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IE ures AB NE ee ta Bal 85) + SABA MAG 30 A+ (PSOSRIHY 20 538° ES POC» ENTERED LMA EE © BBD Seve HSM SUMMA GEMMA MS ORL TFA + MUSE BAR OVER > MAI - fl: () (ie) Look at the picture. What does the man do? (A) He is a doctor. (B) He is a teacher. (C) He is a cook. IERBEA (A) © GBD BURR SA — 207) RAS PEBANE © A. Question 1 stop Staff Only B. Question 2 and 3 oa 28 Bo AS #10 Bo PEMBKRME RRMA AF BALE BANS » SAAB IE ° {9 : (ES) May | use your bathroom? (@) (A) Sure. This way, please. (B) You're welcome. (C) I'd like two hamburgers. TERESA (A) > 6. (A) I'm Judy. (B) I'm twelve years old. (C) I'm from Taiwan. 7. (A) Yes, | have a pen. (B) Pen. (©) P-e-n 8. (A) Yes, she is cooking in the kitchen, (B) No, she is in her room. (C) Yes, she is in her office. 9. (A) No, we are not. (B) No, they are not classmates. (C) Yes, we are not. 10. (A) I'm not ready. (B) Yes, | think | am a bit drunk. (©) No, but | can give it a try. (A) | go to school at seven thirty in the morning (B) | had no time to watch it. (C) It's ten after eleven. (A) I'm going to do my homework. (B) I'm going to the library. (C) I'm going on a diet. (A) It's Friday. (B) | didn't go to school today. (C) It's September 15. (A) Sounds good. (B) Yes, | can see many trees. (C) Lunch isn't ready. (A) Oh, is it still open? (B) It's my pleasure. (C) OK. Just take care. RMD Mees Ho 10 BB > SPARSE SAARC — EO RA (SEROUS MERCER LE DCH + GSS » MENTAL —iB ° 5: (88) (3) What a nice-looking skirt. Is it expensive? (&) No, | got it at the night market last night. | bought three at once. 3) Well, but it really looks nice and expensive. (4) You wanna get one for your girlfriend? (8) Good idea. Where's the night market? Question: What are the speakers mainly discussing? (®) (A) Where the woman bought the skirt (B) What the woman bought last night (C) How much the skirt cost ERE RA (B) © BUTE BOSSES 7) RIBAS = 885} © 29 16. 18. 20. 30 (A) She is sick. (B) She shouldn't wear blue clothes. (C) She has no idea (A) The man's new hairstyle (B) Abarber shop (C) What hairstyle suits the man (A) In a company (B) Ina classroom (C) Ina barber shop (A) He has one brother and one sister. (B) He has only one brother. (C) He doesn't have any brothers or sisters. (A) She ate them last night. (B) Because she caught a cold. (C) Because she eats them very often recently. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. (A) Go fishing (B) Draw some money. (C) Get something to eat. (A) They're standing in line buy some drinks. (B) They're buying tickets. (C) They're eating lunch (A) Ona train (B) In the living room (C) Outside a house (A) She's feeling unhappy. (B) She doesn't want to go to work today. (C) She doesn't make much effort on the project. (A) 2:00 p.m. (B) 2:30 p.m. (C) 3:30 p.m. SBDOBBS HE SCEEAE HSE SEG 3 GEAWE MNCS Itt —mmN Listen to the following message. What will Steve probably buy after work? Hi, Mom. This is Steve. | just made a call to you, but you didn’t answer your phone. | will have a meeting with Mr. Roberts at the office tonight. | won't go home until 8 o'clock, so | can't have dinner with you tonight. | will buy some fast food on my way home. Don't worry about me. IEW RA (C) ° Question 26 (A) (B) (Cc) 31 Question 27 (A) fr Us Question 30 (A) (B) (Cc) a 32 AGT His DHA 33 34 Dm dE ce eas ee 7S AUER: (RAS) » SAAB SRB > Ht 30 AA PARSE 35 Eo BBD wR $10 A RE AE —IBEAR © eh Bo At EHR BABES AeA 1. Ido not have a motorcycle, (A) too (B) either (©) neither (D) only 2. Miss Wang asked her students their books. (A) opened (B) to open (C) opening (D) and opened 3. Jerry has one brother, but he doesn't have sisters. (A) some (B) many (C)no (D) any 4. It’s hard to say how to get there. Let me draw a for you (A) sight (8) map (©) photo (D) line David was not to the party last weekend. (A) invited (B) invented (C) interested (D) increased I work in a _where a lot of furniture is made every day. (A) factory (B) garden (C) hospital (D) museum After that accident, he didn't work (A) anyway (8) anymore (©) anything (O) anytime the help of each of you, we're not able to finish the task in time. (A) With (B) Without (C) For (D) From The basketball player is taller than of us. (A) that (B) these (C) much (D) any She's always willing to help people with the same problems. (A) other (B) the other (C) others (D) the others 35 IBD Pee He 8 ME) WSLS + ILE aA OBEN « TATE + MHKRR MRM ER > Questions 11-14 Grace does not like to read, _ (11) _ she enjoys listening to music, especially when she takes a bath every night. Her favorite song goes like this: “Oh, | like (42) _ around the world, but I'm just a passing traveller to the world. I'l tell you where I'm from, what | like to eat and that I'm very happy to be here.” One day, however, she found that she was bored with listening to the same music over and over _(13)_. She wanted to listen to different styles of songs. So, she went online to search for rock music. But it sounded too noisy. (14) _ She thought it might help her fall asleep, but actually she dislikes such a style. 11. (A) and 13. (A) more (B) but (B) than. (C) or (C) often (D) when (D) again (A) So she tried to read some (B) traveled interesting books (C) to travel (B) Then she continued to look for (0) to traveling some country music. (C) Besides, she always has a lot of new clothes to try on. (D) Nowadays music is easy to download from many web sites. 12. (A) travel Questions 15-18 Yesterday my nephew Sam visited me. He told me that his mother _(15)__ be away for a while, and he didn't know where to spend his boring afternoon. So he decided to come to my place to kill time. Actually | knew that he only wanted to play the video games that | had just bought last week. | took him to my room and showed him (16) _ to play the newest games. He looked so excited that he almost forgot it was time to go home. (17) _ and she asked me to (18) _ his son home. Anyway, | always like to help people. But the problem is, Sam was still unwilling to leave my room, 18. (A) will 17. (A) Then his mother made a call to (B) will not me (©) would @. So | was very happy to have (D) would not him here (C)| thought his mother hasn't 16. (A) what come (B) how (D) Maybe | should call his mother (C) where (0) when 18. (A) take (B) ask (C) call () bring 37 RIB PR #12 Bl) WS 4 MAL» AMARA 1 2 AHNET » SRMAARAADT Be DARD LOR AMMA ER « Questions 19-21 ca 10:30 PM. mb How's it going with the new project? We need to get it done at the end of June. Vivian | know time is tight, but | need two or three helpers. That would speed things up. Ricky But we only have 15 days left, and you still need some time, maybe one week, to get them in place. Vivian | know a good website! Many people | Ricky go there to find part-time workers and jobs. Vivian OK. Just go ahead. Money isn't a problem. Ricky went to the site the following day and filled in the form below. €20n 8 Gew Look for Part-timers? Free advertisement online! Tens of thousands of people and businesses are using our website to find their perfect helpers. Available nationwide. Register by filling out the form below and send it to us. Start today! > Type of business: Building Company > Type of work: indoor decoration > Wanted number of helpers: 3 » Contact: Ricky Chang > Contact phone number: 0987-888-168 » Work site: Taichung > Hourly pay: NT$200 (8 hours a day) SEND 20. 21. . What is the purpose of this advertisement? (A) To help people find a part-time job. (B) To help companies or stores advertise for their products. (C) To guide companies to write about a part-time job. (D) To encourage people or business to join a website. When did Ricky go to the web site to find helpers? (A) On June 14. (B) On June 15, (C) On June 16. (D) On June 17. How much will they need to pay for the short-time hired workers a day? (A) NTS 200 (8) NTS 1600 (C)NTS 4800 (O) It's totally free. 39 40 Questions 22-24 (The telephone is ringing...) Julia: Mrs. Hu: Julia: Mrs. Hu: Julia: Mrs. Hu: Julia Mrs. Hu: Julia: Mrs. Hu: Julia: Mrs. Hu: Julia: Mrs. Hu: Good afternoon, Dr. Chou's office. How may | help you? This is Mrs. Hu calling, | would like to make an appointment for my health checkup. Let me check the appointment records I've made. Hold on, please. (After a few seconds...) Hello, Mrs. Hu? Thank you for waiting Yes. You're welcome. Your checkup is arranged for Friday, July 15. You should be in the hospital before 9:00 a.m. Is this time convenient for you? No problem. May | have your number, please? Sure. *0-9-7-2-3-4-9-1-7-6 Thanks. By the way, I'd like to remind you that, from 12:00 a.m. of that date on, do not eat or drink anything. I know that. Thanks for your reminder. ‘And if you want to change the appointment, please give me a call as soon as possible Okay. Thank you very much. See then. Bye. Goodbye. 22. Why did Mrs. Hu make this phone call? (A) She wanted to talk to Julia. (B) She wanted to pay a visit to Dr. Chou. (C) She'd like to know what's going on with her health. (O) She wanted to cancel her appointment. 23. What does Julia probably do? (A) She is a housewife. (B) She is a nurse. (C) She is a hotel employee. (D) She is a restaurant waitress 24. What is Mrs. Hu advised to do? (A) Pay the bill as soon as possible. (B) Cancel her appointment if it is needed. (C) Call Dr. Chou if she wants to make any changes. (D) Remember the rule of keeping from taking food wt 42 Questions 25-27 Nowadays smartphones have become something necessary in our daily life. We use it to watch TV and movies, pay the bill, know about the latest news and information, and we won't get lost any longer thanks to the Google Maps. So it is difficult for young people now to imagine such a story as follows. Mr. Jones was an honest countryman and usually worked on the farm. He did not like to use too many electronic products. He did not have a smartphone. He thought it is too complex. He had an old mobile phone, though. Anyway, he was satisfied with his own simple life. One day, he wanted to go to a department store in a city. Then he found the address on the newspaper, got into his car and drove to the city. He drove for a long time, but he got lost, so he stopped and asked somebody to help him. “Go straight along this road for one Kilometer,” a lady told him. “Then turn right when you see a post office on the corner. And you need to take the second road on the left.” After half an hour, Mr. Jones arrived at the department store finally, but it was closed. A complex #3115 25. What title should be given to short article? (A) How Smartphone Can Help You (B) Electronic Products Found Bad to Your Health (C) Not Everybody Uses a Smartphone (D) Google Maps Help You a Lot 26. Why did Mr. Jones ask somebody to help him? (A) Because he didn't know the address. (B) He got hurt in an accident. (C) His car broke down on the road. (D) He got lost. 27. What should Mr. Jones do when he saw a post office? (A) Take a right turn. (8) Tum left. (C) Stop his car. (D) Keep going straight. Questions 28-30 From: To: ] Sul Re: How's it going? Dear Grace, I'm so sorry that I reply to your last letter this late. These days I've been busy preparing for the entrance exam and have been always coming home late from the library. | stay there to study until 9:30 every evening. The entrance exam will be held on July 2, and there is only about one month left. | will know how much | have learned and studied during the past year after that. In fact, | have been under much pressure. My parents hope | can enter the No.1 school and they expect me to be a doctor. They said they are confident | will make it, That may be encouraging to me, but | doubt what | take the exam for. The college degree doesn't mean anything to me, even though most of my classmates decided to get it anyway. Well, | will get back to you as soon as the exam is over. By then we can have a good chat about anything. | know a great coffee shop near my apartment. We can also enjoy the great sea view there. Cheers, Janet 43 44 28. 29. 30. Whats the purpose of Janet's email? (A) To decide on a get-together date (B) To cancel an important date (©) To tell about current situation (D) To plan an overseas trip Who could Janet mostly be? (A) Ateacher (B) A student (©) Alibrarian (D) An office worker Which of the following is NOT true about Janet? (A) She's worried about an upcoming exam. (8) Her parents hope she can enter the best school. (C) She just wants to make money now. (D) Acollege degree means a lot to her. eR

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