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Narrator: Once upon a time there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood, she was called that
because her grandmother was so fond of her that she gave her a red cape, which she wore as a present.

always used.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hi mom, why did you call me?

Mother: little red riding hood, take this cake, this broth and these eggs to your grandmother who is in
bad shape.

Mother: Oh, and be careful not to talk to strangers.

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, Mom, I'll be careful.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood on her way to her grandmother's house encountered a wolf which
frightened her very much.

Wolf: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going, pretty girl?

Little Red Riding Hood: Hey, I'm going to see my grandmother.

Lobo: where does your grandmother live?

Little Red Riding Hood: lives a little further on, under three oak trees.

Wolf: Well, be careful, little red riding hood, don't let something happen to you HAHAHA.

Narrator: The frightened little red riding hood quickened her pace and did not understand what the wolf

Wolf: I'll go eat grandma as a dish and the little red riding hood as a dessert HAHAHAHAHA

Narrator: the wolf decided to go to the grandmother's house to eat her and the little red riding hood, he
arrived faster than the little red riding hood and pretended to be the little red riding hood to trick the

Wolf: Granny, open the door, I'm home.

Grandma: "Little Red Riding Hood, is that you?

Wolf: Yes grandmother, OPEN

Narrator: The hunter came in and ate the grandmother and dressed up as her.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother's house and began to knock on the door, but
she didn't know that the wolf had arrived earlier than her and that he had a trap for her.

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, I'm here with the food, could you open the door for me?

Wolf: Come in, little red riding hood, I've been waiting for you.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hi Grandma, here's your food, I'm going to leave it here.

Wolf: WAIT, come closer to my daughter, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny, what big ears do you have?

Lobo: are to listen to you better

Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes do you have?

Lobo: it is to see you better my child

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, Grandma, but why do you have a big mouth too?


Little Red Riding Hood: ahh!!!!

Lobo: Wow, this dessert was delicious.

Narrator: Suddenly a hunter passing by hears a noise and sees that the door is open and decides to

Hunter: Is that a wolf, where is granny?

Narrator: the wolf was unconscious from eating so much that it did not notice the presence of the

Hunter: I will open it!

Narrator: The hunter opened the wolf's belly and managed to pull out Little Red Riding Hood and her

Little Red Riding Hood: thank you hunter thank you

Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma Grandma wake up

Grandma: What happened, daughter, where is that wolf?

Hunter: don't worry, he is still unconscious.

Narrator: The hunter had an idea.

Hunter: help me fill it with stones so that it will pay for everything.

Narrator: They left the wolf full of stones lying on the ground, when they got up the wolf decided to

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma were watching the wolf from the side of the house, the
wolf began to stagger near a river because he felt very heavy and when he bent down to drink water, he
fell into the river because of the momentum of the stones.

Grandma: You've learned your lesson, little red riding hood, don't talk to strangers.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, Grandma, I'm sorry!


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