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Spec|a| C|ass ka||way Apprent|ces Lxam|nat|on Sy||abus

1he quesLlons wlll be deslgned Lo LesL Lhe candldaLes undersLandlng and command of Lhe language
sycho|og|ca| 1est
1he quesLlons wlll be deslgned Lo assess Lhe baslc lnLelllgence and mechanlcal apLlLude of Lhe candldaLe
Genera| know|edge
1he quesLlons wlll be deslgned Lo LesL a candldaLe's general awareness of Lhe envlronmenL around hlm
and lLs appllcaLlon Lo socleLy 1he sLandard of answers Lo quesLlons should be as expecLed of sLudenLs of
sLandard 12 or equlvalenL
Man and h|s env|ronment
LvoluLlon of llfe planLs and anlmals heredlLy and envlronmenLCeneLlcs cells chromosomes genes
knowledge of Lhe human bodynuLrlLlon balanced dleL subsLlLuLe foods publlc healLh and sanlLaLlon
lncludlng conLrol of epldemlcs and common dlseases LnvlronmenLal polluLlon and lLs conLrol lood
adulLeraLlon proper sLorage and preservaLlon of food gralns and flnlshed producLs populaLlon
exploslon populaLlon conLrol roducLlon of food and raw maLerlals 8reedlng of anlmals and planLs
arLlflclal lnsemlnaLlon manures and ferLlllzers crop proLecLlon measures hlgh yleldlng varleLles and
green revoluLlon maln cereal and cash crops of lndla
Solar sysLem and Lhe earLh Seasons CllmaLe WeaLher SolllLs formaLlon eroslon loresLs and Lhelr
uses naLural calamlLles cyclones floods earLhquakes volcanlc erupLlons MounLalns and rlvers and
Lhelr role ln lrrlgaLlon ln lndla ulsLrlbuLlon of naLural resources and lndusLrles ln lndla LxploraLlon of
underground mlnerals lncludlng oll ConservaLlon of naLural resources wlLh parLlcular reference Lo Lhe
flora and fauna of lndla
n|story o||t|cs and Soc|ety |n Ind|a
vedlc Mahavlr 8udhdha Mauryan Sunga Andhra kushan CupLa ages (Mauryan lllars SLupa Caves
Sanchl MaLhura and Candharva Schools 1emple archlLecLure A[anLa and Lllora) 1he rlse of new soclal
forces wlLh Lhe comlng of lslam and esLabllshmenL of broader conLacLs 1ranslLlon from feudallsm Lo
caplLallsm Cpenlng of Luropean conLacLs LsLabllshmenL of 8rlLlsh rule ln lndla 8lse of naLlonallsm and
naLlonal sLruggle for freedom culmlnaLlng ln lndependence
ConsLlLuLlon of lndla and lLs characLerlsLlc feaLures uemocracy Secularlsm Soclallsm equallLy of
opporLunlLy and arllamenLary form of CovernmenL Ma[or pollLlcal ldeologlesdemocracy soclallsm
communlsm and Candhlan ldea of nonvlolence lndlan pollLlcal parLles pressure groups publlc oplnlon
and Lhe press elecLoral sysLem
lndla's forelgn pollcy and nonallgnmenLArms race balance of power World organlsaLlonpollLlcal
soclal economlc and culLural lmporLanL evenLs (lncludlng sporLs and culLural acLlvlLles) ln lndla and
abroad durlng Lhe pasL Lwo years
8road feaLures of lndlan soclal sysLem 1he casLe sysLem hlerarchy recenL changes and Lrends
MlnorlLy soclal lnsLlLuLlon marrlage famlly rellglon and acculLuraLlon
ulvlslon of labour cooperaLlon confllcL and compeLlLlon Soclal conLrol reward and punlshmenL arL
law cusLoms propaganda publlc oplnlon agencles of soclal conLrol famlly rellglon sLaLe educaLlonal
lnsLlLuLlons facLors of soclal change economlc Lechnologlcal demographlc culLural Lhe concepL of
Soclal dlsorganlsaLlon ln lndla CasLelsm communallsm corrupLlon ln publlc llfe youLh unresL beggary
drugs dellnquency and crlme poverLy and unemploymenL
Soclal plannlng and welfare ln lndla communlLy developmenL and labour welfare welfare of Scheduled
CasLes and backward classes
Money 1axaLlon prlce demographlc Lrends naLlonal lncome economlc growLh rlvaLe and ubllc
SecLors economlc and noneconomlc facLors ln plannlng balanced versus lmbalanced growLh
agrlculLural versus lndusLrlal developmenL lnflaLlon and prlce sLablllzaLlon problem of resource
moblllsaLlon lndla's llve ?ear lans
O engLh measuremenLs uslng vernler screw gauge spheromeLer and opLlcal lever measuremenL
of Llme and mass
O SLralghL llne moLlon and relaLlonshlps among dlsplacemenL veloclLy and acceleraLlon
O newLons laws of moLlon MomenLum lmpulse work energy and power
O CoefflclenL of frlcLlon
O Lqulllbrlum of bodles under acLlon of forces MomenL of a force couple newLon's law of
gravlLaLlon Lscape veloclLy AcceleraLlon due Lo gravlLy
O Mass and WelghL CenLre of gravlLy unlform clrcular moLlon cenLrlpeLal force slmple Parmonlc
moLlon Slmple pendulum
O ressure ln a fluld and lLs varlaLlon wlLh depLh ascal's law rlnclple of Archlmedes lloaLlng
bodles ALmospherlc pressure and lLs measuremenL
O 1emperaLure and lLs measuremenL 1hermal expanslon Cas laws and absoluLe LemperaLure
Speclflc heaL laLenL heaLs and Lhelr measuremenL speclflc heaL of gases Mechanlcal equlvalenL
of heaL lnLernal energy and llrsL law of Lhermodynamlcs lsoLhermal and adlabaLlc changes
1ransmlsslon of heaL Lhermal conducLlvlLy
O Wave moLlon onglLudlnal and Lransverse waves rogresslve and sLaLlonary waves veloclLy of
sound ln gas and lLs dependence on varlous facLors 8esonance phenomena (alr columns and
O 8eflecLlon and refracLlon of llghL lmage formaLlon by curved mlrrors and lenses Mlcroscopes
and Lelescopes uefecLs of vlslon
O rlsms devlaLlon and dlsperslon Mlnlmum devlaLlon vlslble specLrum
O lleld due Lo a bar magneL MagneLlc momenL LlemenLs of LarLh's magneLlc fleld
MagneLomeLers ula para and ferromagneLlsm
O LlecLrlc charge elecLrlc fleld and poLenLlal Coulomb's law
O LlecLrlc currenL elecLrlc cells emf reslsLance ammeLers and volLmeLers Chm's law
reslsLances ln serles and parallel speclflc reslsLance and conducLlvlLy PeaLlng effecL of currenL
O WheaLsLone's brldge oLenLlomeLer
O MagneLlc effecL of currenL sLralghL wlre coll and solenold elecLromagneL elecLrlc bell
O lorce on a currenLcarrylng conducLor ln magneLlc fleld movlng coll galvanomeLers converslon
Lo ammeLer or volLmeLer
O Chemlcal effecLs of currenL rlmary and sLorage cells and Lhelr funcLlonlng aws of elecLrolysls
O LlecLromagneLlc lnducLlon Slmple AC and uC generaLors 1ransformers lnducLlon coll
O CaLhode rays dlscovery of Lhe elecLron 8ohr model of Lhe aLom ulode and lLs use as a recLlfler
O roducLlon properLles and uses of xrays
O 8adloacLlvlLy Alpha 8eLa and Camma rays
O nuclear energy flsslon and fuslon converslon of mass lnLo energy chaln reacLlon
hys|ca| Chem|stry
O ALomlc sLrucLure Larller models ln brlef ALom as aL Lhree dlmenslonal model CrblLal concepL
CuanLum numbers and Lhelr slgnlflcance only elemenLary LreaLmenL
O aull's Lxcluslon rlnclple LlecLronlc conflguraLlon Aufbau rlnclple spd and f block
O erlodlc classlflcaLlon only long form erlodlclLy and elecLronlc conflguraLlon ALomlc radll
LlecLronegaLlvlLy ln perlod and groups
O Chemlcal 8ondlng elecLrovalenL covalenL coordlnaLe covalenL bonds 8ond roperLles slgma
and le bonds Shapes of slmple molecules llke waLer hydrogen sulphlde meLhane and
ammonlum chlorlde Molecular assoclaLlon and hydrogen bondlng
O Lnergy changes ln a chemlcal reacLlon LxoLhermlc and LndoLhermlc 8eacLlons AppllcaLlon of
llrsL aw of 1hermodynamlcs Pess's aw of consLanL heaL summaLlon
O Chemlcal Lqulllbrla and raLes of reacLlons aw of Mass acLlon LffecL of ressure 1emperaLure
and concenLraLlon on Lhe raLes of reacLlon (CuallLaLlve LreaLmenL based on e ChaLeller's
rlnclple) MolecularlLy llrsL and Second order reacLlon ConcepL of Lnergy of acLlvaLlon
AppllcaLlon Lo manufacLure of Ammonla and Sulphur Lrloxlde
O SoluLlons 1rue soluLlons colloldal SoluLlons and suspenslons ColllgaLlve properLles of dllluLe
SoluLlons and deLermlnaLlon of Molecular welghLs of dlssolved subsLances LlevaLlon of bolllng
polnLs uepresslons of freezlng polnL osmoLlc pressure 8aoulL's law (nonLhermodynamlc
LreaLmenL only)
O LlecLroChemlsLry SoluLlon of LlecLrolyLes laraday's aws of LlecLrolysls lonlc equlllbrla
SolublllLy producL
O SLrong and weak elecLrolyLes Aclds and 8ases (ewls and 8ronsLead concepL) pP and 8uffer
O CxldaLlon 8educLlon Modern elecLronlcs concepL and oxldaLlon number
O naLural and ArLlflclal 8adloacLlvlLy nuclear llsslon and luslon uses of 8adloacLlve lsoLopes

Inorgan|c Chem|stry
8rlef 1reaLmenL of LlemenLs and Lhelr lndusLrlally lmporLanL compounds
O Pydrogen oslLlon ln Lhe perlodlc Lable lsoLopes of hydrogen LlecLronegaLlve and
elecLroposlLlve characLer WaLer hard and sofL waLer use of waLer ln lndusLrles Peavy waLer
and lLs uses
O Croup l LlemenLs ManufacLure of sodlum hydroxlde sodlum carbonaLe sodlum blcarbonaLe
and sodlum chlorlde
O Croup ll LlemenLs Culck and slaked llme Cypsum lasLer of arls Magneslum sulphaLe and
O Croup lll LlemenLs 8orax Alumlna and Alum
O Croup lv LlemenLs Coals Coke and solld luels SlllcaLes ZollLls semlconducLors Class
(LlemenLary LreaLmenL)
O Croup v LlemenLs ManufacLure of ammonla and nlLrlc acld 8ock hosphaLes and safeLy
O Croup vl LlemenLs Pydrogen peroxlde alloLropy of sulphur sulphurlc acld Cxldes of sulphur
O Croup vll LlemenLs ManufacLure and uses of lluorlne Chlorlne 8romlne and lodlne
Pydrochlorlc acld 8leachlng powder
O Croup C (noble gases) Pellum and lLs uses
O MeLallurglcal rocesses Ceneral MeLhods of exLracLlon of meLals wlLh speclflc reference Lo
copper lron alumlnlum sllver gold zlnc and lead Common alloys of Lhese meLals nlckel and
manganese sLeels
rgan|c Chem|stry
O 1eLrahedral naLure of carbon PybrldlsaLlon and slgma ple bonds and Lhelr relaLlve sLrengLh
Slngle and mulLlple bonds Shapes of molecules CeomeLrlcal and opLlcal lsomerlsm
O Ceneral meLhods of preparaLlon properLles and reacLlon of alkanes alkenes and alkynes
eLroleum and lLs reflnlng lLs uses as fuel
O AromaLlc hydrocarbons 8esonance and aromaLlclLy 8enzene and naphLhalene and Lhelr
analogues AromaLlc subsLlLuLlon reacLlons
O Palogen derlvaLlves Chloroform Carbon 1eLrachlorlde Chlorobenzene uu1 and
O Pydroxy Compounds reparaLlon properLles and uses of rlmary Secondary and 1erLlary
alcohols MeLhanol LLhanol Clycerol and henol SubsLlLuLlon reacLlon aL allphaLlc carbon
O LLhers uleLhyl eLher
O Aldehydes and keLones lormaldehyde AceLaldehyde 8enzaldehyde aceLone aceLophenone
O nlLro compounds amlnes nlLrobenzene 1n1 Anlllne ulazonlum Compounds Azodyes
O Carboxyllc acld lormlc aceLlc denezolc and sallcyllc aclds aceLyl sallcyllc acld
O LsLers LLhylaceraLe MeLhyl sallcylaLes eLhylbenzoaLe
O olymers olyLhene 1eflon erpex ArLlflclal 8ubber nylon and polyesLer flbers
O nonsLrucLural LreaLmenL of CarbohydraLes laLs and lplds amlno aclds and proLelns vlLamlns
and hormones

ConcepL of a seL unlon and lnLersecLlon of seLs ComplemenL of a seL null seL unlversal seL and ower
seL venn dlagrams and slmple appllcaLlons CarLeslan producL of Lwo seLs relaLlon and mapplng
examples 8lnary operaLlon on a seL examples
8epresenLaLlon of real numbers on a llne Complex numbers Modulus ArgumenL Algebralc operaLlons
on complex numbers Cube rooLs of unlLy 8lnary sysLem of numbers Converslon of a declmal number
Lo a blnary number and vlceversa ArlLhmeLlc CeomeLrlc and Parmonlc progresslons SummaLlon of
serles lnvolvlng A C and P CuadraLlc equaLlons wlLh real coefflclenLs CuadraLlc expresslons
exLreme values ermuLaLlon and ComblnaLlon 8lnomlal Lheorem and lLs appllcaLlons

Matr|ces and Determ|nants
1ypes of maLrlces equallLy maLrlx addlLlon and scalar mulLlpllcaLlon properLles MaLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon
noncommuLaLlve and dlsLrlbuLlve properLy over addlLlon 1ranspose of a maLrlx ueLermlnanL of a
maLrlx Mlnors and CofacLors roperLles of deLermlnanLs Slngular and nonslngular maLrlces Ad[olnL
and lnverse of a squaremaLrlx SoluLlon of a sysLem of llnear equaLlons ln Lwo and Lhree varlables
ellmlnaLlon meLhod Cramers rule and MaLrlx lnverslon meLhod (MaLrlces wlLh m rows and n columns
where m n less Lhan equal Lo 3 are Lo be consldered)
ldea of a Croup Crder of a Croup Abellan group ldenLlLly and lnverse elemenLslllusLraLlon by slmple
AddlLlon and subLracLlon formulae mulLlple and submulLlple angles roducLs and facLorlng formulae
lnverse LrlgonomeLrlc funcLlons uomalns 8anges and Craphs ueMolvres Lheorem expanslon of Sln
n0 and Cos n0 ln a serles of mulLlples of Slnes and Coslnes SoluLlon of slmple LrlgonomeLrlc equaLlons
AppllcaLlons PelghLs and ulsLance
Ana|yt|c Geometry (two d|mens|ons)
8ecLangular CarLeslan CoordlnaLe sysLem dlsLance beLween Lwo polnLs equaLlon of a sLralghL llne ln
varlous forms angle beLween Lwo llnes dlsLance of a polnL from a llne 1ransformaLlon of axes alr of
sLralghL llnes general equaLlon of second degree ln x and y condlLlon Lo represenL a palr of sLralghL
llnes polnL of lnLersecLlon angle beLween Lwo llnes LquaLlon of a clrcle ln sLandard and ln general
form equaLlons of LangenL and normal aL a polnL orLhogonallLy of Lwo crlcles SLandard equaLlons of
parabola elllpse and hyperbola parameLrlc equaLlons equaLlons of LangenL and normal aL a polnL ln
boLh carLeslan and parameLrlc forms
D|fferent|a| Ca|cu|us
ConcepL of a real valued funcLlon domaln range and graph ComposlLe funcLlons one Lo one onLo and
lnverse funcLlons algebra of real funcLlons examples of polynomlal raLlonal LrlgonomeLrlc exponenLlal
and logarlLhmlc funcLlons noLlon of llmlL SLandard llmlLs examples ConLlnulLy of funcLlons
examples algebralc operaLlons on conLlnuous funcLlons uerlvaLlve of a funcLlon aL a polnL geomeLrlcal
and physlcal lnLerpreLaLlon of a derlvaLlve appllcaLlons uerlvaLlve of sum producL and quoLlenL of
funcLlons derlvaLlve of a funcLlon wlLh respecL Lo anoLher funcLlon derlvaLlve of a composlLe funcLlon
chaln rule Second order derlvaLlves 8olles Lheorem (sLaLemenL only) lncreaslng and decreaslng
funcLlons AppllcaLlon of derlvaLlves ln problems of maxlma mlnlma greaLesL and leasL values of a
Integra| Ca|cu|us and D|fferent|a| equat|ons
lnLegral Calculus lnLegraLlon as lnverse of dlfferenLlaLlon lnLegraLlon by subsLlLuLlon and by parLs
sLandard lnLegrals lnvolvlng algebralc expresslon LrlgonomeLrlc exponenLlal and hyperbollc funcLlons
LvaluaLlon of deflnlLe lnLegralsdeLermlnaLlon of areas of plane reglons bounded by curves
ulfferenLlal equaLlons ueflnlLlon of order and degree of a dlfferenLlal equaLlon formaLlon of a
dlfferenLlal equaLlon by examples Ceneral and parLlcular soluLlon of a dlfferenLlal equaLlon soluLlon of
flrsL order and flrsL degree dlfferenLlal equaLlon of varlous Lypes examples SoluLlon of second order
homogeneous dlfferenLlal equaLlon wlLh consLanL coefflclenLs
Vectors and |ts app||cat|ons
MagnlLude and dlrecLlon of a vecLor equal vecLors unlL vecLor zero vecLor vecLors ln Lwo and Lhree
dlmenslons poslLlon vecLor MulLlpllcaLlon of a vecLor by a scalar sum and dlfference of Lwo vecLors
arallelogram law and Lrlangle law of addlLlon MulLlpllcaLlon of vecLors scalar producL or doL producL
of Lwo vecLors perpendlcularlLy commuLaLlve and dlsLrlbuLlve properLles vecLor producL or cross
producL of Lwo vecLors lLs properLles unlL vecLor perpendlcular Lo Lwo glven vecLors Scalar and vecLor
Lrlple producLs LquaLlons of a llne plane and sphere ln vecLor form slmple problems Area of a
Lrlangle parallelogram and problems of plane geomeLry and LrlgonomeLry uslng vecLor meLhods Work
done by a force and momenL of a force
Stat|st|cs and probab|||ty
SLaLlsLlcs lrequency dlsLrlbuLlon cumulaLlve frequency dlsLrlbuLlon examples Craphlcal
represenLaLlon PlsLogram frequency polygon examples Measure of cenLral Lendency mean medlan
and mode varlance and sLandard devlaLlon deLermlnaLlon and comparlson CorrelaLlon and
robablllLy 8andom experlmenL ouLcomes and assoclaLed sample space evenLs muLually excluslve and
exhausLlve evenLs lmposslble and cerLaln evenLs unlon and lnLersecLlon of evenLs ComplemenLary
elemenLary and composlLe evenLs ueflnlLlon of probablllLy classlcal and sLaLlsLlcal examples
LlemenLary Lheorems on probablllLy slmple problems CondlLlonal probablllLy 8ayes Lheorem slmple
problems 8andom varlable as funcLlon on a sample space 8lnomlal dlsLrlbuLlon examples of random
experlmenLs glvlng rlse Lo 8lnomlal dlsLrlbuLlon

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