Calibration of Mercury Thermometer and Bimetallic Expansion Thermometer

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Highly sensitive temperature devices, particularly those with analog display, give
the illusion of accuracy. However, knowledge of true temperature is only indirectly
related to precision. To assure temperature accuracy, it is necessary to maintain a
temperature reference standards capability. This must include equipment and procedures
that permit calibration of operating devices with temperature standards in a way that
insures minimum uncertainty. For most requirements the creation and maintenance of
such capability is neither expensive nor difficult, but lack of understanding often results
in expense and inaccuracy.

Accuracy in measurements is very critical for engineering works that it should be
done in a right manner. These are affected by the condition different instruments, such as
thermometer, which shall be maintained in a good condition and must be calibrated from
time to time.
Calibration defines and quality of measurements being recorded using a piece of
equipment such as thermometer. Over time there is a tendency for results and accuracy to
‘drift’ particularly when using particular technologies or measuring particular parameters
such as temperature and humidity. To be confident in the results being measured there is
an ongoing need to service and maintain the calibration of equipment throughout its
lifetime for reliable, accurate and repeatable measurements.
The goal of calibration is to minimise any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the
accuracy of test equipment. Calibration quantifies and controls errors or uncertainties
within measurement processes to an acceptable level.

 To be able to measure temperature using mercury and bi-metallic thermometer
 To know the do’s and don’ts in measuring temperature
 To determine if thermometers available are already calibrated
 To generate a numerical scale for mercury and bi-metallic thermometer
 To be familiar with the most common thermometer calibration techniques

Method to be used is experimentation. Multiple trials will be considered so as to
arrive with an average value to check for precision and accuracy based on standard
temperature references such as boiling temperature and freezing temperature.
Comparison of these average values with the theoretical ones shall also be done by
computing for the percent error.


 Bi-metallic expansion thermometer
 Mercury thermometer
 Three neck flask
 Ice Casserole
 Bucket of ice
 Cold water
 Stirring rod

A. Ice water method
1. Fill the pot with cube ice and a few amount of water.
2. Stir the mixture to help the system attain thermal equilibrium. Let the ice melt for few
3. Place the bimetallic expansion thermometer and the mercury thermometer in the
mixture simultaneously. Make sure that they do not touch the ice and the pot. For the
bimetallic expansion thermometer, make sure that half of the stem is immersed while
for the mercury thermometer, the bulb must be fully submerged.
4. Measure the temperature of the mixture. Both instruments should need 0 oC (32oF). If
not, necessary adjustments must be made. For the metallic expansion thermometer,
adjust the calibrating nut using a wrench until the dial reads 0oC. For the mercury
thermometer, try removing it for a few seconds and then put it back. If it still does not
read 0oC, try another mercury thermometer until you achieve 0oC.
5. 5. Obtain two more trials for both instruments.

B. Boiling water method

1. Heat up the water in a three neck flask using heating mantle.
2. 2. Wait until there is a considerable change in the water level. This means that some of
the water have evaporated already and the mixture already reached 100oC
3. 3. Place the bimetallic expansion thermometer and the mercury thermometer in the
boiling water. Make sure that they do not touch the surface of the flask. For the
bimetallic expansion thermometer, make sure that half of the stem is immersed while
the mercury thermometer's bulb must be fully submerged.
4. 4. Repeat procedure 4 and 5 (of A) with a target temperature of 100oC.
*Safety Precautions
 Keep in mind that the measuring instruments do not touch the surface
 Use pot holders in handling hot objects
 Handle objects with care


Table 1. Actual Temperature Readings for Boiling water and ice water method (in oC)
Trial Ice Water Method Boiling Water Method
Mercury Bi-metallic Mercury Bi-metallic expansion
Thermometer expansion Thermometer thermometer
1 1.5 2 99 97
2 0.56 0 98.5 98
3 0.25 1 98.3 100
Average 0.77 1 98.6 98.33
Theoretical 0 0 100 100
% Error 0.28% 0.37% 0.38% 0.44%

Table 2. Actual Temperature Reading for Ambient Temperature method (in oC)

Trial Number Ambient Temperature Method

Mercury Thermometer Bi-metallic expansion
1 28.5 28
2 27 27.5
3 28 26
Average Temperature 27.83 27.17
Theoretical Value (Using 27.66* 26.89**
generated scale)
% Error 0.06% 0.09%

Mercury Thermometer:
C = A(oM) + B
Boiling: 100= A(98.6) + B
Freezing: 0= A(0.77) + B
A= 1.022181335
B= -0.7870796279
o o
C= M-

Therefore, At oM=27.83, oC=27.66*

Bi-metallic expansion thermometer
C = A(oB) + B
Boiling: 100= A(98.33) + B
Freezing: 0= A(1) + B
A= 1.027432446
B= -1.027432446
o o
C= B-

Therefore, At oB=27.17, oC=26.89**

The generated results were gathered from the stated procedures. Proper
implementation of each was observed, as well as safety. Generation of multiple trials
aims to have several references, also to check the precision, to be used to compute for
average reading and to compare it with the standard theoretical ones. Ice water and
boiling water methods are used because we have general standard temperatures (at
atmospheric pressure) that correspond to them. For the ambient temperature method, we
cannot use the standard room temperature for it varies on the place we live. To have a
theoretical value for it, we generated a scale for mercury and bi-metallic thermometer
using the measured ambient temperatures.

Thermometers shall be constantly calibrated to ensure an accurate reading. Along
with its calibration, its condition shall also be considered as well as the proper ways to
use it. Boiling water method and ice water method is the simplest way to calibrate
thermometer for it have a standard/constant temperature scale that can be used as the
reference for this experiment.
The results that were gathered in the experiments give a very low percent error
which really means that the instruments we use are well calibrated and were ready to be
used in experiments.

Another way to calibrate a thermometer is fluidized powder bath using FFB-8
temperature calibrator. The FFB-8 is a precision fluidized bath, with exceptional
temperature stability and uniformity, which make them the ideal choice for critical
temperature sensor calibration and heat treatment processes. FFB-8 fluidized (sand) bath
has become the market standard for carrying out shape setting (heat treatment processing)
of metals including Nitinol and platinum for medical device manufacturing. This unit is
suitable for many other applications, including thermal testing of sensitive components
such as semiconductor devices, wire products, delicate transducers and may also be used
as a constant temperature environment for chemical reactions. Because the fluidized bed
is a fine, dry powder, it does not have surface tension effects of liquid baths and will not
wet any immersed components. The electrical insulating properties of the alumina used in
the FFB-8 are not affected by fluidization making. The dead bed mode of operation is
entered by shutting off air and power to the unit. The system reaches a state of thermal
equilibrium after the bath media collapses and stability is better than ±0.010°C for a
period of 3 to 6 minutes. This allows for precise comparison calibration of temperature
sensors in the bath.

Allen, K. (2014).
Tempcon (2014).
Improving the accuracy of temperature measurements.
Sines, J. (2015). Engineered Services Inc. http://kb.eng

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