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1. What about drinking facilities in (your district)?

2. Sources of drinking water?

3. There is a glass of water, is it safe for drinking purpose. How can you determine it's
safe or not to drink?
4. What are the different standards for drinking water?
5. What's pH of drinking water? Is this water acidic?
6. Name some indicator for determination of pH of water?
7. What are the physical water quality parameters?
8. What is Hardness? Its permissible value for domestic water supplies?
9. What is BOD?
10. What is the use of BOD?
11. Who requires oxygen in BOD?
12. Test conditions for BOD Test?
13. Draw BOD curve?
14. Who defined to test BOD3 at 27° C and why?
15. What is ultimate BOD?
16. Tell me methods of population forcasting.
17. Which method is suitable for population forecasting of old cities?
18. In your city, which method is used for its forecasting?
19. Explain master plan method of population forecasting.
20. Why masterplan method gives very precisely the design population?
21. Where your city takes water for drinking.
22. Suppose, your city is taking water from river, design it's water treatment plant from
23. Tell me if a new colony is to be set up then how you will design a water treatment plant
from the scratch.
24. You are selected in CPWD so if there is skyscraper building then how will you design
the water supply in that building.
25. Tell me types of sewerage system.
26. Explain partial sewerage system.
27. What is the significance of egg shaped sewers?
28. What is self-cleansing velocity? What is its value
29. How you will assure self-cleansing velocity at field.
30. How will you clean sewer.
31. How frequently should sewers be cleaned?
32. Difference between manhole and drop manhole?
33. why circular section adopted for flow
34. Draw a layout of Water supply process in a city.
35. What is the design period for different units in water supply project?
36. Alum is used for?
37. What are other common coagulants added in water?
38. Mechanism of filtration?
39. What is Double Filtration?
40. What do you mean by Nalgonda Technique?
41. Suppose you are in rural area, and there the sources of drinking water is well. What
treatment would you recommend?
42. How to design water distribution system and equations used in it.
43. How to calculate discharge for culvert design.
44. What is turbidity?
45. How can sustainable development be attained?
46. You have been in Jaipur so tell me what measures you will take for sustainable
development in Jaipur?
47. How will you control flooding in urban areas?
48. How do we get energy from the Sun?
49. What happens when excess solar energy is available?
50. How is solar energy and wind energy converted into electrical energy?
51. Can we store wind energy?
52. Where do we store energy?
53. How will you collect liquid waste and solid waste.
54. Which pump will you use for pumping the supply water.
55. Have you seen any distribution system of water supply.
56. What type of supply was in your city.
57. How will you calculate the flow through the pipes.
58. What is principle in Hardy Cross Method.
59. What is redundancy in loops of distribution network ?
60. What is PVP?
61. What is check valve?
62. What is the significance of air valves?
63. What is ferrules?
64. What is goose neck?
65. Which type of sewage are preferred for carrying polluted sewage and industrial wastes?
66. Which pumps are mostle used for lifting sewage? Why?
67. Which distribution network is most costly tree type or grid iron type? why we prefer
grid iron over tree type?
68. How will you provide water supply to a village?
69. Tell me about any scheme going in your area of work regarding water supply in rural
areas? What are the guidelines of the scheme.
70. What is watershed management.
71. What are check dams.
72. Do you know any ecosystem services?
73. What are the types of pipes used in water supply.
74. What are the different types of PVC pipes?
75. What was the reason of Lake pollution?
76. How to maintain Lake and prevent it from pollution?
77. What is Eutrophication of lake ?
78. How to design water distribution network in a city from scratch?
79. Last year Yamuna had problem of floating foam. What exact component of sewage
caused this foam foam? How does foam formation due to pollutants take place? What
remedial measures should be taken?
80. Gaussian Air Pollution model? Which Curve?
81. What is sludge bulking?
82. How sludge bulking can be reduced?
83. What is sewage sickness?
84. Why are skimming tanks not commonly used in India?
85. What is sewage farming?
86. What do you mean by population equivalent?
87. If Dilution factor of sewage is 650 then to which treatment it should be subjected to
before disposing it off?
88. What is the basic difference between septic tank and imhoff tank?
89. How to do Construction waste management
90. How to dispose construction waste?
91. Construction and demolition waste management plant working?
92. What is hazardous waste?
93. SWM in your area and water sources.
94. How MSWM can be done? Anything possible at source(houses) only?Which manual
is used?
95. What is garbage and rubbish?
96. What are primary air pollutants and secondary air pollutants. Examples?
97. What is meant by Environmental Pollution?
98. What is the purpose of humidifier?
99. How can you provide noise control in buildings?
100. What is carbon footprint?

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