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Since your patron claimed your soul, you have a new look: a demon form.
Pick as many as apply from the lists below:
»» Head: horns, flames, spikes, halo, smoke
»» Hands: claws, bones, flames, pincers You remember what it was like being human, or at least fully human. But
that was before all this; before your soul ended up in the hands of demons
»» Wings: feathers, leather, none
and devils. Now you’re something else, working jobs for a “patron” who is
»» Skin: chitinous, rocklike, misty never satisfied, never done with you. It’s the worst job you’ve ever had.
»» Eyes: glowing, burning, empty, smoky, none
DEMONIC JOBS Tainted Corruption Move
Your dark patron keeps you on Earth for a reason. Choose two jobs from the When you persuade someone on your patron’s behalf, mark corruption.
list below: Intimacy Move
Collecting souls, tracking down rogue demons, delivering threats and When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with
messages, guarding someone or something, assassinating your patron’s another person, they give you a Debt they hold on someone else.
enemies, brokering demonic contracts, hiding demonic contraband End Move
When you complete a job for your patron, mark Wild. Your patron owes you When you die, cash in all the Debts your patron owes you to come back. If
a Debt for every job completed. you have none, your patron will ask someone else to pay the Debt for you. If
You can cash in a Debt with your Patron in order to have them: they refuse, time’s up. It’s been a good run.
»» Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction
»» Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction CORRUPTION
bb Take a Corruption move
»» Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
bb Take a Corruption move
»» Erase a Debt they hold on someone
bb Take a Corruption move
»» Give you a Debt they have on someone else
bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype
»» Give you +3 to Persuade them (choose before rolling)
bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
Your patron may offer you the chance to buy your freedom, but Debts
alone won’t be enough.
OTHER MOVES bb Fringe Benefits: Mark corruption to Drop the Name of your demonic
patron as if you rolled a 10+. You don’t have to have a Debt on your
patron to use the move.
bb Just Below the Surface: Mark corruption to assume your demon form
without a roll and gain all the options listed.
bb Not to Be Denied: Mark corruption to make their result a miss (after roll-
ing) when someone Refuses to Honor a Debt you’ve cashed in on them.
bb From Hell: Mark corruption to have your patron send a gang of demons
to work on your behalf for a scene (2-harm small 2-armor demonic).

a member of wild
Name (pick one)
Alfred, Alma, Catarina, Dawa, Fahad, Father Luke, Iris, Jake, Jeremiah, Kaito,
LOOK You get this one:
;; The Devil Inside: When you assume your demon form, roll with Blood.
Kyo, Lana, Latifah, Landon, Nabhi, Nadia, Ophelia, Shiro, Tamali, Yuina On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a miss, choose 1 and you
owe your patron a Debt.
Look (pick as many as apply)
» Gain armor+1
» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
» Heal 2-harm
» Asian or South Asian, Black, Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, » Inflict +1 harm
» Dirty Clothing, Expensive Clothing, Formal Clothing, Trendy Clothing » +demonic weapon (3-harm hand or 2-harm close)
» +demonic movement (flight, flaming motorcycle, etc.)
Demeanor (pick one)
1 1 1 1 If you’re working a job for your patron, choose 1 more. If you mark
Corporate, Detached, Paranoid, Volatile Blood Heart Mind Spirit corruption, choose 1 more.
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) FACTIONS And choose one more:
bb Invocation: You may Cash in a Debt with someone to appear in their
Blood 1, Heart 1, Mind -1, Spirit 0
0 0 0 2 presence. Others may Cash in a Debt with you to have you appear as
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) well.
Mortality 1, Night -1, Power 0, Wild 1 Mortality Night Power Wild bb Don’t Look at Me: When you Mislead someone, roll with Heart instead

of Mind.
Intro bb Tendrils in the Dark: When you seek the guidance of your patron
» Who are you? Aquele que herdou um legado Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may select: through rituals and portents, roll with Spirit. On a hit, the signs and sig-
bb +1 Heart (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
» How long have you been in the city? Desde que a luz pálida caiu sobre mim nals are laid out before you: take +1 forward if you follow the path. On
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 any Faction (max +3)
» Who would you die for? Por quem eu julgar merecer a 7-9, you’re drawn further into the web; Keep Your Cool to make your
bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb Erase a Scar own way. On a miss, your patron has a job for you right now; assume
» What is your daily release? Magia bb A new Tainted move bb Gain Fiendish Underlings your demon form and go to work or suffer 2-harm (ap).
» What do you desperately need? Relações não voláteis bb A new Tainted move bb Erase a Job from your contract bb Cold as Ice: Take +1 Blood (max +3)
bb A move from another archetype bb Erase a Corruption Advance
bb Tough as Nails: You get 1-armor. Blessed or holy sources ignore your
Gear bb A move from another archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves
armor. Weapons designed to stun or impair you have no effect.
» A house or apartment, a car, a smart phone bb Change your Faction bb Advance 3 basic moves
» 1 weapon of choice bb Change to a new archetype
bb Collapsible baton (2-harm hand)
Who owes you?
bb 9mm Beretta (2-harm close loud)
bb Pump-action Shotgun (3-harm close loud messy) Faint owes me Debt(s) for
b✔ b Sword (3-harm hand messy)

Critical owes me Debt(s) for
» You’re protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts.
» Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it.
You owe them 2 Debts.
When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm SCARS
» You have a demon patron who holds the contract for your soul. received. When you heal harm, bb Shattered (-1 Blood) owes me Debt(s) for
You owe them 3 Debts. erase it in the same order. You heal bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can bb Fractured (-1 Mind)
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you bb Broken (-1 Spirit)
are about to suffer.
At the beginning of every session, announce which character your character
trusts the least; their player will spotlight a Faction for your character (that isn’t
already marked). Mark that Faction. Tell the MC about a rumor or conflict that
you’ve heard about that Faction, building on previous established information
When your character suffers harm, check off a number of boxes on your
if you’d like, and roll with the Faction. harm track equal to the harm suffered. The different levels of harm reflect
On a 10+, you’re prepared for the conflict you laid out: you’ve got a Debt how badly your character is hurt, moving up from minor injuries to wounds
on someone in that Faction or a useful piece of information or equipment, that require immediate medical attention:
your choice. On a 7-9, you’re neck deep in it: you owe someone in that Fac-
tion a Debt, and someone in that Faction owes a Debt to you. On a miss, » Faint harm is relatively minor, like getting stabbed in a nonvital area or
you’re caught flat-footed, unprepared, or unaware: the MC will tell you who getting into a fist fight that doesn’t last too long.
is coming at you. » Grievous harm is serious stuff, like getting shot in the shoulder or hit by a
If you start a session in the middle of a chaotic situation or with plenty going car. If you suffer grievous harm, you need to get medical attention to keep
on already, the MC might decide to skip this move. things from getting worse, but you’ll be back on your feet in a few days.
» Critical harm means that you’re on the verge of dying, like getting shot in
SESSION END the stomach or beat repeatedly in the head with a metal baseball bat. If
At the end of every session, if you learned something meaningful about a you don’t get to a hospital—or find some magic to patch you up—you’re
Faction, increase your score in that Faction by 1 and decrease your score in a going to die.
different Faction by 1. Tell the MC how your relationships to those commu- Begin by marking harm in the faint tier and moving down the track into griev-
nities have changed. ous and then critical. When you mark a box of harm in a new tier, write a
If someone did you a favor at a cost, tell the group; you owe them a Debt. short description of the injury on your sheet in the space beside the boxes
If you did someone a favor without redress, tell the group; they owe you a to remind yourself what harm your character has suffered (and how best it
Debt. might be treated later). If you ever need to mark harm and can’t— because
all your other boxes are full—you die (and probably trigger your end move).

When someone goes into their Workspace or Sanctum to accomplish
something, the MC uses these rules to decide how they accomplish the goal.
The MC tells the player, “Sure, no problem, but…” and then 1 to 4 of the fol- UNLEASH AN ATTACK
bb On a 12+, your target chooses: surrender completely or you
lowing: incapacitate them.
» It’s going to take you hours/days/weeks/months of work or recovery
bb On a 12+, you get away and make an important discovery.
» First you’ll have to summon/build/construct
» You’ll require the services of to complete it
» You require a rare and expensive ingredient or material bb On a 12+, they do what you ask and help you see it through to its end.
» It will only work for a short time, and may be unreliable
» It’s going to mean exposing anyone nearby to serious fallout FIGURE SOMEONE OUT
bb On a 12+, you can ask any questions you like, not limited to the list.
» Your Workspace lacks ; add this and you’ll be able to complete it
» It will require a part of yourself to complete MISLEAD, DISTRACT, OR TRICK
» You must journey to in order to complete it bb On a 12+, you get all 4 and choose 1 for double effect.

The MC can combine any set of requirements or offer two sets of costs to the
same task. Once the requirements are completed, what was set out is com- bb On a 12+, your opposition’s cool is compromised. Tell them what it will
pleted. The MC will stat it up, reveal some info, or whatever is called for now. cost to maintain their current course of action.

bb On a 12+, your powers or abilities manifest in an unexpectedly useful
way. Mark corruption to make that manifestation permanent.
When you unleash an attack on someone, roll with Blood. On a hit, you When things get real and you keep your cool, tell the MC what situation you When you do someone a favor, they owe you a Debt.
inflict harm as established and choose 1: want to avoid and roll with Spirit. On a 10+, all’s well. On a 7–9, the MC will
tell you what it’s gonna cost you. CASH IN A DEBT
» Inflict terrible harm When you cash in a debt, remind your debtor why they owe you in order to…
» Take something from them LET IT OUT …make a PC:
On a 7-9, choose 1 from below as well: When you let out the power within you, roll with Spirit. On a hit, choose » Do you a favor at moderate cost
1 and mark corruption. On a 10+, ignore the corruption or choose another » Lend a hand to your efforts
» They inflict harm on you
from the list.
» You find yourself in a bad spot » Get in the way of someone else
» Take +1 forward on your next roll » Answer a question honestly
ESCAPE A SITUATION » Extend your senses, supernatural or otherwise » Erase a Debt they hold on someone
When you take advantage of an opening to escape a situation, roll with » Frighten, intimidate, or impress your opposition » Give you a Debt they hold on someone else
Blood. On a hit, you get away. On a 10+, choose 1. On a 7-9, choose 2: » Take definite hold of something vulnerable or exposed
…make an NPC:
» You suffer harm during your escape » Answer a question honestly about their Faction
» You end up in another dangerous situation LEND A HAND OR GET IN THE WAY
When you lend a hand or get in the way after a PC has rolled, roll with their » Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction
» You leave something important behind » Give you a worthy and useful gift without cost
Faction. On a hit, give them a +1 or -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose
» You owe someone a Debt for your escape yourself to danger, entanglement, or cost. » Erase a Debt they hold on someone
» You give in to your base nature and mark corruption » Give you a Debt they have on someone else
» Give you +3 to Persuade them (choose before rolling)
When you persuade an NPC through seduction, promises, or threats, roll FACTION MOVES REFUSE TO HONOR A DEBT
with Heart. On a hit, they do what you ask. On a 7-9, they modify the terms
or demand a Debt.
HIT THE STREETS When you refuse to honor a debt, roll with Heart. On a hit, you weasel out of
When you hit the streets to get what you need, name who you’re going to the current deal, but still owe the Debt. On a 7-9, you choose 1:
If you cash in a Debt you have with them before rolling, you may add +3 to and roll with their Faction. On a hit, they’re available and have the stuff. On a
your roll. » You owe them an additional Debt
7-9, choose 1:
» You lose face with their Faction
FIGURE SOMEONE OUT » Whoever you’re going to is juggling their own problems » You mark corruption
When you try to figure someone out, roll with Mind. On a hit, hold 2. On a » Whatever you need is more costly than anticipated
7-9, they hold 1 on you as well. While you’re interacting with them, spend On a miss, you can’t avoid the noose. You either honor your Debt or face the
consequences: they pick two from the list above or force you to lose all the
your hold 1-for-1 to ask their player a question: PUT A FACE TO A NAME Debts owed to you.
» Who’s pulling your character’s strings? When you put a face to a name or vice versa, roll with their Faction. On a hit,
you know their reputation; the GM tells you what most people know about DROP SOMEONE’S NAME
» What’s your character’s beef with ?
them. On a 10+, you’ve dealt with them before; learn something interesting When you drop the name of someone who owes you a Debt, roll with their
» What’s your character hoping to get from ? and useful about them or they owe you a Debt. On a miss, you don’t know Faction. On a hit, their name carries weight and gives you an opening or
» How could I get your character to ? them or you owe them; the MC will tell you which. opportunity. On a 10+, you keep the Debt and mark their Faction. On 7-9,
» What does your character worry might happen? you have to cash in the Debt. On a miss, erase the Debt and brace yourself.
» How could I put your character in my Debt? INVESTIGATE A PLACE OF POWER
When you investigate a place of power, roll with the Faction that owns it.
If you’re in their Faction, ask an additional question, even on a miss. On a hit, you see below the surface to the reality underneath. On a 10+, you
can ask the MC one question about the schemes and politics of the Faction
When you try to mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll with Mind. On a

hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9, pick 2:
» You create an opportunity
When you make a Faction move, trigger an intimacy move, cash in a Debt
» You expose a weakness or flaw
or honor a Debt, mark the Faction involved. When you’ve marked all four
» You confuse them for some time Factions, erase the marks and advance.
» You avoid further entanglement

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