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DR. Omar Abass
Dr.Omar Abass

Endocrine System


Hypothalamus is located in brain and it stimulate the pituitary to release hormones (from nervous system to
endocrine system)
Example: 

Hypothalamus Hypothalamus
TSH releasing hormone
Anterior pituitary anterior pituitary
TSH master mother gland

Thyroxin (- ve feedback mechanism)

Thyroid Parathyroid Pancreas Adrenal gland Testes Ovaries

Gland Hormone Function

Anterior . Growth hormone (GH) Stimulates growth Stimulates
pituitary . Thyroid-stimulating hormone thyroid gland
. Adrenocorticotropic hormone Stimulates adrenal cortex gland
. Follicle-stimulating hormone Stimulates gonads to produce sperm and ova
. Luteinizing hormone (LH) Stimulates ovaries and testes
. Prolactine Milk secretion from mammary gland

Posterior . Oxytocin Uterus contraction to give birth and mammary

. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Water retention by kidney (decrease water
in urine)
Thyroid . Thyroxin Controls metabolic rate
. Calcitonin Lowers blood calcium levels
Parathyroid Parathormone (PTH) Raises blood calcium levels
Thymus Thymosin Development of immune system

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Dr.Omar Abass
Pancreas (islets of . lnsulin
Lowers sugar in blood (covert glucose to
Langerhans) glycogen)
. Glucagon rises sugars in Blood (convert glycogen to
Adrenal gland . Cortisone Blood sugar
a) Adrenal cortex . Aldosterone Salt retention release during hypotension
Rise Blood pressure

B) Adrenal medulla . Epinephrine (adrenaline) Emergency - Danger

. Norepinephrine(noradrenaline)

Testes . Testosterone Support sperm production

Male sex hormone Male secondary sex characteristics
Ovaries . Estrogen Female secondary sex characteristics

. Progesterone Endometrial thickness to get uterus ready for

Female sex hormones pregnancy

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Dr.Omar Abass

 Endocrine gland is a ductless gland releasing hormones

 Hormones are distributed in the body through blood plasma
 Pancreas has endocrine (hormones like insulin) and exocrine function (digestive enzymes)

 Homeostasis is keeping blood pressure, temperature, hormones, ph ,heart beats..etc in normal condition

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Dr.Omar Abass

Excretory System

Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes. This includes removing CO2 and water from cell respiration, and
nitrogenous wastes from protein metabolism.
 The organs of excretion in humans are the skin, lungs, liver, and the kidneys.
 Skin excretes sweat. (why?)
Function: For body temperature regulation in hot environment (vasodiltation of blood vessels to
surface of skin).

sweat In form of water salts and urea.

The liver does not excrete any substances from the body, but it is the site of deamination of amino
acids and the production of urea. Remove toxins by detoxification

 The kidneys excrete excess water and urea.

The Kidney
 The kidney adjusts both the volume and the concentration of urine depending on the animal's intake of
water and salt and the production of urea.
 That's controlled by anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), that's released by the posterior pituitary and targets the
collecting tube of the nephron for how much water reabsorbed by kidney

The Nephron
 It's the basic functional unit of the kidney.
 Each human kidney contains about 1 million nephrons.
 The nephron carries out its job in four steps:
filtration, secretion, reabsorption, and excretion.

Function of kidney nephron

 Filtration occurs by diffusion.
 It is passive and nonselective.
 The filtrate contains everything small enough to diffuse out of the glomerulus and into Bowman's capsule,
including glucose, salts, vitamins, wastes such as urea, and other small molecules.


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 Secretion is the active.
 Selective uptake of molecules that did not get filtered into Bowman's capsule.
 This occurs in the tubules of the nephron.

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 Reabsorption is the process by which most of the water and solutes (glucose, amino acids, and
Vitamins) are transported back into the capillaries and thus back to the body.
 This process occurs in the tubule.

 Excretion is the removal of metabolic wastes, for example, nitrogenous wastes. Everything that
passes into the collecting tubule is excreted from the body.

Note: Urinary bladder store urine

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Dr.Omar Abass


 Cornea: tough, clear covering that protects the eye and allows light to pass through
 Iris: colored part of the eye that controls how much light enters the eye
 Pupil: small opening in the middle of the iris
 Lens: focuses light onto the retina
 Retina: converts light into nerve impulses that are carried to the brain
 Cones: photoreceptors in the retina that distinguish different colors
 Humor: fluids that maintain the shape of the eyeball

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Dr.Omar Abass

The Ear

 Ear canal: where sound enters

Different tones (pitches) cause different section of the basilar membrane to vibrate and so human can
distinguish the sound tone.
 Eustachian tube: equalizes pressure between environment and inner ear
 Semicircular canals: fluid filled, helps you maintain your balance
 Tympanum: ear drum, vibrates as sound waves hit it
 Ear bones: transmit vibrations from eardrum to oval window
 Oval window: sends waves of pressure to the cochlea
 Cochlea: fluid-filled part of inner ear, sends nerve impulses to brain

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Dr.Omar Abass


There are three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal.

Smooth or involuntary muscle:

 It makes up the walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract.

 It is under the control of the autonomic nervous system.

Skeletal or voluntary (striated) muscle:

 They are very large and multinucleate.
 They work in pairs, one muscle contracts while the other relaxes.

Cardiac muscle:
 It's involuntary and striated muscle.

 It generates its own action potential, Individual heart cells will beat on their own, even when removed
from the body.


 Skeletal muscle cell cytoplasm has thousands of fibers called myofibrils that run parallel to the length of
the cell.

 Myofibrils consist of thin (actin protein) and thick (myosin proteins) filaments.

Contraction of muscles filaments requires:

a) Actin and Myosin interact within sarcomeres and slide over each other
b) Binding of Ca2+ ions to troponin
c) Energy (ATP)

 Ligaments: connect bones to each other at joints.
 Tendons: connect bones to muscles.
 Cartilage: Connective tissue with a protein matrix that reduce friction between bones.
 Ball and socket joints: as pelvic joint and shoulder joint (move in all directions)
 Scapula is flat triangle bone

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Dr.Omar Abass

“BARRON” Questions

Questions 1–5
Match the hormone to the correct gland from which it comes.
(A) Thyroxin
(B) Oxytocin
(C) Insulin
(D) Thyroid-stimulating hormone
(E) Adrenaline

1. Pancreas
2. Anterior pituitary
3. Posterior pituitary
4. Adrenal medulla
5. Thyroid

Questions 6–10
Match the hormone and its function. Use each letter once only.
(A) Raises blood sugar
(B) Lowers blood sugar
(C) Stimulates the ovaries
(D) Stimulates the uterine lining
(E) Stimulates growth of long bones

6. Progesterone
7. HGH
8. Glucagon
9. FSH
10. Insulin

11. All of the following are correct about the endocrine system EXCEPT
(A) endocrine glands are ductless
(B) parathormone is the fight-or-flight hormone
(C) the islet cells in the pancreas produce both glucagon and insulin
(D) ecdysone controls metamorphosis in some insects
(E) polypeptide hormones must bind with a receptor and trigger a
secondary messenger

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Dr.Omar Abass
12. All of the following hormones are produced by the anterior pituitary
(A) glucagon
(B) follicle-stimulating hormone
(C) human growth hormone
(D) thyroid-stimulating hormone
(E) adrenocorticotropic hormone

13. The main target of antidiuretic hormone is the

(A) liver
(B) kidney
(C) heart
(D) thyroid
(E) spleen

14. Tropic hormones

(A) are secreted by the thyroid
(B) are secreted by the liver
(C) are released by the hypothalamus
(D) are released only in females
(E) are hormones that stimulate other glands

15. Which of the following is correct about the kidney?

(A) Filtration occurs in the Bowman’s capsule and is nonselective.
(B) Filtration is selective and occurs by active transport.
(C) Filtration is selective and occurs by passive transport.
(D) Reabsorption is selective and occurs by passive transport only.
(E) Reabsorption occurs in the glomerulus.

16. In humans, urea is

(A) produced in the kidney and excreted by the skin
(B) produced in the liver and excreted mainly by the kidneys
(C) produced in the kidney from the metabolism of fats
(D) produced in the lungs as a by-product of exhaling
(E) accumulates in our bodies as we age

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Dr.Omar Abass
17. ADH most directly affects the
(A) glomerulus
(B) Bowman’s capsule
(C) thymus
(D) lacteal
(E) collecting tubule of the nephron
18. The walls of arteries consist of
(A) striated muscle and are under voluntary control
(B) striated muscle and are not under voluntary control
(C) smooth muscle and are controlled by the somatic nervous system
(D) smooth muscle and are controlled by the autonomic nervous system
(E) a mixture of striated and smooth muscle under control of the
autonomic nervous system

1 C 11 B
2 D 12 A
3 B 13 B
4 E 14 E
5 A 15 A
6 D 16 B
7 E 17 E
8 A 18 D
9 C
10 B


Questions 1-4:

(A) Adrenal cortex

(B) Adrenal medulla
(C) Pancreas
(D) Thymus
(E) Anterior pituitary

1. Important to the development of the immune system

2. Secretes hormones that stimulate the ovaries and testes
3. Both increases and decreases blood sugar levels
4. Secretes the fight-or-flight hormone

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Dr.Omar Abass

5. Which of the following occurs in muscle cells during skeletal muscle contraction?
(A) Sarcomerase digests sections of muscle fibers, resulting in shortened muscle segments.
(B) O2 concentration increases.
(C) Actin and myosin proteins interact within sarcomeres.
(D) Myosin is depleted.
(E) ATP accumulates.

6. Hormones released by the posterior pituitary are synthesized by the

(A) Hypothalamus.
(B) Thalamus.
(C) Anterior pituitary.
(D) Thymus.
(E) Thyroid.

7. The hypothalamus secretes a hormone called TRH that stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH.
TSH binds to receptors in the thyroid gland and causes it to release T3and T4. When blood levels of T3
and T4 are sufficiently high, TRH synthesis is blocked. This series of events is an example of
(A) Anti-homeostasis
(B) A negative feedback loop
(C) Hyperthyroidism
(D) Hypothyroidism
(E) Amplification

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Questions 8-11
(A) Pituitary gland.
(B) Testis.
(C) Thyroid gland.
(D) Pancreas.
(E) Adrenal gland.

8. Produces insulin.
9. Produces FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).
10. Produces an iodine-containing hormone that affects metabolic rate.
11. Produces epinephrine for fight-or-flight response.

Questions 12-14
(A) Insulin.
(B) Growth hormone.
(C) Progesterone.
(D) Thyroxin.
(E) Secretin.

12. It is secreted by the pituitary gland.

13. It directly controls metabolic rate.
14. Its concentration in the blood rises when the corpus luteum develops.

15. In the diagram the human skeleton, which of the following is a ball-and-socket joint?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

16. Which of the following organs secretes the hormone responsible for the "fight-or-flight"
reaction in mammals?
(A) Liver.
(B) Kidney.
(C) Pancreas.
(D) Cowper's gland.
(E) Adrenal gland.

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Dr.Omar Abass

17. Myofibrils (myofilaments) are elements of muscle cells composed chiefly of

(A) Actin and myosin
(B) Tendons and ligaments
(C) Tropomyosin
(D) Cartilage
(E) carotene

Questions 18-20
(A) Glucagon hormone
(B) Antidiuretic hormone
(C) Parathyroid hormone
(D) Thyroid hormone
(E) Insulin hormone

18. Raises blood calcium

19. Promotes water retention
20. Lowers blood glucose

21. Sarah saw a big snake while hiking. She started to run and her heartbeat increased to 100 bpm. Which of the
following organs is implicated in this response?
(A) adrenal cortex
(B) adrenal medulla
(C) pancreas
(D) thymus
(E) anterior pituitary

22. In the following graph, the time of the greatest increase in the
blood sugar levels occurs:
(A) during the first 2 hours
(B) between the 2nd and the 4th hour
(C) between the 4th and the 6th hour
(D) between the 6th and the 7th hour
(E) between the 7th and the 8th hour

23. All of the following are examples of homeostasis in the human body EXCEPT:
(A) insulin is released after eating a sugary snack to maintain a constant blood glucose level
(B) carbon dioxide is exhaled from lungs to ensure a stable pH of blood
(C) on hot days, sweating makes sure body temperature remains at 37°C
(D) being able to run and throw objects with high precision ensures we can protect ourselves from predators
(E) urinating will remove unnecessary excess water from the body

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24. Measurements that are normal for an average healthy human at rest include which of the following?
I. Body temperature of 37°C (98.6°F).
II. Systolic blood pressure of 180 mm of mercury.
III. Heart rate of 60-80 beats per minute.
(A) I only.
(B) II only.
(C) I and II only.
(D) I and III only.
(E) I, II, and III.

25. Each of the following situations demonstrates homeostasis in the human body EXCEPT
(A) Pituitary-thyroid feedback loop.
(B) Selective reabsorption by renal tubules.
(C) Development of secondary sex characteristics.
(D) Increased breathing rate following strenuous exercise.
(E) Breakdown of liver glycogen during physical stress.

26. Which of the following is a flat triangular bone in humans?

(A) Humorous
(B) Femur
(C) Scapula
(D) Radius
(E) Tibia


The table below summarizes an analysis of samples taken from a healthy person's blood, kidney (glomerular filtrate), and
urine. These data are given in grams per 100 milliliters of sample.
Blood Plasma Glomerular Filtrate Urine

(A) Urea 0.03 0.03 2.0

(B) Glucose 0.10 0.10 0.0
(C) Amino acids 0.05 0.05 0.0
(D) Total inorganic salts 0.72 0.72 1.5
(E) Proteins 8.00 0.00 0.0

27. Data that suggest the kidneys may have a role in mineral homeostasis.
28. Data that suggest these organic molecules are LEAST likely to be reabsorbed back into the blood after have passed
into the glomerular filtrate.
29. Data that suggest these molecules do NOT pass from the blood to the glomerular filtrate.
30. Data that suggest the person tested did NOT exhibit symptoms of untreated diabetes mellitus.

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31. A person exposed to the heat of the desert under-goes certain changes in bodily function that result in cooling of the
body. Which of the following would be the most likely change?
(A) Increased blood circulation to the skin.
(B) Increased erection of hairs (goose bumps).
(C) Increased muscular activity.
(D) Decreased sweating.
(E) Decreased beat loss from the capillary beds of the skin.

32. Which of the following is NOT a major function of the mammalian kidney?
(A) Elimination of urea and other nitrogenous wastes.
(B) Maintenance of water balance.
(C) Manufacture of antibodies.
(D) Regulation of salt excretion.
(E) Formation of urine from glomerular filtrate.

33. Which of the following statements about temperature regulation in humans living in hot environments is correct?
(A) Perspiration insulates the body and prevents heat loss.
(B) Evaporation of perspiration cools the surface area of the skin.
(C) Blood is shunted from the head region to the body cavity.
(D) Blood is more likely to travel near the long bones than near the skin.
(E) Goose bumps cool by decreasing the surface area of the skin.

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1 D 11 E 21 B 31 A

2 E 12 B 22 C 32 C

3 C 13 D 23 D 33 B

4 B 14 C 24 D

5 C 15 D 25 C

6 A 16 E 26 C

7 B 17 A 27 D

8 D 18 C 28 A

9 A 19 B 29 E

10 C 20 E 30 B

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