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Ancient Shelter

Coming In from the Cold

Lesson 5A

What Shelter Was Most Popular Among

Ancient People? 3
The tipi was the most popular form of shelter among
ancient people.

Arch Activity: Make a Tipi 7

Lesson 5B

Besides Tipis, What Other Types of Shelters

Did Ancient People Use? 9
Besides tipis, ancient people also used caves, rockshel-

ters, pithouses, wickiups, and cribbed log structures as


Arch Activity: Construct a Cave 13

Lesson 5C

What Do Shelters Tell Us about

Ancient People? 15
Shelters provide important evidence about the lifeways
of ancient people.

Lesson 5D

Who Is an Archaeologist Who Studies

Ancient Shelter? 19
John H. Brumley is an archaeologist who studies ancient
forms of shelter.
Lesson 5A—Narrative: What The tipi was the most popular
Shelter Was Most Popular form of shelter among ancient
Among Ancient People? people.

Think about the home in which Having the right type of shelter was
you live, it may be a modular critical for survival in the unpredictable
home or one built of frame weather of Montana's past.

construction. Your family may have For nomadic people, a shelter had

built the house, or it may have been to be light and easy to transport.

built by someone else. Many people During most of Montana's prehistory,

purchase a home from a former owner. people had no horses to haul their
That way, the house is ready for you belongings. They would use a dog

and your family to move into with a travois to haul some of their belong

minimal amount of work. Your home ings and carry the rest on their backs.
provides shelter, safety, and warmth. Because ancient people moved often,
Montana's weather is very unpre their shelters also had to be easy to
dictable, presenting extreme and assemble and disassemble. They did
dangerous conditions. Winter in our build some more permanent shelters in
state has periods of severe cold, with locations they visited every year on a
strong winds. Summer's weather can seasonal basis. But usually they had to
be very hot and often dry, increasing bring or build their shelter each time
the risk of wildfires. Rain, hail, or snow they made a new camp. Like today's
may fall most any season of the year. homes, ancient shelters needed to
Extreme weather usually finds most provide warmth in winter and stay cool
families safe in their homes. in summer.
Sometimes a family is camping or trav For prehistoric people of Montana,
eling when severe weather arises. But the most familiar type of dwelling, and
if the weather gets too bad, you can the most recent, was the tipi. A tipi is
always return to the safety of your conical in shape, with long, narrow
vehicle, or pack up and go home. lodgepole pine or fir poles placed
Montana's ancient people did not upright and leaning together, lending
have the choices we have today. They support to each other. Animal hides
were nomadic hunters and gatherers, sewn together formed the outer
tracking animals and collecting plants. covering. Most likely, buffalo hides
Prehistoric people migrated with the were the preferred covering. Between
animals' search for better forage. They ten and fifteen buffalo hides were
moved as plants matured with the needed for a tipi cover. If buffalo hide
seasons. They lived year-round in a was not available, the people sewed
fashion similar to camping, and they smaller hides together. According to
chose different campsites at different historic accounts from Plains tribes,
times of the year. The natural elements each cover probably lasted for only one
of the past were as varied as they are to three years before it had to be
today, and frequently more severe. replaced. The exteriors of tipis—also

Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-3

The tipi provided

ancient people living on

the open plains of

Montana with warmth

and comfort. Courtesy

Montana Historical


judging from early accounts—were with a second hide covering that they

sometimes, but not always, painted hung from the tipi interior as added

with various symbols and designs. insulation from cold weather. The

With the arrival of Euro-Americans, earliest evidence of tipi rings in

Indian people also began to use Montana dates to more than five thou

canvas for tipi covers. sand years ago, but most of those we

Tipi rings, or stone circles, are see today are probably less than one

believed to be archaeological sites thousand years old.

where prehistoric tipis were set up. A Archaeologists find tipi rings

tipi ring is made up of the rocks placed throughout Montana, especially on the
around the bottom of a tipi to hold the northern plains or Hi-Line. They usually
hide cover down. This kept out small find tipi rings near water, firewood, and
animals, insects, and cold drafts. other resources that people needed to

People also used pegs to hold the camp. In the plains area, campsites are

covering on the ground. Prehistoric often located on terraces above river

people also probably lined their tipis drainages. Occasionally, the people

Montana Historical Society

5-4 Ancient Teachings
used mountain locations on or near

ridges, possibly to avoid snowdrifts.

Some tipi rings may actually be look
outs or defense sites. Prehistoric people
used some locations repeatedly for
campsites, as indicated by many stone
circles, the varying depths of the stones
of different rings, and evidence of rings
touching or overlapping each other.
Some archaeologists believe that,

during the "Dog Days"—in the time

before horses when dogs pulled the

travois—tipi size was smaller. When
horses arrived in Montana during the
1700s, the people could take larger anthropologist who studies living soci Tipi rings are the

loads, and so tipi size became larger. eties—has observed that a single archaeological evidence

of ancient tipis.
The size of ancient tipis- based on the Kootenai woman could set up or take
Prehistoric people used
size of the tipi rings—varied from only down a tipi in fifteen minutes. A rapid
the circle of stones to
four feet in diameter to eighteen feet move was required if a buffalo herd hold down the tipi's

across. was sighted, or enemies were hide cover. Tim

Urbaniak. photographer.
Because large animal hides were approaching. The tipi was a perfect
easily available to make coverings, the tent for the nomads of Montana, suited
tipi form of shelter was common in to the mobile lifeway of Montana's
Montana and used by many different prehistoric people. It is likely that most
prehistoric groups. Hides could be groups used tipis as shelter during all
readily replaced as they wore out or seasons of the year, at least after four
were ruined. Tipis could also be thousand years ago. Some bands,
assembled and disassembled very however, may have chosen alternate
quickly. One ethnographer—an shelters during different seasons.

Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-5

Lesson 5A—Vocabulary: What Shelter Was Most Popular Among Ancient



dog days

dog travois





tipi rings

5-6 Ancient Teachings Montana Historical Society

Lesson 5A—Arch Activity: Make a Tipi

Grades: 3-8 Materials (per group/tipi):

Time: 60 minutes double sheet or old blanket, string,

Content Area: math and arts marker, scissors, paint, 3 wooden

Who: small groups poles (8 feet long), smaller sticks

(9 inches long), thick twine or rope,

several mid-sized rocks

Objective and Outcome overlap, measure down every 6 inches

•Students will gain knowledge of how and mark. Do this about halfway
a tipi was constructed, using modern down. Cut 2 small vertical slits, 4
materials. inches apart, through both layers of
•Students will design and construct a fabric at each measurement. Thread a
tipi. wooden peg, 9 inches long, through
the two slits.
Activity 6. Place the remaining rocks
1. Determine the size of a group. around the outer edge of the tipi, as a
Each group will build a tipi. tipi ring.
2. Cut a piece of string 20 inches
shorter than the poles. Hold one end of Extensions

the string in the center of the long side 3-5:

of the sheet or old blanket. Tie a • Research vocabulary.

marker to the other end. Use the string See.- Lesson 5A—Vocabulary
as a compass and swing the pencil end • Write stories about fictional
of the string on the sheet, drawing a events in an Indian tipi village.
semicircle. Cut off the excess material. • Research Indian symbols.
3. Paint the cover. Use sticks as
brushes. 6-8:
4. Hold the three wooden poles in a • Apply math to the calculation of
tripod position. Intertwine one end of living space (area and volume) of a tipi
the long rope back and forth where the as a circle and a cone.
three poles meet to lash them together.
The remainder of the rope should hang
down the middle and be wrapped
around one of the rocks. This serves as
a weight to secure the frame.
5. Wrap the cover carefully around
the poles. Hold in place, making sure
the overlap is between poles. Where
the cover overlaps, place wooden pegs
(as described below) to hold the cover
in position. From the top, at the

Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-7

Lesson 5B—Narrative: Besides tipis, ancient people also
Besides Tipis, What Other used caves, rockshelters,
Types of Shelters Did pithouses, wickiups, and cribbed
Ancient People Use? log structures as shelters.

Prehistoric people relied on forms protected from the elements, are very
of shelter other than the tipi. important to archaeologists. A good
Geological formations offered example is the Pictograph Cave site
natural shelters in the form of caves near Billings. Unfortunately, many of
and rockshelters. Ancient people had these sites have been looted by arti
used these forms of shelter since the fact collectors who know the value of
close of the Ice Age some twelve thou artifacts found in these sites.
sand years ago. The best locations Another type of ancient shelter was
were along cliff faces near water a pithouse. A pithouse was made by
sources. Daily life took place at the digging a wide, shallow hole—a pit—in
front of a cave or rockshelter where the ground. The builders then placed
there was warmth and light. The log posts around the hole to support a
people used the back of a cave or rock- roof. The walls and roof were made of
shelter to store supplies and equip dirt, brush, or animal hides. Because of
ment. During colder months, they may the pit, part of the house was under
have placed animal hides and brush at ground. These pithouses were smoky,
the front of the cave or rockshelter to dark, and drafty, but an internal hearth
keep out wind and cold. Family groups fire provided warmth, helping prehis
used these natural shelters repeatedly, toric people survive the long winter
as did hunting parties traveling season. For quite some time, archaeol
through the region. ogists believed that there were only
In many caves and rockshelters, recent pithouses in Montana. New
people left behind artifacts they no discoveries indicate ancient Montanans
longer used. The artifacts left by one used pithouses around four thousand
prehistoric group would be covered years ago, particularly in southeastern
with wind-blown soil, and then Montana. Pithouse sites are still very
another group would occupy the cave rare, indicating that few prehistoric
or rockshelter. Over time, layers of Indian groups in Montana used this
artifacts and soil built up inside the type of structure. But more pithouses
shelters. These stratigraphic layers may be discovered in the future, and
are a record of prehistoric use of caves this could change archaeologists' theo
and rockshelters over time. Caves and ries on how much pithouses were used.
rockshelters also sometimes preserve Archaeologists know that prehis
fragile, perishable artifacts of hide toric groups used wood and brush in
and vegetal material. These artifacts their dwellings. Wickiup is the name
usually decay quickly in open camp given to one type of shelter created
sites, and so caves and rockshelters, with these raw materials. A wickiup
where organic materials are more was made of timbers stacked together

Montana Historical Society

Ancient Teachings 5-9
Wickiups resembled

tipis. but they were

probably not covered

with hides. Courtesy

Montana Historical


in a cone shape. Prehistoric people that wickiups were used by prehistoric

then placed shorter sticks, pine people, but that, being made of wood,

boughs, and brush over and between they simply decayed and disappeared.

the timbers as the covering. Sometimes Many wickiups found today are well

they stacked rocks around the base. A concealed in remote, dense stands of
wickiup looks much like a tipi without timber. They may have been built by
the hide covering. Some archaeologists war parties as protection against

call wickiups "conical timbered musket balls and rifle bullets in historic

lodges." times. Hunting parties may have used

Wickiup structures are fragile and other wickiups. Wickiups containing

do not survive for very long. None of household artifacts indicate that some

the wickiups surviving today are more were used more permanently as family

than three hundred years old. Some shelters, probably during the winter

archaeologists believe that these shel months. Most wickiups are found in

ters are a recent innovation developed southwestern and south-central

during historic times. Others argue Montana. Many were probably made

Montana Historical Society

5-10 Ancient Teachings
by Shoshone groups who inhabited Yellowstone River area of south-
this region at the end of the Late central Montana. One example is
Prehistoric Period and in early historic Coyote House, which is located on a

times. A good example of a wickiup is prominent sandstone bluff on the

in Wickiup Cave near Lima, Montana. Custer National Forest.
Other preserved wickiups were made Archaeologists have also found a
by the Blackfeet, Crow, and other variety of lean-to's and possible shel
groups. Lewis and Clark describe ters made of partially stacked stones
seeing unoccupied wickiups along the and sticks. Some of these were prob
Missouri River during their explo ably temporary shelters used by people
rations in 1805-1806. caught in bad weather, and some were

Ancient shelters similar to wick probably built by hunters and war

iups are cribbed log structures parties. Today, these very imperma
These were lodges made of logs and nent prehistoric shelters are easy to
poles laid horizontally and stacked confuse with shelters built by fur trap
three or four feet high. They are most pers, sheepherders, and modern-day
often pentagonal, having five sides. hikers and campers. The presence of a
They resemble the modern Navajo stone tool or the absence of historic or
hogans found in Arizona. Their modern trash may be the best indica
builders used sticks, brush, and sand tors that a shelter is ancient.
stone slabs to fill the space between
logs and around the base. How their
roofs were constructed is unknown.
Poles may have been placed across the
cribbed log walls, with brush or animal
hides placed on top as the roof.
Because few artifacts have been
discovered in cribbed log structures,
archaeologists believe that they were
used as short-term dwellings. When
lots of artifacts and maybe a fire hearth
are found in a structure, these indicate
longer use, most likely during the cold
seasons of the year. Cribbed log struc
tures are found mostly in the

Some prehistoric structures that look like shelters

! were probably used for other purposes. This small,

U-shaped stack of rocks is thought to be a vision

quest structure. Tim Urbankik, photographer.

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Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-11

Lesson 5B—Vocabulary: Besides Tipis, What Other Types of Shelters
Did Ancient People Use?


cribbed log structure






stratigraphic layers


5 12 Ancient Teachings Montana Historical Society

Lesson 5B—Arch Activity: Construct a Cave

Grades: 3-8 Materials (per group):

Time: 2 sessions, 60 minutes+ each fine chicken wire (3' x 4')

Content Area: arts newspaper

Who: small group paints and brushes

flour-and-water paste

Objective and Outcome Extensions

• Students will gain understanding of" 3-6:

an early shelter, the cave. • Research vocabulary.

•Students will create a papier mache See.- Lesson 5B—Vocabulary

cave wall. • Add pictographs to the cave walls.
• Create a camp scene to go along
Activity with the cave wall.
1. Determine the group size. Each
group will build a section of a cave. 4-8:
Tear strips of newspaper for papier- • Have students create
mache. dioramas/models of a prehistoric
2. Shape the chicken wire to settlement.
resemble a cave wall. Turn bottom
edge under and in, about I foot. Work
the wire to create a slightly uneven

3. Place the wall on several layers

of newspaper, extended some distance
out. Mix the flour and water paste to a
medium consistency. Cover the wire
with two layers of papier-mache on
each side. Leave to dry.
4. When dry, paint the surface gray,
mixed with some earth-tone rock
colors. Cave sides may be placed side
by side to form a larger enclosure.
Alternative (3-4): Use large sheets
of paper. Spray with different shades of
dark paint. Crumple sheets and staple
them to wall to give wall texture. Use
chalk to draw pictographs.

Montana Historical Society

Ancient Teachings 5-13
Lesson 5C—Narrative: What Shelters provide important
Do Shelters Tell Us about evidence about the lifeways of
Ancient People? ancient people.

Ancient shelters and their enriched by the perishable artifacts

contents provide much infor found at habitation sites. Caves, rock-
mation for archaeologists and shelters, pithouses, and sometimes
help them learn about prehistoric wickiups and cribbed log structures
cultures. The types of dwellings and often provide abundant artifacts made
the artifacts found at habitation sites of bone, antler, and stone. Finding and
tell us about the lifeways of" the people analyzing these artifacts greatly
who lived in our region during prehis increases the ability of archaeologists
toric times, just as different houses, to interpret shelter sites. Unlike other
towns, and cities across the world early shelters, tipi rings frequently yield
today tell about the people who live in few artifacts. This may be because they
them. Archaeologists are able to esti were occupied for only short periods.
mate the size and composition of the From their study of shelters, archae
prehistoric groups who inhabited these ologists have concluded that ancient
shelters and sites by the numbers and Montanans were adaptable and flex
kinds of different structures. Structures ible. These early people adapted their
made of wood can sometimes be dated style of living to the resources available
through dendrochronology. (See at a given time and place for use in
Lesson 3F—Narrative: How Do shelter, subsistence, and technology.
Archaeologists Analyze and Date Although the tipi may have been their
Ancient Technology? for an explana preferred shelter, they made use of
tion of dendrochronology.) When many other types of shelter. Sometimes
hearths are found inside structures, they found tipi hides or poles difficult to
they can be aged by radiocarbon obtain. This was especially so in difficult
dating. Archaeologists can even use climates or among groups far from
the amount of lichen growth on tipi wooded areas. Sometimes their tipis
ring stones, and on stones used in burned or were stolen by enemies.
other structures, to estimate the rela When Lewis and Clark met the
tive age of a site. By studying the Shoshone Indians in southwestern
placement of doorways away from the Montana in 1805, the Shoshone had
prevailing wind, archaeologists are only one tipi! The rest had been stolen
sometimes able to determine the by an enemy war party. This kind of
season of the year when a structure situation probably occurred in the
was used. prehistoric past. Montana's weather
Artifacts discarded inside a struc was harsh, ever-changing, and unpre
ture allow scientists to determine what dictable. Prehistoric groups included not
foods ancient people ate and what only young men and women, but also
household activities they performed. children, elders, and sick and crippled
The picture of prehistoric life is often people. The continued survival of the

Montana Historical Society

Ancient Teachings 5-15
band was only possible through the have been disturbed by pothunters
group's ability to adjust to situations digging to find ancient "treasures."

and to use a wide range of short- and Seldom do pothunters find any trea

long-term shelter types. sures. Pothunting is not only often

Montana's ancient people were illegal, but it also destroys irreplace

nomadic hunters and gatherers, able information, making it more diffi

moving regularly in search of food and cult for future generations to enjoy,
other resources. They often left only a and learn about, the past.

few traces of their existence on the You can assist in the preservation

landscape. Habitation sites with of the past by reporting any archaeo

shelter structures reflect ancient logical find to your local Forest Service

homes and are extremely important to or Bureau of Land Management office

archaeologists in their efforts to solve or the State Historic Preservation

the mystery of the past. All prehistoric Office (SHPO) in Helena. At these

shelters are fragile and rare. Their offices, professional archaeologists are
preservation is of the utmost concern. available to help preserve and protect
Unfortunately, many caves, rockshel- ancient sites.

ters, pithouses, wickiups, and tipi rings

Montana Historical Society

5-16 Ancient Teachings
Lesson 5C—Vocabulary: What Do Shelters Tell Us about Ancient People?








perishable artifacts


radiocarbon dating


Montana Historical Society

Ancient Teachings 5-1 7
Lesson 5D—Narrative: Who John H. Brumley is an archaeolo
Is an Archaeologist Who gist who studies ancient forms of
Studies Ancient Shelter? shelter.

John H. Brumley is an archaeologist Archaeological Project. In 1985, John

who studies ancient shelter, or the established his own archaeological

types of homes ancient people business in Havre, Ethos Consultants

ised. John specializes in the study of Inc. He manages and oversees all

tipi rings, or circles of stones company activities. John has also taught
commonly found on the plains. Me archaeological classes, and he has
became seriously interested in tipi authored, and co-authored, nearly three
rings while directing a research hundred publications and reports,
program near Medicine Hat, Alberta, including articles in the journal,
Canada. The majority of the 890 sites Archaeology in Montana.
the program inventoried consisted of John finds challenge in studying
tipi rings. John has since worked to prehistoric Native American archae
improve the techniques for excavating ology because less is known about that
tipi rings. He has also developed new period. He also enjoys historic
methods of recording tipi rings and research. He finds that historical docu
procedures to interpret and understand mentation and written accounts relate
what is found at tipi ring sites. to prehistoric Indian cultures and help
John's interest in archaeology him in interpreting the past. The harsh
began at age eleven when he joined conditions described by early travelers
the Milk River Archaeological Society in Montana impress John. He is most
in his hometown of Havre, Montana. intrigued to understand how historic,
The adult members encouraged his and by analogy prehistoric, people
interest and helped him obtain his first managed to survive in such conditions.
professional archaeological work with The hardiness and resilience of these
the Smithsonian Institution, River people inspires him!
Basin Surveys, in South Dakota. John John's favorite Montana site is
attended Northern Montana College, Wahkpa Chu'gn, near Havre. Wahkpa
Havre, and the University of Calgary, Chu'gn is a major buffalo kill and
Alberta, Canada, receiving his Master's campsite. It was used extensively by
degree in 1976. Indian people from approximately two
John has worked as an assistant thousand years ago to six hundred
director, crew chief, field director, years ago. It is the most thoroughly
project director, and contractor on studied bison kill site in Montana. John
archaeological projects throughout the is credited with discovering the site
plains of Montana and Canada. His when he was twelve years old! At
Canadian projects include the Fort Laird Wahkpa Chu'gn, he has assisted with
Archaeological Project, Northwest excavations, directed several research
Territories, and in Alberta, the Waterton efforts, and published the results. John
Park Archaeological Project and Suffield and his wife, Anna, direct the public

Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-19

to interpret prehistoric sites. One such

site was a medicine wheel that was

radiocarbon dated to about A.D.
1300-1400. A medicine wheel is a

ceremonial site made up of a large

rock circle or cairn, with several rock
alignments. John was able to interpret

the medicine wheel in detail by using

information recorded for almost iden

tical historic Blackfeet structures. The

other site was a prehistoric antelope

trap, approximately 3,600 years old.

Again, ethnographic Blackfeet infor
mation provided details on similar
historic structures. John then used this
information to interpret the archaeo

lohn Brumley devel interpretive program at the site, which logical site.
oped and built his own is open to visitors. The exhibits within John made another exciting
method for taking accu
the campsite and kill site display discovery at a medicine wheel site that
rate pictures of tipi
massive quantities of buffalo bones also contained a large number of tipi
rings. As shown here,

he uses a remote and artifacts, illustrate past Indian life- rings. With flour paste, his archaeolog
camera on a photo ways, and show methods of archae ical team painted the medicine wheel
boom attached to his
ology. Also present at Wahkpa Chu'gn and tipi rings on the ground and then
truck to take photos
are dioramas including life-sized photographed them from the air. The
from above. He has

whitewashed the stones human and bison figures; these aerial photographs revealed that the
in the circle with flour dioramas further interpret prehistoric people who had lived at this site had
to make them show up
use. arranged many of the tipi rings to form
better John Brumley.
John says that the easiest part of a camp circle. Camp circles are often
his job is the field work, going out and described in historic ethnographic liter

looking for sites or excavating them. ature for Plains Indian groups, but they

He enjoys the physical work that gets are rarely discovered in the archaeo

him outdoors. The most difficult, and logical record.

most important, part of his work is John says that the best sites,

back in the office. John must describe including tipi ring sites, are those that

on paper what he did in the field, what contain a number of characteristics.

he found, and what a particular site They have good stratigraphy—stacked

tells about the past so others can levels of earth and artifacts—so that
clearly understand it. materials from different time periods

John feels fortunate to have are not mixed together. They also
worked at a number of unusual and contain organic materials, such as
fascinating sites. In two of the most charcoal and bone, which allows them
interesting projects, John has used to be radiocarbon dated. At those sites

ethnographic information—knowledge that include well-preserved bone,

drawn from existing native cultures— archaeologists can identify the animals

Montana Historical Society

5-20 Ancient Teachings
that the site's prehistoric residents John Brumley's interest

hunted and which time of year people in archaeology began at

the age of eleven. He

occupied the site. Sites with projectile
stili lives in his home
points or pottery tell which ancient
town of Havre,
cultures occupied the site. Sites that Montana, where he

contain all these characteristics are operates his privately

owned archaeological
rare. But they are the ones in which
business known as
John most likes to work because they
Ethos Consultants. Inc.
have the potential to provide quality Anna Bwmiey, photog

information. rapher

John particularly enjoys analyzing

faunal, or animal, remains recovered
from archaeological sites. Faunal
remains frequently present the best
view on specific animals hunted and
eaten at a site, and they help archaeol
ogists determine which animal parts tours of archaeological sites open to
were most used by prehistoric people. the public, and get involved with
John also likes to use the faunal events and excavations in which you
analysis techniques that help scientists can volunteer. He also suggests joining
determine what season of the year a archaeology group such as the
animals were killed, and he likes to Montana Archaeological Society.
investigate which times of the year a John's message to you is: "The
site was occupied. important thing an archaeological site
When asked what he believes the gives us is not the pretty artifacts or
future holds for archaeology, John bones it contains. The important thing
responded: " 1 think archaeology is on is the information those items can
the verge of a new frontier. Until provide about the past peoples who
recently, we had only enough informa left them there."
tion to make general statements about When John is not involved in
the prehistoric people of Montana. archaeology, he enjoys time with his
Now, archaeologists have excavated wife, Anna, and their children Flint
and reported on enough sites so that Lachenmeier and Sara Brumley
we have a more detailed picture of Bennett. John also spends time hiking,
how various prehistoric people lived. canoeing, hunting, and fishing.
We are even beginning to be able to Students interested in archaeology
relate prehistoric archaeological may contact John at:
cultures to specific historic Indian
groups." John H. Brumley
John suggests that students inter Ethos Consultants, Inc.
ested in archaeology should study #14 Meadowlark Estates
science and history. Computer knowl Havre, Montana 59501
edge and math skills, he notes, are crit 406-265-7550
ical during site interpretation. Take e-mail:

Montana Historical Society Ancient Teachings 5-2 1

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