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This chapter presented the methodology of the research which consist of

method of the research, procedure of the research, technique of data collection,

technique of data analysis, data source, and qualitative validity.

A. Method of the Research

1. Time and Place of the Research

This study started in March and will be completed in August of

2022. The majority of the references are from a variety of books and

journals linked to this subject, including translation, and other supporting

works. The primary location of the research is the researcher's house,


2. Kind of the Research

The discussion of methods in a qualitative proposal wants to detail

the steps in analyzing various qualitative facts. Preferably, the objective is

to recognize text and photo data (Cresswell, 2014, p. 245). In short, the

text and image data are so dense and rich, not all of the information can

be used in qualitative research. Therefore, in analyzing the data,

researchers need to examine the data, in this case is the text in source

language and target language. In this study, data collection is very

important to support the analysis process. This research is purely

qualitative because it involves analysis, description, and evaluation of

data collection. The selection of qualitative methods for this study is

related to the research objectives described above, namely to determine

the modulation in the translation contained in the novel "Shadow and


B. Procedure of the Research

After understanding the role of systematic and considering the arrange

steps, it comes to the procedure of the research. The steps are listed as


1. Preparation

The author advances to the next level after the advisor approves the

research. The first step is to control the data source that will become the

research's target, as well as to establish a set title and select the novel that

will be used for the study, which is "Shadow and Bone." The following

steps in preparation are explaining the research's aim, describing, and

minimizing the problem.

2. Implementation

The author read " Shadow and Bone " novel for the

implementation. The author read both version of the novel English and

Indonesian. After reading for several times, the author then marked each

point which contain the modulation procedure, then repeating the

previous phase to make sure the data is already correct. Finally, the author
gathered data of modulation in data description. After that, the data was

analyzed using the translation procedures.

3. Finishing

Finally, the author must persuade the reader that the paper is

complete, including reporting and consulting with the adviser until the

research findings are complete. To achieve the best outcome, the error

must still be fixed, after which the study findings must be typed and


a. Composing the Analysis Data

It is required to collect the analytical data and collect the

classifications before reporting the findings and finishing the study

paper. As a result, the author has identified the problem and the study's

purpose as the modulation used in the novel. As a result, the study

challenge and goal must be defined more precisely.

b. Discussing with Advisor

The next step is to seek advice from an expert. In order for the

researcher to gather the necessary data for this study, these items must

be discussed with the first and second advisors for each chapter. After

the discussion, the author revises what has been discussed and makes

sure all chapters are correct.

c. Revising the Result

The author's most important task during the analysis was to

consult with the advisors on everything. It is vital to amend the results

because the adviser could provide guidance on the modifications of

certain phrases or sentences in this research. The advisors also criticize

any flaws in the research while editing the results for omitting

grammatical errors and enhancing the research.

d. Concluding the Result

The final stage of making the major easy to understand for the

readers is by arranging the conclusions from all chapters based on the

question of the research. The result is also shown in the interpretation of

the research. From this step the author can take the lead and clarify each

phrase in the materials.

C. Technique of the Data Collection

Choosing the data collection technique to use is the next step. The data

collecting technique refers to the process the researcher uses to gather the

study's data. In this study, the researcher uses certain methods. Data

collecting techniques, according to Sidiq and Choiri (2019, p. 57), are a way

of gathering information in the field so that study findings may be useful and

evolve into a new idea or creation. Because the data collection process was

improper, the analysis likewise failed. The data collection methods in

question involve observation. In a certain sense, this is a study that will yield

facts that can be verified and tested.

For this study, the author employs a number of different tactics. The

modulation in Leigh Bardugo's novel "Shadow and Bone" closely resembles

the major steps of this method. The author reads the English version of the

novel and the Indonesian version and then compares them, whether the

sentence can be said to be modulation or not. The author uncovers all of the

modulation phrases in the novel "Shadow and Bone" in the second step. The

final phase is to classify the facts and analyze them.

D. Technique of the Data Analysis

According to Creswell, there are six processes to data analysis (2014, pp.

247-249), which includes reading or looking at all of the data, starting coding

all of the data, utilizing the coding process to develop a description of the

location or people as well as categories or themes for analysis, and generating

an interpretation of the findings or conclusions in qualitative research. The

process of searching and organizing data in a database in a systematic manner

is known as data analysis.

The first step is to analyze after observing the data obtained from the

novel Shadow and Bone, the author puts the data or sentences that have

modulations and their translations in the Indonesian novel. After that, the

author analyzed how finally it could be called modulation. Then after that the

author analyzed the sentence that had been approved as a modulation into

which type of modulation was using Newmark's theory. Finally, the author

concludes the results of the analysis. Then the writer discussed with the


E. Data Sources
The source of the primary data, according to Kothari (2004, p. 95)

the primary data are those that are gathered fresh and for the first time,

making them unique by nature. In this research, the author uses Leigh

Bardugo's novel "Shadow and Bone" as the data source. The author is looking

for information about modulation procedures.

Novel “Sahdow and Bone” which is set in a world where this

kingdom is at war and there is a problem setting where the Shadow Fold is

formed in the area around the Sea or a small strait that separates several areas

in Ravka and is used to hide monsters. This book is about Grisha, who is a

human with special abilities that they are born with and can control certain

elements. There are three of them. Corporalki can affect the human body,

Etheralki can control natural elements, and Materialki can manipulate solid

objects, to name a few. This book also includes maps to help us visualize and

imagine the realms of the Garisha or Grishaverse.

The novel is converted into a Netflix series in 2021. Eric Heisserer

served as showrunner and executive producer alongside Bardugo on the

project. This series premiered on Netflix yesterday, April 23, 2021, and

received generally excellent feedback and reviews. The author uses the

modulation included in the data source as a data object. The author then

looked at the classification and pattern to figure out what was causing it.

The term "secondary data" refers to information that is already out

there, information that has already been received and examined by another

party. When a researcher uses secondary data, they must search through other
sources to gather it. When faced with the challenges often associated with

obtaining original data in this situation, Kothari (2004, p. 111). The author's

secondary data is drawn from a number of translated publications, websites,

journals, and e-books on translation strategy theory. There are numerous

theories in the book that the author can use to develop translation strategies

for this study.

F. Qualitative Validity

Qualitative validity indicates that the author uses certain techniques

to check the accuracy of the findings, whereas qualitative reliability means

that the author's approach is consistent across different researchers and

projects, Gibbs (2007; as cited in Cresswell, 2014). The specific explanation

of qualitative validity is taken from Guba and Lincoln (1985)

1. Credibility

Guba and Lincoln (1985) identifies five key techniques that should

be used: activities that increase the likelihood of credible findings and

interpretations (long involvement, continuous observation, and

triangulation); activities that offer external checks on the inquiry process

(peer debriefing); an activity that aims to refine the working hypothesis as

more information becomes available (negative case analysis); and activities

that permit examination of preliminary findings and interrogation of

preliminary findings (member checking). The author uses dictionaries to

analyze the facts for credibility, the author also conducts peer debriefings
with friends, then the author makes continuous observations and consults

with the advisor to ensure that the analysis is accurate.

2. Transferability

"Generalizability of study" is related to the concept of

"transferability." Only case-to-case transmission in qualitative research is

covered by this. According to Guba and Lincoln (1985), the conventionalist

establishes external validity in a very similar manner to how the naturalist

establishes transferability. The former is in fact impossible in a strict sense.

The degree of relationship between the sending and receiving (or earlier

and later) events will decide whether they hold in a different context or

even the same context at a different time. The author needs a concise and

logical justification for transferability. Which is why the author needs to

write the research in straightforward language.

3. Dependability

As stated in Lincoln & Guba (1985), the fundamental problem with

dependability is that readers are better equipped to assess the research's

dependability when they are permitted to examine the research procedure

Dependability is referred described as "reliability" or "repeatability" to

support the conventional qualitative viewpoint of reliability. For reliability,

the author often consults with the advisors and reviews every aspect of the

study to determine its proper motivation and to ensure positive outcomes.

4. Confirmability
Since the confirmability test and the dependability test in qualitative

research are analogous, both tests may be conducted simultaneously.

Confirming a study's conclusions is the procedure referred to as "test

confirmability." If the research result is a product of the research

methodology employed, the study complies with conformability norms. Do

not pretend that a method doesn't exist just because a product does in

research (Abdussamad, 2021, p. 195). The research's ability to be verified

in the final phase. The author will be required to defend their thesis in front

of examiners and they will be held accountable for all of the claims they


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