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Paul Vigay - one of the most interesting men you never

heard of

To start off nice and rude, he obviously wasn’t known for his good looks. However,

he was a well-reknowned UFO expert - to the point where Mel Gibson actually

asked his help when he was making the movie ‘Signs’. You know, the movie where

reptilian aliens come to earth to harvest our bodies? Yeah, that one.

The man had a rich history of computer science and was a leading scientists on the

area of UFOs and crop circles.

Many know him through the Crabwood crop circle event - where extraterrestrials

suposedly contacted us.

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I’ve actually been looking for a reason to share this video with you guys, as it’s

incredibly interesting. However, as interesting as it may be, the video alone is not

the reason I’m posting this.

This morning, I came to the discovery that Paul Vigay has actually been dead since

2009. His death is still a mystery - they’re claiming he commit suicide, which seems

unlikely to me.

Here’s more on the guy ;

So what can we assume? Well, I for one will tell you that it’s safe to say he’s been

assasinated by the british government. Hopefully putting something like that on the

internet won’t get me killed, but hey, free speech, right?

Right, let’s continue with the Aricebo message. Silicon seems to be their equal to

our carbon, which is essential for all life on earth. Meaning their atmosphere is

obviously quite different. Also, the strange pixel-art on the bottom of their

message? Yeah, it looks quite similar to this.

Course, sadly enough all this does is raise more questions rather than provide any

answers. Oh well, atleast it gives us something to think about for the weekend,


Tags: cropcircle dissapearance April 14, 2012, 6:57pm 4 notes Permalink


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