MATH Assignment - 3 - E4 - Math

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Assignment 3 Pointers

Date of Assessment: 29th January – 2nd February 2024

• From 2D Shapes to 3D Shapes (Pupil’s book page 131-146)

Scoring Rubric
Criteria 20 16 12 8 4
Accuracy of Five 3D Four 3D Three 3D Two 3D One 3D shape
Shapes shapes are shapes are shapes are shapes are is represented
represented represented represented represented accurately.
accurately. accurately. accurately. accurately.
Identification The student The student The student The student The student
identifies five identifies four identifies three identifies two identifies one
3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shape
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
Explanation The student The student The student The student The student
explains five explains four explains three explains two explains one
3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shapes 3D shape
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
Pop-up Pop-up Pop-up Pop-up Pop-up Pop-up
mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism mechanism
functions well functions well functions well functions well functions well
for all five 3D for four 3D for three 3D for two 3D for one 3D
shapes. shapes. shapes. shapes. shape.
Criteria 20 10
Neatness and Project is exceptionally well-presented, with a Project has some issues with
Creativity clean and organized appearance. presentation and neatness,
impacting the overall visual.
Total 100
Project Examples.

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