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Modul PdPC Kimia_Tingkatan4 2021

Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom





1. Jirim : Sebarang bahan yang mempunyai ruang dan mempunyai jisim

Matter Anything that occupies space and has mass
2. Keadaan jirim : Pepejal, cecair dan gas.
The state of matter Solid, liquid and gas.
3. Teori zarah jirim : Jirim adalah terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang kecil dan diskrit.
Particle theory of matter Matter is made up of very tiny (very small) and discrete particles
4. Teori kinetik jirim
Kinetic Theory of matter states
a) zarah dalam jirim selalu bergerak dan berlanggar,
particles in matter are always move and collide with each other.
b) zarah selalu bergerak secara rawak
particles often move randomly.
c) Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin tinggi tenaga kinetik zarah.
The higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic energy of the particles.
d) zarah bergerak dari kawasan berkepekatan tinggi ke kawasan berkepekatan rendah.
particles move from high concentration region to lower concentration region

5. Pengelasan jirim
Classification of matter
• terdiri daripada satu jenis atom sahaja.

Consist of only one type of atom.


• tidak boleh dipecahkan kepada bahan-bahan ringkas secara proses fizikal atau kimia.
cannot be substitute into any simpler substances by physical or chemically process.
• terdiri daripada molekul dan ion.

made up of molecule or ions

• Contoh : larutan natrium klorida , larutan magnesium nitrat
Example sodium chloride solution, magnesium nitrat solution.

6. Jenis zarah
Type of particles
• Zarah neutral terkecil sesuatu unsur dan mengambil bahagian dalam tindak balas kimia.
The smallest neutral particle of an element and indivisible take part in a chemical reaction.

• Contoh : Litium, natrium, kalsium, ferum

Example Lithium,Li, sodium, Na, calcium,Ca, iron
• Zarah neutral yang terdiri daripada dua atau lebih atom yang berpadu secara kimia.

A neutral particle consists of two or more atoms in which are chemically bonded together.
• Contoh : Nitrogen(N2) , Hidrogen(H2), Oksigen (O2)
Example Nitrogen (N2) , hydrogen,(H2) ;Oxygen gas, (O2)
• Zarah daripada atom yang menerima atau kehilangan elektron – menjadi zarah bercas
Particles made up atoms which receive or lose electrons – become the charged particles.

• Terlibat dalam setiap tindak balas kimia

Involve acting in every chemical reaction.

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

Soalan 1 :
Antara bahan berikut yang manakah terdiri daripada atom?
Which of the following substances is made up of atoms?
A Argon, Ar B Nitrogen, N2
Argon,Ar Nitrogen,N2
C Klorin,Cl2 D Ammonia,NH3
Chlorine, Cl2 Ammonia, NH3

Latihan 2: Lengkapkan jadual berikut

Complete the table as following
Bahan Jenis zarah Keadaan bahan pada suhu bilik
Substances Type of particles The state of substance at room temperature
a) Kuprum,Cu Atom Pepejal
Copper, Cu Atom Solid
b) Hidrogen,H2
Hydrogen gas, H2
c) Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat, CuSO4
Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 solution
d) Nitrogen dioksida,NO2
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2
e) Oksigen, O2
Oxygen, O2
f) Logam ferum ,Fe
Iron metal, Fe
g) Zink klorida, ZnCl2 akueus
Aqeous zinc chloride, ZnCl2
h) Naftalena,C10H8

Soalan 3 ;
Jadual 3 menunjukkan empat bahan dan formulanya masing-masing
Table 3 shows four substances and their respective formulae.
Bahan Formula kimia
Substances Chemical formula
Iodin I2
Kuprum Cu
Naftalena C10H8
Zink nitrat Zn(NO3)2
Zinc nitrate
Jadual/ Table 3
Berdasarkan Jadual 3,
Based on Table 3,
a) Nyatakan satu bahan yang wujud sebagai molekul: ..............................
State one substance which exist as a molecule
[1 markah]
b) Bahan manakah yang boleh mengalirkan elektrik dalam keadaan pepejal : ..............................
Which substance can conduct electricity in the solid state?
[1 markah]
c) Apakah jenis zarah yang hadir dalam zink nitrat : .................................................
What type of particle presents in zinc nitrate?
[1 markah]
d) Apakah keadaan fizikal kuprum pada suhu bilik? : ........................................
State the physical state of copper in room temperature?
[1 markah]
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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

7. Perubahan keadaan jirim.

Changes in the State of Matter

(a) Perbandingan ciri-ciri pepejal, cecair dan gas

Comparison of characteristics of solid, liquid and gas.

Keadaan bahan Pepejal Cecair Gas

State of matter Solid Liquid Gas
Gambar rajah
susunan zarah
Diagram the

Susunan zarah Sangat rapat dan Rapat tetapi tidak Zarah terpisah jauh antara
Arrangement of dalam susunan teratur. teratur dan tersusun satu sama lain dan
particles Very closely packed Closely packed together susunan rawak
together and in an but not in an orderly Far apart from each other
orderly manner manner and in a random
Pergerakan Zarah bergetar dan Zarah berputar, Zarah bergerak lebih
zarah berputar pada bergetar bebas dan secara rawak.
Movement of kedudukan yang tetap dan bergerak dengan Bergerak lebih laju
Particles vibrate and perlahan. Particles can move freely
rotate about their fixed Particles rotate, vibrate and randomly at high
position. and move slowly. speeds.

Daya tarikan di Daya tarikan antara Daya tarikan antara Daya tarikan antara zarah
antara zarah zarah kuat. zarah lemah. sangat lemah.
Attractive Attractive forces Attractive forces Attractive forces between
Forces between
between between particles are very weak.
particles are strong particles are weak
Tenaga kinetik Rendah Tinggi Lebih tinggi
zarah Low High Higher
Kinetic energy
of particle

(b) Apabila tenaga haba dibekalkan kepada zarah dalam jirim,

When heat energy is supplied to particles in matter,
• tenaga kinetik zarah meningkat dan zarah dalam jirim akan bergetar lebih laju.
The kinetic energy of the particles increases and the particles in matter vibrate faster.

(c) Apabila jirim hilang tenaga haba,

When matter loses heat energy,
• tenaga kinetik zarah berkurangan dan zarah dalam jirim bergerak perlahan/kurang aktif
the kinetic energy of the particles decreases and the particles in matter move slowly/less vigorously

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

8. Perubahan haba
Heat change
Proses: Menyerap haba
Process : Absorb the heat

Proses 5 : Pemejalwapan
Process Sublimation
Proses 1 : Peleburan Proses 2 : Pendidihan/penyejatan
Process Melting Process Boiling/Evaporation
Pepejal Cecair Gas
Solid Liquid Gas
Proses 4 : Pembekuan Proses 3 : Kondensasi
Process Freezing Process Condensastion
Proses 6 : Pengendapan
Process 6 : Deposition

Proses : Membebaskan haba

Process ; Release the heat

Proses Penerangan
Process Explanation
a) Peleburan • Proses dimana pepejal berubah kepada cecair pada suhu dan tekanan
Melting tertentu
The process where a solid change to its liquid state at a certain temperature
and pressure
Takat lebur / Melting point
• Suhu apabila pepejal bertukar menjadi cecair pada tekanan tertentu
The temperature at which solid changes into a liquid at a particular pressure.
b) Pendidihan • Proses dimana cecair berubah kepada gas pada suhu dan tekanan
Boiling tertentu.
The process where a liquid change to its gaseous state at a certain
c) Penyejatan temperature and pressure
Evaporation Takat didih/ Boiling point
• Suhu apabila cecair berubah kepada gas pada tekanan tertentu
The temperature at which liquid changes into gaseous at a particular pressure.
d) Kondensasi • Proses dimana gas berubah kepada cecair pada suhu dan tekanan
Condensation tertentu.
The process where a gaseous change to its liquid state at a certain
temperature and pressure
e) Pembekuan • Proses dimana cecair berubah kepada pepejal pada suhu dan tekanan
Freezing tertentu apabila disejukkan
The process where a liquid change to its solid state at a certain temperature
and pressure when it is cooled.
Takat beku / Freezing point
• Suhu apabila cecair berubah kepada pepejal pada tekanan tertentu.
The temperature at which liquid changes into a solid at a particular pressure.
f) Pemejalwapan • Proses dimana pepejal berubah kepada gas
Sublimation The process where a solid/gas converted to its gaseous
g) Pengendapan • Proses dimana gas berubah kepada pepejal.
Deposition The process where a gas converted to its solid

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

• Penyejukan lampau
Super cooling
Satu keadaan apabila suhu penyejukan cecair menurun lebih rendah daripada takat beku tanpa
melalui keadaan pepejal. Ia berlaku apabila bahan tidak dikacau berterusan.
A condition in which the temperature of a cooling liquid drops below its normal freezing point without the
appearance of a solid. It occurs when the substance is not stirred continuously.

9. Lengkung pemanasan dan lengkung penyejukkan (contoh bahan : naphtalena /asetamida)

Heating and cooling curve (example of substance : naphthalene/acetamide)

9.1 Graf lengkung pemanasan

Heating curve graph
Suhu (0C)
Temperature (0C)
Takat didih
Boiling point D E
Takat lebur
Melting point B C

Masa(s) /Time(s)
A → B : keadaan pepejal/solid state
• Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah dalam pepejal
Heat energy is absorbed by the particles in solid.
• Menyebabkan tenaga kinetik meningkat/ Causes kinetic energy to increase.
• Zarah bergetar cepat dan suhu meningkat
Particles vibrate faster and temperature increases.
B → C : keadaan pepejal dan cecair / solid and liquid state
• Tenaga haba yang dibebaskan diserap oleh zarah untuk mengatasi daya tarikan di antara
Heat energy releases is absorbed by the particles to overcome the force of attraction between
• Pepejal berubah kepada cecair/ Solid change to liquid.
• Suhu kekal tetap – takat lebur / temperature remains constant. – melting point
C → D : keadaan cecair/liquid state
• Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah dalam cecair/Heat energy is absorbed by the particles in liquid
• Menyebabkan tenaga kinetik meningkat/ Causes kinetic energy to increase
• Zarah bergerak lebih cepat, suhu meningkat. / Particles move faster, temperature increases.
D → E : keadaan cecair dan gas/ liquid and gases state
• Tenaga haba yang diserap oleh zarah digunakan untuk mengatasi daya tarikan di antara zarah
Heat energy is absorbed by the particles is used to overcome the force of attraction between
• Cecair berubah kepada gas/ Liquid change to gas.
• Suhu kekal tetap – takat didih/ Temperature remains constant. – Boiling point.
E → F : keadaan gas/ gaseous state
• Tenaga haba diserap oleh zarah dalam gas/Heat energy is absorbed by the particles in gases.
• Menyebabkan tenaga kinetik meningkat/ Causes kinetic energy to increase
• Zarah bergerak lebih cepat. Suhu meningkatParticles move faster. The temperature increases

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

9.2. Graf lengkung penyejukan

Cooling curve graph

Suhu (0C)
Temperature,0C P

Takat didih Q R
Boiling point
Takat beku S U
Freezing point

Masa(s) / Time(s)
P → Q : keadaan gas
gases state
• Tenaga haba hilang ke persekitaran
Heat energy loss to surrounding.
• Zarah dalam gas hilang tenaga kinetic
Particles of gas lose their kinetic energy.
• Zarah bergerak lebih perlahan, suhu berkurang
Particles move slower, temperature decreases.
Q → R: keadaan gas dan cecair
gaseous and liquid states
• Tenaga haba yang dibebaskan ke persekitaran diseimbangkan oleh tenaga haba yang
dibebaskan apabila zarah-zarah menarik antara satu sama lain.
The heat energy release to surrounding is balanced by the heat energy produced when the particles
are attracted to each other.
• Suhu kekal tetap – takat didih / Temperature remains constant – boiling point.
R → S : keadaan cecair
liquid state
• Tenaga haba hilang ke persekitaran/ Heat energy loss to surrounding.
• Zarah gas hilang lebih banyak tenaga kinetik
Particles of gas lose more their kinetic energy.
• Zarah bergerak lebih perlahan, suhu berkurang
Particles move more slower, temperature decreases.
S → T : keadaan cecair dan pepejal
liquid and solid states
• Tenaga haba yang dibebaskan ke persekitaran diseimbangkan oleh tenaga haba yang
dibebaskan ketika pembentukan ikatan antara zarah.
Heat energy loss to surrounding is balanced by the heat energy released as the particles attract one
another to form solid.
• Suhu tetap kekal – takat beku/ Temperature remains constant – freezing point
T to U : keadaan pepejal
solid state
• Tenaga haba dibebaskan ke persekitaran
Heat energy loss to surrounding.
• Zarah dalam pepejal hilang lebih banyak tenaga kinetik.
Particles of solid lose more their kinetic energy.
• Zarah bergerak lebih perlahan, suhu menurun
Particles move slower, temperature decreases

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

10. Menentukan takat lebur dan takat beku naftalena (C10H8)

Determine the melting point and cooling point of naphathalene

Eksperimen : Menentukan Takat lebur dan takat beku naftalena

Experimen Melting point and freezing point of naphthalene
Masa (min) 0 ½ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6
Time (min)
Suhu (0C) 27.0 36.0 50.0 66.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 97.0
Temperature (0C)

a) Pada graf, lukis graf suhu melawan masa berdasarkan data yang terkumpul
On the graph paper, draw the graph of temperature against time based on the collected data.
• Draw the graph ;
• Labelled axis with correct
unit and regular scale for x
and y axis.
• Plot all points
• Smooth curve.

b) Dengan menggunakan graf, tentukan takat lebur asetamida

Use the graph in (b) to determine the melting point of acetamide.
Tunjukkan dalam graf bagaimana menetukan takat lebur
Show on the graph how you determine this melting point.
c) Suhu tidak berubah dari 2th minit sehingga 4th minit. Terangkan mengapa
The temperature did not change from the 2nd minute until the 4th minute. Explain why.
• Tenaga haba ............................................................................................................................. ...........................
[2 markah]

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Soalan 4 ;
a) Bahan X mempunyai takat lebur 79 oC . Lukis susunan zarah bahan P pada 50oC dan 130 oC.
Substance X has a melting point of 79 oC .Draw the particles arrangement of substance P at 50 oC and
at 130 oC.

Pada 50 0C Pada 130 oC

At 50 C At 130 oC [2 markah]

b) Pepejal K mempunyai takat lebur pada 45oC. Jika tabung uji bagi leburan K pada 110 oC dibiarkan
menyejuk sehingga suhu bilik,
Solid Z has a melting point of 50oC. If a test tube of molten Z at 110oC is allowed to cool at room temperature,
i) lakarkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi penyejukkan leburan K.
sketch a graph of temperature against time for the cooling of molten K
ii) tandakan takat beku pada graf anda
mark the freezing point on your graph.

Soalan 5 :
Jadual 5 menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bahan P, Q, R dan S .
Table 5 shows the melting and boiling points of substances P, Q, R and S.

Bahan Takat lebur (0C) Takat didih (0C) Keadaan fizik pada suhu bilik (28 0C)
0 0
Substance Melting point ( C) Boiling point ( C) Physical state at room temperature
P - 25 5
Q 50 300
R - 256 - 192
S 10 140
Jadual 5/ Table 5

a) Lengkapkan Jadual 5 dengan menyatakan keadaan fizik pada suhu bilik bagi sebatian P, Q, R
dan S
Complete Table 5 by stating the physical state at room temperature of substance P, Q, R and S

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

b) Lukiskan susunan zarah bagi bahan S pada suhu bilik

Draw the arrangement of particles of substance S at room temperature

[1 markah]
c) Nyatakan proses apabila pepejal bertukar menjadi cecair
State the process when solid turns to liquid

[1 markah]

Soalan 6 ;
Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan takat lebur bahan X dengan pemanasan pepejal
X sehingga lebur. Suhu bahan X direkodkan setiap setengah minit apabila ia dibiarkan sejuk pada suhu
Diagram 6 shows the set - up of apparatus to determine the melting point of substance X by heating solid X until it
melts. The temperature of substance X is recorded every half minute when it is left to cool at room temperature.

Rajah/ Diagram 6

a) Apakah maksud takat lebur?

State the meaning of melting point?

[1 markah]
b) Apakah tujuan menggunakan kukus air dalam eksperimen ini?
What is the purpose of using water bath in the experiment?

[1 markah]
c) Namakan satu bahan yang takat leburnya boleh ditentukan menggunakan kukus air?
Name one substance which its melting point can be determined by using water bath?

[1 markah]
d) Natrium nitrat mempunyai takat lebur 310 oC. Bolehkah takat lebur natrium nitrat di tentukan
menggunakaan kukus air seperti dalam rajah di atas? Terangkan jawapan anda
Sodium nitrate has a melting point of 310 oC. Can the melting point of sodium nitrate be determined by using
water bath as shown in the diagram? Explain your answer.

[2 markah]

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Bab 2_Jirim dan Struktur Atom

e) Graf 6.1 menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan bagi bahan X. Bahan X dalam keadaan pepejal
pada suhu bilik.
Graph 6.1 shows the heating curve of substance X. Substance X in solid state at room temperature.
Suhu (0C)
Temperature (0C)




Masa (s)
Graf / Graph 6.1
Berdasarkan pada Graf 6.1
Based on Graph 6.1,
i) nyatakan takat lebur bagi bahan X
state the melting point of substance X

[1 markah]
ii) Nyatakan keadaan fizik bahan X pada masa t1 ke t2
State the physical states of substance X at t1 to t2

[1 markah]
iii) Terangkan mengapa tiada perubahan suhu dari t1 ke t2.
Explain why the temperature remains constant from t1 to t2.

• Haba yang .............…………………….......…………………………………………………………………

[2 markah]

Soalan 7 ;
Rajah 7 menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan pepejal naftalena, C10H8.
Diagram 7 shows the heating curve of solid naphthalene, C10H8.

Suhu, 0C D
Temperature, 0C


T0 A
0 Time, s
Rajah/ Diagram 7

a) i) Namakan proses yang terlibat dalam eksperimen ini.

Name the process involved in this experiment

[1 markah]

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ii) Nyatakan jenis zarah yang terdapat dalam naftalena, C10H8

State the type of particle present in naphthalene, C10H8

[1 markah]
b) Terangkan mengapa tiada perubahan suhu dari B ke C
Explain why there is no change in temperature from B to C

[2 markah]
c) Nyatakan bagaimana pergerakan zarah-zarah naftalena berubah semasa pemanasan dari C ke D
State how the movement of naphthalene particles changes from C to D during heating.

[1 markah]

Soalan 8 :
Metanol,CH3OH ialah satu sebatian organik dengan takat lebur – 91 oC dan takat didih 65 oC
Methanol,CH3OH is an organic compound with melting point of – 91 oC and boiling point of 65 oC .
a) Apakah keadaan fizik bagi metanol pada suhu bilik?
What is the physical state of methanol at room temperature?

[1 markah]
b) Lukiskan susunan zarah metanol pada 100 oC
Draw the arrangement of particles of methanol at 100 oC

[1 markah]
c) Nyatakan bagaimana pergerakan zarah-zarah metanol berubah apabila dipanaskan dari suhu bilik
ke 100 oC.
State how the movement of methanol particles changes when heated from room temperature to 100 oC.

[1 markah]
d) Lakarkan graf suhu melawan masa apabila metanol dipanaskan daripada suhu bilik ke 100 oC
Sketch the graph of temperature against time when methanol is heated from room temperature to 100 oC
Suhu ( oC)
Temperature (oC)

Masa (s) [2 markah]

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1. Jenis zarah subatom

Type of subatomic
• proton • neutron • elektron
proton neutron electron

2. Ciri-ciri zarah subatom

Characteristics of the subatomic
Zarah subatom Simbol Jisim relatif Cas relatif Kedudukan dalam atom
Subatomic Symbol Relative mass Relative charge The position in atom
a) Proton Dalam nukleus
Proton p 1 + In the nucleus
b) Elektron Mengelilingi nukleus dalam
Electron e 1/1840 - petala
Around the nukleus in the shell
c) Neutron Dalam nukleus
Neutron n 1 Neutral In the nucleus

Latihan 9 ;
Rajah 9 menunjukkan satu model atom.
Diagram 9 shows an atomic model .

Rajah/ Diagram 9
Berdasarkan Rajah 9,
Based on Diagram 9,
a) Apakah X and Y X : ............................................. Y : ................................................... .
What is X dan Y
[1 markah]
b) Zarah-zarah sub-atom yang manakah terlibat dalam tindak balas kimia?
Which subatomic particles are involved in a chemical reaction?

............................................................................................................................. ......................
[1 markah]
c) Nyatakan jenis zarah subatom yang berada di dalam Y
state the type of subatomic particle contained in Y.

............................................................................................................................. ......................
[1 markah]

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3. Perkembangan Model Atom

Development of Atomic Model

a) John Dalton (1808) :

- model atom / atom model
• Atom sangat kecil dan tidak dapat dibelah bahagi
An atom as small and indivisible.
• Atom seperti sfera yang sangat kecil
Atoms are like solid spheres.

b) J. J. Thomson (1897)
- elektron / electron
• Atom adalah sfera yang bercas positif yang mengandungi zarah
bercas negatif (elektron)
The atom is a positively charged sphere which is embedded with negative
charged particles (electron)

c) Ernest Rutherford (1911)

- proton / proton (ion bercas positif)
• Nukleus mengandungi proton dan dikelilingi oleh awan elektron.
The nucleus containing proton and is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
• Proton – zarah bercas positif dalam atom.
Proton - a positive charged particle in the atom.

d) Neils Bohr (1913)

- petala electron/ electron shell
• Elektron bergerak dalam petala/orbital mengelilingi nukleus dan
berjarak tetap dari nukleus.
Electrons move in shell/orbits around the nucleus and has a fixed distance
from the nucleus.

• Setiap petala berbentuk bulatan

The shells are circular in shape.

5. James Chadwick (1932)

- neutron/ neutron

• Atom mengandungi zarah neutral dalam nucleus – dikenali neutron.

Atom contains neutral particles in the nucleus- called neutron.
• Nukleus mengandungi proton dan neutron dengan pergerakan
The nucleus contains protons and neutrons with electron moving in
orbits surrounding the nucleus.

• Jisim neutron hampir sama dengan jisim proton.

The mass of a neutron is about the same as the mass of a proton .

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1. Nombor proton
Proton number
a) Maksud Bilangan proton di dalam nukleus sesuatu atom
Meaning The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
b) Hubungan Dalam satu atom neutral
Relationship In a neutral atom
Nombor proton (Z) = Bilangan proton = Bilangan elektron
Proton number (Z) Number of protons Number of electrons

2. Nombor nukleon
Nucleon number
a) Maksud Jumlah bilangan proton dan bilangan neutron di dalam nukleus atomnya.
Meaning The sum of number of proton and neutron in the nucleus of an atom.

b) Hubungan Nombor nukleon (A) = Bilangan proton (Z) + bilangan neutron,n

Relationship Nucleon Number (A) Number of proton (Z) number of neutron, n
Bilangan neutron,n = Nombor nukleon (A) - bilangan proton (Z)
number of neutrons, n Nucleon Number (A) number of proton (Z)

Latihan 10 : Lengkapkan jadual berikut.

Complete the following table.

Atom Berilium, Be Oksigen,O Aluminium,Al Fosforus, P

Atom Beryllium, Be Oxygen, O Aluminium, Al Phosphorous,P
a) Nombor proton 4
8 13 15
Proton number
b) Nombor nukleon
9 16 27 31
Nucleon number +1
c) Bilangan proton
Number of proton
d) Bilangan neutron
Number of neutron
e) Bilangan elektron
Number of electron
Latihan 11 :
Rajah 11 menunjukkan struktur atom bagi satu atom litium
Diagram 11 shows the atomic structure of an atom of lithium. -1
─ ─

+ +


Labelkan rajah 11 untuk menunjukkan satu elektron, satu neutron dan satu proton.
Label the diagram 11 to show an electron, a neutron and a proton.

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Latihan 12
Rajah 12 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi satu atom berilium
Diagram 12 shows the electron arrangement of an atom of beryllium.

Key :

Nukleus o = Proton
Nucleus ● = Neutron

X = Elektron

a) Nombor proton bagi berilium ialah 4.Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nombor proton
Proton number for beryllium is 4. What is meant by proton number?
• Bilangan ............................................................................................................................. .......
The number of ……………..
b) Nyatakan
State the ;
i) Bilangan proton : iii) Bilangan neutron :
Number of proton Number of neutron
ii) Bilangan elektron : iv) Nombor nukleon :
Number of electron Nucleon number

3. Perwakilan piawai bagi atom

Standard represented for an atom

3.1 Simbol unsur

Symbol of elements
a) Maksud Simbol kimia yang ditulis dalam bentuk ringkas untuk mewakili unsur tertentu.
Meaning The chemical symbol written in short form to represent a particular element.
b) Penulisan simbol
Symbol writing
• diwakili oleh satu perkataan
represented by the one letter
Huruf pertama gunakan huruf besar
First letter used a capital letter
Contoh Kalium (K) ; Fluorin (F) ; Nitrogen (N) ; Sulfur (S)
Example Pottossium Fluorine ; Nitrogen Sulphur

• diwakili lebih daripada satu perkataan

represented by the more than one letter
Huruf pertama gunakan huruf besar
First letter used a capital letter
Huruf kedua gunakan huruf kecil
Second letter used a small letter.
Contoh magnesium (Mg) ; litium (Li)
Example magnesium lithium

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Latihan 13 ; Lengkapkan jadual di bawah

Complete the table below
Nama unsur Simbol Nama unsur Simbol Nama unsur Simbol
Name of element Symbol Name of element Symbol Name of element Symbol
a) Hidrogen e) Oksigen
c) …………… F .......
Hydrogen Oxygen
b) Kalium f) Boron
d) …………… C …...
Potassium Boron

Latihan 14 : Lengkapkan jadual di bawah

Complete the table below
Nama unsur Simbol Nama unsur Simbol Nama unsur Simbol
Name of element Symbol Name of element Symbol Name of element Symbol
a) Aluminium …….
c) Kalsium ……
e) Klorin .......
Alumnium Calcium Chlorine
b) Argentum ……
d) f) Ferum …
Silver ……………. Iron

3.2 Perwakilan piawai bagi atom sesuatu unsur

Standard represented for an atom of any element
Perwakilan piawai unsur X dalam bentuk Z X
Standard represented X element in the form Z X
Nombor nukleon
Nucleon number
A Simbol unsur
Nombor proton Z X Symbol of element
Proton number

Latihan 15;
a) Jadual 15 menunjukkan tiga unsur dengan nombor proton dan nombor nukleon.
Table 15 shows three elements and their proton number and nucleon number.
Nama unsur Nombor proton Nombor nukleon
Name of element Proton number Nucleon number
Natrium / Sodium 11 23
Oksigen / Oxygen 8 16
Magnesium / Magnesium 12 24
Jadual 15 / Table 15
Berdasarkan Jadual 17, tulis perwakilan piawai bagi atom-atom di bawah
Based on Table 17, write the standard representation for each atom

Natrium i) Oksigen ii) Magnesium

Sodium Oxygen Magnesium

b) Nyatakan perwakilan piawai bagi atom Y jika atom itu mempunyai 35 elektron dan 46 neutron
State the standard representation of atom Y if the atom has 35 electrons and 46 neutrons

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Latihan 16 : Lengkapkan jadual di bawah

Complete the table below
Bentuk perwakilan 11 35 39
Standard represented 5 B 17 Cl 19 K
a) Nama unsur
Name of element …………… …………….. …………….
b) Nombor proton
Proton number
c) Nombor nukleon
Nucleon number
d) Bilangan proton
Number of proton
e) Bilangan elektron
Number of electrons
f) Bilangan neutron
Number of neutron

4. Struktur Atom
Atomic structure

Struktur atom mengandungi subatom

The structure of atom must contain subatomic

• Proton di dalam nukleus

The proton in the nucleus.
• Neutron dalam nukleus
neutron in the nucleus
• Elektron yang mengelilingi nukleus dalam petala tetap.
Electrons that moved around the nucleus in the fixed orbits.

Latihan 17; Lengkapkan jadual berikut dengan melukis struktur atom bagi setiap atom yang diberi
Complete the following table by drawing the atomic structure for each given atom

Berillium 9 a) Fluorin 19 b) Oksigen 16

Beryllium 4 Be Fluorine 9 F Oxygen 8 O
Bilangan proton : 4 Bilangan proton : ….. Bilangan proton : …..
Number of proton Number of proton Number of proton
Bilangan neutron : 5 Bilangan neutron : ….. Bilangan neutron : …..
Number of neutron Number of neutron Number of neutron
Bilangan elektron : 4 Bilangan elektron : ….. Bilangan elektron : …..
Number of electron Number of electron Number of electron
Struktur atom : Struktur atom : Struktur atom :
Atomic structure Atomic structure Atomic structure

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Latihan 18 ; Esei
Rajah 18 menunjukkan suatu atom unsur X Jawapan ;
Abjad yang digunakan bukan simbol sebenar a) Nukleus terletak di tengah ...........
Nucleus is at the centre of the ....……
Diagram 18 shows an atom of element X.
The letter used is not the actual symbol of the element.
b) Nukleus mengandungi 1 .................. dan
Kunci Nucleus contains 1 .................... and 1 ....……..……
1p p = proton
1n n = neutron c) Elektron bergerak mengelilingi ..................
e = elektron Electron moves around the n………..

d) Elektron adalah bercas ..........................

Huraikan atom yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 18 The electron is n........................ charged.
Describe the atom shown in diagram 18
(4 markah) e) Atom mengandungi 1 e...............
The atom contains 1 e…………..

5. Susunan elektron bagi atom

Electronic structure of an atom

Susunan elektron unsur dengan nombor proton 1 – 20

Electron arrangements of elements with proton numbers 1 to 20,
Petala 1 : maksimun 2 elektron
First shell maximum 2 electrons
Petala 2 : maksimun 8 elektron
Second shell maximum 8 electrons
Petala 3 : maksimun 8 elektron
Third shell maximum 8 electrons
Petala 4 : maksimun 8 elektron
Fourth shell maximum 8 electrons

6. Elektron valens
Valence electrons

a) Maksud Elektron yang terletak di petala terluar sekali sesuatu atom.

Meaning Electrons in the outermost shell of an atom.
b) Sifat Unsur dengan bilangan elektron valens yang sama mempunyai sifat kimia
Properties yang sama.
Elements with the same number of valence electrons have similar chemical

c) Penentuan Daripada susunan elektron atom.

Determine From the electron arrangement of the atom
Contoh/ Example ; Natrium,Na
Sodium, Na Kumpulan 1
Nombor proton = 11 Group 1
proton number
Susunan elektron = 2. 8.1
electron arrangement
Kala 3
Elektron valens = 1 Period 3
Valence electron

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Soalan 19: Tuliskan nombor proton dan susunan elektron bagi setiap atom
Write the proton number and electron arrangement of an atoms

Unsur Nombor Susunan Unsur Nombor Susunan

Element proton elektron Element proton elektron
Proton Electron Proton Electron
number arrangement number arrangement

Litium,Li 3 2.1 c) Magnesium, Mg 12

Lithium, Li Magnesium,Mg
a) Oksigen O 2.6 d) Neon, Ne 2.8
Oxygen,O Neon,Ne
b) Berilium,Be 4 e) Sulfur,S 16
Beryllium,Be Sulfur,S

Soalan 20 ; Lengkapkan jadual di bawah

Complete the table below

Unsur Nombor Susunan elektron Elektron valens Kumpulan Kala

Element proton Electron Valence electron Group Period
Proton number arrangement
a) Karbon,C 6
b) Kalsium, Ca 20

c) Klorin, Cl 17 3

d) Aluminium,Al 2.8.3 3

Latihan 21 ; Lukiskan susunan elektron

Draw the electron arrangement

23 9
11 Na 4 Be

9 F

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1. Maksud • Atom-atom bagi unsur yang sama dengan bilangan proton yang sama tetapi
Meaning bilangan neutron yang berlainan.
Atoms of the same element which have the same proton number but different
number of neutrons

Atau / or
• Atom-atom bagi unsur yang sama dengan nombor proton yang sama tetapi
nombor nukleon yang berlainan
Atoms of the same element which have the same proton number but different
nucleon number

2. Sifat • Isotop mempunyai sifat kimia yang sama tetapi sifat fizikal yang berlainan.
Properties kerana atom-atom mempunyai elektron valen yang sama.
Isotopes have the same chemical properties but different physical properties
because have same valence electron

3. Persamaan • Bilangan proton • Bilangan elektron valens

Similarities Number of protons Number of valence electrons
• Bilangan elektron • Sifat kimia
Number of electrons Chemical properties
4. Perbezaan • Bilangan neutron • Sifat fizik
Differences Number of neutrons Physical properties
• Nombor nukleon • Takat lebur dan didih
Nucleon number Melting and boiling point

5. Contoh unsur dengan isotop

Examples of elements with isotopes

Unsur Nama isotop Bentuk piawai

Elements Name of isotope Standard represented
Hidrogen • Hidrogen-1 1
Hydrogen Hydrogen-1
• Hidrogen-2 2
Hydrogen-2 1

• Hidrogen-3 3
Hydrogen-3 1 H
Karbon • Karbon-12 12
Carbon Carbon-12
• Karbon-13 6 C
• Karbon-14 14

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Latihan 22 ; Lengkapkan jadual di bawah:

Complete the table below
Unsur Bilangan Bentuk Bilangan Bilangan Bilangan Nama isotop
Element isotop piawai proton elektron neutron Name of isotopes
Number of Standard Number of Number of Number of
isotopes represented protons electrons neutrons
a) Hidrogen 1
H 1
H 1 Hidrogen-2
H 1

b) Oksigen 16
O 8 8
3 8 9
8 O
c) Karbon 6
Carbon 3
6 7
C 6 8

6. Penghitungan jisim atom relatif bagi isotop

Calculation of relative atomic mass of isotopes
Jisim atom relatif unsur = jisim purata kesemua isotop bagi unsur itu
The relative atomic mass of an element the average mass of all the isotopes of that element
Maka kelimpahan semula jadi bagi unsur yang mengandungi isotop x jisim isotop
Thus the natural abundance of elements containing isotope x isotope mass
Jisim atom relatif Relative atomic mass
=  (% isotop x jisim isotop) =  (% isotope x mass of isotope)
100 100

Latihan 23: Hitungkan jisim atom relatif bagi isotop

Determine the relative atomic mass for isotope
Isotop Jisim Kelimpahan % Jisim atom relatif
Isotope Mass Abundance% Relatif atomic mass
a) Klorin 35 75.0 (% isotop 35Cl x jisim 35Cl ) + (% isotop 37Cl x jisim 37Cl )
Chlorine 100
37 25.0
= (75 x 35) + ( x ) = …………
100 [35.5]
b) Kuprum 63 69.1
65 30.9 [63.62]
c) Magnesium Mg 79.0
Magnesium 25
Mg 10.0
Mg 11.0 [24.32]

d) X X 56
X 44

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Latihan 24
Elemen Q terdiri daripada tiga isotop, 20Q , 21Q dan 22Q dengan kelimpahan relatif masing-masing
0.91,0.0026 dan 0.088. Hitung jisim atom relatif bagi Q.
Element Q consists of three isotopes, 20 Q,21X and 22X with relative abundance of 0.91,0.0026 and 0.088
respectively. Calculate the relative atomic mass of Q

[2 markah]
8. Kegunaan isotop
Uses of isotopes
Bidang Isotop Kegunaan
Fields Isotopes Uses
a) Arkeologi Karbon – 14 • Untuk menganggar usia fosil atau artifak
Archaeology Carbon – 14 To estimate the age of fossils or artefacts.
Kobalt – 60 • Untuk merawat sel kanser.
b) Perubatan Cobalt – 60 To treat cancer cells
Medical Iodin -131 • Untuk mengkaji dan merawat kanser tiroid
Iodine -131 To study and treat thyroid cancer
c) Industri Natrium – 24 • Untuk mengesan kebocoran paip bawah tanah.
Industrial Sodium – 24 To detect leakage of underground pipes.
Kobalt-60 • Membunuh mikroorganisma dalam makan tanpa mengubah
Cobalt-60 kualiti makanan
To destroy microorganisms in food without changing the quality
of food.
d) Pertanian Karbon – 14 • Mengkaji aliran karbon dalam fotosintesis tumbuhan hijau
Agriculture Carbon -14 To study the passage of carbon in photosynthesis of green
Fosforus -32 • Untuk mengkaji metabolisma fosforus dalam tumbuhan
Phosphorous-32 To study the metabolism of phosphorus of plant.

Soalan 25 ;
1. Isotop ini menghasilkan sinar gamma untuk membunuh sel kanser. Apakah isotop ini?
This isotope produces gamma radiotion to kill cancer cells. What is the isotope?

A Iodin-131 C Natrium-24
Iodine-131 Sodium-24
B Kobalt-60 D Karbon-12
Cobalt-60 Carbon-12

2. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah kegunaan natrium-24?

Which of the following is the use of sodium-24?

A Untuk memusnahkan bakteria dalam makanan tanpa mengubah kualiti makanan itu
To destroy bacteria in food without changing the quality of the food
B Untuk merawat pesakit kanser
To treat cancer patients
C Mengesan kebocoran paip
Detecting pipe leakage
D Untuk menganggar usia fosil dan artifak
To estimate the age of fossils and artefacts

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Soalan 26 : esei
Isotop digunakan bagi contoh dalam perubatan, indutri, sains dan arkeologi.
Nyatakan isotop dan kegunaannya bagi setiap contoh yang anda pilih
Isotopes are used for example in medicine, industry, science and archaeology.
State an isotope and its purpose in each example that you have chosen.

Jawapan ;


Soalan 27 ;
Jadual 27 menunjukkan nombor proton bagi unsur X dan Y
Table 27 shows the proton number of two elements X and Y.

Unsur Nombor proton Bilangan neutron

Element Proton number Number of neutron
X 6 8
Y 11 z
Jadual / Table 27
Berdasarkan Jadual 27,
Based on Table 27,
a) Namakan satu zarah subatom yang terdapat di dalam nukleus atom X.
Name one subatomic particles present in the nucleus of atom X

[1 markah]
b) i) Atom unsur X mempunyai isotop. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop?
Atom of element X has isotopes. What is meant by isotopes?

[1 markah]
ii) Nyatakan satu contoh nama isotop X
State one example name of an isotope X.
[1 markah]
c) i) Atom unsur Y mempunyai nombor nukleon 23. Apakah z.
Atom of element Y has a nucleon number of 23. What z.
[1 markah]
ii) Tuliskan bentuk piawai atom Y
Write the standard representation of atom Y

[1 markah]
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Soalan 28 : Pengukuhan
Rajah 28 menunjukkan simbol yang mewakili empat unsur iaitu unsur W, X, Y dan Z.
Diagram 28 shows the chemical symbols which represent four elements W, X, Y and Z.

12 7 14 40
6 3 6 18

Rajah/ Diagram 28
Berdasarkan Rajah 28,
Based on Diagram 28,

a) Nyatakan bilangan elektron dan neutron dalam atom Z

State the number of electrons and neutrons in atom Z.

Bilangan elektron Bilangan neutron

Number of electrons Number of neutrons
[2 markah]

b) i) Apakah maksud nombor nukleon?

What is the meaning of nucleon number?

• Jumlah ………………………………………………………………………………………….
The total ………………………………………………………………………………
[1 markah]
ii) Nyatakan nombor nukleon bagi atom Z
State the nucleon number of atom Z

[1 markah]
c) i) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom X
Write the electron arrangement of atom X

[1 markah]
ii) Nyatakan kedudukan atom X dalam Jadual Berkala
State the position of atom X in the Periodic Table

• Kumpulan/Group : ………………… Kala/period : ………...

[1 markah]
d) i) Dua unsur yang manakah merupakan isotop
Which two elements are isotopes?

[1 markah]
ii) Terangkan mengapa isotop mempunyai sifat kimia yang sama.
Explain why isotopes have the same chemical properties.

• Atom-atom mempunyai …….…………………………………..………………………………

[1 markah]
iii) Beri satu kegunaan isotop yang dinyatakan dalam jawapan (d) (i).
Give one usage of the isotope mentioned in (d)(i).

[1 markah]

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Soalan 29 : Esei
Rajah 29 menunjukkan bentuk perwakilan bagi unsur natrium 27
Diagram 29 shows the standard representation for sodium element

11 Na
Rajah / Diagram 29
Nyatakan empat maklumat yang boleh dideduksikan daripada rajah.
Lukis susunan elektron bagi atom natrium.
State four information that can be deduced from the diagram. Draw the electron arrangement of sodium atom
[6 markah]
Jawapan ;
a) Nama unsur : ...………………………. e) Kumpulan : ……………kala : ....…………
b) Nombor proton : ..................................... f) Bilangan neutron : .............................
c) Nombor nukleon : ........................................ g) ...........................................................................................
d) Susunan elektron : ............................. h) …………………………………………

Soalan 30: Esei

Graf 30 menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan cecair Q
Graph 30 shows the heating curve of liquid Q

Suhu (0C)

Takat didih
Boiling point

Masa (s)
Graf /Graph 30 Time (s)
Huraikan graf 30 dari segi keadaan jirim, susunan zarah dan perubahan tenaga kinetik
Describe Graph 30 in terms of states of matter, particle arrangements and changes in kinetic energy
.[10 markah]
Jawapan ;
Masa / time t0 – t1 t1 – t2 T2 - t3
Keadaan Zarah-zarah dalam keadaan Zarah-zarah dalam keadaan
State of matter ......................... .................................
Susunan Susunan zarah adalah Susunan zarah adalah
Particles ....................................... ....................................
dan ..................................
Perubahan Tenaga zarah
kinetik ..........................................
Changes in
kinetic energy
********* Tamat Bab 2 *********

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