Personal Feelings and Qualities

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Listen to five people talking about celebrities. Match four of the speakers to the sentences.
(Phil, Nikole, Maggie, Andy)

1 This speaker isn’t really interested in the lives of celebrities. ______________

2 This speaker thinks that celebrities should be careful about what they do because fans do
the same. ______________

3 This speaker felt sad about what the celebrities did. ______________

4 This speaker was surprised by the celebrity. ______________

Listen again and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
curious charming annoyed lonely
stressful professional nasty unexpected
shy mad delighted rude
1 Joanne is _____________ about celebrities – she wants to know all about their lives.
2 Phil sometimes gets _____________ about the celebrities.
3 He thinks that people who are crazy about celebrities might be a bit _____________
4 Nicole says that she was too _____________ to ask a famous person for their autograph.
5 When the celebrity had gone, she found an _____________ souvenir.
6 Andy thinks that having your photo taken all the time must be _____________
7 But he thinks that celebrities shouldn’t behave badly, or be _________________ to their
8 He says that most celebrities are polite, or __________________ ___
9 Often fans copy celebrities and so this is a good reason for the celebrities to be
_________________________ at all times.
10 Maggie was __________________ _____ that her favorite band had a tour date in her
11 She was upset that the band didn’t interact with the audience. She thought they were
12 Some fans were ______________________because they couldn’t hear the band.
Once upon a time, there was a curious and shy professional who was always stressed out. One
day, while walking home from work, he saw a charming dragon in the sky. He was delighted and
amazed by the unexpected sight. He tried to take a picture of it with his phone but it was too far
away. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting at him from behind. It was his boss who was mad and
annoyed that he had left work early without permission. The professional tried to explain that he
had finished all his work but his boss was being nasty and rude. The professional felt lonely and
frustrated as he walked away from his boss. He looked up at the sky again and saw the dragon
flying towards him. The dragon landed in front of him and said, “I saw you trying to take a picture
of me earlier. I can help you with that.” The professional was surprised but grateful for the
dragon’s offer. The dragon breathed fire onto the professional’s phone and created a beautiful
picture of itself on the screen. The professional was amazed and thanked the dragon for its
kindness. From that day on, the professional was no longer stressed out or lonely because he had
made a new friend who had helped him see the world in a different way.

Questions: Read and choose (True/False) based on the story:

1. The professional was always happy and content with his life.
2. The professional saw the dragon while he was at work.
3. The professional was able to take a picture of the dragon with his phone.
4. The professional’s boss was angry with him because he had left work early without permission.
5. The dragon helped the professional take a picture of itself with his phone.
6. The professional felt lonely and frustrated after his encounter with his boss.
7. The dragon breathed fire onto the professional’s phone and destroyed it.
8. The professional was grateful for the dragon’s help and kindness.

Reading - Answer keys 1F 2F 3F 4T 5T 6T 7F 8T


1. What are some positive qualities that you possess?

Sample answer: I think I’m a very patient person. I’m also very organized and detail-oriented.
2. What are some negative qualities that you possess?
Sample answer: Sometimes I can be too critical of myself and others. I also tend to procrastinate when I have
a lot of work to do.
3. How do you deal with stress?
Sample answer: When I’m feeling stressed, I like to take a break and do something that relaxes me, like
reading a book or going for a walk.
4. What makes you happy?
Sample answer: Spending time with my family and friends makes me really happy. I also enjoy traveling and
trying new things.
5. What are some things that you’re afraid of?
Sample answer: I’m afraid of heights and spiders. I also don’t like being in small spaces for too long.


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