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SYST15123 Midterm Hands-On Exam- Winter 2024

Student Name: _________________________ Number: ______________________

Create a script file on your Ubuntu VM. The script file must be uploaded on SLATE along with
your submission.
Including screen sheet is optional.
Add your answers (commands used to answer given questions) to this document indicated and
then upload your completed work to the provided on Slate Midterm Hands-On Exam drop box.
Do not change the question numbers and do not remove any text from this document.

The exam is based on the file system as shown above Pic1. In this picture, HomeDir is Your
Account Home folder.

Q01 (1 mark) Create the directory structure as shown in the Pic1 and add files as indicated in the
Pic1 (all those files are plain text files).
Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q02 (1 mark) Create folder called completed inside of the work folder and move the
letter_of_engagement.txt to the completed folder.

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q03 (1 mark) Using a single command with wild cards, move letter01.txt and letter02.txt to
deleted folder.

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q04 (1 mark) Using a single command with wild cards, remove the content of the deleted folder
(do not remove the folder itself).

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q05 (1 mark) Rename the to_do_list.txt file into completed_list.txt (make sure the file stays in
the work folder).

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q06 (1 mark) Move the work folder and its content to the personal folder.

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q07 (1 mark) Copy the work folder and its content to the deleted folder (please remember that
you have moved the work folder into the personal folder in question 6).

Provide your Answer here: _______________

Q8 (1 mark) Create a command that would show the content of the /root directory including
hidden files. Redirect the errors to the null device and redirect the output to a file named my.txt.
The my.txt file must be stored in the account home directory.

Provide your Answer here: _______________

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