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CLDE 5820 Teaching Multilingual Learners, Advanced

Teach/Reflect/Respond Assignments

Worth 20 points each (80 points total)

Objective: To experiment with new strategies for bilingual learners and to collaboratively reflect upon the
 Please use the home language of your students in at least one of the lessons that you teach and consider
how to include a multilingual focus in all your lessons.
 We can be flexible with this assignment to make it fit your needs and your teaching situation. Please talk
to the instructor if you would like to discuss modifications.

Directions for “Teach” and “Reflect” (Each worth 10 points):

 Select a target group of students for your lesson. Research their English and home language levels, their
learning styles, and their learning goals. You will need to include bilingual students in your group.
 Select a strategy or technique from our course readings. This technique should fit the learning styles and
goals of your learners, and should be a new strategy for you. It must also be a strategy focused on the
topic for the session. Be willing to take a risk. Try something that will stretch you beyond your comfort
zone. The foci of the four lessons are as follows:
i. Teach Reflect Respond #1, Focus on oral language development
ii. Teach Reflect Respond #2, Focus on writing instruction
iii. Teach Reflect Respond #3, Focus on reading instruction
iv. Teach Reflect Respond #4, Focus on SIOP strategy, teaching in content area

 Write a one-page lesson plan (using the template here).

Your Name: Juan Ortiz

Grade: Kindergarten
Subject: Reading
Who are your target students? Give a brief description of language levels, learning styles and goals.

I work with student of kindergarten who ages are between 4 to 7 years. They have different levels in
language, but all of them only speak English. They are learning spanish as second language. All of them
have an excellent English level which means all of them have been born and raised in the US.

My goal is that my students feel comfortable learning a second language and that they feel included in
Spanish culture as well. I want them to learn not only reading, speaking, and writing, but also, culture and
tradition of some countries where spanish is the first language

Lesson Objective: Circle the appropriate descriptors below, and then write your objective
Domain: L S R W
Genre: Recount Explain Argue Other___________
Language: Discourse-level Sentence Level Vocabulary – words, phrases, expressions

Student will be able to recognize short sentences and being able to reproduce those sounds out loud in
spanish. The key of the lesson will be vocabulary about family in spanish.

How does this lesson connect to the cultural background of your students?

For this class, it is necessary to have a contrast between the word in spanish and English, due they are
CLDE 5820 Teaching Multilingual Learners, Advanced
young, we will be using sentence related to American culture like Thanksgiving – Dia de accion de gracias
or Independence day – Dia de independencia. The students will relate the sentences to their own life due the
vocabulary includes words used by them every day.

How will you include home languages and multilingualism in the lesson?

I will use comparison between English and spanish, they have a lot of similarities in how to read words but
also the letters are the same, so it is very useful to use English as a start point to teach spanish words, only
working in pronunciation.
Targeted Technique from this Week’s Focus:

Reading of sentences in spanish related to events and celebrations in US and Latino America to learn how
to read in spanish.
Briefly List the Steps in your Lesson Plan

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

 welcome students with a song in spanish about celebrations in Latino America.
 Introduce the goal of the lesson: how to read easy sentences in spanish.
2. Multilingual Warm-up Activity (10 minutes)
 We will start talking about some celebrations days we have in US (students know about) for
example, Presidents’ Day, thanksgiving, Christmas or new year.
 To try to do a summary of the vocabulary learnt in the previous class and how they can connect it
with the new sentences during the reading of the activities.
4. Language Proficiency Exercise (15 minutes)
 The students will have small pieces with sentences in english and others in spanish, they will be
divided by groups (one with the sentences in spanish and other with sentences in english) they
have to find a partner who has the correct translation of the sentences they have and then, read
both sentences out loud in front of the teacher to correct the pronunciation.
5. Feedback and last instructions (5 minutes)
 Close the class and encourage the students to practicing at home with some games and links
provided by the teacher.

Formative Assessment: (How will you know how your learners did in terms of the learning objective(s)?)

 At the end of the class, the students will be able to recognize the way to write and read some
sentences in spanish, practicing their ability to read and reproduce in spanish.

 TEACH your lesson.

 REFLECT: Use these reflection questions to analyze the results of your lesson. This information is your
“reflection” and is the third part of what you will submit for this assignment.
 How did your lesson unfold? Especially focus on how your chosen technique worked with this
particular group of students and how your students did with regards to the learning objective. If
possible, give specific quotes and descriptions to help us see and hear how your students responded
to the lesson.
o As they are young kids, play and repetition are the key for teaching them something. This
class was planned to be developed using sentences related to dates and games, they
CLDE 5820 Teaching Multilingual Learners, Advanced
enjoyed looking for similar words, words that they consider they know in spanish, and
words I wrote on the board. I added up some shapes and colors to match with the words
like for example flags for Independence Day or a red hat for Christmas. It made easier for
them to identify the match and then practice the pronunciation reading the complete
 How would you analyze your lesson in terms of high challenge/ high support, the 7 intellectual
practices, translanguaging, sociocultural learning theory or any other main concepts from this class?
Do not analyze all these ideas, just pick the ones that really stood out to you for this lesson.

o I consider that this class focused on high challenge and low support. It is a high challenge for
kids to have rational thinking in order to match new information and how to read it loud,
they need to analyze and develop conclusions in a certain point. The part of the low support
is noticeable because my intervention was limited and I did not share much visual help for
students because the intention is let them do it using their own information. About
Translanguaging, Students used English as main resource of communication between them,
however spanish was the ultimate goal for them due they practiced few times to correctly
pronounce the sentences they made in spanish.

 How did race, culture and community come into your lesson plan? If you are stuck here, consider the
reflective questions described by Milner (2006), posted on CANVAS.
o I have students from other countries and multilingual background, however as spanish
teacher, none of them speak spanish. I try to think in a general way to teach spanish and
make it fun for them. I consider the relation between English and spanish in grammar and
alphabet as a way to connect both languages. Culture is included in my lesson plans usually
because I try to bring cultural facts to class (like important dates in US and Latino America), I
have posters all around the classroom about countries where they speak spanish. They
every class have some culture information intake given by the classroom.

 RESPOND: Post your lesson plan and reflection to the discussion board, and respond to the work of two
colleagues by the due dates of the appropriate week. As you respond please be sure to focus on:
o Connections to the “teach” and “reflect” work that can impact or relates to your own practice
o Something new or surprising that you learned
o A question that you have for your colleague

Connections to National and State standards:

TESOL standards:
3a. Planning for Standards-Based ESL and Content Instruction. Candidates know, understand and apply
concepts, research, and best practices to plan classroom instruction in a supporting learning environment for
ESL students. Candidates serve as effective English-language models, as they plan for multilevel classrooms
with learners from diverse backgrounds using standards-based ESL and content curriculum.
3b. Implementing and Managing Standards-Based ESL and Content Instruction. Candidates know, manage, and
implement a variety of standards based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating
English listening, speaking, reading and writing.

CLDE Teacher Prep Standards:

CLDE 5820 Teaching Multilingual Learners, Advanced
4.22 (1) (b) instructional practices that support acquisition of English language as an additional language
for CLD students.
4.22 (2) (a) literacy instruction including the identification and use of linguistic interdependence to
support development of the components of language development (listening, speaking, reading, writing
and critical-thinking) in English for CLD students.
4.22 (2) (b) the basic elements of literacy and the ability to provide effective instruction that is
systematic, comprehensive and effective in support of the English language developmental needs of CLD
4.22 (2) (c) language and literacy development for CLD students for social and instructional purposes in
the school setting, with an emphasis on communication of information, ideas and concepts necessary for
academic success, particularly in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.
4.22 (3)(b) effective instructional techniques, methodologies and strategies to develop English language
literacy and to meet the diverse needs of second language learners, including those students with
learning disorders.
4.22 (3)(c) effective instruction and instructional planning that is systemic, sequential, well-articulated
and delivered in an engaging environment.
4.22 (3)(e) maintenance and support of high academic performance standards and expectations for CLD
student populations.

Please see next page for grading guidelines:

Areas that need work Accomplished Evidence of Exceeding

The Lesson Objective 6 pts.
Pushes students to develop linguistic
complexity in L,S,W or R at the word,
sentence or discourse level
Shows understanding of different genre
expectations for language
Targets academic register as well as
language used for social and instructional
purposes (over the course of 4 lessons)
Is precise and of suitable scope for the

Bilingualism and Cultural Relevancy 4 pts.

Is evident in the lesson through various
means, ie. Multicultural text selection,
bilingual teaching resources, topics that are
pertinent to students’ lives.

The Teaching and Assessment Plan 6 pts.

Targets complex thinking and language
CLDE 5820 Teaching Multilingual Learners, Advanced
Requires student interaction to drive
language development
Is systematic, engaging and tied to grade
level state standards

Reflection and Responses 4 pts.

Gives enough detail so the reader can picture
how the lesson unfolded
Evaluation focuses on the language and
thinking development of the students as well
as ideas for improvement
Responses to colleagues are timely and offer
new ideas

Total = 20/2 = 10

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