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Minuted Meetings


Attendance - Peter Carrington, Syed Insiyath Mansoor

Items to discuss Action taken

Theory Reading some concepts and accruing

knowledge through discussion in weekly
meeting. Already few concepts has been
thought, more lectures will be thought in
upcoming weeks
Risk Assessment supervisor petter discussed and showed
the form to work on it, under his
supervision we are going to complete by
this week.
Lab Access Supervisor petter and his PhD student
showed access to the lab and passcode
for the lab access. Instructed how to
work in the lab and discussed risks.
Showed machinery equipment related to
individual project
Report Writing For the final report need to discuss more
with petter supervisor

Be on time To be on time I have to make sure start bit

early, so I won’t be late to the labs

Material for project Previously I had a discussion with

supervisor about materials to buy for this
individual engg project, he said the uni
will be provide a budget to buy the
material required.

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