 65 4A EE 16 35 8C D7 39 EB 56 E5
F7 D2 7D 02 E8 7C 75 7C B7 9F 2F 1A 96 A4 9B 03
31 00 CE B3 DA 42 06 C2 67 C1 1E F3 DC CB 77 26
87 07 09 E7 35 BE D6 0E 68 D5 3C 0E 57 3F B6 4A
63 4F 37 6B 15 CC C0 21 9C 5A 02 F0 9B 83 40 48

Private Key Exponent/Modulus format

The private key exponent (d) and modulus (n) are given in the following format:
Length | Private Key Exponent (d) or Modulus (n) | Padding
The length is an n byte value (though usually 0 or 1) which indicates the length (in
bytes) of the following field, which may be the Private Key Exponent (d) or the
Modulus (n). This value is given in HEX E.g. 0x40 corresponds to a key size of 64.
The padding consists of zeros and pads so that the total length of all three
components is a multiple of eight bytes. If the number of bytes specified for the
length is zero then this field will be omitted, giving an output as follows:

Thales – Information Technology Security 157

>> Appendix AA: Encoding of a Private Key

Private Key Exponent (d) or Modulus (n) | Padding

The data block is encrypted using ECB or CBC under a KEK or a specified LMK pair
and variant.
>> Appendix BB: JCB PIN Block Format

>> Appendix BB: JCB PIN Block Format

The JCB PIN Block format is defined as:

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8

C L P P P P P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ P/ F F

C = Control field, 4 bit field set to 0010 (hex 2)

L = PIN Length, 4 bit field with permissible values of 0100 (hex 4) to 1100 (hex C)
P = PIN Digit
P/F = PIN Digit or Hex F
F = Hex F

This PIN Block Format is allocated Code 36

Thales – Information Technology Security 159

>> Appendix CC: Multos Version 3.0 Public Key Certificate

>> Appendix CC: Multos Version 3.0

Public Key Certificate

A smart card Multos v3.0 public key certificate (mkd_pk_c) is a total of 136 bytes,
Certificate public key length (2 bytes)
Multos key header (38 bytes)
Multos key certificate (96 bytes).
The Multos key certificate is decrypted (signed) using the Multos CA secret key
The plain value of the Multos key certificate comprises:
Hash result (16 bytes)
Smart card public key modulus (72 bytes)
Random values (8 bytes).
The 38 byte Multos key header has the following format:

Miscellaneous data 18 bytes

Public key exponent length 2 bytes

Public exponent 4 bytes

Miscellaneous data 5 bytes

msm_controls_data_date 1 byte

mcd_no 8 bytes

1. The 23 bytes of miscellaneous data will be ignored by the HSM.
2. The “public exponent” is left justified and padded with 00 to a total of 4 bytes.
3. The “public key exponent length” denotes (in bytes) the actual length of the public

If public exponent = 3 (decimal) then “public exponent” = 03 00 00 00 and “public
key exponent length” = 00 01
>> Appendix CC: Multos Version 3.0 Public Key Certificate

If public exponent = 65537 (decimal) then “public exponent” = 01 00 01 00 and

“public key exponent length” = 00 03

Extraction of Public Key from Certificate

1. Encrypt the rightmost 96 bytes (i.e. the Multos key certificate) of mkd_pk_c with
the Multos CA public key (tkck_pk). Extract the smart card public key modulus
(72 bytes) from the result. The HSM will perform no validity checks on the
extracted modulus.
2. Extract the “public exponent” from the Multos key header. The HSM will validate
that the “public exponent” and the “public key exponent length” are compatible. In
the event of an error the HSM will return error code 06 to the host.
3. The RSA public key comprises the modulus (from step 1) and the exponent (from
step 2).
The HSM will perfom no validity check of the certificate, except as described in step

Thales – Information Technology Security 161

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0 Public Key Certificate

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0

Public Key Certificate

A Multos v4.0 smart card public key certificate (mkd_pk_c) can take one of two
forms, depending on the relative lengths of the smart card public key modulus and
the Multos CA public key modulus.

Let N = length (in bytes) of the Multos CA public key modulus and let M = length (in
bytes) of the smart card public key modulus.

Important Note
The case of N M+56 is not allowed. If the keys submitted in the command
specified in Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip
Select, & Generic MULTOS Applications of this document satisfy this
condition then error code 83 will be returned to the host and the command

Case 1: (M+32) N < (M+56)

In this case the smart card public key certificate (mkd_pk_c) has the following
Certificate public key length (2 bytes)
Multos key header (38 bytes)
Multos key certificate (N bytes).
The Multos key certificate is decrypted (signed) using the Multos CA secret key
The plain value of the Multos key certificate comprises:
Hash result (16 bytes)
Padding (N-M-32 bytes)
Smart card public key modulus (M bytes)
Redundancy (16 bytes).
The 38 byte Multos key header has the following format:

Miscellaneous data 13 bytes

Public key length 2 bytes

Certifying key length 2 bytes

Miscellaneous data 1 byte

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0 Public Key Certificate

Public key exponent length 2 bytes

Public exponent 4 bytes

Miscellaneous data 5 bytes

msm_controls_data_date 1 byte

mcd_no 8 bytes

1. The 19 bytes of miscellaneous data will be ignored by the HSM.
2. The “Public exponent” is left justified and padded with 00 to a total of 4 bytes.
3. The “Public key exponent length” denotes (in bytes) the actual length of the public
If public exponent = 3 (decimal) then “Public exponent” = 03 00 00 00 and “Public
key exponent length” = 00 01
If public exponent = 65537 (decimal) then “Public exponent” = 01 00 01 00 and
“Public key exponent length” = 00 03
If public exponent = 257 (decimal) then “Public exponent” = 01 01 00 00 and
“Public key exponent length” = 00 02
Extraction of Public Key from Certificate
1. Encrypt the rightmost N bytes (i.e. the Multos key certificate) of mkd_pk_c with
the Multos CA public key (tkck_pk). Ascertain the length of the smart card public
key modulus (M) from the value of the “Public key length” field in the Multos key
header and extract the modulus from the plaintext Multos key certificate. The
HSM will perform no validity checks on the extracted modulus.
2. Extract the public exponent from the Multos key header. The HSM will validate
that the values of the “Public exponent” and the “Public key exponent length”
fields are compatible. In the event of an error the HSM will return error code 06
to the host.
3. The smart card RSA public key comprises the modulus (from step 1) and the
exponent (from step 2).
The HSM will perfom no validity check of the certificate, except as described in
step 2.
Case 2: N < (M+32)
In this case the smart card public key certificate (mkd_pk_c) has the following
Certificate public key length (2 bytes)
Multos key header (38 bytes)
Smart card public key modulus, left part (M-N+32 bytes)
Multos key certificate (N bytes).

Thales – Information Technology Security 163

>> Appendix DD: Multos Version 4.0 Public Key Certificate

The Multos key certificate is decrypted (signed) using the Multos CA secret key
The plain value of the Multos key certificate comprises:
Hash result (16 bytes)
Smart card public key modulus, right part (N-32 bytes)
Redundancy (16 bytes)
The 38 byte Multos key header has the same format as in Case 1.
Extraction of Public Key from Certificate
1. Encrypt the rightmost N bytes (i.e. the Multos key certificate) of mkd_pk_c with
the Multos CA public key (tkck_pk) and extract the smart card public key modulus
(right part). Concatenate the smart card public key modulus (left part) and the
smart card public key (right part) to form the smart card public key modulus.
Validate that the length of the modulus (in bytes) is equal to the value of the
“Public key length” field in the Multos key header. In the event that the two
values are different then return error code 07 to the host and terminate
processing. The HSM will perform no additional validity checks on the extracted
2. Extract the public exponent from the Multos key header. The HSM will validate
that the values of the “Public exponent” and the “Public key exponent length”
fields are compatible. In the event of an error the HSM will return error code 06
to the host.
3. The smart card RSA public key comprises the modulus (from step 1) and the
exponent (from step 2).
The HSM will perform no validity check of the certificate, except as described in
steps 1 and 2.
>> Appendix EE: Multos CA Public Key Format

>> Appendix EE: Multos CA Public Key


The Multos CA Public Key (tkck_pk) has the following format, prior to being
reformatted into standard HSM format (ASN.1 DER encoded) - see the command
specified in Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip Select, &
Generic MULTOS Applications.

Data Field Description Length (in bytes)

Length of Management Length of next field 1


Management Data See below 8

Length of Modulus Length of next field 1

Modulus Multos CA Public Key Modulus as defined above

Length of Exponent Length of next field 1

Exponent Multos CA Public Key Exponent as defined above

The Management Data field has the following format:

Data Field Description Length (in bytes)

Key Type Value X’01 1

Generation Date Date of key generation 4

(DDMMYYYY format)

Public Key Index Public key index 3

Thales – Information Technology Security 165

>> Appendix FF: Multos Version Public Key Format (Version 1)

>> Appendix FF: Multos Version Public Key

Format (Version 1)

The Multos CA Public Key (TKCK) may be supplied in the following format, prior to
being reformatted into standard HSM format (ASN.1 DER encoded) - see the
command specified in Generic Card Issuing Commands for M/Chip Lite, M/Chip
Select, & Generic MULTOS Applications. This format is as described in the
document “MULTOS CA File Interface Formats”, document number “maos-gkc-spc-
002”, Version 4.1 dated 15/06/2000.

Data Field Description Length


File_Type_Code ASCII, 4 Character. Set to “TKCK” 4

File_Protection _Method Binary. Set to 0x01 1

File_Structure_Method Binary. Set to 0x01 1

Consignment_File_ID ASCII. 8 Characters. Set to “TKCK”, followed by 4 8

characters presenting the identifier (in hex). This
will be the same as the MKD_Cert_Method_ID.

For example: “TKCK0113” would be version

19 (decimal) of a MULTOS 4 96 byte TKCK
Date Date, 4

Time Time 3

MKD_Cert_Method_ID Binary. Comprised of: 2

scheme ID, 1 byte +
key version number, 1 byte

Currently defined scheme IDs are:

0x00 for MULTOS 3 platforms with a 96 byte

0x01 for MULTOS 4 platforms with a 96 byte
0x02 for MULTOS 4 platforms with a 128 byte
>> Appendix FF: Multos Version Public Key Format (Version 1)

Key_Length Binary. This should match the value inferred from 2

the scheme ID byte of the MKD_Cert_Method_ID

Key_Data Binary.The actual TKCK Public Key Key-


Hash_Code Binary. A SHA-1 hash of the 20

MKD_Cert_Method_ID, Key_Length and Key_Data.

Key data contains the public key modulus. The exponent is always assumed to be

Thales – Information Technology Security 167

>> Appendix GG: Multos Public Key Authentication

>> Appendix GG: Multos Public Key


Authenticating the Multos Card Public Key is described in the Multos document
“Guide to Generating Application Load Units” V2.51. Sections 4.4.4 and 5.4.4
describe the process.
>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key Calculation

>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key


Φ(x, y, j) = (DES3(x)[yL (j mod b)] || DES3(x)[yR (j mod b) ‘F0’] )

b = “branch factor” i.e. number of “child keys” that a parent derives, fixed value
of either 2 or 4.
j = a counter 0..b-1, per iteration bit or 2 bit value
x = a “parent” key (or the MK for first iteration of Φ)
y = a “grandparent” key (or IV for first iteration of Φ)
Note: Odd parity should be applied to the calculated intermediate keys and the final
session keys.
For further information see:
EMV2000 Book 2 Annex A1.3 “Session Key Deviation”.
M/Chip 4 Cryptography & Key Management v4.0 (May 2002) section 7-
4 “ICC Session Key Derivation for EMV 2000”.
Session Key (SK) computation for a branch factor of 2:
GP = MK GP=“grandparent”, MK=Master Key
P = Φ(MK, IV, a0) P=“parent”, a0= MSB of ATC
for (i=1; i<h-1; i++)
T=P T is just temp storage
P= Φ(P, GP, ai) ai = the ith bit of ATC
SK= Φ(P, GP, ah-1) GP

Thales – Information Technology Security 169

>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key Calculation

IK0,0= MK
0 1
IK1,0 = Φ(MK, IV, 0)
IK1,1 = Φ(MK, IV, 1)
0 1
1 0
IK2,0 = Φ(IK1,0, MK, 0) IK2,1 = Φ(IK1,0, IK2,2 = Φ(IK1,1, MK, 0) IK2,1 = Φ(IK1,1, MK, 1)
MK, 1)

IK3,4 = Φ(IK2,1, IK1,0, 1)

IK4,7 = Φ(IK3,4, IK2,1, 0)

IK5,12 = Φ(IK4,7, IK3,4, 0)

IK6,25 = Φ(IK5,12, IK4,7, 1)

IK7,47 = Φ(IK6,25, IK5,12, 1)
SK = Φ(IK7,47, IK6,25, 1) IK6,25
For ATC = 01100111:

Note: For the purposes of simplification an 8 bit ATC was used for this
example, in reality this is 16 bits.
Session Key (SK) computation for a branch factor of 4:
GP = MK GP=“grandparent”, MK=Master Key
P = Φ(MK, IV, a0) P=“parent”, a0= MSB & MSB-1of ATC
for (i=1; i<h-1; i+=2)
T=P T is just temp storage
P= Φ(P, GP, ai) ai = 0..3, the numeric value of bit(i) and bit(i-1) of ATC
SK= Φ(P, GP, ah-1) GP
>> Appendix HH: EMV 2000 Session Key Calculation

IK0,0= MK
0 3
1 2

IK1,0 = Φ(MK, IV, 0) IK1,1 = Φ(MK, IV, 1) IK1,2 = Φ(MK, IV, 2) IK1,3 = Φ(MK, IV, 3)

IK2,2 = Φ(IK1,1, MK, 2)

IK3,3 = Φ(IK2,2, IK1,1, 3)

SK = Φ(IK3,3, IK2,2, 0) IK2,2

For ATC = 01 10 11 00:

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
1 2
3 0
Note: For the purposes of simplification an 8 bit ATC was used for this
example, in reality this is 16 bits.

Thales – Information Technology Security 171

>> Appendix II: EMV 2000 Session Key Output Key Formats

>> Appendix II: EMV 2000 Session Key

Output Key Formats

The output for host command WM is a variable length block of keys. The
block of keys contains all the session keys for each of the input keys, of
which there can be 9, it is possible to have up to 16 session keys per input
key, therefore it is possible to have 144 keys (9 * 16), although typically only
3 session keys would be required per input key.
Output Key Block:

Key1 Data Key2 Data … Keyn-1 Data Keyn Data

Output Keyn Data:

nth Ancestor Key … Grandparent Parent Key Session Key


Keyn Data equals the data create for the nth Input Key
Number of keys within each Keyn Data block is equal to ‘Levels Required’.

Each of these keys are ECB encrypted.

>> Appendix AAA: Application Specific Error Codes

>> Appendix AAA: Application Specific

Error Codes

This section defines any error codes that are specific to this application. The
application may return any of these error codes, or any of the standard payShield
9000 error codes (defined in the payShield 9000 Host Command Reference
Note that error codes may have multiple meanings assigned.

Error Meaning

Thales – Information Technology Security 173

>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable Activities

>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable


Cat- Sub-Cat- Inter-
(H=Host, Description
egory egory face


zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
tmk tak
csck cvk
H – A0 Generate Key (Auth required as per key table) generate wwk zak host
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
tmk tak
csck cvk
C – KG Generate Key (Auth required as per key table) generate wwk zak console
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
H – A2 Generate and Print a Component
tmk tak
csck cvk
genprint wwk zak host
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
H – NE Generate and Print a Key as Split Components smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
tmk tak
csck cvk
H – A4 Form a Key from Encrypted Components component wwk zak host
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

C – BK Form a Key from Components zmk kml

component zpk pvk tpk console
C – EC Encrypt Clear Component tmk tak
>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable Activities

Cat- Sub-Cat- Inter-
(H=Host, Description
egory egory face

C – FK Form Key from Component csck cvk

wwk zak
C – GS Generate Key Components and Write to a Smartcard bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
C – GC Generate Key Component mk-dn zek


zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
tmk tak
csck cvk
H – A6 Import a Key (Auth required as per key table) import wwk zak host
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

zmk kml
zpk pvk tpk
tmk tak
csck cvk
C – IK Import Key (Auth required as per key table) import wwk zak console
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek


zmk kml
Generate Key (Auth required as per key table)
H – A0 zpk pvk tpk
(when requested to export generated key) tmk tak
csck cvk
export wwk zak host
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
H – A8 Export a Key (Auth required as per key table) smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

zmk kml
Generate Key (Auth required as per key table)
C – KG zpk pvk tpk
(when requested to export generated key) tmk tak
csck cvk
export wwk zak console
bdk mk-ac
mk-smi mk-
C – KE Export Key (Auth required as per key table) smc mk-dak
mk-dn zek

Thales – Information Technology Security 175

>> Appendix BBB: List of Authorisable Activities


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