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Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

Answer the following questions: (1-42) (Each question carries 2 marks.)

1. The events in Tunisia described in the chapter opener clearly illustrate ALL BUT WHICH of the
following about world politics?

A. The power of individuals

B. The importance of communication technology
C. The nature of social movements
D. The staying power of authoritarian regimes
Answer: D

2. Which of the following is NOT an argument globalization advocates are likely to make?

A. Globalization has lead to greater liberty for individuals.

B. Interactions among humans around the world have increased.
C. The world has become safer as a result of globalization.
D. Human welfare has become more of a focus due to greater international attention.
Answer: C

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of an IGO?

A. The United Nations (UN)

B. The International Olympic Committee (IOC)
C. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
D. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
E. The international Criminal Court (ICC)
Answer: B

4. Gene Sharp has argued for decades that the best way to overthrow corrupt and repressive regimes
is through:

A. third party intervention

B. violent revolution
C. military coups
D. nonviolent political action
E. UN peacekeeping forces
Answer: D

5. The most salient characteristic of the movements in Tunisia and Egypt in early 2011 was that they

A. successful
B. relatively peaceful
C. so-called Twitter revolutions

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

D. met by violent opposition

E. starting a trend across the Middle East.
Answer: B

6. Which of the following uses a pluralist perspective on world politics?

A. Realism
B. Liberalism
C. Economic structuralism
D. The English School
E. Rational choice
Answer: B

7. Historically, it makes sense to begin speaking of global politics after the:

A. disintegration of the Roman Empire

B. rise of Catholic church
C. rise of the modern state
D. emergence of economic rivalries
E. emergence of nationalism
Answer: C

8. The concept of systems allows us to do ALL BUT WHICH of the following?

A. Precisely describe reality

B. Differentiate between regional subsystems
C. Identify geographic boundaries of interactions
D. Analyze different entities and their impact
E. Compare types of interactions between actors
Answer: A

9. Which of the following was NOT a strategy adopted by the Persians in administering their

A. Control became more decentralized the further away from Persia one went.
B. They appointed local governors, so-called satraps.
C. Separate political leaders complemented military leaders.
D. They relied more on persuasion than on force.
E. They required their subjects to adopt the Persian language and culture.
Answer: E

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of human geography? A map that indicates:

A. poverty levels
B. political systems
C. agricultural land use
D. national borders
E. elevation
Answer: E

11. When did physical geography become important to humans?

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

A. It has always been important

B. When they started to live in communities
C. When interaction between groups of people increased
D. Only with globalization
E. It used to be important, but is not anymore
Answer: C

12. ___________ considers religion a tool for the oppression of the masses.

A. Realism
B. Liberalism
C. Postmodernism
D. Economic Structuralism
E. The English School
Answer: D

13. According to “Moore’s Law,” the number of transistors that can be put on a single computer chip
doubles roughly every ________ months.

A. three
B. six
C. twelve
D. eighteen
E. twenty-four
Answer: D

14. Which of the following is a potential problem associated with so-called “clouds”?

A. High costs
B. Technical limitations
C. Security
D. Ease of use
E. Access
Answer: C

15. The Treaty of ________ ended the Thirty Years’ War in 1648.

A. Aachen
B. Augsburg
C. Bamberg
D. Bavaria
E. Westphalia
Answer: E

16. Which of the following said: “Whatever the ultimate aims of international politics, power is
always the immediate aim”?

A. Thomas Hobbes
B. John Mearsheimer
C. Hans Morgenthau
D. Kenneth Waltz
E. Thucydides

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

Answer: C

17. Which of the following is NOT a core national interest, according to the textbook?

A. Survival
B. Maintenance of state sovereignty
C. Core values
D. Economic vitality
E. Influence
Answer: E

18. Ultimately, greater human resources contribute to a state’s level of ________ in international

A. influence
B. importance
C. development
D. threats
E. capabilities
Answer: A
19. Most people view __________ as the essence of diplomacy.

A. communication
B. compromise
C. negotiation
D. leverage
E. bribes
Answer: C

20. When diplomats make a formal statement to a foreign government, this is called a(n):

A. diplomatic cable
B. démarche
C. executive agreement
D. treaty
E. ultimatum
Answer: B

21. States gain sovereignty once they:

A. declare themselves sovereign.

B. establish physical control over a territory.
C. establish a formal government.
D. are recognized by other sovereign states.
E. become members of the United Nations.
Answer: D

22. What did the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decide with regard to the legality of nuclear

A. They are illegal

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

B. They can legally be used only by states

C. They can legally be used in self-defense
D. They are always legal
E. The ICJ could not reach an agreement on the matter
Answer: E

23. The emergence of international law in the 16th and 16th was primarily prompted by:

A. changing norms
B. commerce
C. wars
D. treaties
E. negotiations
Answer: B

24. Which of the following directly influenced the development of international law on crimes
against humanity?

A. The Civil War

B. World War I
C. World War II
D. The Korean War
E. The Vietnam War
Answer: C

25. The decision to go to war is usually made based on:

A. Emotions
B. Incomplete information
C. Propaganda
D. Cost-benefit analysis
E. Personal interests
Answer: D

26. ALL BUT WHICH of the following can interfere with rational decision-making?

A. Previous experiences
B. People’s lack of reason
C. Time constraints
D. Incomplete information
E. Subjective values
Answer: B

27. Which of the following believe in replacing anarchy with a world government?

A. Realists
B. Social Constructivists
C. Marxists
D. World Federalists
E. Liberalists
Answer: D

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

28. The lack of congruity in capabilities and strategies of two enemies during battle is called
__________ warfare.

A. irregular
B. asymmetric
C. incongruous
D. unequal
E. unfair
Answer: B

29. Which of the following is NOT an example of a revolution in military affairs that contributed to
the rise in asymmetric warfare.

A. The invention of gunpowder

B. The use of the English longbow
C. The invention of flintlock
D. The development of tanks
E. The emergence of terrorism
Answer: E

30. Scholars who explain the causes of terrorism with psychological factors primarily focus on a

A. early childhood
B. brain chemistry
C. adolescence
D. education
E. socio-economic status
Answer: A

31. For states, economic capabilities are of interest because they are indicator of:

A. prosperity.
B. levels of integration.
C. levels of domestic satisfaction.
D. state power.
E. trading capabilities.
Answer: D

32. Even proponents of the laissez-faire approach concede that governments play a crucial role in
global commerce by:

A. monitoring commercial activities.

B. setting interest rates.
C. managing the national supply of money.
D. providing subsidies to certain industries.
E. determining quality and security standards.
Answer: C

33. When the government tries to stimulate sales of homes by offering tax benefits for first-time
homebuyers, this is an example of _______ policy.

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

A. fiscal
B. monetary
C. tax
D. recession
E. macroeconomic
Answer: A

34. Postcolonial theorists see the current gap in development between countries as a result of:

A. cultural differences.
B. climate.
C. the impact of warfare.
D. Western imperialism.
E. natural resources.
Answer: D

35. According to some optimists, less developed countries have the opportunity to take advantage of
global markets due to changes in which of the following?

A. Distribution of natural resources

B. Information technology
C. Climate change
D. Distribution of capital
E. Changes in global supply and demand
Answer: B

36. Which of the following is NOT a reason why cartels generally have not been successful?
A. There is too much global competition.
B. Enforcement is very difficult.
C. Consumers can easily switch to different products.
D. Free-riding is difficult to control.
E. They are technically against international law.
Answer: E

37. Which of the following is NOT one of President Franklin Roosevelt’s four freedoms?

A. Freedom of speech and expression

B. Freedom from want
C. Freedom of religion
D. Freedom from fear
E. Freedom from war
Answer: E

38. ALL BUT WHICH of the following are concerns by potential host countries concerning the
admission of refugees?

A. the country’s population-absorption capacity

B. the nationality of refugees
C. the impact on the welfare of citizens
D. the impact on the job market
E. legal considerations
Answer: B

Practice Exam Paper – POLI 100 - Introduction to International Politics

39. A world government regulating universal human rights would be a __________ institution.

A. intergovernmental
B. intra-state
C. inter-state
D. supranational
E. international
Answer: D

40. The phenomenon known as “fishing down the food web” describes the development that:

A. more and more fish are caught every year.

B. fewer and fewer fish are caught every year.
C. more advanced technology is used for fishing.
D. the fish caught every year are becoming smaller.
E. more species of fish become extinct every year.
Answer: D

41. Overfishing is fundamentally a(n) ________ problem.

A. environmental
B. greed
C. public good
D. capitalist
E. consumer-driven
Answer: C

42. Which of the following directly causes civil strife in developing countries?

A. Large-scale poverty
B. Perceptions of economic opportunities
C. Perceptions of political opportunities
D. Exploitation by political elites
E. None of the above
Answer: E


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