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Written Task 3
1. Please provide your answers to the 6 questions in this task. Please provide your
answers in as much detail as possible. This task will take about 30-40 minutes.
2. Please reflect on your English teaching experiences and perspectives when
answering the following questions. There are NO ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers to any of
these questions.
3. Please refer to the following 【 Revision 】 section to recall what we’ve discussed
in Seminar 3. Feel free to skip it if you have a good memory and continue to Page 2
and 3 for the questions!
【 Revision 】 Core of this seminar: Shifting our mindsets and rethinking our
identities from the angles of native-speakerism and Global Englishes.
1. Be more aware and sensitive about the implicit perceptions of ‘native-
(1) Be more careful with the ‘pseudo equality’ between native and non-native English
teachers. (2) The fixed dichotomy between native and non-native English teachers
can weaken teachers’ abilities to address their individual strengths, so try not to
define yourself completely based on the stereotypical aspects attached to these two
groups of teachers. (3) Be more aware of the implicit information coming along with
the terms ‘native’ and ‘non-native’. Does ‘non-native’ position non-native speakers
and non-native English teachers as inferior?
2. Having faith in your power to challenge native-speakerism:
(1) You are not just an instructor of the English language but also an educator who
has the power to influence your students’ mindsets and identities. You can do this by
teaching Global Englishes or embedding ideas of Global Englishes in your classrooms.
These behaviours can also empower you as an English teacher. (2) Understand the
specialities that you may have as a multilingual English teacher. (3) When facing
native-speakerism (e.g., discrimination, biased thoughts), you can explicitly or
implicitly address your ideas. Choose your strategies wisely based on your local

contexts. (4) You have the support from others.

Question 1
(1) To what extent does your English proficiency influence your teaching abilities?

It Influences my Identity and based on student’s preference on choosing me. Since this
proficiency of mine helps me to create my teaching style so as students will like me as their

(2) To what extent does being native-like influence your teaching abilities?

It Influences my skills and knowledge as well as my confidence on teaching.

Question 2 How does the label of ‘non-native’ influence your professional image,
mindset, or identity as an English teacher?

Being non-native teacher challenge me as who am I now through my skills, knowledge and
passion towards teaching.

Question 3 Do you think you will be an English teacher who challenges native-
speakerism in any way? Please specify:

Yes, I am the one who challenges native- speakerism as a teacher it is my profession and now
competing in the market. I have to make myself more knowledgeable confident and willing to
accept new teaching methods so that can continue my profession as a non-native teacher. Since
this is my passion and career that I still want until future.

Question 4
(1) Would you picture yourself as a ‘Global Englishes’ teacher in your future
A. Yes B. No C. Not sure
(2) Please further explain your reasons:

Yes. Since I am willing to adapt and accept challenges. Aside from the fact, that this is my
profession I can see myself mentoring more International students that need assistance
especially for learning.

Question 5 So far, have you had the chance to make a change to your teaching? They
can be changes to your teaching perceptions AND/OR teaching practices.

Yes I have, Infact I am still searching and scrutinize Ideas that can still provide through my
journey on teaching.

Question 6 Have the previous sessions influenced or changed how you view yourself
as an English teacher? Please specify:

Yes. Now I become more confident and learned how people perceived to teaching. Also the
materials that has been given as well as to the sharing of different teachers in the seminar. I can
also understand the world of teaching especially as a non-native one.

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