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You are going to ask yes/no questions with the verb BE in order to find out a partner’s secret

identity. Before you begin, circle the questions you’d like to ask in questions 1 to 10. Then,
complete questions 11 to 20 with your own ideas.

Are you…

1- Alive / dead?
2- A real person / a fictional character?
3- Male / female?
4- Old / young?
5- On TV / in films?
6- Single / married?
7- An actor / actress?
8- A singer / musician?
9- Good looking / ugly?
10- Tall / short?
11- .
12- .
13- .
14- .
15- .
16- .
17- .
18- .
19- .
20- .

Now, imagine you are a famous person or character. Answer your partner’s questions as if you
were that person. Can your partner guess your secret identity?

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