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Positive Impacts of Gadget Usage on Children

Task IV ; Analytics Text

Group I

Name: a. Ahmad Irfan Hidayah

b. M. Royhani Ilhami

c. Wafa Haqi

- Thesis: Gadget usage in children, if managed properly, can have positive

impacts on their development.

- Arguments:
1. Increased Access to Information and Knowledge: Gadgets allow children to
access information and knowledge from various sources easily and quickly. This
can help them learn about new things, broaden their horizons, and improve their
cognitive abilities.

2. Developing Creativity and Innovation Skills: Many educational apps and games
available on gadgets can help children develop their creativity and innovation.
For example, drawing, music, and programming apps can encourage children to
express themselves in creative and innovative ways.

3. Enhancing Communication and Social Interaction Skills: Gadgets can help

children communicate and interact with others easily, both online and offline.
This can help them develop their social and emotional skills, and build self-

4. Supporting the Learning Process in School: Gadgets can be used as learning

tools in schools. For instance, teachers can use tablets to show educational
videos or other learning materials to students.

5. Improving Fine Motor Skills: Playing games on gadgets can help children develop
their fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity.

- Conclusion: Gadget usage in children can have positive impacts on their

development, such as increasing access to information and knowledge,
developing creativity and innovation skills, enhancing communication and social
interaction skills, supporting the learning process in school, and improving fine
motor skills. However, it is important to remember that gadget usage should be
managed properly and supervised by parents to avoid negative impacts on

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