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Determine the moment of the force 800 N acting on the

frame about points A, B, C and D.

Force = F = 800 N
Required MA=? MB? MC=? MD=?
Working formula
Moment =force x moment arm.
Sol Solve this question step by step

Now first consider the Point A.

MA = F x r
MA = 800 x (1.5+1)
MA = 2000 N.m clock wise_______ I
Now Moment about B

MB = F x r = 800x 5
MB = 1200 N m clock wise________ (2)
From (1) and (2) it is evidence that when force remain
constant then moment varies with moment arm that is
moment depends upon moment arm. Similarly it can be
proved that moment about any point varies with force when
moment arm remain same.
Now consider point C
Moment = Force x distance
Mc = 800 x 0
Mc = 0. _______ (3)
As the line of action of force passes through point C
that is point of application it shows that the line of action
should be perpendicular to the point i.e. “C”
Now consider the point D.
MD = F x r.
MD = 800 x 0.5
MD= 400 N.m
MA =2000 N.m clock wise Or
MA = + 200 N.m
MB = 1200 N.m clock wise Or
MB = + 1200 N.m
MC = O.
Mc = O
MD =. 400 N.m anti clock wise
MD = - 400N.m

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