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6/25/24, 12:04 PM CEO Odisha | Media Center


Sl No.

1 Total Area (Sq. Kms) 155707

2 Number of District 30

3 Number of Sub-Division 58

4 Number of Assembly Constituency 147

5 Number of Parliamenrary Constituency 21

6 Number of Block 314

7 Number of Tehsil 317

8 Number of Panchayat 6798

9 Number of Vilages 53845

10 Number of Municipal Corporations 5 1/3
6/25/24, 12:04 PM CEO Odisha | Media Center

Sl No.

11 Number of Municipalities 52

12 Number of Notified Area Councils 92

13 Number of Booths 37809

14 Number of Auxiliary Booth 89

Total Projected Pupulation of State as on 2024 46566109

15 i) Total Male 23403474

ii) Total Female 23162635

Total Electors as per Final Roll 2024 33236360

i) Total Male 16850949

ii) Total Female 16382031

iii)Total Third Gender 3380

iv) Gender ratio in Electoral Roll as per Final Roll 2024 972

v) % of Young Voters ( Age < 20) 2.27 % of Total Electors

17 Total Electors as on 28-04-24 33646762

i) Total Male 17039900

ii) Total Female 16603401 2/3
6/25/24, 12:04 PM CEO Odisha | Media Center

Sl No.

iii)Total Third Gender 3461

iv) Gender ratio in Electoral Roll as on 28-04-24 974

v) % of Young Voters ( Age < 20) 2.60 % of Total Electors

18 Polling percentage of Last Simultaneous General Election (2019) 72.92% 3/3

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